hey guys welcome back today I'm stopping
to do a bit of unboxing something I
haven't done for a while and enjoy doing
i know there's quite a few of use and
enjoy the unboxing boxes series but yeah
just taking a break from benchmarking
there's a heat going on at the moment
next month in particular is going to be
crazy and i'm sure many of you know why
but on the schedule for just this week
alone so we did the ark survival GPU
benchmark video yesterday so i hope i
satisfied those guys who have been
asking for that constantly then possibly
after this video I've got to squeeze in
a review of creative soundblaster katana
so that's a really cool sound bar very
pricey but still very very good quality
then I think so the day after so does
that bring us up to Wednesday doesn't
that would be so wednesday i have
planned pretty cool video actually i'm
going to be comparing the g 45-60 once
again i've done a heap of jus 45-60
content but this is another one that you
guys have been asking for comparing it
to the G 3258 so the unlocked
anniversary edition dual core processor
so that will be a bit of a pentium brawl
but yeah be comparing the G 3258 I think
overclocked to it's at least 4.6
gigahertz I don't I can't remember what
I actually got it so I did the
benchmarking last week it's a bit of a
blur that I what since then but anyway
I'll be testing you the G 3258
overclocked to whatever I could get it
to and comparing it to obviously the G
45-60 not overclocked and see how the
dual-core goes against the four threaded
processor in a couple of games they are
very interesting results and it will be
very useful for those of you that have a
well can't actually upgrade from the G
3258 to the G 45-60 but yeah if you're
thinking of getting a new motherboard
and doing all that interesting
nonetheless then I have got a review
planned and hopefully the price is
actually in one of these boxes it's a
graphics card that palette set me it's
very cool
I think it might be this one but anyway
so yeah then then I then the big one
that I'm working I've been working on
this one for about two weeks now is I
did if you recall I title that is the
GTX 980 TI still worth buying and that
video was hugely popular you guys really
like that so I'm doing a follow-up and
the first part will be a two-part series
against but the first part will be is
the GTX 970 worth buying and that'll be
tested stock and overclocked and then
I'll be following that up with some r9
390 testing to see how those to compare
in its a lot of games released last year
and I've also added for honor and
resident evil 7 to the mix as well so
the heck goes two games actually provide
some interesting results so I think all
up there's 20 games that I've tested for
the GTX 970 both out of the box and
overclocked and yet again I'll be doing
the same with the r9 390 and then next
week ya can't really talk about next
week right now but it's going to be good
so anyway not getting distracted with
what's coming up anymore let's get on
with what we have here I will start with
the biggest lot actually the biggest box
so I've got a case box down here but
we'll start with this one will clear all
the stuff out of the way and then we'll
check out the case that I've got all
right so we have some foam on top we
have a lot more foam making the usual
mess that I make when we do this oh cool
this has been sitting at my front door
for about two and a half weeks now
probably should have opened as a bit
sooner for those of you don't know this
is as roxz 270 supercarrier motherboard
believe it's their first ever
motherboards are branded as a super
carrier take a look
it's got a sort of got that msi take
titanium look to it but yeah this is a
very cool motherboard very expensive
mother I'll get it out and show you guys
so I believe this is priced currently on
sale in the US for about 380 us and it's
about 570 Ozzy so definitely one of the
more high-end said 270 boards out there
so three hundred eighty dollars us that
makes it a bit more expensive than I
think it's the msi Zed 270x power gaming
titanium and the sous ROG Maximus 9
formula if i remember correctly I think
that's also a gigabyte said 270 gaming 8
board I think I took the gaming 7 in
this thing but anyway yeah so it's got a
bit of competition but as far as i know
this is the only high-end dead 270 board
to offer the five gigabit ethernet which
is pretty cool so that's just that red
port there if you can see that so not
one gigabit fiber gigabit so five times
faster providing you have all the other
hardware to take advantage of it but
hopefully that starts to come out this
year other cool features are you get
dual intel lan as well so the two ports
that aren't red you get older you get
you get 802 11 AC Wi-Fi you get support
for four times SL lies if that's still a
thing but yeah you do support their
Thunderbolt 3 and it looks like either
type C USB as well obviously purity
sound for which we've seen and tested
already and that's the real deal looks
like we've got eight SATA ports and
interestingly there's a 6-pin PCIe power
input here presumably to send more power
at least 75 watts to something no one
hundred percent short that is yet
they'll probably well I'll try to review
this board no promises like I said
there's a lot going on at the moment all
let's go for the next biggest fox pay
for this time these are some critical
components that I'm waiting on for a
build that I've been planning on doing
for a while so Margie 45-60 content
again a lot of you guys were requesting
that I do a full build with the G 45-60
and the idea of that bill would more to
be your focus on obviously the CPU the
motherboard memory and the graphics card
because they'd be the sort of core
component should need to extract the
performance I'd be showing so I think
I'd be going with a h110 board purely
because they're really cheap good value
so rather than a be 250 there a fair bit
more expensive I think they'd probably
an asrock h110 board then powering that
system i will be using this cooler
master light 500 watt power supply
because it is cheap so to my knowledge I
don't believe this particular model is
selling in the US although the unit
supports active power correction it's
working range is only 200 240 volts so
that means this model won't actually
work in the US or anywhere else that
doesn't use between 200 and 240 volts
here in Australia this model is selling
for $65 which for an 80 plus certified
ag+ certified power supply that's
actually really good value and I mean
it's not going to be an amazingly high
quality power supply because it is $65
kind of interesting way of protecting it
but yeah it's pretty cool well smell
those chemicals so just it's only 140
millimeters long so very compacted or
fit in those small mini ITX cases the
design to take standard ATX power
supplies 120-millimeter Fanning on the
top 500 watts output and it looks like
it is a single 38 amp rail so that's
definitely going to be enough to power
any sort of mid-range too low in gear
without any problems and as you've
guessed it's a non modular power supply
which is hardly surprising giving the
tag and you do have the rainbow colored
sleeves as the guys often call them or
rainbow colored cables rather the power
cables sleeved and so is the six pin or
actually that's the 810 cpu connector
the 6-pin PCI Express connector is not
sleeved but you know like I said it's a
$65 e power supply and that's about as
cheap as a d-plus certified units get
down under see anyway this will be
powering my G 45-60 build which
hopefully i'll be getting done I don't
know am I to try and squeeze that on the
weekend we'll see how we go I've got all
the bits i think what we'll see yes a
power supply check yeah I know you guys
are going to be a little confused by
this because the G 45-60 is a locked
processor it can't be overclocked and it
runs very cool with the Intel box cooler
so there is absolutely no need to spend
a dollar mccool and i would recommend
you don't accept coolermaster had this
on offer and I thought yeah I'm going to
grab that because the way to use it
something else down the track and it's
their hyper 212 led turbo cooler and I
mean I'm sure you guys are familiar with
the 212 series from coolermaster they're
really good budget coolers but this one
I wanted to grab it because it's pretty
amazing value it is fifty dollars Ozzie
but again that's pretty cheap for you
know a good quality cool you get a pair
of LED 120-millimeter fans and it has a
cool little visual feature I'll grab out
of oxen to show you guys probably easier
since I've got it right here it is very
nice for a budget cooler I've got to say
or a fifty-dollar cooler anyway so
you're the only downside of this cooler
is it comes in red or black but it's
technically red is a common theme here
because the LED fans only come in red
and while they do look very cool they're
red so you want to have read as part of
your build to really be able to use this
cooler you can I believe I thought it
came with a black cover as well it
doesn't look like it does so as I
understand it it can be purchased with
either a red orb
cover on top I thought that being a
changeable but obviously and I thought I
thought interchangeable covers at this
price point would be pretty amazing oh
yeah this one comes with the red
anodized cover on top which you know
that looks pretty cool for a
fifty-dollar cooler and look even better
with the red LED fans but yeah it's not
all just show you can see it's quite a
thick heatsink that you know it's
obviously a hundred mil 120 millimeters
tall and you have for direct contact
copper heatpipes so that will make for
some decent cooling i would say decent
cooling performance and the other great
thing about this cooler is that it is
universal it can be universally mounted
or as universal support that is to say
you can stick it on an AMD or intel
platform system and it will work just
fine so it has pretty much all the
latest mainstream even the LGA 2011
socket it will work with works with am3
am3+ obviously and it works with a m4 so
upcoming aim for which we hopefully will
see shortly yeah that's pretty cool so
maybe some budget I am for builds this
thing will find its way into so anyway
there's a brief look at the cooler
master to 12 LED turbo yeah that's right
LED turbo all right I feel like I'm
getting through this a bit more or a bit
quicker than I normally do but it's
probably still give me a 20 minute
episode some of you guys like some of
you guys don't ah this always meant to
get a long time ago under embargo but
didn't happen so I don't really know if
I'm going to review it now so sorry
about that one corsair but corsair have
sent me their simet our pro RGB what is
it it's for I think it's for mobile
gaming I mobile MMO gaming so neither of
which I'm really that into but yeah new
corsair mouth I'll take another look at
it you guys will have already seen
reviews on it I'd say it came out quite
a few weeks ago now so it was probably i
think was early january this thing was
released so I'm getting it very late
what's in field very nice but yeah it's
a mouse medium sized mouse with many
buttons and I believe this can be moved
around and do all kinds of fancy things
but I haven't actually watched any of
the reviews on it the I don't expect
that i'll end up revealing this I would
have if we had a got it for the first
rounder reviews but yeah the cats kind
of out of the bag on that one but anyway
let me know you guys think all right now
I'm hoping this is a graphics card
indeed it is now before your sigh
because it is a GTX 1050 TI and I know
that the RX 470 is better value but the
cool thing about this G 2 x 1050 2i is
that it's fanless absolutely no fan at
all I will be going and testing this
right away as soon as I finished editing
this video and uploading it but yeah
it'll be probably hopefully I can get
this done within two days have a look
that is pretty cool so there it is calm
x + GT x 1050 TI it's still a very tiny
graphics card it is a dual slot design
but most of the 1052 eyes are you can
see they still we've gone with a small
PCV the heatsink obviously extends the
height of the card and the length by a
bit but yet still very compact it looks
like it would be under 200 mil long it's
got to heat pipes that extends out from
presumably the base up into the heat
sink itself and yeah I have no idea what
temperatures this runs that they didn't
make any claims i also don't know the
price it's not on sale yet but yeah very
cool indeed so if you're building like a
really quiet say home theater pc designs
for 1080p gaming or whatever and you
don't want yeah it's really annoying
having a computer making sounds in your
living room or behind your TV or
wherever you have the pc so i believe
that they're the kind of situations that
this will be designed for and in the
past i have built a completely silent
gaming home theater pc and it was so
because you know even though that the
new graphics cards like the where is it
don't know if I have it I have the
gigabyte g1 gaming model of the 1050 TI
that's really quiet as well but every
now and then you do just hear the fan
for gamers with their headphones on a
stuff clearly not an issue but I think
for home theater PC usage silent
computing is the way to go but anyway I
won't go on too much about this because
i do do plan to have a review yeah i
think i said it was probably thursday
anyway we'll work that out later spent
another review goes if there's any
hiccups or whatever sometimes i take a
bit longer than expected all right the
last item is is the cooler well this is
a bit awkward I was meant to have been
sent the master box 3 light which is a
fifty-dollar us or $52 Ozzy case and
I've just realized it looks like they've
sent the master box 5 which I've
actually used a little while ago in a
1440p build a few guys recall using a
GTX 1070 a few other bits and pieces I
think it was a core i5 6600 k anyway
it's not important now via somebody has
to contact coolermaster and try and get
the right case ASAP so that's a bit
annoying because i was hoping to get
that build done this weekend yeah i'm
not going to bother opening this up
because i think i've already unboxed a
cooler master master box 5 before a few
episodes ago it was a white model I
don't know what version we have here but
it doesn't really matter because it's
the black model I won't be using it
anyway because it's not the master box 3
light well have to be disappointing I
had to plan to tell you a little bit
about the master box like three but
we'll skip that and will pretty much
wrap this up so that concludes this
episode of unboxing boxes not quite sure
what number episode we're up to but I'll
work that out as you guys probably know
so I'm not doing this as a weekly
feature because I'll sort of go to the
point where I only had like two or three
privates for the most to unbox and they
weren't always terribly interesting or
as I think we've got you know sort of
different products see which made it a
bit more interesting than the norm I
hope and yes stay tuned because later in
the week we will have that pentium
virol where I'll be testing the G 45-60
against the G 3258 overclocked followed
by what should be a really cool video
looking at how the GTX 970 performs in
all the latest games or twenty of the
more recently released two games yeah so
with that I'm your host Steve and I'll
catch you guys again soon
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