Thermaltake The Tower 900: Kaby Lake Build [Part 2] The Build Begins!
Thermaltake The Tower 900: Kaby Lake Build [Part 2] The Build Begins!
welcome back to harbor unboxed last week
I almost came to harm when unboxing a
box that's right my short unboxing
career almost came to an end and that's
all thanks to thermaltake who sent over
the ultimate unboxing challenge this big
thing right here the tower 900 once I
finally managed to extract this behemoth
from its enclosure I lifted with my back
as instructed by Peter Griffin I managed
to get it onto the desk then after a
quick 10-minute breather I continued to
show you guys just what a beast it is if
you missed all that action here's a
quick recap the plan is to take the new
core i7 77 okay and showcase it along
with a heap of other hardware and
thermal takes knew the Tau 100 case
taking advantage of the bar fridge like
case will be a jewel loot liquid cooling
system featuring a pair of 360
millimeter radiators starting off I will
be installing just a single geforce gtx
1070 graphics card which admittedly
doesn't really take full advantage of a
massive case like this still it's fun to
upgrades or who knows maybe down the
track a pair of liquid-cooled gtx 980ti
or maybe even Vega gps will find their
way into this build it's nice to dream
anyway with all the bits now on hand the
first stage the build has taken place
our about to show that sped up with some
music to chill out too so enjoy that and
we will reconvene in approximately 8
minutes time
well that was a lot of fun and I have
the feeling that the real fun is just
about to begin then we'll take a sent
over enough of their PE T G hard pipe
tubing to firehouse and well hope it's
enough at first I wasn't really sure
what to make about this great hulking PC
case especially after it almost broke my
back well maybe that was more of myself
anyway I have to say having gotten this
far I'm really starting to love it the
second thing I thought when getting my
first look at the town 100 was crikey
how much does this monstrosity cost to
my amazement just two hundred and fifty
dollars u.s. or 350 Aussie was the
answer and with more tempered glass and
every iPhone 6 ever created that's not a
bad deal for those wondering the tower
900 isn't just a super tower chassis
thermaltake cooked up all on their own
rather they employed some help for this
one brought on board for the task was
water mod France and I don't know much
about these guys apart from the obvious
they are PC monitors and they appear
very passionate about it so we'll take
tells me that they gave them free rein
to design their dream PC case for custom
liquid cooling evidently if you ask a
Mad PC modding Frenchman what their
ideal computer cases they'll take a
minibar fridge
rip the door off cut the sides out and
then cover the openings with tempered
glass and call it a day seriously though
what they've created here is the
ultimate showcase the tower 900 really
puts the PC on display and there are a
few cases that show off a do loop system
as well as this does hopefully in my
next video I can do the case justice
once I work out how I'm going to plumb
it all up anyway I'm your host Steve I
hope you guys liked the build so far and
I really hope to see you in part 3
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