The Best sub-$200 graphics card - GTX 1050 Ti vs. RX 470 / RX 460 4GB
The Best sub-$200 graphics card - GTX 1050 Ti vs. RX 470 / RX 460 4GB
hey guys welcome back to another harbour
unbox video today we're looking at
graphics cards that cost well under $200
u.s. so if you're in the market for such
a product then hopefully we can steer in
the right direction on hand we have the
GTX 1050 Ti along with the rx 474 gig
card and the rx
4 64 gigabyte card on the menu we have
25 games and that should be more than
enough to give us a clearer picture of
where things are at once again as this
is a budget GPU comparison we'll be
using our core i3 6100 T test machine
this humble little rig should represent
the kind of processing power the vast
majority of gamers spending less than
$200 us on the GPU will be wielding the
latest AMD and NVIDIA drivers have been
used for testing and updates to existing
results have been made where necessary
the results are based on an average of
three runs and all testing takes place
at 1080p for those wondering the RX 470
will be represented by the asou ROG
Strix for gigabyte OSI model while the
RX for 64 gigabyte card being used is
the sapphire nitro model meanwhile the
GTX 1050 Ti card being used is the
little MSI 4G OSI model so with that
let's get to the benchmarks starting
with Assassin's Creed syndicate a title
that generally favors NVIDIA GPUs we
find the 1050 T is 15% slower than the
rx 470 still with an average of 64 FPS
the 1050 t I was still able to deliver
very playable performance the rx 470
hands the 1050 Ti a much more
significant blow in Batman Arkham Knight
here the GeForce GPU was 27 percent
slower despite averaging 62 fps
meanwhile the 470 never dipped below 55
frames per second at 1080p using the
ultra quality settings for now we prefer
the DirectX 11 API for battlefield one
but we'll check out the DirectX 12
results next still using dx11 the 1052 I
was still 26% slower than the rx 4 70 so
another decent wind frame D here then
this is why we preferred dx11 for now
while the average frame rate looks great
DX 12 suffers from constant frame drops
the newest game in our battery of
benchmarks is college
the infinite warfare a game universally
loved by all here the GTX 1050 - Oh was
36% slower than the rx 470 averaging
just 49 fps to the radians 76 fps here
we have an old favorite for testing
Crysis 3 can the GTX 1050 - I play
crysis we're here you ask well yes it
can but only just dipping as low as 33
FPS at times meanwhile with a 38 FPS
average the 1050 TI was 27% slower than
the RX 470 the 1052 eye is just 3%
faster than the RX 4 64 gigabyte in Deus
Ex mankind divided so unsurprisingly
trails the 470 by a rather massive 42%
margin that said it is interesting to
note that the 470 does dip quite low in
relation to the average frame rate as a
result comparing the minimum frame rate
sees the 1050 TI trail by just a 16%
margin dirt rally is the polar opposite
to mankind divided and I don't mean that
because one's a racing simulator and the
other a first-person shooter
rather I'm referring to how AMD and
NVIDIA GPUs handle these titles for the
first time we see at 10:52 eye moves
ahead of the RX 470 delivering 21% more
performance in fact even the standard
1050 is faster than the 470 here this
title very clearly favors the green team
doom using Vulcan plays nicely into the
hands of AMD here the 1050 - I was 44%
slower than the RX 470 though I should
note both delivered well over 60 frames
per second at all times also worth
mentioning is the fact that 1050 TI is
just 5% faster than the full gigabyte
460 in this test the RX 470 remains
ahead for the f1 2016 test as the 1050
Ti finds itself trailing by an 18
percent margin that said the 1050 Choi
was also 15% faster than the 4 gig 460
so not a bad result friend video overall
testing fallout 4 using the high quality
preset with taa enabled we find that
1050 Ti is good for an average of 70 FPS
at 1080p
despite that impressive result it was
almost 20% slower than the 470 though
here the 1050 Ti enjoys a 29%
performance advantage over the 4
gigabyte 460 while it was just 6
and faster than the vanilla 10:50 as was
the case when testing mankind divided we
see that although the 1052 is
considerably slower than the Ark's 470
when comparing the average frame rate
the minimum result is much closer the
1052 I was 23 percent slower when
comparing the average frame rates but
just 4% slower for the minimum frame
rate a curious result from Far Cry
primal indeed moving a Gears of War 4 we
find some pretty competitive results
largely helped by the fact that the 1052
a is over 30% faster than the standard
1050 here this meant that the 1050 - I
was just 12% slower than the RX 470 so a
strong result for end video here
continuing the strong run the 1050 TI
takes charge in Grand Theft Auto 5
rendering 3 FPS more than the rx 470
making it 5% faster the fact that the
1050 TI maintained at least 60 FPS at
all times in our tests was impressive ok
guys rule number 3 of benchmark land
stay hydrated
I've forgotten this rule from timer time
and I've paid dearly for it the next day
so make sure you take a moment to stop
and get some water
alright let's get back at it the extra
33 percent performance provided by the
rx 470 doesn't go unnoticed in mafia 3
in fact almost reaching a 60fps average
means we might even be able to use the
medium quality settings exciting stuff
anyway the 1050 - I was 25% slower than
the 470 but 30% faster than the 4
gigabyte 460 the GTX 1050 - I was 20%
slower than the rx 470 in shadow of
mordor when comparing the average frame
rate benchmarking with Mirror's Edge
catalyst we find that 10 to 50 Ti is
just 11 percent slower than the RX 4 70
as at average 66 fps it was also 32
percent faster than the 4 gigabyte rx
460 the 1050 Ti is already pushing over
100 FPS and overwatch at 1080p using the
ultra quality preset so there won't be
any real need to go much faster
nevertheless the RX 470 was almost 20%
faster averaging 134 fps the raid on
graphics cards don't really like steams
DirectX 11 version of quantum break and
here we see the minimum frame rate of
the RX 4 70 dipping below that of the
standard 1050 despite that the average
frame rate was still very strong though
yet again we find another game where the
RX 470 appears to dominate the 1050 TI
until you look at the minimum frame
rates that is the 1050 TI was on average
25% slower but just 4% slower or 1 FPS
slower when checking the minimum frame
rate the 1050 - I was good for at least
60 fps and Star Wars Battlefront
and yet this minute was still 27% slower
than the rx 470 which easily cracked the
70 FPS barrier we couldn't forget The
Witcher 3 Wild Hunt so here it is the
1050 - I was 27% slower than the rx 470
but 28 percent faster than the rx 460
Wow AMD dominates Rainbow six siege here
in the 1050 - I wasn't just 39% slower
than the rx 470 but also 4% slower than
the 4 gigabyte rx 460 for those not yet
bored with the division the weapon of
choice here looks to be the RX 470 as
was 45% faster than the 1050 TI AMD lays
the smackdown in titanfall 2 here the
1050 - I was 38% slower than the RX 417
averaging just 50 fps to the radians 81
fps that said the 1050 - I was 32%
faster than the 4 gigabyte rx 460 well
you made it the last game we benchmarked
total war Warhammer was tested using the
DirectX 12 API and here the 1050 - I was
just 6% slower than the 470 and what is
a very surprising result not only that
but the GeForce GPU was actually four
percent faster when comparing the
minimum frame rate well there you have
it an in-depth look at how the gtx 1050
Ti stacks up against the rx 470 and rx
for 64 gigabyte graphics cards now to
wrap things up let's take a look at the
results from all the games tested in one
big graph first up we're checking out
how the 1052 AI stacks up against the
cheaper rx for 64 gigabyte in terms of
performance it pretty much is a
landslide the only game to favor the rx
460 was Rainbow six siege by a small
while performance was also close in
mankind divided and doom using Vulcan
nevertheless overall at 10:52 I was on
average 29 percent faster and this
figure is no doubt been helped by the
massive wins in titles such as quantum
break overwatch Gears of War 4 and
le given the relatively small difference
in price the 1050 TI certainly looks
like the smarter option here but we will
get to that soon in the cost per frame
analysis okay so here the bars are
pretty much all going the other way that
is to say for the most part the 1050 - I
was slower than the rx 470 but no
surprises there the 1050 - I was on
average 22 percent slower only finding
its way out in front and just to titles
dirt rally and grand theft auto 5 the
1050 - I was crushed and all the usual
suspects though and we can now add
titanfall - and call the duty infinite
warfare to the list Before we jump to
the cost per frame figures let's just
take a quick look at efficiency by
comparing power consumption against the
average frame rates efficiency is then
where many of these GPU battles have
been won and lost over the past few
years as you can see on average the RX
470 was just 29% faster than the GTX
1050 TI however that extra performance
came at a cost entire system consumption
increased by over 70% from 118 watts to
a much more hungry 202 watts we're still
the rx 460 was 23% slower on average but
pushed system consumption 27% higher
granted these figures won't be hugely
impactful for everyone if you have a
standard desktop rig with a 350 watt or
greater power supply and out worried
about a little extra heat but do care
about absolute performance then the rx
470 still represents exceptional value
however if operating temperatures volume
and overall consumption are things you
very much care about then the 1050 - I
might be the more desirable option here
starting with our scatter plot we see
that the GTX 1050 Ti and rx 470 are
actually quite similar in terms of value
despite the GeForce GPU being over 20%
slower meanwhile the rx for 64 gigabyte
looks to be pretty poor value while the
4 gigabyte version is roughly on par of
the GTX 1050 moving to the bar graph
which I'm told many of you prefer
arranging the data by the average frame
rate sees the RX 470 way out in front
with the second lowest cost per frame
arranging the graph by cost per frame we
find the 10 52 gigabyte provides the
best bang for your buck as it just edged
out the RX 4 70 meanwhile the 10 52 I
was 6% more
costly per frame when compared to the
rx4 70 in short the GTX 1050 - I was on
average 22 percent slower than the rx 4
70 meanwhile the $140 MSRP means it's
just 18% cheaper there were a few games
where the rx 470 didn't look nearly as
impressive when taking the minimum frame
rate into account and we hope AMD can
address these performance issues without
coming driver updates it has to be said
though AMD has been doing an exceptional
job with their drivers lately even with
all the data now in picking between
these two graphics cards really doesn't
seem to be that easy and I'd say that's
because they're both great products once
again it's a case of I don't really
think you can go that wrong with either
there's probably no wrong choice here I
mean the 1050 Ti clearly is the more
efficient GPU while the rx 470 was
outright faster and probably the better
value choice overall so far we haven't
discussed DirectX 12 performance too
much we included a bit of DirectX 12
testing but I haven't discussed the
results on which card I think's better
for those kind of games and for me
personally the jury's still out on
DirectX 12 and I really don't think
either of these GPUs will be fighting
the DirectX 12 battle I seriously doubt
that'll be the situation for upcoming
games that do support DirectX 11 and
DirectX 12 will likely find a similar
situation to what we found with
battlefield 1 by that I mean a situation
where the GeForce graphics cards should
be using the DirectX 11 API
well AMD will probably be best with
DirectX 12 while on that subject going
forward it might make more sense to test
games such as battlefield one with the
NVIDIA GPUs using DirectX 11 while the
AMD GPUs use DirectX 12 in the same sort
of graph we'd display basically in this
video how we did the DirectX 11 and
DirectX 12 testing what I'm suggesting
is just one graph where DirectX 11
DirectX 12 obviously the api's use would
be clearly stated but since you know
there's no visual difference but these
you know perform better DirectX 11
better performance probably with DirectX
12 for AMD it might make more sense
that way so I don't know if that's
something you guys think would be worth
doing or find it misleading I don't know
let me know what you think anyway
because that could be an option getting
back to the matter at hand I am sticking
with our original findings back in
August if you're going to get the RX 460
get the 2 gigabyte model for those
chasing performance of around 60 frames
per second the full gigabyte version has
little to offer in most games over the
cheaper 2 gigabyte version so it's $20
you don't need to spend really not only
that but for $10 less we actually prefer
the GTX 1050 anyway on the other side of
it though rather than spending 120
dollars on the RX for 64 gigabyte we
highly recommend spending $140 on the
GTX 10:50 TI that 17% increase in cost
will net you almost 30% more performance
and a considerably more efficient
graphics card to boot however if you can
afford to go as high as 170 dollars then
the RX 470 becomes very appealing and
even opens the option up for cheap 1440p
gaming so in short if we had around $100
spend we would be getting a gtx 1050 2
gigabyte graphics card for between 120
and 150 dollars we'd get the gtx 1050 TI
and for between 150 and $190 the RX 470
seems like the way to go for those
spending $200 or more we previously went
with the GTX 10 63 gigabyte but it might
be time to revisit that comparison with
the RX 4 70's revised price and AMD's
new found form the 10 63 gigabyte may
not be the best option here all right
well I'm going to stop there before I go
into some other sort of whatever
comparison rattle on about something and
drag this video it even longer than I
have so far I hope the testing was
useful and I hope there's enough
information there for you guys to make
your own conclusions we will of course
continue to monitor new games as they're
released and see how AMD and NVIDIA
stack up there so that'll be something
we do forever but as it stands I'm
confident whichever of these GPUs you
buy you're gonna have a great gaming
experience great bang for your buck and
there's really as I said no wrong option
there so that wraps it up until next
time stay classy
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