The Division 2 Optimization, Easily Gain Performance Without Downgrading Visuals
The Division 2 Optimization, Easily Gain Performance Without Downgrading Visuals
welcome back to hadron box today we're
back with a game optimization video for
Ubisoft's latest release Tom Clancy's
the division to the last optimization
guide we did was for Metro Exodus we
know there's been a few other tires
released between then and now such as
fire crane new dawn and firm and Devil
May Cry but been a bit busy around here
so this is unfortunately the the next
tile that we've been able to get to and
boy is this a prime candidate for an
optimization video that's not because
the division 2 runs poorly or seems uh
knock demised in fact Ubisoft snowdrop
engine seems to run really well on PC
the game has fantastic graphics and
loads of excellent PC specific features
including full HDR support and even
niche stuff like eye tracking instead
it's the absolute multitude of graphics
options you get in this game though it
seems to go on forever
and seems quite daunting at first glance
lucky there are basic presets here but
still nothing is hidden away from view
in this game like was the case with
Metro so as usual the goal this video is
to explore nearly every quality setting
in the game to show you guys both a
visual quality comparison between the
different options as well as the
performance impact as we'll go be giving
some recommendations on what I think
delivers the best balance between
visuals and performance which we then
summarized into our own custom preset
that I'll go through at the end the hope
is to give you guys more performance
without sacrificing too much from
graphics quality our usual notes for
these videos apply here as well I'm
using micro 990 900k test rig
overclocked to 5 gigahertz with 16
gigabytes of ddr4 memory we used this
system to remove old CPU bottlenecks
during testing this is a GPU heavy game
for most people so it shouldn't end up
being CPU limited we've tested a range
of GPUs for the performance numbers from
both brands and in multiple performance
categories averaging out the results
give you a decent idea of how each
setting scales a performance data comes
from the games benchmark tool which runs
over 90 seconds and I found to be pretty
representative of in-game performance
some benchmark tools can be a bit weird
but at least from what I've played of
the game this one is pretty good we use
a single benchmark run forever
setting to give you a more general
performance overview rather than simple
framerate spot checks that can over
exaggerate the differences or show just
worst-case performance this also means
the performance data is not taken from
the scene we use as an example to show
the visual differences the game captures
you see throughout the video taking
using an NVIDIA GeForce r-tx 2080 and 4k
we recommend playing back this video at
4k because it can be a bit hard to spot
the differences at YouTube's lower 1080p
resolution and bitrate sometimes YouTube
doesn't process these videos to 4k very
quickly so we're also going to provide a
source quality video for our patrons we
can just download it right now in 4k the
first thing I want to discuss is DirectX
11 vs. DirectX 12 you can play the
division 2 in either mode and I found
DirectX 12 to be slightly better overall
average frame rates were marginally
ahead with DirectX 11 with the latest
drivers but it's the large jump in 1%
low performance that gives the nod to DX
12 as it leads to a smoother more stable
experience the other key option is the
reduced input latency mode which is
enabled by default
Ubisoft says that turning this option
off can lead to increased frame rates
but I didn't find that to be the case
with the cheapest I've tested so I
suggest leaving this mode enabled will
kick things off here with the presets
there are four options ultra high medium
and low which keeps things pretty simple
most of the individual quality settings
also have four modes so as you step down
each preset the settings get a
corresponding step down however even
when using the ultra mode some settings
are not at their highest mention why
that might be the case a bit later
like the presets in a lot of games
there's not a huge difference between
ultra and high Ultra gives you slightly
better draw distance for objects and
textures and slightly higher shadow and
reflection resolutions
it's the increased draw distance that I
noticed the most and then moving from
high down to medium again each of these
areas drops off a bit further
especially draw a distance while also
introducing noticeable reductions in
shadowing and ambient occlusion with
that said overall the difference between
ultra and medium is quite respectable
it's not a huge downgrade by any means
where it really falls away is with a low
which has noticeably worse reflection
and shadow quality much
lower drawer distances for all elements
lower lighting quality lower ambient
occlusion and also a lower render
resolution low is the only preset that
sets the render scale below a hundred in
this case using a level of 75 so we're
also seeing upscaling at this preset I
wouldn't recommend it unless you have an
entry-level rig in terms of performance
we're seeing good scaling here there is
nearly a 3x difference in framerate
between the ultra and low presets which
suggests that those with entry-level
systems will be able to achieve good
performance here that said a lot of this
performance comes from the resolution
scale moving from ultra down to high
season near 30 percent performance
improvement and I suspect that will be
worth it for many gamers struggling to
hit that 60 to 80 FPS range for example
my r-tx 2080 at 4k high delivered a 60
FPS experience but Ultra did not and
with the visual changes their high is
definitely the way to go
moving down to medium gives me a 60%
improvement over Ultra and again it's
worth considering for reduced visual
quality really all these presets are
good depending on your hardware though I
feel hi is perhaps the best bounce it's
also worth mentioning that has a lot of
settings here impact memory usage
lowering the preset can give larger
gains on more constrained cards on an Rx
574 gigabyte for example in 1080p
shifting from Ultra to medium was an 80%
increase rather than 60% on higher and
GPUs shadow quality is a simple setting
in the division to each increased overs
higher resolution shadows with better
draw distances by default the ultra
preset uses high shadows bumping then up
to very high does present a small
increase to sharpness but it's when
moving down to medium or low that things
start to fall away especially resolution
on the low mode here you will often see
jagged shadow edges in terms of
performance it's not hard to see why the
developers have chosen high for the
ultra preset a switch into very high
causes a six percent loss to performance
but only a minor visual improvement
there's also no real difference between
high and medium so my suggestion here is
to use high with low and it's two
percent improvement reserved for
entry-level gamers the spot shadow
setting refers to how many shadows are
rendered from point lights in the game
such as street lamps I can only spawn a
significant difference between the
medium and low modes with low removing
a lot of shadows in night scenes
considering both high and medium also to
have a roughly the same performance this
is a setting lightly on high the spot
shadow resolution setting is much more
noticeable which surprise surprise
affects the sharpness of spot shadows
Ultra is the clear best option here with
each reduction in setting causing blurry
at shadow edges even turn you down just
from ultra high makes a pretty
noticeable difference if you have the
performance despair Ultra does to live a
noticeably better shadows for around a 2
to 3 percent performance penalty if
you're squeezing every last drop I think
high is the way to go
contact shadows is another form of
shadowing that allows an object to
shadow itself or other objects in close
proximity as the setting requires a
restart it was very difficult to get a
good visual comparison between each mode
however not to worry because it doesn't
have a significant performance impact so
I'd keep it on all high here sharpening
is a cosmetic feature but I just wanted
to verify this wasn't using some sort of
anti aliasing the good news is it's not
so you can change the setting and it
will not impact performance as it's
purely post-processed sharpening it does
deliver a noticeable visual change
though the zero mode is quite blurry
while 10 is perhaps a bit too sharp with
7 being the default I think 7 or 8 gives
the best balance of sharpness with Jaggi
reduction particle detail again quite
hard to get a comparison here due to the
dynamic nature of particles however it
seems the setting only affects weapons
particles such as explosions rather than
leaves and so on which seemed unaffected
moving from ultra down to low as there's
no significant performance difference
between each mode I'm sticking with
Ultra here
Ubisoft does love to use volumetric fog
in their games across their game engines
it's been known to cause heavy
performance hits in Assassin's Creed
which uses the anvilnext engine and
watchdogs to which uses disrupt it's the
same story with the division 2 and its
snowdrop engine here the visual
differences between the four modes are
there you get slightly denser and more
realistic fog with the ultra and higher
modes compared to a more modest
implementation with medium and low but
the performance hit is huge dropping
from Ultra to hide delivers a 10%
improvement and then Ultra to medium is
more like 20% give
medium-level fog still looks good and
doesn't affect the atmosphere of the
game too much and the performance
difference between medium and low is
quite small I don't from medium here to
instantly gain 20% to your performance
it's pretty crazy but this is the most
intensive setting in the game reflection
quality is split into two modes the
standard mode named reflection quality
delivered no performance improvement in
my testing so high is best to use there
it's with a local reflection quality
that you'll start to see differences and
performance gains as this setting
dictates how well water and other
surfaces reflect nearby objects every
option aside from off here seems to use
a modified version of screen space
reflections that doesn't suffer from
horrible artifacting when your character
obscures reflections so it's a pretty
good implementation here reflections
still disappear when you shift around
the camera when they shouldn't but yeah
overall it's pretty impressive moving
too often doesn't remove reflections
entirely either it merely switches to
using reflection maps which look decent
but aren't very accurate that said I'm
still pleased that even when you turn
off screen space reflections you still
are getting at least some form of this
technique the difference between the
four screen space modes is purely down
to resolution overall the reflections
are quite muted even on the very high
mode but this becomes more apparent
shifting to say medium or low given that
moving from just very high down to high
sees the 7% performance improvement for
a small visual quality increase I feel
that's a great choice to make you won't
see as high gains shifting any lower
until you switch this mode off entirely
which is another big boost and still
only recommend offers an option for
mid-range or entry-level gamers though
vegetation quality has three modes but
it's only the low mode that I spotted a
difference between medium or high the
low mode seems to remove a number of
vegetation shadows that are present at
the higher modes but overall the density
of vegetation isn't really changed
across all of the modes given it only
delivers a 1% performance improvement
shifting from high to low I'd keep this
on high and enjoy more depth to the
vegetation subsurface scattering again I
find it quite hard to spot the visual
changes here outside of cutscenes you
gain about 1% of performance if you
switch it off but for me I'll just
basically leave this one on an
electronic filtering is the same affair
in the division too as other games
although bizarrely this is one of the
few set
that requires a restart to change not
sure what the reasoning behind that is
but 16x still it was the sharpest
textures with the best drawer distances
at strange angles but it's only when
shifting down to 2 X or 1x that the
reduction in quality becomes noticeable
it's also where the performance impacts
begin to kick in with 2x delivering a
surprisingly high 5% performance
advantage over 16x even on a high-end
card given 2 X does blur textures a fair
bit I'd stick to using 16x unless you're
searching for a lot more performance
parallax mapping is a simple setting
that improves object depth as the game
says without adding geometry it's a
low-cost version of tessellation there
seems to work well in this game
providing a subtle improvement in good
news for those after the best
performance disabling it only delivers a
1% performance improvement so it's not
worth disabling ambient occlusion is
used pretty suddenly throughout the
division too you won't see any enormous
changes between the four modes and it's
especially nice to see that even with a
low mode ambient occlusion isn't removed
entirely instead the main difference I
spotted was a noticeably reduced ambient
occlusion resolution with the medium and
low modes whereas the high and very high
modes were quite similar given high is a
2 percent improvement over very high
it's a good change to make while medium
is suitable for lower end gamers depth
of field is similar in this game to many
others and doesn't see a performance
impact in general gameplay it's a
similar cosmetic setting to the vignette
mode chromatic aberration mode and lens
flare in that there is no performance
difference between on and off object
detail is an interesting setting because
it has granular control between 0 and
100 with 60 being the default for the
ultra preset I didn't test every
individual option there's a hundred of
them so that would be pretty crazy but I
did check out 160 30 and zero there
isn't a significant difference between a
hundred and 60 in most situations which
explains again why ultra defaults to 60
when you start dipping below 50 objects
are removed from scenes and it does
increase pop in so at 30 or 0 for
example moving around can see objects
randomly appear on most cards with a
decent level of VRAM jumping from 60
down to zero does deliver a 5 percent
improvement to average frame rates and
nearly 8 percent to 1 percent low so it
is reasonably
but I found the popin really annoying so
my preference is to keep it on 60 with
that said those with a four gigabyte
card or lower might need to turn it down
as you can see up to 20 percent gains on
more constrained systems the Division
two has another setting that is very
useful for memory constraint Hardware
called extra streaming distance this
defaults to the maximum ten with the
ultra preset and does improve popping as
you move around although again it's very
difficult to get a good comparison for
this one lowering this to five delivers
a three percent improvement on most
cards with a decent level of VRAM though
pop in increases so I wouldn't recommend
it again users with four gigabyte or
lower cards can see more than a 10
percent improvement in reducing the
setting so it's worth experimenting with
if you are on the lower end of the vram
scale yep there are more things in this
game luckily only a handful more water
quality is reduced when saying the game
to either the medium or low modes with a
seeming reduction to the resolution of
ripples and other interactions I'd keep
this one on high giving you only get a
three percent improvement dropping it
down to low and low is a visual
downgrade projected texture resolution
is a setting I honestly couldn't figure
out if it had any visual impact it also
didn't seem to have a massive
performance impact delivering 1% more
performance going from 512 to 128 and
that wasn't high with rear am
constrained cards maybe this is for
really entry-level gamers I kept it on
512 which is what the ultra mode uses by
default next we get down to high
resolution sky textures a very much
difference in sky and cloud quality
between the two modes with on looking
slightly better as you might expect no
performance difference between the modes
with the card that had a decent amount
of VRAM and there's only a small impact
with a 4 gigabyte card terrain quality
appears to mostly affect the quality of
terrain textures so high has the best
terrain textures with the other modes
reducing the clarity of services though
also seem to reduce geometry slightly in
any case not a huge performance impact
so high as the best mode to use as you
can continue to enjoy nice and crisp
terrain surfaces and that's all the
individual quality settings in their
division to cover there is great scope
of optimization in this game for all PC
gamers whether you have a high-end card
or something more entry-level as
number of settings really help out in
travel cards in reducing VRAM usage I
feel - custom presets of work and
recommending a harbour quality option
for those that want the best visual
quality and have say six to eight
gigabytes of vram or more and a high
performance option for more entry-level
cars with four gigabytes of vram or less
Hubble quality is very similar to the
Ultra preset with a few notable changes
dropping volumetric fog to medium
recovers a ton of performance as to
switching local reflections to high
I also recommend high ambient occlusion
those are the three key settings to
change and doing this delivers a 33
percent performance improvement over the
Ultra preset for almost no visual
downgrade this is a much better option
than the high preset which turns down a
lot of other settings that have no
performance impact but reduce visuals so
our custom hub quality preset ends up
looking better and performing slightly
better as well how performance adjust
several other things most notably
turning local reflections to off water
quality to low and ambient occlusion to
medium which recovers more performance
again then several other settings help
improve performance through reducing
memory usage including reductions to
object detail and streaming overall for
a card like the RS 570 this leads to a
70% improvement over Ultra though visual
quality is noticeably reduced so
depending on how entry-level your card
is you might want to turn some things
back up while preserving the memory
reducing settings there's really not a
lot to complain about here though
Ubisoft has put in a lot of work to
deliver a game that both looks great on
high-end hardware while also running
nicely on less powerful systems even the
intensive settings aren't particularly
except for volumetric lighting which is
easy to correct I think snowdrop is one
of the better engines Ubisoft have right
now and that is showing with the
division - as well as being graphically
impressive the game seems pretty decent
so I'm looking forward to checking it
out soon and playing it the whole way
through to the end game thinking it
might try it out solo but you never know
I never played the first one as well so
that might have been a bit of a mistake
anyway that's it for this one hopefully
this guide was useful because with so
many graphic settings is taken a bit of
time to put this one together consider
subscribing for more graphics
optimization videos although the next
guide may be a few months away looking
at the game release schedule so
for us on patreon to get cool perks like
access to our discord community and I'll
catch you in the next one
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