This 9900K Does 5.1 GHz Out Of The Box! Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Xtreme Waterforce 5G
This 9900K Does 5.1 GHz Out Of The Box! Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Xtreme Waterforce 5G
welcome back to harbor unboxed okay so
I'm sure many of you are aware that
AMD's rise in 3000 series will be
hitting shelves roughly this time next
week and we expect intel to finally have
some real competition in the performance
Department yeah I know the first and
second generation processors did a great
job of taking the fight to Intel and
they certainly did win at the price to
performance battle which is while we've
been all over rising recently however if
its outright performance you're after
then Intel still the go-to option and
there's none better than the core oh
nine ninety nine hundred K at least for
general practice stuff like video
editing for example and then of course
in particular gaming for those of you
dropping over one thousand dollars us on
an RT X twenty atti graphics card
spending another five hundred dollars to
ensure you have the best possible CPU
for gaming probably isn't a big deal
moreover as the best gaming CPU we're
currently using the ninety nine ok in
our GPU test rig clocked at five
gigahertz and it's rather nice the issue
we're having with this configuration can
be seen when executing heavy CPU
workloads they tend to see the 1900 cake
cook our two hundred and forty
millimeter all-in-one liquid cooler
that's installed in our GPU test rig
inside the Corsair crystal 570 X in the
past we found open-loop systems we have
one on our open test bench they do a
much better job of cooling the
overclocked processor and the one we
have has a really thick three hundred
and sixty millimeter radiator and it
just does a much better job of cooling
the overclocked 299 okay
during those heavy workloads so because
of that I've been toying with the idea
of upgrading the cooling in our GPU test
system and I thought there's really no
better time than right now to upgrade
the GPU test system because we do have a
few new GPUs from both AMD and NVIDIA
that we need to benchmark and before I
even get into those GPUs I've got to
update all existing GPU results and so
basically our GPU test system will be
doing a lot of work so to ensure maximum
stability and no throttling issues with
the 900k that can impact low
Lucian testing I thought maybe it was
time to look at this cooling upgrade and
then what really prompted the upgrade
was this thing this is thing right here
so this is the most expensive core I
$9.99 a processor on the market at
sixteen hundred dollars us or
two-and-a-half thousand dollars
Australian and yeah it's a big box for a
CPU and if you hadn't guessed to this
9900 okay comes with its own motherboard
and it's not just any old motherboard
give me a moment oh wow
I'll get it out meet gigabytes
Zeb 390 or extreme water force the most
extreme zeb 390 board money can buy and
I should note just quickly before we get
into it that you can buy the board's
separately for eight hundred and seventy
dollars u.s. or thirteen hundred and
fifty Australian I think it is but for
those of you who are after both an
extreme said 390 motherboard and a core
I 9 1992 run at 5.1 gigahertz or core
then this combo deal is actually pretty
good value that's because you're getting
a pre-tested 9900 k processor included
that's guaranteed to run at an all-call
frequency of 5.1 gigahertz and these
hand-picked processors they typically
have a hefty price premium associated
with them for example silicon Lottery's
selling their 5.1 gigahertz boxed 99k
processes for nine hundred and thirty
dollars us
so it seems gigabytes charging 730
dollars for the same service and like I
said quite a nice deal here for extreme
users as for the motherboard well
previously gigabytes most extremes and
390 model was the Auris extreme and it
cost five hundred and fifty dollars us
I haven't actually tested that
particular model but I did look at the
four hundred and sixty dollar u.s. or
ass master and it was incredibly good
offering by far the best varium thermal
performance of any Zed 390 motherboard
that we tested and this included boards
such as the Isuzu rog Maximus 11 hero as
rock Zed 390 Taichi ultimate and MSI
megsie 390 ace that being the case I
upgraded my Jeep
you test tricked to use the z3 90 horas
master but as I said earlier the real
issue for me has been CPU cooling the
Zen 390 or s extreme waterfall should
help address this with this gigantic
monoblock made by bits power that's
designed to cool not just the CPU but
also the vrm components Zen 390 chip 10
Gigabit Ethernet controller and the 3 M
2 slots well any M 2 SSDs that you
happen to put in those slots so this
really is an all-in-one monoblock and
where we is it heavy tips the scales at
2.1 kilograms ok so let's take a quick
look at the board which comes without
any cooling installed as this allows you
to quickly slot in your CPU and storage
before strapping on that epoch monoblock
this means we get a good look at that 16
phase V core v RM which is driven by an
ir 3 5 2 0 1 8 phase controller each
signals then doubled giving us 16 phases
then we say the power delivered to the
integrated GPU is handled by the IR 3 v
2 0 4 controller driving 2 phases the
vehicle portion of the vrm features 16
TD a 2 1 4 6 2 power stages and these
are 60 amp parts that aren't
particularly cheap and while they are
also pretty well overkill for the 99 ok
at least when using 16 of them but take
one look at the monoblock we're well
into the realm of overkill here anyway
there's loads of other features but
rather than go over all the stuff you
can just read off the box let's hook
this thing up to my open test bed crank
it up to five point one gigahertz and
see how hot and everything runs
that went together pretty easily but you
do obviously have to be very careful
with how you hold that forward 2 kilo
mole block especially when you're
hovering it over the board I don't
imagine you'd get away with an accident
or slip up that thing would absolutely
smash whatever it hit so ya want to be
really careful with that it was very
awkward filming it and installing it if
I'd paid for this myself I would
definitely look at getting someone to
help me so that way you've got two hands
on the block get someone else to put the
fiddly cables in in that way you can
lower it down nice and safe but apart
from that it's extremely easy just slot
it in screw the screws in from the
backside and you're pretty well ready to
go anyway once I got it installed on the
test but I obviously took it away and
did all the necessary testing so I can
tell you how well this particular setup
works for reference I stuck the Gigabyte
Zed 390 horas master on there with the
thermal tech Pacific w1 copper water
block and then using the exact same 90
100 kcp you I saw it hit 74 degrees
stock it was 88 degrees at 5 gigahertz
using 1.3 volts and then 98 degrees at
5.1 gigahertz using 1.35 volts which is
very similar to what I saw out of my
review sample from Intel and just a
quick little disclaimer before we get
into the temperature results I often see
9900 K owners jumping into the comments
section and then claiming something like
I don't know how to overclock or there
must be something broken with my setup
or I'm not reading the right temperature
or something because they're 9900 K
clocked at five point one gigahertz only
hits a 72 degrees or some ridiculously
low temperature that is not possible
with the testing where you do they'll
then go on to say that they never see it
hit the temperatures I'm talking about
when they run a single Cinebench pass or
something like that or when their gaming
so the testing we do places much much
more load on the CPU for much more
extended periods of time than running a
Cinebench pass or playing some games so
just to be clear as possible all CPU
temperature results quoted in this video
have been taken after an hour of running
blenders greaseberry workload which uses
AVX instructions right so let's get into
the results compared to the Pacific w1
block the massive mono block featured on
the Auris extreme water force wasn't
able to improve temperatures though they
were virtually the same but I do take
this as quite a good result as we're
using the exact same radiator and pump
so the same loop but we're no longer
asking it to cool just the CPU rather it
cools well everything now so the fact
that we're seeing just a degree or two
increase is very impressive and now
moving on to the vrm temperatures they
were also very good at idle we were
seeing a temperature of around 30
degrees and I suspect we're actually
being warmed a little bit here by the
other components namely the CPU moving
on to the load results using blender for
an hour and here we see the horas
extreme water force is as cool as a
cucumber peaking at just 41 degrees that
did make it a bit hotter than the
equally crazy MSI z3 90 godlike but
remember the 99er okay will be
increasing temperatures here due to the
use of a monoblock but even so the
temperatures were very good overall it's
also worth noting that the 3 120
millimeter fans installed only three
hundred and sixty millimeter rad were
operating in a silent mode so overall
the system was extremely quiet wrapping
things up I try to manual overclock and
I was able to hit five point two
gigahertz with this chip but it did
require one point four volts and here it
did max out at a hundred degrees after
an hour still for lot of workloads and
in particular gaming it did run
reasonably cool at five point two
gigahertz still you can't get away with
significantly less voltage and
consequently heat at five point one
gigahertz so this is what I'd recommend
for daily use with this setup overall an
impressive setup even if it does cost an
$1600 u.s. or two and a half thousand
dollars Australian but I have to say as
I watering as that price is it it
certainly looks very eye-catching
I don't comment on the RGB stuff too
much we're not really here for that but
I was pretty impressed when I turn this
thing on the bling factor is pretty
strong with this one gigabyte knows how
to do
g/b lighting it seems they've done a
good job with their VGA cards and past
motherboards but yeah this one the
lighting effects absolutely they're
absolutely fantastic
I hope the b-roll I've captured does
them justice it probably won't because
it is pretty hard to convey just how
good it looks
but anyway very impressive looking board
and by the time I get this video up and
you're watching it I will have probably
already finished using this system quite
extensively to update all my results for
about a dozen mid-range to high-end GPUs
and then of course we have some upcoming
GPUs from AMD and NVIDIA but all that
testing will have been done inside the
Corsair crystal 570 EXO will have
completely overhauled that system done
that maybe I'll have some b-roll later
on the channel for that but I'll
probably save that for when I test these
unreleased graphics cards and it'll be
interesting to see how long that system
stays as is it really depends on how
quick the rise in nine I was gonna say
rise in seven but rise in nine thirty
nine hundred X's because if that rivals
the 99 or okay and we're recommending
that processor it might make sense to
use that test system so obviously we
won't know for another week what we're
going to do there but for at least a few
weeks this was our GPU test or at least
the the backbone of our GPU test rig and
that is going to do it for this one if
you enjoyed the video please feel free
to hit the like button for us you can
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thanks for watching I'm your host Steve
and I'll see you again next time
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