Upgrade My PC Please! [S01E07] Balln With A Core i7
Upgrade My PC Please! [S01E07] Balln With A Core i7
welcome to episode 7 of upgrade my PC
please on last week's episode we had 5
Intel core2 quad based systems all the
needed various upgrades and you the
viewers voted Andrews PC the most worthy
of receiving the proposed upgrades as
for our 4 runners-up well they'll be
receiving a Rainbow six siege game code
from Ubisoft and a big thank you to
Ubisoft for supporting the series in
providing our contestants with free
games don't forget to vote each week
either because that will place you in
the running to win some cool prizes and
those are global giveaways last week we
gave away a Verizon v 1400 processor and
this week we have another very cool
prize and I'll announce that later in
the video for now we have 5 very old
core i7 pcs to check out so let's go do
actually hold up a minute before we do
that please note that this series
upgrade my PC please isn't about finding
the oldest and saddest and most rundown
pathetic computers we can and just
simply rebuild them into something new
rather the idea is to check out all
kinds of different pcs and sometimes we
will look at old pcs and sometimes not
so old we're really just targeting PC
and thews iasts that's it anyway with
that disclaimer out of the way we'll no
doubt still see how these pcs are all
better than mine in the comments but hey
let's just get on with it
Joshua received his computer as a gift
from his parents for finishing middle
school I think all I got was a pat on
the back and a look of disbelief PC
would have been really cool
anyway the original system has seen
countless upgrades and they were first
carried out by professionals then some
tech savvy friends helped out now Joshua
is starting to mess around the upgrades
himself over the past few years he has
started researching and tinkering about
he's research led him in the direction
of horizon 5 upgrade he's been slightly
piecing a plan together as it stands he
saved up and purchased the Asuza ROG
Strix B 350f gaming motherboard and he
also has plans to pick up the horizon 5
1600 X next Joshua also plans to replace
that crazy-looking case he currently has
with the NZXT s340 elite in the matte
white finish and he just loves the
design of that case and have to agree
it's a very slick looking case and since
we can afford that with our 500 on the
US budget let's go
the s340 then for the cpu I propose we
do save a little bit of money and get
the non ex risin 5 1,600 it's much the
same but the non ex version does come
with a cooler and that'll help tie
Joshua over until he can get an a m4
adapter for the 212 Evo then we can
swing for a gigabytes of ddr4 memory and
a speed everything up let's drop in
crucial MX 300 275 gigabyte SSD if
Joshua wins he'll be well on his way to
building his dream gaming rig Walter
purchase the machine you see here from
CyberPower PC in 2010 and over the years
has made a few key upgrades originally
it came with the GeForce GTS 250
graphics card 6 gigabytes of RAM and a
32 gigabyte SSD upgrading to the Radeon
r9 390 would have made a huge difference
and that graphics card is still very
capable today Walter enjoys long walks
on the beach couldn't couldn't do that
with a straight face no seriously Walter
enjoys playing World of Warcraft Mass
Effect Andromeda and Final Fantasy XIV
sowhat's X is 10 eyes 1 so that's 11
then we have a V so 5 but we have to
deduct I from V so 14 Roman numerals
suck anyway final fantasy 14 I've got
there in the end
I'm moving along Walter uses the PC for
illustration so he plays around with
applications such as Photoshop so he
doesn't just want better frame rates in
games but also better performance for
his drawing software since the Radeon r9
390 is still a bit of a beast and we'd
have to spend more than our $500 US
budget allows for to replace it so let's
focus on the CPU the new core i5 8400 is
proven to be really snappy in their jovi
applications and you wouldn't need to
spend like another hundred dollars on
the rise and 7 1700 to beat it
the 8400 is in an exceptional gamer as
well and it has no trouble maxing out
today's latest and greatest graphics
cards so there will be plenty of
headroom there then with sixteen
gigabytes of memory Walter will be set
allow him to work and game faster than
ever before
next up we have an old Linfield based
core i7 870 system from Pascal named
Smilodon after the raid max case it's
built in I guess it looks a bit like a
saber-toothed tiger if you squint really
hard and have had like a dozen beers
Pascal probably should have called it
mothership because that's basically what
it is for his family's entertainment the
old rigs being used as a plex media
streaming server as well as a gaming
machine our base for kids and it's often
used simultaneously for both playing
games as well as streaming and the old
core i7 isn't appreciating this mega
tasking action or whatever intel calls
at these days right now Pascal and his
family are playing Rainbow six siege
battlefield 1 and titanfall 2 at Terry P
so the GeForce GTX 1060 has them pretty
well covered there so to keep in-house
squabbling to a minimum Pascal really
needs more processing power under the
hood of that massive raid max case
converting our $500 us budget to
Canadian dollars we get about 630
dollars to play with and I'm planning on
using every last dollar for this one
there's simply no better option the
horizon a7 1700 the 8 course 16 thread
Beast will have Pascal's family well
looked after and we're sixteen gigabytes
in memory they should be right
Pascal can always add another 16
gigabytes down the track if need be all
this will be on the msi gaming be 350 PC
mate and that'll ensure those play of
options to expand and upgrade the system
in the future joel has old unfaithful
for us and this thing brings back quite
a few memories for me as I had a
thermaltake Armour + case back in the
day and I just loved that thing
Joel's build is about eight years old
now it was built by a friend as a
workstation PC but after years of use
the system died and Joel's mate bought a
new PC to replace and hand him the dead
rig just to play around with after
countless hours of troubleshooting and a
few component changes Joel actually
managed to bring the beast back to life
well for the most part anyway
it still refuses to boot on occasion it
suffers from a few other gremlins but
it's a bit of a make due situation for
now Joel says he's ok with playing games
on low quality settings he just wants to
play games without any stability issues
and right now he is trying to play pub G
GTA 5 and 7 days to die so for this one
I suggest the risin 5 1400 is this fork
or axe red CPU can tackle the latest
games and it's really a perfect pairing
for a mid-range to high-end GPU
unfortunately for now though Joel will
have to stick with the GTX 760 as we
could only afford something like a GTX
1050 or rx 560 and neither of those
really offer much in the way of extra
performance over what he currently has
so be a bit of a waste of money that
being the case it's my opinion that
we're better off dumping 106 Deus
dollars we have leftover on an SSD and
that will get us the crucial MX 300 275
gigabyte we are of course pairing the r5
1400 on a be 350 motherboard with 8
gigabytes of memory and this platform
upgrade alone will take Joel's gaming
experience to the next level now this PC
by hallam is creative very creative
indeed he says that started life as his
grandmother's computer back in 2010 and
with a core i5 7500 and a huge error a
cool case eventually grandma didn't need
the system anymore so she handed it off
to her grandson hell in 2015 as a
birthday gift
grandmas are the best to hunt they hells
made a number of upgrades over the years
and last year the aro cool knife Fox's
he's a nicknamed it cut him for the last
time sick of getting cut by the case
every time he went in there to do some
cleaning or whatever else he hacked it
up and just kept the motherboard tray to
create the thing you see before you what
he's basically made here is an open-air
test bed out of timber and the leftover
motherboard tray and I have to say I
absolutely love it he'll is a robotic
engineer student in the future he would
like to custom design and fabricate his
own small form-factor micro ATX case
that's pretty cool speaking of which he
does do a lot of CAD work with the PC
and this really is its primary function
though he does enjoy playing games as
well right now he says he's playing
overwatch heavily modified Skyrim se and
World of Warcraft Legion his dream PC
would be based on a thread Ripper CPU
but realistically he's hoping for our
eyes and 5 or 7 upgrade in the new
future so this is a pretty obvious
we will be again using every last dollar
we have available the r5 1600 is the
most expensive Rison cpu we can afford
with our $500 u.s. budget which
converted to Australian dollars gives us
645 in addition to the r5 1600 that's
going to get us the gigabyte a B 350 M d
3h with 16 gigabytes of memory should
hal win his cad life's going to become a
heck of a lot more enjoyable
alright guys there's five old intel
power plants all in need of various
upgrades it's now your job to let us
know which one you think is most
deserving of receiving a proposed
upgrade package to cast your vote please
follow the link in the video description
that'll hide your over the textbook
forums by starting up for the forum's
commenting and voting though they're
running to win some very cool prizes and
as I said they are global giveaways and
we do do them each week speaking of
which the winner from last week's
episode is Android D 25 congratulations
mate you have an awesome AOC 24 inch g20
460 v q6 freesync gaming monitor coming
your way big thank you to a OC providing
that amazing prize remember guys vote
comment each week because we do have
more awesome prizes coming and don't
forget to like and comment on the video
as well finally voting will be open to a
Friday night in the US and that's
Saturday over here in Australia then
I'll announce the winner of this week's
episode at the start of next week's
episode at that point we'll have another
5 pcs to check out we'll do it all over
again I'm your host Steve go get voting
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