Shadow of the Tomb Raider RTX Tested, Was it Worth the Six Month Wait?
Shadow of the Tomb Raider RTX Tested, Was it Worth the Six Month Wait?
welcome back to hadron box time back
again for another investigation into ray
tracing on NVIDIA SAR TX cards this time
with shadow of the Tomb Raider which has
finally been updated to support both
DirectX ray tracing shadows and
invidious DSS upscaling technology it's
been several months since ray tracing
was first shown off in this game and a
good six months since the game was
released but hey the feature was added
in eventually the inclusion of ray
tracing in shadow of the Tomb Raider
marks the implementation of the third
and final ray tracing technique we
currently have at our disposal
battlefield 5 used ray traced
reflections Metro Exodus used Ray traced
global illumination and shadow of the
Tomb Raider uses ray traced shadows
hopefully in the future we'll see games
use a combination of these techniques
but right now each game is choosing one
of the three and after today we should
have a good idea at how each technique
can improve visuals before we get to
that though this video is sponsored by
Corsair and then you dominate a platinum
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spreader check them out via the link in
the description below accessing ray
tracing in shadow of the Tomb Raider is
pretty easy there's no need for a driver
update all you need is the latest game
patch which isn't even that large from
there you can choose between three ray
traced shadow modes when you launch the
game medium high and ultra the game even
gives you a decent description of what
each mode does with medium you get roto
shadows for selected point lights plus
regular shadowing techniques for the
rest of the game with high shadow Maps
start getting replaced in favor of more
ray tracing from spot and directional
lights including the Sun and then with
ultra you get more shadows and
additional Ray's DSS has its own setting
that can be activated as well for the
following tests and comparisons we've
set the game to use the maximum quality
settings so that's a level
but the highest preset with everything
enabled after all if you're using
ray-tracing you're pretty much going to
be after premium graphics so you already
have all the things cranked up to the
highest all testing was done on my
standard core oh nine ninety nine
hundred k test rig with game footage
captured using the RT x 20 80 TI at 4k
but also performance data for all RT X
GPUs at different resolutions as well
which I'll get to later the first thing
to note is that the medium ray tracing
setting doesn't affect the quality of
shadows in most situations because it
only road traces point light shadows so
this would be a light from a fire or
lamp for example when outdoors the
medium mode uses standard ultra quality
shadow Maps because shadows from the Sun
are not prey traced here this is why in
a lot of these comparisons there's no
appreciable difference between DX are
off and darks are on medium what you
start to notice a difference is with the
high and ultra modes depending on the
area the difference is quite huge with
rate where shadows looking softer in
general thanks to its more accurate
distance based shadowing ultra shadows
in this game look pretty good they're
sharp across most elements but ray
tracing is an upgrade if accuracy is
what you like in this scene for example
shadows cast from overhead Foley adjust
soft due to the large distance between
the foliage and the ground while la
razón shadow is much sharp as its closer
to the shadowed surface well I like the
ray tracer shadow presentation I believe
it looks more accurate like with other
ray traced techniques the change might
not be something everyone likes as most
games use sharp or shadow if this
distance based system might be a bit
jarring or look worse if you prefer that
standard sharper shadow look one thing
is quite clear though the high shadow
mode is not good in fact it looks worse
than the ultra non ray ray shadow mode
in my opinion due to a lack of shadow
density for some reason the high mode
just seems to remove a lot of shadows
particularly from overhead foliage which
is obviously not the intended
presentation looking at both ultra
regular shadows and ultra Ray Ray
shadows the Ray count limitation here is
too tight and while the shadows that are
cast look better and more accurate
removing shadows to get this effect I
feel is not really a good compromise ray
traced shadows have a number of other
advantages the game already
is to use distance based shadowing for
some dynamically generated shadows
without ray tracing but there's a fair
bit of aliasing present even using the
ultra mode when switching ray tracing on
this aliasing disappears and you get a
much cleaner presentation with better
distance calculations it's with these
shadows including la razón shadow which
suffers from the same issue the ray
tracing is the biggest upgrade in many
areas ray tracing also delivers more
depth to the scene with better and more
accurate shadowing of objects such as
handrails rocks tables and so on again
without ray tracing the scene still
looks excellent but ray tracing steps it
up a notch and then here we can see
where point lights come into play which
is an effect you get with the medium
mode enabled beside this fire there are
actually no shadows cast with ray
tracing off but when switch need to
medium Lara immediately casts an
accurate shadow onto the wall behind it
there's not much to be gained from
higher modes with point light shadows
and there are plenty of other point
lights throughout the game that do car
shadows even with ray tracing off but
this was one of the best examples I
could find
yeah the developers probably could have
implemented regular shadows first light
but even then it wouldn't look as good
as ray tracing while I have been talking
a lot about the visual upgrades that ray
tracing provides there are also a decent
amount of issues I noticed again looking
at the high ray tracing mode here there
is a serious shadow draw distance issue
when you roam around large environments
there is an obvious flat line transition
between ray traced shadows and regular
shadows that is extremely visible and
quite jarring it's another reason I
wouldn't consider using the high mode at
all not only are there fewer shadows in
general the transition line is just
awful this obvious transition point
isn't a problem on the ultra ray tracing
mode but there is another issue at play
here and that's shadow pop in as you
roam around you can spot shadows
magically appearing for some objects
with no fading they're just popping out
of thin air in the distance in contrast
with ray tracing disabled there is still
a limit to how far shadows are drawn but
there is a nice fade in transition to
these shadows as you move around rather
than a giant pop in I'd say shadow draw
distance with the ultra mode is similar
to off in general but the off mode
clearly handles the transition more
gracefully then there are some instances
where Ray Ray shadows don't work
correctly in
seen the roofing on the left should be
shadowing the wall with the pattern
similar to the leafing on the roof
that's what you get with regular shadows
but with a ray tracing it seems like the
Alpha texture is not being traced
correctly so what we get is a large
outline of presumably where the geometry
is it doesn't look right and doesn't
really make sense although in other
areas of the game this sort of alpha
channel does seem to be handled properly
with that said I did spot some other
artifacting in the game with ray tracing
again on roofing in this scene the
shadowing present on the rocks on the
left is a lot better with ray tracing on
but ray tracing also introduces these
weird patterns into the roof that don't
really look quite right looking at the
overall quality my thoughts are here
that Ray traced shadows do look good in
general but only if you use the ultra
mode there are too many issues with the
high mode including reduced shadow
density and a horrible transition point
that makes this mode look worse than ray
tracing disabled the ultra mode does
have its issues including weird
artifacts and popping but to me it looks
better than ray tracing disabled and
definitely more accurate the medium mode
is okay when there are point lights
around but the upgrade is basically
non-existent in many outdoor
environments the good thing is well with
this game is it's a slower paced game
with an emphasis on stunning visuals so
there's more time to appreciate the
improved shadow quality and in most
cases it's not just a subtle change its
a decent upgrade that I'm sure most of
you will have noticed in the comparisons
so far the major problem with ray chase
shadows in shadow of the Tomb Raider is
again the performance though the
developers have clearly put in a lot of
time to make sure the game doesn't run
as poorly as the original demos but the
performance still isn't great I'll start
here with the RT X 20 atti results with
performance captured using the in-game
benchmark tool which is fairly
representative of the scenes I've showed
in this video across all three
resolutions the hit moving from off to
ultra is pretty significant at 1080p
performance drops by 39% on average with
an even larger 57% hit to 1% lows then
at both 1440p and 4k you're getting a
41% drop on average when factoring in 1%
lows which show performance in the most
intensive areas of the benchmark is
typical to see your framerate cut in
half when using the ultra ray tracing
mode and that is usually what I found in
gameplay in intensive areas at 4k it was
common to sit around 60fps with ray
tracing off while a touch under 30 FPS
with ultra ray traced shadows it's
pretty painful the medium mode doesn't
see as much of a drop of mere 14% of all
K on average but it also doesn't provide
much of a visual improvement outside of
select scenes in fact the performance it
is higher than 14% in these specific
scenes where point lights come into play
with the benchmark tool going through a
number of different areas with that said
the drop isn't significant in outdoor
areas with no point lights you only see
maybe 2 to 3 FPS shaved off so the good
news is you won't be punished when the
effect isn't visible like is sort of a
case with battlefield 5 there's also not
much of a difference between the high
and ultra modes again usually about 2 to
3 FPS at most as the high mode looks
awful there's no way I'd use it over
this slightly more intensive ultra mode
with the ITX 2080 we're seeing similar
margins a 43% reduction in framerate at
1080p moving from off to ultra 41% at
1440p and 41% as well at 4k the ITX 2080
is definitely not powerful enough for
ray tracing at 4k and it's only
borderline at 1440p dropping from an ATF
PS average to below 50 FPS at this
resolution you'll want an adaptive sync
monitor for the our TX 2070 I only
tested two resolutions because it's
quite obvious this card along with the
RT X 2060 can't handle the game at 4k
again we're looking at around a 42% drop
at 1440p and 41% at 1080p the our TX
2070 is good for a 60 FPS experience at
1440p with ray tracing disabled but
enabling ray tracing seeds 1% lowest dip
below 30 FPS which isn't great
I'd say the card is probably just not
quite powerful enough or 1440p with ray
tracing although as it delivers 60 FPS
at 1080p it is fine there as for the RT
X 2060 well no surprises that it can't
handle ray tracing at 1440p it sees a 45
percent drop in framerate which takes a
card that is fine at 1440p without being
amazing to a car that simply can't play
the game at a reasonable frame rate at
1080p though it's a better situation you
will see that 41% drop in a frame rate
around 50 FPS I'd still say the game is
playable so not a total disaster
I guess my main problem here with ray
tracing and shadow of the Tomb Raider is
once again the performance the visuals
are good so it's not like a battlefield
5 situation where you get both awful
performance and noisy ray-traced effects
but we're still talking about having
your framerate significantly reduced
when ray tracing is enabled the
performance hit is a lot higher than in
Metro Exodus although for a larger
visual improvement as well considering
the regular ngon ray-traced ultra
shadows already look very good and the
game in general looks amazing on maximum
settings I just don't think it's worth
turning ray-tracing on in most
situations having your frame rate is a
huge hit to take we're talking at least
a 30fps reduction which just isn't going
to work the most people the situations
where I could see this hit being
worthwhile where you could have excess
performance at your native resolution so
that's really with the Arctic's 2080 and
our TX 20 atti 1080p and the ITX 2080 TI
and 1440p with those GPUs you can run
the game at over a hundred FPS with ray
tracing off so turning it on only brings
you down to around 50 fps or so in those
worst case environments it's a big hit
but we're not in console performance
territory with other combinations we're
looking at performance near 30 FPS at
times take the r-tx 2070 for example
would you rather play the game at 60 FPS
at 1440p with ray tracing off or 1080p
at below 60 FPS with ray tracing on to
me the higher resolution is a much
bigger improvement in visual quality
especially those resolutions provided
you ever capable monitor of course so I
wouldn't want a downgrade resolution to
use ray tracing shadow of the Tomb
Raider does have DL SS but we've already
shown this technology to be unnecessary
at best in our examinations in other
games from what I've seen in two Maitre
D' LSS is not as good as the
implementation in Metro Exodus but
better than battlefield 5d Ellis this is
definitely not as sharp as the native
presentation it's blurry in some areas
and doesn't let the fine texture work in
the game shine I stick to experimenting
with standard resolution scaling here
where you can't achieve better
performance and all better visuals all
up it's hard to put into a 6 synced word
how I feel
about ray-tracing in shadow of the Tomb
Raider on the one hand the visual
upgrade is decent and the game can look
good using the ultra mode and on the
other hand that comes at a huge
performance cost it's not outright
mediocre like in battlefield 5 I
wouldn't say it's disappointing either I
wouldn't say it's fine or good because
of the performance cost it's maybe just
a bit meh we're the sort of technology
will shine is when the performance hit
can be reduced significantly
if the framerate dropped was maybe 15 to
20 percent rather than 40% it would be
easy to justify turning it on for that
would need much more powerful ray
tracing Hardware so more arty cause
faster acceleration and just more power
in general unfortunately that's probably
several generations down the line of all
the ray-traced implementations I've seen
so far I'd probably still lean towards
Metro Exodus being the best balance of
visual upgrades with performance cost
but we're still not in a situation with
any of the r-tx games so far where I
could easily recommend using ray tracing
or buying a card that can do it it's far
too early to think of this as a
technology there's anything other than a
cool tech demo that's I guess a bonus
for owners of r-tx graphics cards that's
it for this investigation into ray
tracing in shadow of the Tomb Raider I'm
interested to hear your thoughts on r-tx
in this game if you have played it so
chuck them down in the comments below if
you like these sorts of investigations
consider subscribing and supporting us
on patreon and I'll catch you in the
next one
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