hey guys welcome back to harbor on box
today we have another episode of
unboxing boxes looks like we've got a
couple of packages here five in total so
let's get into it actually before I do
start unpackaging things i promised you
guys an office or a setup update this
episode but I because I've got a bit to
do here I'll do that in a separate video
tomorrow so yeah stay tuned for that
should be pretty interesting but anyway
let's get to it will start with this big
one on top here all right basically
wrapped in a black garbage bag I'm going
to be careful okay we have a jacket a
gigabyte branded jacket looks like it's
about the right size as well looks like
should be pretty good quality I'll give
it a go thankfully it's not too hot
today there's my gigabyte jacket well
I'll leave that on for now let's see
what else oh oh I can't actually show
this product unfortunately I have to
blur it out so sorry about that guys but
a damn that's going to be cool I don't
know why I'm holding the box up still
because it's just gonna be a blurry mess
on the screen so yeah sorry about that
been awkward anyway maybe this one I can
show you all right I'll see what we got
in here well I've got a jacket now you
know when i'm washing this one I have a
backup so that's handy I think one of
them's probably meant format okay I can
show you this product so that's cool and
it happens to be a very cool price as
it is gigabytes x99 a Phoenix SLI board
what a beast awesome i'm probably not
going to do a review on this but it will
definitely being used in an upcoming
build which I'll use with a broad well a
processor it's not to be cool but we'll
take the fall out and have a quick look
at it full very nice indeed for those of
you wondering this boards worth 330 us
or 470 Ozzy so it's definitely I mean
that's not extreme for an exciting i'm
bored especially one of this caliber but
it's definitely up there it's pricey
suppose if you're buying one of those
broadway lee cpus you're not too worried
about dropping 470 Ozzy on them on your
motherboard all right let's take a look
at this thing so basically it has a lot
of fancy lighting because you know it's
a gaming motherboard and if it's a
gaming product it's got RGB lighting
these days well the dimm slots look like
that look pretty cool that out that is
one awesome looking bored pretty
interesting color scheme but if you're
doing like a custom loop system with
orange liquid or white liquid that I
look pretty sweet we are very very nice
board it's not a brand new product so i
won't go to too in depth with that it's
been around for a little while now but i
will be using it for a build plenty of
storage connectivity very cool alright
well I'll sit that here for now I think
these two packages which are from China
have cheap mouse pads in them which I
purchased because a few guys were asking
you know because they like the few you
guys have seen the big
that Matt and I usually meet a long ones
and stuff like that where you can put
your keyboard and all that I really
really like those but they are quite
expensive and a few you guys were asking
about the cheaper alternatives on Amazon
and eBay and that if they're any good
and I mean with as with everything you
sort of get what you pay for but you can
get pretty big pads for well under
twenty dollars off ebay and amazon and
that so i wanted to buy them and see
what the quality will like and you know
if I think they would last at least a
year rather than spending you know fifty
sixty dollars for one might only last a
couple years it might actually be more
economical to do it that way so I'll um
I'll get this one out so I believe this
is the 60 x 30 centimeter one or 600 ml
x 300 mil so this was worth yeah so this
this must be that one so it's sort of
for a small keyboard get your mouse on
there as well this was seven dollars
fifty delivered that's Ozzie's so 750
Ozzy delivered looks like it's a couple
of MIL think it's got a got a sewn edge
so it shouldn't Fraijo easily nice
rubber back some have a look at the
mouse now seems to work on it quite
nicely so if you had a little ten
keyless board that like it's probably
good for a mobile setup you can get them
bigger obviously which we're about to
look at but for um for seven dollars
fifty it seems pretty good really so
I'll probably put that with a system
that I've got laying around use it a bit
and see a durable it is and if it lasts
a reasonable amount of time anyway for
seven dollars fifty seems pretty good
anyway I'll um Chuck that over there
we'll have a look at this one and this
is meant to be an extra large I think
its nine hundred mil by 400 ml at three
mil thick and this only costs $14 Ozzy
twice the price of the other one but a
lot bigger and this is actually from Tom
top but there are that right or Tom net
so not sure if anyway it was off ebay
feel like I said fourteen dollars with
free shipping and it looks very similar
design to the other one or at least
quality wise yeah it's definitely a lot
bigger fortunately it's got a few
creases in it from shipping but they
should wear out yeah once the creatures
come out of it it could be quite nice
but yea big a very big pad you get a
full-size keyboard plenty of room for
your mouse yeah so I mean for fourteen
fourteen dollars with shipping seems
pretty good i've got similar pad size
wise to this that were about forty or
fifty dollars i mean they feel like
they're a little bit thicker than more
expensive ones the stitching on the
edgings definitely a little bit better
there's a few inconsistencies in the
stitching but i mean you get what you
pay for and it seems like it will stand
the test of time or at least some time
but again i'll check that on i'll
probably replace my mouse pad with this
one and see how it goes and i'll let you
guys know in a future episode how it's
holding up but I mean yeah I nishal
impressions it seems pretty exceptional
for the money so yeah we'll get to the
the last package you we've got cut a bit
short because one of the very cool
packages I can't show you the product
which sucks I know but anyway that's
just how things are sometimes so this
looks suspiciously like a keyboard and
as you guys know we like to feature one
of them on just about every single
episode of unboxing box is just the
light seems to be anyway we'll get into
yes it's a keyboard put you out of our
misery on you that was suspenseful the
new rockets or our FX keyboard with blue
mechanical keyboards this one's level
sound cool so this is a newly released
keyboard from rocket it's I think it's
available later this month probably in a
week or so I think on the 11th and it
will cost it is a little pricey but it
is a full RGB keyboard the build quality
everything's very good 140 us which I
think you'd expect to pay the pricing
isn't set in Australia yet but I think
it'll be about 190 and if memory serves
me correctly I think the base model
without the RGB lighting is currently
about 150 something Ozzy so bit of a
premium for the RGB lighting i'm not
sure if there's anything else that's
been changed but yeah we'll take a look
at it for those of you who missed it
Matt reviewed the original swara
keyboard back in June he really liked it
he noted again back then that the only
downside of this keyboard is it's a
little pricey for what you get but
overall excellent build quality great
design and you know nice features so he
was happy with it so I imagine this will
be much the same deal oops I just pulled
just pulled all the keys off just yet I
was wack those keys back on the UM LED
lighting is interesting behind the keys
have to show you that it is above the
key or the above the switch rather so a
few things to note about the switches is
it's becoming more common for
manufacturers not to use the Cherry MX
switches especially in the low end
products basically because the MX's are
becoming pretty hard to get due to
demand and they are expensive so this is
using TTC brown or blue switches which
is the same as the original the original
is also using those switches and the
brown models for example basically
they're designed to replicate what the
MX Browns do
and same for the Blues so with the Blues
you'll get that same tactile feedback
and they are rated for a lifespan of 50
million actuation so that's pretty good
well there's not much else to show you
other than probably the RGB lighting
effects i think i'll probably do it with
b roll cuz showing you from here you're
not really going to get a good idea of
how it lights up and stuff i think the
reason why Matt focused on the build
quality and stuff because it is a nice
compact little keyboard they advertise
it as a frameless keyboard you know
seems very durable very well put
together but it is a little light on
features you get no USB pass-through for
example obviously no wrist rest it is
designed to be a compact keyboard and
it's not it's not too bad without a
wrist rest because it is quite low at
the front but I'd still prefer to be
slightly elevated but yeah it's it's all
around pretty basic for what you're
you're paying there's a cable route
channel at the back but yeah for a lot
more information on it it's worth
checking out Matt's original review
which was yeah like I said I think was
posted back in June or something like
that so I'm not sure how well you can
see the LED lighting but um it's very
very bright really a popper row of key
caps off they will come so you can see
the LEDs position just above the switch
but even even for the keys that have
something sort of lower down they do get
lit not as well as higher up but so it's
not as evenly spread as a switch with
the light in the middle but still looks
quite well and I put these back on so
that's pretty well concludes this
episode it was a little shorter than I
was intending because I couldn't look at
one of the products I didn't actually
realize that this was a board that was
under NDA
I thought was something else but anyway
at least we've got to look at the
Phoenix SLI board that's very very cool
board and you'll see a lot more of that
in an upcoming build series i'm excited
to do that you've got to check out the
new swara FX keyboard which overall very
cool keyboard a little pricey but if you
can get the on sale or something I think
that's a very very good buy for a game
are looking for a mechanical keyboard
with RGB lighting and we've got a quick
look at these cheap mouse pads which
other than the fact that they're cheap
mousepads isn't much else to say right
now I'll set them up probably check the
small one of my test rig and I'll put
this one on my main rig and I'll see how
they go and let you guys know but value
for money they seem pretty hard to beat
unless they fall apart within the first
few months so if that is the case hole
that you know but I don't think it will
be they look like though they should
last at least a year I want a thought of
fairly heavy use and that's that's it so
I hope you guys enjoyed this episode
it's been a bit briefer than my previous
episodes but as a bit of a bonus you
will be getting a look at my office in
tomorrow's video I'm not sure how much
i'll include in that video but you'll
definitely get a look at the mess that I
was coming from and hopefully a bit of a
start of what i've been doing I'm pretty
well into the project now and it's going
well i'm pretty happy with it so i
should be able to wrap that series up in
probably two weeks time anyway that's
all from me for today I'm your host
Steve and I'll see you guys tomorrow bye
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