A Frankenstein SSD - Intel Optane Memory H10 EXPLAINED!
A Frankenstein SSD - Intel Optane Memory H10 EXPLAINED!
hello good people on Dmitry and today
let's talk about a really exciting topic
Intel Optane memory now to be honest
with our previous experience with Intel
Optane it wasn't so exciting for the
DIY community now on paper it's supposed
to cache data from the most used
programs and use that information to
accelerate applications and when those
loading times when paired with a
standard hard drive and that's exactly
what happened
however there were too many limitations
with Intel Optane so it didn't really
add any value over traditional SSDs they
were expensive modules if you were
adding it to an existing machine with a
hard drive you most likely had to do a
complete revamp and reinstall windows
and it could only accelerate the hard
drive onto which the OS was installed
however I would say it deemed pretty
successful for the notebook space and so
now Intel is launching a completely new
module that could point towards them
really interesting evolution for the SSD
market let's talk about that right this
give you a hardware the power deserves
would be quiet straight power 11 power
supply with a wire free internal design
fantastic cooling with silent wings
three fan and a fully modular layout
with black cables and 80 plus gold
efficiency check them out below alright
so in order to understand where the h10
module fits in let's talk about the
current lineup of Intel Optane because
it is a bit confusing first of all
anything with Optane memory name means
that it uses 3d xpoint storage to boost
system responsiveness through data
caching rather than being a standalone
SSD and that's where the Optane memory
m10 comes in it's targeted towards
entry-level systems with spinning hard
drives now the drives without the memory
designation are full-blown SSDs in the
mainstream market there's the 800P
series that's only offered and really
odd 118 and 58 gigabyte capacities and
finally there's the opting 900P and 905P which use higher capacity 3d xpoint
modules and cost an absolute fortune so
those are pretty much reserved only for
enthusiasts with pretty deep pockets and
so the Optane memory h10 fills the spot
between entry-level and mainstream and
it will not be sold separately because
intel sees that is like a value add
towards the notebook space instead and
so this is the H10 module it may look
like any other m.2 SSD but it
she takes a very different approach so
on the one side there's the 16 or 32
gigabytes of obtain memory that can
provide latency measured in microseconds
rather than milliseconds like in most
others as these and the other part of
this drive is actually a dedicated SSD
with up to one terabyte of qc3 dean and
now in the past Optane did not have
enough performance to properly
accelerate SSDs but with technological
improvements we can now take this SSD
section and accelerate with octane by
supposedly a pretty big amount and this
communicates with the system via the x4
and vme interface which reserves two
lanes for the NAND and the other two for
opt-in caching and with Intel Smart
Response driver working in the
background to cache your most-used files
and dynamically accelerate them this is
all supposed to happen without any
interaction from the user and so having
a single module with opted in memory on
it and the SSD that it's accelerating is
exciting because you're basically
miniaturizing your primary storage and
the Optane memory acceleration and this
whole space-saving approach could lead
to more connectivity on notebooks card
readers are disappearing way too fast it
could open up secondary storage
compartments in a notebook that the user
or the noble manufacturer could also
populate so that the Intel update memory
module itself is not occupying the m dot
to stall on the motherboard but that
slot now is occupied by your primary
storage and the opting itself and right
now these Optane modules would only be
available to notebook manufacturers and
they'll be available in three capacities
the sixteen gigabytes that will provide
caching for 256 gigabytes onboard SSD I
expect to see that one is slightly lower
end systems and the other two are a lot
more interesting since they provide 32
gigabytes worth of space for
acceleration along with 512 and one
terabyte of SSD storage that is a huge
amount of accelerated storage for
notebooks that normally get less now in
terms of performance the h10 equipped
optane memory machine is on its way to
michael and eber so stay tuned for all
our performance results there
but until then Intel has provided some
interesting charts
so you see here even though most
synthetic benchmarks are on the entire
range of queue depth most programs
actually spend their loading times
one and two and that's where Optane
memory provides most of its performance
meanwhile it does struggle to compete in
benchmarks that put continual stress on
this storage system again here looks
like intel is targeting a more typical
scenario for application loads rather
than someone who requires a ton of
continuous storage performance and
that's pretty important since it shows
the h10 might not be a benchmark monster
but it provides performance where people
need it most and so I would love to hear
what you think about this whole
evolution of Intel Optane memory you know
in our previous experience it was
nothing special sure it accelerated by a
few seconds but it was really not
user-friendly so I'm excited to see you
know how h10 module performs Michael and
Eber will be doing their testing and see
if it's a bit more user friendly and if
it actually makes sense for you look
thin in like notebooks that most likely
coming out in June I guess the biggest
concern for me right now the price and
if adding these new h10 update memory
modules into notebooks will just
increase the cost of them but hopefully
not too much because the primary hard
drive is already kind of built in on the
same module that is being accelerated so
I guess we'll have to wait and see now
the thing that I'm most excited about
with these modules is the whole system
responsiveness especially on a notebook
space like everything will just
completely fly you know opening premiere
this is not gonna show me the loading
bar it just like open up or opening
audition or Lightroom know those things
that thing kind of forever even on the
fastest SD will just fly and especially
because we're already talking about
they're really fast and DME SSD and
adding opting on top of that to just
like bring us to that next level of
performance but stay tuned for our full
performance analysis coming later thanks
so much for watching I'm Dimitri we'll
see you the next video
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