welcome back to harbor unboxed for
another episode of unboxing boxes today
we have quite a bit to get through by
the looks of it i've got it looks like
when we're gonna give five cardboard
boxes five but well ones kind of a black
garbage bag thing there are five boxes
and a little baggy thing not shorts in
there and my first ever actual bag too I
suppose on bag anyway play to get
through so let's get into it or move
that out of the way and we'll start with
this package here which looks like it
would be from play check if the tapers
anything to go by you guys can see that
there so my first ever package from play
Tech I wonder what they've sent me I
have to say this package in this package
are suspiciously keyboard shaped and as
you guys know we always get a few
keyboards and unboxing boxes so probably
a good chance of being a keyboard it's
very creative packaging here from play
tech looks like they've repurposed a
case box so ok looks like we have a
couple of first times here first product
able to be sent by play Tech and it
looks like a product I've never for a
brand even that I've never looked at
before so just get that out and what we
have here is a keyboard from ducky a
very popular brand though not super well
known yonder via the ducky shine 6 and I
believe this is their special edition
model doesn't say that anyway but I'm
pretty sure it is
anyway let's open the box now that we've
unboxed the box let's unbox the product
and check it out
okay so inside we have a little key cap
remover looks like we have some sort of
warranty yes warranty card a manual on
how to use a keyboard that'll come in
wow this is one seriously fancy looking
keyboard even for a mechanical keyboard
it's quite it's very heavy as well okay
since we have a lot to get through I'll
just get rid of all the boxes get them
out of the way so it's a really cool
blue metallic looking casing on the
keyboard I'll throw some b-roll up so
you guys can see that
and the key caps are very
i think their standard height key caps
for cherry switches and we've got the
browns here but they are low profile key
caps so you can see under them really
well to the switches or the switch
housing and then obviously the cable
itself is completely detachable and that
plugs in mini USB connector there it's
always good to have especially high end
expensive keyboards a detachable cable
because if you do happen to break the
cable or damage it you don't have to
write the whole keyboard off you can
just replace the cable itself so that
already is a very cool feature then
we've got this interesting looking
device which looks like that's probably
a mouse bungee and there is another
piece to that puzzle so that would pop
in probably something like that I guess
and then depending on which side of the
keyboard you have your mouse if your
left or right handed that will clip in
there and then you may ask cable runs up
there onto your pad so Adam the cables
not dragging for those of you who are
extremely leet doesn't you don't want to
get slowed down by a dragging mouse cord
and then we have a special so this must
be some sort of special edition space
that's cool to stabilize the space well
we've got sort of two fake switch
mounting positions either side and then
obviously the the actuator switch in the
middle and that would go up something
like that
you know quick thing very easily I'll
unplug the cable so probably asking what
makes this a special edition keyboard
other than possibly that spacebar though
that could be included in all the models
I really don't know but what makes this
the special edition model those low
profile key caps and they are made out
of ABS materials that basically means
they're very durable via their low
profile key caps and ducky says that
gives sort of an RGB effect that you
won't see on other keyboards with
standard key caps so this the standard
height but depth I suppose anyway so
that's kind of interesting I'll fire
that up and provide some b-roll which
you're probably looking at right now so
yeah you know how it looks I'm yet to
discover but I'm sure it does look quite
cool oh and quite obviously the other
thing that makes this the special
edition version is that metallicky sort
of bluish almost purplish casing which
is plastic but feels very solid there's
definitely no flex in this keyboard
extremely solid yeah the standard ition
is black so if you prefer it all black
stealthy kind of look than the standard
version is probably going to suit you
better but if you don't mind something
that's a bit flashy a bit eye catching
then yeah the special edition is
definitely that so big thanks to play
tech for sending this over it's a
fantastic looking keyboard and I think
I'm going to replace my daily driver
with it give this thing a real good
workout because a lot of guys rave about
the ducky keyboards their build quality
and how well they work so yeah would
like to test one out for an extended
period of time let's see if they do live
up to the hype I probably won't review
it probably won't do a standalone review
for a few reasons to which I'm
absolutely flat out at the moment we
have a full schedule for at least the
next three weeks I think it is and it's
not exactly a brand new product so it's
been out since I think it was released
December 2016 so yeah not the new is
still relatively new but probably not
new enough to warrant a standalone
review but I will check it out I'll use
it quite a bit and let you guys know
what I think of it in a future episode
so again thanks to play tech I'll throw
a link to their store in the video
description because these are hard to
come across and they are selling
at their store I believe they're working
on an Aussie store soon so they can ship
stuff over to Australia cos Playtech are
based in New Zealand anyway thanks to
them and yeah link will be in the video
description ok next up I think we'll get
this garbage bag package out of the way
quite unattractive but hopefully
something pretty cool inside we're about
to find out I don't actually know who
this is from but doesn't matter let's
get into it
I hate cutting into these things whoever
sent this is patrolling me there's just
layer after layer a bag here alright
guys we made it that's probably the
longest I've ever taken to unpackage a
package alright so this is some gear
from deep cool we have their new captain
240 X GB and a little air cool it looks
like looks like the gamax GT the package
took a bit of a beating hopefully
everything insides all ok but this is an
air cool that looks like a 120
millimeter fan and it doesn't mention a
m4 support that does say Verizon so you
would assume it support - hey m4 and no
mention of Intel's new desktop CPUs the
core while the core X range but this is
an air cooler so I wouldn't recommend
using it for those let's take a look
anyway so as you would expect this is an
RGB Bonanza so we have a clear sort of
translucent strip at the top and there's
that cut few cutouts in the aluminium
plate at the top and that will give you
some nice RGB effects that's what the
Box leads us to believe anyway and may
be able to get some b-roll of that so it
looks like okay so it has that's pretty
cool if you have sort of like an aura
lighting or like MSI's mystic lighting
feature on your motherboard so your
mouth will has an RGB header this can
connect straight to your motherboard and
you can
control that value motherboard software
so you have to install any third-party
software there other than the
third-party motherboard software
alternatively you can plug the fan and
the RGB lighting on top of the heat sink
into this little inline controller that
just connects which is really cool to a
SATA power connector so not a 4-pin
molex connector which is good
I'm glad we're seeing so is being used
as less and less so that just connect
strictly do power supply and then you
have just a few options here for
adjusting things like you know the
effect the color the speed and stuff
like that
so I think yeah modes speed and
something else but yeah that's very cool
so for those like their RGB lighting
this looks to be a good option yeah so
anyway their new air cooler I'll
probably look at that in a review
shortly and then this is the main
attraction the captain 240 EXO the
original Captain series the VX schools
were very popular so it comes with a 240
millimeter radiator or a 120 millimeter
radio so so essentially you get a single
120 millimeter fan with the 120
millimeter version or with the 240
millimeter version a pair of 120
millimeter fans alright so the fans
themselves don't feature any kind of RGB
lighting I do not believe but what does
is the new water block so previously all
the models I'm aware of simply had a red
lighting I think this was a red shoe
probably red liquid as well so it was
basically all red at their previous
versions which was great if you did some
kind of black and red themed build or a
build that included some kind of red
highlights but if you didn't then it was
kind of useless it didn't really suit so
they've gone with RGB so you can use a
green or blue or pretty much any other
so this 240 millimeter version little
bit of cardboard stuck in the radiator
on so yeah this 240 millimeter radiator
version I believe it's selling the RGB
version is a bit pricey is a hundred and
thirty dollars u.s. which is quite a big
markup over the standard version which
was about $90 so we may see that price
we reduced over time because what is it
at $40 us is a big premium to pay for
some GB riding and in Australia that
works out to be 170 dollars Aussie
whereas previously it was only like 125
dollars Aussie see I do expect those
prices to correct me how a bit more
competitive shortly but also it's well I
should I should say it's not just I
believe RGB
yes that's correct it's not just RGB
waiting for it on top of the block there
you do also get in the package which is
some of the cool addition an RGB light
strip so you can put that on the side of
the radiator or you know your case
window so I like that but you do get
that included I know these aren't
terribly expensive but it is cool that
it integrates all within the one package
so again you've got an inline controller
which uses a solder connector there so
the power connector same as what we just
saw or alternatively you get an adapter
so you can plug the block and the light
strip into your motherboard header if
you have one of those or some other sort
of RGB controller so it's also very cool
and then we've got all the appropriate
mounting stuff here and it looks like we
do have a m4 support it's interesting to
the LGA 1366 so I don't know if it's got
the largest socket support for board
Wally and skylake X and a lot sort of
stuff KB like X anyway that's something
I'll look into I will be reviewing this
separately see what the thermals are
like see how well it performs and yes
that'll be interesting but yeah good
looking cooler keen to see how those RGB
FX look I won't be providing any b-roll
that you guys will just have to wait for
the review yeah it looks to be a much
better product than the previous version
although it is essentially the same
product much better product for those
would like to show off their systems I
should say because now you have that
full gamut of RGB wiring RGB here RGB
light strip and that all integrates very
nicely so it's going to look really good
in those custom builds so I'm also keen
to see what the thermals are life I
might give it a torture test and Chuck
on overclock 70 100x and see how that
it's a bit of a brutal test but it
probably won't pass that since the top
of the range Corsair all in ones didn't
so you're maybe something a bit more
sensible maybe the six core Core i7 70
100x or something like that overclocked
would work better okay they'll save that
all for the review you guys can check
that out then have a review on that the
next week or so I've created a huge mess
here let me just tidy up quickly okay
clean a little bit of space we'll get
onto the next package what have we got
little green tape package actually this
is something I ordered hi I purchased
this because I couldn't get one and you
guys have been hounding me to do a test
so I had to bite the bullet and buy it
thankfully it's not terribly expensive
and here it is the GeForce GT 1030 I
finally have one this little sucker has
been extremely elusive very hard to get
my hands on so yeah I just bought the
bullet and apparently I got the last one
they hadn't stuff as well so that was a
bit lucky but it is a true gigabyte a
low-profile MSI model I'll take that and
show you guys MSI actually has a dozen
different models of the GT 1030 on offer
so I think they plan on selling quite a
few of them but as you can see this is
the low profile model it has the full
hype record at the moment but it also
comes with a half-height bracket so
that's good and it is a dual slot card
which you might not expect from such a
small car but that is because it is
completely passively cooled so that
should make it very quiet indeed don't
expect too much cool wine or anything
like that from this card and yeah very
light on power usage I paid I think it
was a hundred and twenty Australian
dollars for this card which is pretty
good and I will be comparing this
head-to-head with the rx 550 so it'll be
a battle of the sub hundred-dollar u.s.
GPUs the potato cards if you will so not
a lot to say about this card apart some
the fact that it is surprisingly weighty
though that is a pretty chunky element
of heatsink if I'm honest comparing with
the rx 550 good head-to-head battle I
think they're both about $80 u.s. so
again about 120 dollars Australian so
that's about as cheap as gaming graphics
cards get though how well at games is
yet to be seen though the rx 550 when I
tested that quite a while back with the
G 4560 it was very capable good for
eSports titles and stuff like that see
and this has no legacy connectivity
which is good you've just got a HDMI out
and a DisplayPort out see a smart little
card this one King the tested I'll
probably start testing that tomorrow
okay so we've still got four packages to
get through let's get this little one
out of the way so as many of you are
hopefully all of you are aware I
reviewed this sky like X CPUs recently
so that's the six core 700 X the eight
core 78 20x and the ten core 7900
excellence the core i9 model and the
other two were designated as core i7s
anyway they were provided to me by
asrock and another source that doesn't
want to be named but so whatever but
yeah they weren't provided by Intel
Intel promised me CPUs they emailed me
when I was at Computex so that was at
least two weeks before the release and
they said we're going to provide you
with at least the ten core and one of
the quad core Core i7 models they'll be
shipping next week so I would have had
them at least a week in advance that
would be great and then nothing happened
and there was delays and then they
started ignoring emails and I don't know
what happened with Intel anyway yep what
we have here is the ten core CPU from
Intel and yet it's a little late my
reviews already up I got it from another
source I knew they were going to be late
it's about a week late so good job Intel
thanks for that to actually need this
anymore maybe I'll deal with this one
sacrifice it anyway
70 100x thank you very much what do we
have here
ah if you guys recall in the last
episode of unboxing boxes I got a new to
nap Ness which I'm actually yet to
review on Tech's lot but they forgot to
send this is an optional extra didn't
know that we're going to send it but
they did plan to send it and it is one
of those PCI expansion cards each like
first expansion card and this particular
model I believe yes it allows you to
mount to MDOT
two drives and I think they I think
these are the nvme ones PCIe SSD is
supported that must be mdme so yeah you
can put a pair of m dot two nvme SSDs on
this thing and that works as a cache
drive so you can speed up be slower hard
drives inside so basically this little
heatsink here will pop off and there
will be room for a pair of drives
underneath it's got a pair of temp
sensors and stuff but I'll be adding
that to my review all right we're
getting there this is an extremely light
package if you look there's absolutely
nothing in it well we got some black
paper mmm hello logitech pro not that
package is extremely white let's have a
look what's inside I'm not convinced
there's a mouse in here so this is the
new Logitech pro and basically that's
all it's called the pro or yep Pro on
the box I don't know if it's pro pro
gaining now so yeah I think it's just
the pro and as the name would suggest it
is targeted at pro damage so eSports
gamers it has the pmw 3366 sensor so
that's pretty much as good as it gets
zero smoothing acceleration and all that
good stuff six button so it's obviously
more designed for per first I'll try
it's designed for first-person shooters
I would assume based on the button
configuration the more classic shape of
the mouse more designed for right-handed
users because you've got the thumb
button there but if you were left-handed
you could use it quite comfortably as
well see it's a very minimalistic Mouse
extremely lightweight very very
comfortable and it would suit so it
would suit par man cool grip I'll be
better for palm it sort of really nice
wide mouse wheel there so you won't miss
you've done selection and stuff very
very comfortable it is for a very basic
plain looking mouse still quite pricey
it's I believe $60 u.s. and that places
is around $100 Australian so it's not
outrageous but for a very sort of basic
looking sort of bland looking now
that is quite pricey however the focus
here has been on quality and performance
rather than sort of gimmicky flashy
looking features there is some blue
lighting I'm not sure if it's RGB but
there's definitely a couple of lighting
accents on it it is supported by Oh 2
year warranty though so that's not too
bad for a mouse it's not extreme or
anything but yet it's good it's better
than a 1u orangie that's for sure
yeah and designed basically for guys
that consider themselves pro gamers or
that genuinely are pro gamers so I
certainly wouldn't do this thing justice
but yeah it's very nice feel to it
glides are really nice on this surface
I'm keen to give it a test I'll
definitely be pairing this with that
ducky shine 6 ki boy later on today and
giving them both the go together could
be a good pairing these two so yeah so
not much else to tell you about this
I'll throw up some b-roll if I but I
probably already have have it lit up and
stuff like that not sure if there's many
reviews of these but you have a specs
definitely look good pro esports type
gaming mouse okay and lucky laughs I've
been saving this one to last because I
dunno what it is or at least I hope it's
what I think it is yes it is my huawei
p10 plus if you guys recall a few
episodes ago I talked about my brand new
Samsung Galaxy s8 Plus which I was very
pleased with this one I got it it's an
amazing looking phone feels great the
features on it performance is excellent
the camera is really good
yeah really sleek awesome looking phone
obviously hugely hyped at the moment is
one of the best smartphones money can
buy unfortunately I think it was the
second day second or third day of owning
i sat back on my desk chair upstairs and
it slipped out of my pants because it's
glass all around and it's got a special
coating on it that makes it extremely
slippery it's meant to reduce
fingerprints but it just makes it like a
wet bar or soap okay let's let our my
pants fell about 40 centimeters onto a
plastic caster wheel on my gesture and
completely shattered costing me two
hundred and twenty dollars to get it
because I did have insurance but it was
still 220 Australian dollars to get it
replaced and yeah I wasn't impressed
with its lack of durability I've now got
a case on it but honestly if it did the
exact same thing if it had the same fall
and landed there I don't think the case
would help at all so I just wasted
probably 40 dollars on that and I'll
protect the back nicely but not so much
the front anyway I wasn't really
impressed you do get lucky you know
phones can break I've had a dozen phones
over the years and never ever cracked
broken or anything like that and this
one within a few days but yeah like I
said you can't get unlucky then I jumped
online and saw the hundreds of thousands
of people that had smashed theirs within
a day or whatever from yeah ridiculously
small drops and things like that so yeah
proved not to be very durable at all and
when I did plan when I did I should say
pay to get it replaced
what they do is they ship you out a new
phone which I did show in that episode
and then you ship back the damaged one
and when I dropped it there it shattered
on the corner and it sent about six big
hairline fractures that you could
clearly feel through the screen of the
phone and I thought I'm going to see how
durable this thing really is before I
send back the smashed one so I got a
nail and hammered it into a bit of wood
and I just tapped the front of the
screen which mind you had already been
weakened and had like I said six
fractures through it and I hit hit it on
the nail and there was a small mark rub
it off and not even a scratch so then I
was actually belting it just about
hammering the nail in with the face of
the galaxy si+ and it sort of left a
white powdery mark rubbed that off and
there was basically almost no mark it
was a very tiny little scratch but you
didn't notice it at the screen on again
I smashed it a few more times could not
damage the front of the screen it was
that strong and then I got the edge of
the screen so the opposite side to it so
like that there was a blow there which
had cracked it on the opposite side
which was completely untouched I just
went like that just tap to the nail and
completely cracked it even worse than
the first one tried it three more times
if you just gently tap it like that on a
surface with very little force just
completely destroys the screen meanwhile
in the middle of the screen you can belt
it and not do any damage at all so
they've spent a lot of time over the
years with the grille
glass all the different types of glasses
they do use to make them very durable
and they've done a fantastic job based
on what I found
and then Samsung go and make it all how
do I say a Polish a bit gimmicky a bit
eye-catching add the curved edge which
doesn't really add anything to the phone
at all and it just weakens it
significantly without the curved edge I
think this thing would just about be
bulletproof and possibly removing the
glass back and putting some Elementium
there or whatever anyway I won't go on
and on about it like I already have haha
I've did a bit of a rat in the I think
was to unboxing boxes ago and just said
I want to get rid of the phone which I
do it survives Computex with the case
but I haven't actually dropped it since
I'm still fearful if I do drop it once
that'll be the end of it and then while
I must have seen that video they reached
out and said well ah very good out we've
got the new p10 + which we believe to be
much more durable and an equally
impressive phone good camera and all
that sort of stuff that's basically one
it's an expensive hand so it's like a
thousand dollars Australian obviously I
claimed that in tax and whatnot because
I am self-employed so it's not that
crazy but I want it for the good camera
because I do your Instagram and Twitter
and all that sort of stuff for the
channel so a good camera is imperative
so while I have sent up the p10 + which
I know almost nothing about at this
stage but I'm keen to give it a good go
I believe Tim has the standard peat
enmity we'll be reviewing not
necessarily on the channel but for text
spot it already it's a very nice looking
phone feels great and it doesn't have
the curved edge screen which just
shadows with ease so let's have a look
at this thing so I will be ditching the
Samsung Galaxy s8 plus I'll be getting
rid of that phone and I'll be replacing
it with this and already I mean it's got
the attributes to be a much more durable
phone so on the back it looks like it's
I think that's metal that's very cold so
it's got some sort of metallic backplate
so yeah that'll scuff up over time and
maybe even dent off a few drops but it's
not going to shatter and look like
rubbish so that's good
and then on the front no curved edges we
have a steel band around the edges of
the phone looks like that does protrude
a bit from the top
glass but if it's as strong as the front
of this then it's not going to be a
problem slightly smaller than the
Samsung Galaxy S 8 plus so the case
actually slightly smaller not a lot in
it slightly same width just slightly
yeah I'm keen to give that a go it is
gold and white which probably wouldn't
have been my first preference but wow I
provided it for free so I'm not going to
complain and it is a very good looking
phone so kina set this up and give it a
go yeah this will be my new phone from
this point forward like I said I'll be
getting rid of this hopefully I don't
shatter it before I do the back in the
case I don't trust out of the case at
all so yeah huge thanks to wildlife for
sending that out hopefully it looks
after me well I'm sure it will Matt you
use the Huawei p9 for a long time I know
Brian over at Tech City uses the p9
swears body absolutely loves it and
people his r59 looks like it's been
through some sort of sandblasting
machine it's got just about no paint
left on it but still works perfectly he
treats it quite roughly he says and then
never had a problem with it so a bit
like my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 that was
fantastic as well anyway so I've got
half a spare 10 core CPU here is a good
CPU of course the power-hungry bit hot
but yeah appreciate having another one
for testing like I said I'll probably
end up deleting one of them well that's
pretty much everything for this episode
of unboxing boxes I believe this is
episode 31 we've done quite a few of
these now it was cool we've got a bit of
everything in this one I've got myself a
nice new keyboard to go test out thanks
to the guys at play tech be sure to jump
over their store have a look at the
various models they've got of the ducky
keyboards I know they've got this
special edition in the red blue and
obviously the brown switches because
that's the model I've got and I'm going
to be pairing that with this new
pro-gaming now see if I can up my game
with this not don't play a lot of
first-person shooters these days though
I do enjoy them so I have to maybe fire
up a couple of games tonight and have a
go yeah see how I do but I mostly play
games like Starcraft 2 and things like
that could also be quite handy for that
give that a go keen to get these all set
up I'll be using the captain 240 X on a
test system I'll be reviewing that
shortly set up my phone very candidate
like I said I put a lot of things to set
up I've also got to set up the GT 1030
and benchmark that see how that handles
see what kind of settings you guys can
expect to use at 1080p so yeah that'll
be cool anyway that is going to
definitely do it for this one I'm your
host Steve see you again next time guys
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