Ultimate Bang for Your Buck 1440p Gaming System Build
Ultimate Bang for Your Buck 1440p Gaming System Build
welcome back to hardware unboxed today
we're building the best value 1440p
gaming PC you can get right now in
separate videos we've looked into what
CPUs are the best value today and what
GPUs are the best value right now so
basically for today's video we're going
to take our recommendations from those
past analysis videos slepping the rest
of the components for a budget oriented
PC and then take a look at everything is
shaping up and what sort of cost you're
looking at for a 1440p gaming rig in
2018 so let's start with the CPU pretty
obvious choice here you can't go past
the Rison v 2600 which is currently
retailing for a hundred and fifty
dollars through Amazon absolute steal at
this price particularly for 1440p gaming
which won't run into any cpu bottlenecks
but it's also a highly capable
productivity tip at this price when
you're not gaming basically it's just
ridiculous value at 150 dollars actually
don't have a 2600 on hand right now so
we're being a bit sneaky we're going to
use a 2600 X instead but if you're
playing to emulate this build just grab
the 2600 it's better value at at the
moment for the motherboard there are so
many options on the market for a m4
systems but the obvious choice for the
horizon 520 600 was to go with something
be for 50 you can still overclock on P
450 and they're basically the best
suited boards for risin 5 you really
don't need to go with X 470 unless
you're after risin 7 or any of its
additional features but for our budget
build be 450 is what we want
anyway backing out be 450 motherboard
review roundup we found that the MSI be
450 motherboards are the best from a vrm
perspective so the vrm design and
cooling solution allows us to get the
most out of our CPU and overclocking so
MSI it was the natural choice in this
build and we've gone with the B 450 M
mortar which is basically the m ATX
equivalent of the be 450 tomahawk we
found to have the best variant
performance of all the boards we tested
the be 450 M mortar is available for
around 95 dollars so it's a mid TB 450
board and provides some features MSI's
dirt-cheap p 450 boards don't provide
like USB C and 6 channel analog audio if
you're really on a budget you could
probably go as low as the $80 B 450 a
but I love what the mortar provides at
$95 plus with this sort of vrm solution
there's room to upgrade to rising seven
down the line and even dabble in some
risin seven overclocking without needing
to go X 474 the GPU again the best value
option at the moment for 1440p gaming is
the nvidia geforce gtx 1070 TI several
other GPUs are also decent value like in
Vega 56 the gtx 1070 and gtx 1080 but
right now the gtx 1070 TI is the sweet
spot we're using here the basic gigabyte
gtx 1070 TI this one is currently
selling for $319 in fact this exact
model here making it the cheapest 1070
TI on the market and therefore the best
values hard to go past this exact card
here from gigabyte in terms of memory in
the past we've discovered the sweet spot
for 1440p gaming is 16 gigabytes and it
also tends to be the best value
currently a 2 by 4 gigabyte kit of
Corsair Vengeance lpx ddr4 3000 will set
you back 92 dollars while a 2 by 8
gigabyte kid is one hundred and fifty
dollars three thousand speeds also
really good sweet spot value wise for
rise and systems 3200 is about 10
dollars more for small gains but the
much slower 2666 is $10 less so we've
opted for a 16 gigabyte kit of some
course a good stuff at $150 we actually
have a box for an 8 gigabyte kit here we
threw out of the box with a 16 gigabyte
kit will actually be using you could
probably get away with 8 gigabytes in
some situations saving yourself $60 but
again 16 gigabytes is the sweet spot for
just the ability to play a wide variety
of games without any performance issues
as for the CPU cooler for budget
builders we honestly just recommend
using the Wraith stealth box school that
comes with the horizon 520 600 MB didn't
provide a box cool with that a tray
review sample so I got this cheap cryo
rig m9 a which costs all of $20 and it's
probably a bit more effective than this
stuff although large we should be
equivalent if you want to overclock
consider spending maybe $35 on something
like the cryo rig h7 or Arctic freezer
33 but we'll see how the m9a handles and
overclock later if you're interested for
storage every budget system needs at
least an SSD we're using here the
corsair 4
le 200 in a 240 capacity but really any
$50 or so base excited SST like this
will be fine for a budget builds boot
drive then of course you can add in hard
drives our other storage later for the
case we have here in this big box ii the
corsair carbide spec oh six see that a
bit better there spec oh six this base
cost $80 tempered glass side panel
lighting on the front comes with two 120
millimeter fans and supports up to a
three sixty millimeter radiator if you
want to go liquid cooling in the future
basically we ask for a budget case from
corset this is what they provided but of
course there are plenty of great budget
cases in the fifty to eighty dollar
range so you can always choose something
that better fits what you want visually
if you're not pleased with the spec oh
six and finally we have a power supply
really you cannot go past this this is
the corsair CX 550 m this thing can be
found for as low as 55 dollars it's 80
plus bronze certified and semi modular
making it basically the perfect psu for
budget builders so everything you see
here these are the components that are
going into this build grand total comes
to 970 us or just a touch over 1600
ozzie dollars and yes that conversion is
pretty painful right now for us all
these still a 1440p gaming rig for under
one thousand US dollars without cutting
significant corners is pretty darn good
of course we could have gone absolutely
dirt cheap and chucked in the Rison 320
200 G on a 320 board with eight
gigabytes of RAM and saved around 150
dollars but what we've put into this
build is going to deliver the best bang
for your buck and is hitting all the
sweet spots for 1440p gaming without
being bottlenecked by RAM or CPU and
thanks to Amy's aim for platform and MSI
solid beef for 50 offerings this sort of
bill is setting you up with a great
platform for future upgrades things like
you know rise in 7 CP of course GPU
upgrades while still delivering great
performance today and I've talked about
the components and pricing let's get
into the build
okay so everything is now done you've
seen the build it looks great it's
working really well probably gonna use
this as a barrel system for our monitor
reviews or something along those lines
but really if you're looking to build a
1440p system we have around a thousand
US dollars to spend what I've built here
is going to give you excellent bang for
your buck
if you're interested in what sort of
overclocking performance I was able to
achieve with this fairly basic air-cool
I'm just about to go do that once I wrap
up filming so I'll put the results on
the screen now when I'm editing
hopefully you there around the screen
here somewhere did I get a good result
well hopefully anyway that's it for this
build video if you want to check the
prices for any of the components we used
in the build we have links to them in
the description below give it a thumbs
up if you enjoyed it consider supporting
us on patreon to get access to our
exclusive discord chat and I'll catch
you in the next one
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