Ryzen 5 1400 Review: AMD R5 1400 vs. Intel i5-7400
Ryzen 5 1400 Review: AMD R5 1400 vs. Intel i5-7400
welcome back to harbor on box for our
official risin 5 1400 review now I won't
be going over everything arise on 5 for
this video this is more of an extension
of the original risin 5 review which
looked at the 1600 X and 1500 X models
I'll include a link in the video
description to that video of course
missing from our day 1 review was the
1400 the most affordable CPU in the
horizon 5 series we also missed the
cheaper six-course 6100 model but at
this point I think we've pretty well
established that you guys should
purchase the 1600 over the 1600 X it's
pretty much the ultimate and through the
CPU right now in terms of value still if
you can't afford to cough up $220 u.s.
or $300 Aussie for the 6 chord champion
what's the next best thing
well given what we found in Monday's
video which compared the 1500 X and 1400
o'clock 4 o'clock at 4 gigahertz it
could very well be the risin 5 1400 at
the more wallet-friendly 170 dollars
u.s. or 220 dollars Aussie the 1500 X
isn't much cheaper than the 1600 and
frankly with such a small difference in
price you might as well up for the 6
core also when compared to its fellow
quad core the chief of 1,400 that extra
level 3 cache made little difference for
gaming this is particularly true for the
likely scenario which would see budget
shoppers pairing the 1400 with a
mid-range graphics card rather than
something hideously expensive like the
GTX 10 atti as I said previously at
these price points saving every dollar
really helps and while having a full 16
megabyte level 3 cache would be nice if
it's not going to net your set up any
extra performance what's the point so I
concluded that comparison by saying if
you're on a tight budget
I'd recommend picking up the 1400 rather
than stretching your budget to
accommodate the 1600 this is especially
true for gamers if you're going to come
up with that extra $50 u.s. I feel
you're much better off investing that
money back into your GPU instead after
all that's the difference between a gtx
1050 and rx 570 for example what I'm yet
to compare the 1400 to is the
competition from Intel for the same
money the core i5 7400 or Core i3 73 50k
can be had already what we found when
comparing this to end
LCP uses the quad core Core i5 model is
much more cost effective and for the
most part ends up being as fast or
faster once your overclock the 73 50k to
something like 4.8 gigahertz so
essentially this is a comparison between
the horizon 5 1400 and the core i5 7400
then a battle of the sub $200 u.s. quad
cores the core i5 7400 was tested on an
Intel b250 motherboard using ddr4 2400
memory while the Rison 5 1400 was paired
with a be 350 board using ddr4 29:33
memory both setups do cost roughly the
same amount but the horizon CPU has the
advantage of overclocking support and
even with the little 65 watt ref stealth
can push all course around 3.7 possibly
even 3.8 gigahertz as we saw last week
investing $20 and something like the
cooler master 212 will greatly reduce
temperatures and allow for a full
gigahertz overclock assuming you get
lucky enough with that silicon lottery
anyway I've held you up long enough
let's get to the good stuff first let's
check out memory bandwidth performance
here we see the Rison five processes are
good for 35 gigabytes per second using
ddr4 2000 33 memory this is around 3
gigabytes per second more than the kb
lake core i3 73 50 k which was tested
using DDR 3200 memory then we have the
7400 and G 45 60 which were limited to
just 24 gigabytes per second with ddr4
2400 memory looking at raw CPU
performance with Cinebench r15 we see
the 1400 is 26% faster than the i5 7400
for multi-threaded workloads though the
single thread performance was almost 10%
down when compared to the overclocked
core i3 73 50k it was interesting to see
the stock 1,400 was 31% slower for this
single thread performance but was still
34% faster for the multi-threaded
workloads not only that but once
overclocked to 1400 with 67% faster than
the 73 50k in this test overclocking the
1400 improved performance by 25% our
excel test taking just 5.17 seconds to
complete the workload that meant it was
16% fast and the core i5 70 four hundred
and thirty-five percent faster than the
overclocked 73 50k out of the box the
1400 lays waste to editing
has to offer at the same price point
7-zip test for decompression work the
1400 was over 40 percent faster than the
i5 7400 and I 373 50k the compression
margins were closer but the 1400 was
still at least 15% faster than the Intel
competitors of course once overclocked
so the 1400 blows everything out of the
water and it is able to roughly match
the overclocked to 1500 X now a little
bit of context before we discuss these
results the core i7 1600 k100 98 seconds
while the 7700 K took two hundred and
thirty seconds to complete this very
premiere workload so this means
overclocked to 1400 was just 24% slow in
the 7700 K not bad for half the price of
course you can still overclock to 77
okay but even with that in mind an
impressive result for the affordable AMD
quad core compared to the overclocked 73
50k it was still 35% faster and there is
simply nothing in this price bracket
from Intel that can compete with the
risin 5 1400 the power consumption
figures are based on entire system load
and the stress figures are based on the
Premiere Pro CC benchmark just seen here
the Rison 5 series actually looks very
impressive out of the box the 1400
consumes slightly more power than the
core i3 73 50k not bad given it features
twice as many cause then overclocked at
only push total system consumption 12
percent higher than the overclocked 73
50k and given it was 35% faster in this
test that's an amazing result for AMD ok
time for the games first that we have
battlefield 1 and in total there are
four graphs to discuss here let's start
with the GT X 1080 TI results arranged
by the average frame rate looking the
average figures the 1400 does come in
second to the 73 50k in Bo's it's out of
the box configuration as well as the
overclocked configuration it was also a
good bit slower than the core i5 7400 at
least before we overclocked however
let's arrange the graph by the
all-important minimum or 0.1% frame time
figures now the rise and 5 processors
look much more potent the 1400 comes in
second only to the 1500 X though clock
for clock at 4 gigahertz it's not a
great deal slower the only difference
here being of course the level 3 cache
capacity out of the box the 1400 match
the 7400 while it
good bit faster than the stock 70 350 K
even overclocked 273 50 K couldn't catch
up overclocked the 1400 closes in on the
1500 X and we see a very strong 74 FPS
minimum with the GT X 1080 Ti great
stuff here for the 1400 but how do
things look with a more realistic GPU
something like the RX 480 let's take a
look shall we
so here we have the same test but this
time the gtx 980ti has been swapped out
for the much more affordable RX 4 80
something to note here is that for the
faster CPUs tested the frame rate only
drops by a little over 30% so the gtx
980ti was clearly being limited by these
mid-range CPUs though I'm sure that
won't surprise many of you arranging the
data by the average frame rate we see a
very minor difference between the
fastest and slowest CPUs tested just a
for fps Delta this arrangement isn't
particularly flattering for the Rison 5
processes and while not much slower than
the Intel competitors they are dead last
at 84 fps on average however if we
arrange the data by the minimum frame
rate the overclocked 1500 X actually
matched the overclocked 73 50k meanwhile
the overclocked 1400 easily beats the
core i5 7400 and roughly matches the
much higher clocked 73 50k so where it
counts the most the minimum frame rate
the 1400 is very strong
that's one CPU intensive title down five
more to go
testing mafia 3 with the mighty GTX 1082
oh we said the 1400 is able to match the
73 50k when both CPUs left at their
stock operating frequencies overclocked
the 1400 does fall behind the 73 50k by
a slight margin and is roughly on par
with the core i5 7400 now now when
arranging the data by the minimum
results we see that the only real change
here is between the core i5 7400 and
Rison 5 1400 the 1400 now actually slips
behind the Intel processor albeit by one
FPS margin now something really odd
happens when we test with the RX 480
here the rising cpus are able to pull
ahead of the intel parts well ahead when
looking at the minimum results though we
will get to those in a minute something
odd happened with mafia 3 recently
either through a game update or a change
to the way the Nvidia display driver
works in this title I still haven't had
time to
work out what's actually going on
previously using an NVIDIA GPU the Rison
seven process has crushed any and all
cable eight processes now with this
recent change the seventy-seven okay is
actually pulled back ahead we just saw
the rise in five CPUs struggling to
compete with the gtx 1080i whereas now
with the RX for ad they look quite
dominant if we arrange this graph by the
minimum result the rise and 5 processors
take out the top four spots even stock
the 1400 beat out the core i5 7400
albeit by a single frame while it
comfortably sits ahead of the 73 50k
once overclocked the 1400 match the
overclocked 1500 ex with a minimum
result of 40 fps and this minute was
almost 30% fast and the core i5 7400 the
fastest Intel CPU tested in this game
ashes of the singularity escalation is a
super CPU intensive game and it's the
only DX 12 title I know of right now
that can be tested using an NVIDIA GPU
without completely crippling Verizon
that said it's still by far the best
example we have of a well-put-together
DirectX 12 title anyway with the gtx
1080i we find some mighty impressive
results with the 1400 before any
overclocking takes place the 1400 had no
trouble locking off the core i5 7400 and
even the overclocked core i3 73 50k it
was 6% so on the 1500 x1 matched at full
gigahertz so that's the impact the
larger level 3 cache has in this title
now with the RX for an e we find similar
margins though with the GPU bottleneck
creeping into the results we are seeing
the performance shape to around 70 FPS
this has resulted in a few things
firstly the cache difference between the
1400 and 1500 X has been neutralized and
now they can be seen delivering the same
performance it has also allowed the
overclocked 73 50k to catch up and edge
out the stock 1400 by a slim margin that
said once overclocked the 1400 did pull
ahead and was able to max out the RX 480
overall we saw a strong showing frame DS
rise and 5 processes in ashes hitman is
another CPU intensive game and here we
see when comparing the average frame
rate with the gtx 1080i that the 1400
looks very competitive out of the box it
just beat the core i5 7400 and once
overclocked it pulled well ahead to
roughly match the overclocked core i3 73
50k arranging the graph by the minimum
results favors the much
clock 73 50k though again we see the
overclock 1400 is able to beat the core
i5 7400 with relative ease testing with
the RX 480 again hands an advantage to
the risin 5 CPUs and now the overclocked
1400 is able to slightly edge out the
overclocked 73 50k for every performance
metric Deus Ex mankind divided was
tested using the high quality preset and
like all other games the 1080p
resolution was used interestingly the
1500 X seems to max out the gtx 1080i as
overclocking this EP provided no extra
performance that's not because we know
using the same settings and hardware the
1800 X can reach 115 fps on average so
I'm not a hundred percent sure that's
limiting the 1500 X here anyway out of
the box the 1400 is able to match the
average framerate of the 73 50k and that
made it slightly solid in the core i5
7400 that's it once overclocked the 1400
blows the Intel processors out of the
water if we arrange the graph by the
minimum frame rate this really only
changes the standings of our stock 1400
configuration allowing it to leapfrog
the Intel CPUs now with the our X 480 we
see that almost all the CPUs are able to
max out this mid-range GPU in fact the
g40 560 is really the only exception
that said once again arranging the graph
by the minimum frame rate is a little
more telling here the 1400 pulls ahead
of the overclocked 70 350 K before any
overclocking for the horizon 5 processor
even takes place so an easy win for AMD
then total war Warhammer is where we're
going to end the benchmark session first
up we again have the gtx 1080i results
and here the 1400 is able to best the 73
50 K in fact Intel CPU is only able to
come back once overclocked the 1400 also
requires some overclocking tinkering to
overtake the core i5 7400 using the our
X 480 we see similar standings though
the margins are greatly reduced thanks
to the good old GPU bottleneck
it's really only my much-loved Pentium G
45 60 that falls away a bit in this test
when looking at the minimums well there
you have it there really isn't any need
to break down or analyze the data or any
closer I think what we've seen was
pretty conclusive for productivity
workloads that utilize multiple cores
the Rison v 1400 easily beats the core
i5 7400 and that's before accounting for
overclocking performance what's more if
we look at the power consumption an
application such as Premiere Pro which
we did the 1400 is actually more fuel
efficient than the core i5 7400 given
its superior performance so that's a bit
of an unexpected result and also a very
exciting result for AMD then when it
came to gaming the 1400 still remained
in charge especially once overclocked
CPU limited scenarios like what we're
seeing when testing with ashes of the
singularity is in the gtx 980ti the 1400
was vastly superior even at the stock
clock speeds meanwhile overclock did
enjoyed commanding leads in games such
as battlefield 1 deus ex mankind divided
and hitman for example even with a
realistic mid-range GPU such as the RX 4
80 the 1400 was able to flex its muscles
and demonstrate a clear performance
advantage over the core i5 processor
particularly if you focus on the minimum
results in my opinion the Rison 5 1400
ensures a smoother experience for gamers
and this will become even more apparent
in the future as games become more
demanding on the CPU as a locked part
the core i5 7400 can't mask its lack of
resources with high clock speeds so
we'll start to fall further behind the
1400 and a more rapid rate than say the
7600 k.will in any case putting
speculations regarding future
performance aside right now there are
Aizen 5 1400 has already proven to be
the smarter and better value choice of
these two sub $200 u.s. quad-core
processors for those wondering I wasn't
able to include temperature data for the
Rison v 1400 with the race stealth as I
don't actually have that box cooler AMD
sent along just the chip itself so I
will have to try and get my hands on our
race stealth cooler soon finally I
realize there are quite a few people who
are Pro horizon but even so still don't
like the 1400 because it is just a quad
core I get that I really do but it still
at least 20% cheaper than the 1600 and
foremost the difference simply won't be
realized especially if the game is using
a sub $300 US graphics card my
prediction is by the time the 1400
starts to feel inadequate there will be
a better selection of upgrade choices
available it's much the same with the
whole Rison 5 memory situation I don't
see the value in spending 50 or so
dollars more high-frequency memory if
it's not going to result in
and a performance under realistic gaming
conditions which are almost always GPU
limited again in my opinion you're
better off saving your money or
upgrading an opponent that will provide
noticeable performance gains such as the
graphics card anyway that's about it for
this one
in summary I think Amy's Rison v 1400 is
a smart choice and it will have you
covered for some time to come of course
the beauty of the anaphor platform being
that upgrading the future will simply be
a matter of dropping in a new processor
and that's it and well that is really
for this video
I'm your host Eve see you again soon
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