welcome back to harbor unboxed you
guessed it yep polarizing benchmarks
however what we have here is very
interesting and I'm certain you guys
will agree now before we go on please
know that I'm not trying to pull the
wool over anyone's eyes here I do not
have any risin 5 CPUs yet and if I did I
probably wouldn't got to create this
video anyway as it would be in breach of
the NDA what I'm doing here is
simulating horizon 5 performance at
least for the CPUs that have the full 16
megabyte level 3 cache now I hope the
title above which states that this is
simulated gaming performance isn't
deemed as clickbait that certainly
wasn't the intention
I feel the testing here is very
interesting so let's move on last week
AMD announced the official
specifications for the upcoming Rison 5
CPUs which will come available in
exactly 3 weeks time by announcing the
few specifications they did they really
let the cat out of the bag we now know a
few things that we had suspected for a
while Rison 5 is the same physical chip
as horizon 7 so this means all models
feature 2 CC axes each with 4 physical
cores though not all of them will be
enabled the 6 core model for example
features 1 core disabled from each CC X
well the quad core part features two
cores disabled Persie CX 1 chest I had
planned to do since my initial rise in
testing was play around with the down
core function found in the bias of
pretty much all a m4 motherboards this
function enables the ability to disable
caused within the c CX modules or
disable an entire c CX altogether
something else i've been very keen to do
when testing the 8 core isin 7 cpus is
to do so using a range of GPUs thus far
I've only benchmark gaming performance
using the extreme Titan XP graphics card
so I thought it'd be interesting to test
not just with the Titan XP but also with
something a little more reasonable like
the gtx 1070 where is it
yeah and then probably something more
mid-range and even more affordable again
like the gtx 1060 so now arms is the
knowledge of exactly how Rison 5 CPUs
will be configured and the current
ability to mimic those configurations
along with my desire to see how the
performance stacks up with a range of
GPUs I got to it I decided to lock the
rise in seven 1,800 exit four gigahertz
since this is an achievable overclock
for this chip that said I have been
limited to 3.9 gigahertz on some of my
1,700 X chips and 3.8 gigahertz on one
of my 1700 chips so a 4 gigahertz
overclock is by no means guaranteed for
all risin seven processes anyway at this
frequency I was able to simulate the
overclocking performance of the risin 5
1600 X as well as the rise in 5 1500 X
assuming both are able to push all cores
to 4 gigahertz for the purpose of
keeping all things equal across the rise
in CPUs I went with the same frequency
for testing purely for comparison sake I
went with the KB Lake CPUs since they
represent the very best gaming
performance right now at least in most
titles they also have no trouble hitting
4.8 gigahertz and this can really be
considered a mild overclock so for
testing we have the dual core hyper
threading enabled core i3 70 350 K
quad-core 7600 K and quad core hyper
threading supported 7700 K again all we
tested at 4.8 yoghurts to show the very
best performance these chips have to
offer right now or close enough anyway
so for testing I'm not interested in the
clock for clock comparison we know table
X IPC performance is slightly better no
need to go over that again all CPUs
which do include the riser models were
tested using ddr4 3000 memory the GPU is
included for testing our the GTX 1080 TI
gtx 1070 and gtx 1060 obviously we
didn't use AMD GPUs as there's nothing
that can replicate GT X 1080 Ti
performance right now there's no point
replacing save the GTX 1060 with the our
X 480 just to give the AMD GPUs a
showing I'd rather keep things more
consistent finally for this test just
six games were used but with three
graphics cards and six CPU
configurations that means there are 108
individual tests which require over 300
benchmark runs so let's go check them
out I wanted to include Far Cry primal
as this is a game where Verizon really
struggles disabling courses and the CCX
doesn't help improve performance here of
course we never expected that it would
including the results because following
this video I would like to test the
second CCX disabled to see what kind of
performance that makes in games like Far
Cry where the rising CPU is really
struggle I also include this game
because I wanted to see how quickly we
run into a GPU bottleneck with less
extreme GPUs so here we see even with
all cores clocked at full gigahertz the
rise in CPUs are no match for even the
core i3 meanwhile we see strong gains
when moving from the 73 50k to the 7600
K and then again to the 7700 K moving to
the gtx 1070 we see that the cable 8
processes all bunch up as isn't a CPU
intensive title to begin with the rising
CPUs aren't too far behind now though
they are still lagging behind even with
a lesser GPU now with the gtx 1060
handling the rendering work the rising
CPUs are pretty much on par kb lake it's
not that long ago that this kind of
performance which is roughly equivalent
to that of the GTX 980 was considered
extreme high end it seems Far Cry primal
has been developed in a way that just
doesn't work that well with is in
architecture it's unlikely that we'll
see a patch at this point to update the
game to better support Rison if that's
even possible given the game's age a and
B we'll probably just have to suffer
through some short-term pain on that one
I have found previously the disabling
SMT really helps in Far Cry primal
boosting performance by around 15% so
with Far Cry primal we have a game
that's not very CPU intensive and yet
there's clearly some kind of issue with
the rise in CPUs for honor is another
game that is primarily GPU bound and
here we see that even with the gtx 1080i
handling the rendering work the rise in
cpus are able to max it out the same is
true for the core i3 73 50k for example
that being the case we find much the
same with the gtx 1070 and again the gtx
1060 so not much to discuss here but I
just wanted to include another non CPU
intensive game it's just to see if what
we saw in Far Cry primal was unusual and
it seems it is f1 2016 does use the CPU
quite heavily and here we see the core
i3 73 50k really suffering in comparison
to the Core i5 and core i7 models that
said performance was still very playable
it just looks much slower when using a
high end GPU even the 7700 K offers
strong gains over the 7600 K here
looking to rise and we see much more
consistent performance across the
various models the quad-core 1,500 X
clocked at 4 gigahertz is able to match
the 7600 K at 4.8 yogurt which is a
pretty big deal here in fact the minimum
frame rate was 6% greater and of course
the 1500 X completely wastes the core i3
73 50k here moving to the slower gtx
1070 we see margins all closed up but
again we see consistent performance for
the Rison parts interestingly the 1500 X
offers much better minimum frame rates
with the gtx 1070 then these 7600 K does
once we get down to the GTX 1060 things
pretty much equal out across the board
and now the 1800s can be seen matching
the 7700 K next up we have battlefield 1
and here the core i3 73 50k is
considerably slower than the core i5
7600 K again frame rates are still very
high on the dual-core CPU as we never
saw dips below 80 fps the 1600 X and
7600 K deliver similar minimums so it
has to be said even with just four cores
enabled the rise and cps are still able
to deliver very smooth performance
dropping down to the gtx 1070 closes up
the margin and again we see the rise and
see if you use do deliver a better
minimum result when compared to the 7600
k now with the gtx 1060 things are
pretty even and for the most part well
within the margin of error obviously
this is down to the fact that we are
running into a heavy GPU bottleneck but
it does give us a good idea of how
real-world gaming with a reasonably
affordable GPU looks right now Ghost
Recon wildlands is another game that
isn't that taxing on the CPU still with
an extreme high end GPU the core i3 70
350 K does start to fall behind
meanwhile rising delivers the same
performance with 4 cores
6 cores and all 8 cores enabled moving
to the gtx 1070 the margins between the
various rising configurations and the
core i3 Core i5 and core i7 models are
all very similar finally with the gtx
1060 handling the rendering it's just
the core i3 73 50k that falls behind by
a small margin one game that I made sure
was include was mafia 3 the game loves
threads and here we see technology such
as hyper threading making a real
difference the core i7 77 okay for
example was 41% faster than the 7600 T
when compared
in the minimum frame rate the simulated
risin 5 1500 X configuration well they
want to match the much higher clock to
7600 K so that was impressive to see out
of the box the 1,800 X is actually
slightly faster than the 77 okay in this
title that said once overclock is 77
hundred K is able to pull ahead by about
10 FPS they simulated 1600 X was faster
than the 7600 K while the 1500 X was
slightly slower for the average but
slightly faster for the minimum this
here is very interesting we see yet
again when dropping down to the gtx 1070
the risin cpu singer form better than
the intel parts i assume is this down to
the fact that they provide better
minimum frame rates and these slower
GPUs can't hit quite the same highs
which bring the average down anyway
using the gtx 1070 the 1800 x and
simulated 1600 x are both faster than
the 7700 okay clocked at 4.8 gigahertz
meanwhile the 1500 x is roughly on par
with the 7600 k which is an impressive
result given its clock 17% lower
now with the gtx 1060 we find all cpu
configurations deliver pretty much the
exact same performance as we are of
course GPU limited here well quite a few
interesting results were seen there in
the small 6-game sample what we have
learnt is that for the most part the 6
core rising cpus will perform very
similar to that of the 8 core models in
today's cpu demanding titles the 4 core
or quad core parts will be slightly
slower when using extreme GPU
configurations in games such as
battlefield 1 mafia 3 and f1 2016 for
example that's it with the exception of
Far Cry primal it looks as though the
quad core rise in CPUs will still
destroy the higher clocked dual core KB
Lake processes such as the 73 50k even
at full point a key Goats the 73 50k was
no match in the more CPU intensive
titles it was really interesting to find
that when using the gtx 1070 the rise in
cpus were actually able to pull ahead in
game such as mafia 3 meanwhile those
using a sub $300 us current generation
graphics card won't see any difference
between the quad core AMD Rison and
intel kb lake cpus testing with the gtx
1060 naturally creates a serious GPU
and it really represents the kind of
performance you can see from extreme GPU
at the 4k resolution well actually
that's probably not even true I'd say
that 4k is still more extreme when it
comes to shaping the results so it just
goes to show that even with a high end
GPU such as the gtx 980ti
testing cpu gaming performance at 4k
really is quite useless as it stands we
are still waiting for games that better
utilize the horizons so you can use and
the good news is there are plenty of
games on the horizon unfortunately right
now there are a lot of games that may
arise and look pre average and certainly
not nearly as good as it actually is
games such as Far Cry primal
civilization 6 Gears of War for grand
theft auto 5 hitman total bull hammer
and watchdogs 2 for example all perform
much weaker than expected on their eyes
and CPUs that said though this isn't the
same performance as bad in fact gameplay
is still incredibly smooth it's just the
frame rates are lower than where you
would expect them to be in relation to
the Intel CPUs to simulated 6 core and
four core eyes and five gaming
performance that you have seen here
should be identical to what we see in
three weeks time assuming they have no
trouble running all cores at four
gigahertz I also don't expect there isin
five parts to overclock any better than
the Rison 7 CPUs as they are essentially
the exact same chips with a few cores
disabled but you never know though again
we will know for sure in a few weeks
time what I can tell you is the 1500 X
is going to be an incredibly good buy at
$190 us or 275 ozzie and you also get
that rate spire cooler in the package so
again an amazing deal the 1400 is a chip
that had me the most excited initially
before we found out the true
specifications it is 170 dollars us or
two hundred and forty-five dollars ozzie
which is a 10% saving on the 1500 X but
I'm not sure that'll warrant having the
available level 3 cache to eight
megabytes anyway I'm very excited about
these upcoming rise and 5 CPUs
especially given the performance that's
been seen here in this video
Rison looked very impressive recently
when I was testing out Mass Effect
I took the 1800 X and locked all cores
at 4 gigahertz and compared that to a
highly overclocked KB like 77 ok which
was run
at 4.9 gigahertz and in Mass Effect
Andromeda the performance was very
similar using a high-end graphics card I
think it was the tie in XP or a motor in
the GTX 1080i it doesn't matter they're
pretty much the same product but very
impressive performance in that new title
and this is a game that I will be adding
to my battery of gaming benchmarks very
soon well that's all for this one guys I
hope you enjoyed it I'm your host Steve
catch again soon
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