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CES 2014 - Equipment Rundown

your hard work noxious 2014 coverage is brought to you by and say XCOM technology connected so hey guys i'm dimitri and this is matt and as you can see we're getting ready for CES 2014 our coverage is going to be super awesome very excited but we decided to give you a little bit of a glimpse of how we are planning to cover CES 2014 based on my short experience with computex i've gotten a little bit better in terms of knowing what to bring and how to pack for CS and pack for the step of coverage so this is matt this is going to be our sort of regular rig as you can see this is our very handy handheld rig from genius there's our beautiful lens with the camera and of course an LED light that is definitely going to be needed because CES is mainly in sweets i'm not exactly sure about the lighting in the suites so that this LD like will definitely be useful for darker conditions even though we have 1.5 lens which is awesome enough of this rig it's very simple very basic it's nice and light and we're also going to have an monopod that attaches to the bottom of the rig and because you know filming the entire CES show for an entire day you know Matt and I are gonna get jacked afterwards because the rig actually is pretty heavy so this is going to attach to the bottom and let me just turn off the cell phone camera so that I can show you how this attaches so it's very simple boom boom boom boom like this the the rig is going to be attached onto the top and that way you can have the rig for an entire day it's very handy this is something that i really wish i had at computex as you can see the light is sort of also evening out the shadows in my face we're just useful to not create the very darker image so at the LED light on top of the camera is also something I missed and computex of course everything will be editing on these two laptops from Asus they actually have the same specs pretty much this is only a 1080p but in terms of performance power very nice and portable sort of rendering solutions for coverage exactly like this both CES and computex obviously will have external storage so we have USB 3 external drives that will drop off all of our coverage just in case anything happens to the laptops will still have all of our footage extra CF cards because covering things with you know it's going to be so much footage that will definitely backup while we're shooting throughout the day we also have this 11,000 milliamp hour battery pack from gear power this is for our cell phones this means that we'll be able to charge our cell phones while we're covering CES just in case we need extra power of course we have a USB 3 card reader if you guys don't know I'm unloading you know 32 gigabytes footage from the CF card onto the computer it's a time power hog so a USB 3 is totally crucial for work like this and this is our little battery charging station will have a bunch of spare batteries for the camera spare batteries for the LED everything will be charged for the next time to go so it will have power for the day and now one last piece of equipment is this guy right here so this is a camera bag let me open this up so you can see what type of things we can fit inside so it's huge it's padded so all of our equipment will be nice and safe during transportation this also opens up nice and easy for any TSA check ups which will we're looking really looking forward to well we gotta definitely get checked it also has a a notebook pocket here so my laptop is gonna go in here Matt's gonna have his own back as well to show where which is right here let's take a look nicely padded everything so we'll stash away some LED lights in here some battery packs he's gonna have his back his laptop in there as well and this is it basically we're packing very life we're packing all the essentials for the sort of like event coverage so we can deliver the best audio the best video and also we have this microphone here this is a lav mic let me show you so right now we are recording on our zoom h4n as you can see there's this is an XLR input that goes into the power bank for the lav mic that is on me right now it's not the easiest solution to go about you can see this our level so I can know when I'm talking this is the lav mic right here oops I touched it it's very easy so I know where my levels are very important especially in loud environments as a rule of thumb you want to be peaking at negative 6 DB which is what we're doing right now so it's totally fine and debase transfer decibels not douche bags thanks Matt if I heard that DB stands for decibels not douche bags so this is how we're gonna pack this up so this is the zoom h4n the power brake power brake goes into my pocket and since it's not the most convenient way so the actual zoom h4n is gonna go into my back pocket and we're sort of going to hide the XLR cable somewhere mm-hmm and so now we're kind of left with this XLR cable we're just gonna stash it away somewhere but mainly you'll be seeing this right so like for example if I'm talking about a certain product I'll be talking about it like this that gives me both hands to basically touch the product and showcase it in the most appropriate way and obviously we will also have a handheld mic as well which is very convenient to sort of have the interviews so that the other person doesn't have to be right in my face so that pretty much wraps it up for our CES 2014 equipment coverage we're really looking forward to doing bringing a lot of videos so next time you see us will be in CS cncs will be in Las Vegas actually sometimes warm is there as i expected i was hoping they'll be like 20 degrees and sunny but it's important a supposed to be there like I don't 10 degrees during the day so but anyways it's a lot warmer than it is in Canada farmers it's snowing right there you can see a little bit of a windy day or there yeah that's right so hope this is useful so this gives a little bit behind the scenes as to what will be bringing and yeah so next time you see us will be in CS bringing you the latest and the greatest and hard-hitting coverage vitria well
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