Ryzen 9 3900X, SMT ON vs. SMT OFF, 36 Game Benchmark
Ryzen 9 3900X, SMT ON vs. SMT OFF, 36 Game Benchmark
welcome back to harbor unboxed okay so
better week ago now i compared the rise
in 9 of 39 her ex head-to-head with the
Coronado 1900 K and 36 games and found
an average that the new AMD 12 core
processor was just 6 percent slower
there were a few select titles where the
rise in processor came out on top but
for the most part it was just a little
bit slower still it was a good showing
for rise and as the deficit when gaming
was negligible for the most part while
it pummeled the Knights night arcade for
all of our productivity testing
following that video I've been inundated
with requests to retest the 3100 X with
SMT disabled essentially turning it from
a 12 core 24 thread CPU into a 12 core
12th read CPU and many are claiming that
this significantly improves gaming
performance so much so that 30 100x
leaves the 90 on our K in its dust I was
instantly skeptical of such claims as
we've spent quite a bit of time testing
first gen rising 7 processors with and
without SMT enabled even back in 2017
the gains weren't that amazing and often
you'd see a performance regression which
ultimately meant disabling SMT wasn't
really a good solution moreover since
risings initial introduction both
windows and games have evolved to better
support the core heavy processors and
recent testing has found SMT to be very
efficient when it comes to gaming
performance that said I haven't tested
the new Zen 2 processes with SMT
disabled but I am expecting to find a
similar story so for this test the 3100
X has been configured in its
out-of-the-box trim using the Wraiths
prism RGB box cool up both the SMT on
and off configurations are identical of
course with SM T's presence being the
only exception so let's quickly go over
a few of the games tested before jumping
into the performance breakdown with all
36 games first that we have pray and
here we see a very impressive 9 percent
performance improvement to the average
frame rate with SMT disabled in fact
even more impressive was the 13% boost
we saw for the 1% low result this meant
the 1900 K was now only 5 percent faster
than 13-hundred X in this title
Just Cause 4 also saw a
noteworthy eight to ten percent
performance uplift with SMT disabled and
that really saw the 1300 X close in on
the 9900 K testing with Starcraft 2
shows no improvement in performance with
SMT disabled when looking at the average
framerate though we do see a rather
healthy 8% bump in performance for the
1% low result testing with ferrata shows
a 3 to 4 percent improvement in
performance with SMT disabled and this
was actually enough to push the 30 100x
ahead of the 99 or ok in this title of
course I should know at this point that
we didn't test the 99 or ok with
hyper-threading disabled so there is a
very good chance that doing so will
boost the Intel processor performance in
this title and other titles where we saw
disabling SMT result in a performance
uplift moving on a project cars - and
here we see a small 2 to 4 percent
improvement in performance with SMT
disabled and while that is nice to see
the 1900 K was in no danger of losing
the performance crown in this title
frame rates when testing with Total War
3 kingdoms are virtually identical we
see a 1 to 2 FPS advantage in favor of
SMT disabled but that's pretty well
within the margin of error player
unknowns battleground sees no more than
a 1% change in performance with SMT
disabled so nothing to see here we see a
very small performance regression with
SMT disabled when testing with The
Witcher 3 though again just a 1 to 2 FPS
difference so within the margin of error
so I think it's fair to say performance
does go largely unchanged in this title
Forza horizon 4 is a mostly GPU bound
game but even so we see a very small
performance regression with SMT disabled
reducing performance by 3 percent isn't
a big deal here though it certainly
doesn't help the 3100 X close in on the
9900 kf1 2019 does see a small
performance improvement with SMT
disabled here the 3100 X was around 3%
faster again not exactly a big
performance uplift but it did narrow the
gap to the 9900 K performance in Far Cry
New Dawn went virtually untouched at
least we see the same 112 FPS on average
however as I quite often found the 1%
low performance did take a hit with SMT
disabled we're only talking about a
three and a half percent performance
drop here but that's really not what we
want to see testing with Strange Brigade
shows less than a 1%
changed average frame rate though again
we do see a reduction in the one percent
low figure this time dropping by five
percent so it seems you will want to
leave SMT enabled for this title
if you seek maximum performance quite
interestingly while the average frame
rate was virtually the same with SMT
disabled in battlefield 5 we see quite a
substantial reduction performance for
the one percent low result as frame rate
dropped by fourteen percent so it looks
like another title where you really
don't want to disable SMT moving on to
Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I retested
this game more than a few times just to
make sure there really was a regression
and performance with SMT disabled please
note that I'm not using the built in
benchmark rather I test the area of the
game that you can see in the top left
corner here I saw a 7% drop for the
average frame rate and a 9% drop for the
1% low so disabling SMT isn't something
you'll want to do in this title
disabling SMT does help with performance
in World of Tanks here the 3100 X
enjoyed a 3% boost to the average frame
rate and now the 1900 K is just 5%
faster though again I should note it is
possible to disable hyper threading and
that will likely also improve
performance for the 9900 K fortnight is
the kind of game I'd expect or guess
that disabling SMT would help with and
that looks to be the case well sort of
frankly we're looking at results that
are pretty well within the margin of
error so not much more to say here
hitman throughs always quite an
interesting title that stands out from
the crowd for one reason or another here
we saw a rather large 10% improvement
for the average framerate and now the 30
100x is just behind the 99 or K though
the 1% low performance only improved by
a mere 2% performance in Resident Evil 2
goes virtually unchanged we did see a 2
FPS improvement but a 1% change is
within the margin of error so safe to
say performance remains much the same
here and performance in the division 2
was also pretty much identical with or
without SMT enabled at least when
looking at the average framerate we do
see a 6% reduction with SMT disable for
the 1% low frame rate though so again
probably not something you're going to
want to do something I noticed when
testing the division 2 without SMT was
that the 1% low result did tend to
actuate quite a bit and that wasn't
something I saw with all 24 threads
active last up we're gonna look at the
shadow of the Tomb Raider results and
here we see a nice seven percent
improvement for the average framerate
but as we've seen a number of times now
the one percent low performance does
take a hit though this time we're only
seeing a three percent reduction in
okay so disabling SMT certainly looks to
be a bit of a mixed bag the numbers were
all over the place and we've only
discussed the results for about twenty
of the games tested so let's see how
things look when comparing all 36 games
in one big graph starting with the
average framerate results here we see
that on average the 3900 X was just 1%
slower overall with SMT enabled so it's
standard out of the box configuration
here we see the performance margin is
within the 5% for the vast majority of
titles tested in fact I'd say we saw a
negligible performance difference in 31
of the 36 games tested so leaving SMT
enabled really only improve performance
in Assassin's Creed Odyssey while
disabling it saw good gains in shut off
the Tomb Raider just calls for prey and
hitman two however as you just saw when
looking at the games individually the
average framerate doesn't tell the whole
story so let's see how the 1% low
figures stack up comparing 1% low
performance sees the results swing back
in SM T's favor now leaving SMT enabled
provided a 1% performance uplift on
average across the 36 games tested this
means we saw a 5% or better performance
improvement and eight of the games
tested with a 5% or larger performance
drop in just four games so as we found
two years ago when testing performance
with the risin 7 1800 X disabling SMT
can indeed be beneficial but your
mileage will vary depending on the game
and it's just as likely to cause a
performance regression I think it's fair
to say what SMT doesn't do is allow the
riser 930 100x to beat the core I $9.99
oh ok in games or even catch it I mean
it can help reduce the margin in certain
games but I think overall it doesn't
really help it catch up and I for one
aren't too fussed about that we don't
need more ways to justify the purchase
the 39
does what it does well and if you're
after a solid all-rounder the Rison 930
900 X processor is it as we've already
seen the 3100 X is plenty fast enough
for gaming and where it lacks a few
frames it makes up for we significantly
improve productivity performance and the
ability to tackle more tasks
simultaneously it also runs much cooler
consumes less power and works just fine
with the provided box cooler based on
everything we've seen here I don't
recommend you disable SMT unless you
know doing so improves performance in
the games you'll be playing I'm not 100%
sure why turning SMT off hurts 1% low
performance in so many games at first I
thought maybe it was because you go from
a situation where the active threads
required by the game can be utilized in
a single core complex die with SMT
enabled to then a situation where those
threads are spread across both C CDs
with SMT disabled however that doesn't
seem to make sense given that the 3900
extra generally offers better gaming
performance than the 3700 X and we
believe that's because it has 2 C CDs
which increase the l3 cache capacity as
well as the right lanes to the i/o die
I've reached out to AMD for their take
on this and I hope if I hear anything
back I'll let you guys know in a pinned
comment down below overall not much more
to say on this one if you enjoyed the
video please give us a like and if you
want to support the channel more
directly then you can do so over an hour
patreon page a few cool perks over there
go check it out if you're interested
anyway thank you for watching I'm your
host Steve and I'll see you again next
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