
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

HWC-Tech: Special guest Linus, 290X, iPad Air, DX11.2 + W8.1 and more -ep2

yeah ready yeah started off hey guys I'm Dimitri and right I'm not and welcome to the second episode of the Haruka knocks Haruka knocks the Haruka knocks name still pending show as you remember in the first episode we've asked you guys we want the community involvement your engagement in sort of naming the show so we've gotten a lot of cool and very funny suggestions about the names really funny one really funny ones and so the way we're gonna run this is because we want the community to decide on the name and we want the community's involvement with the show moving forward so what we're gonna do is that there's gonna be a link in the description directing you to the forum where we'll have a poll of all these different names that we're just gonna call out right now some funny ones some serious ones and some of us that we also like as well so do you top five let's hear a toughie all right top five for mine is the Canucks nuts cannot get that crunch we're short for CTC yeah that's good the damn good show and I think a lot of people were fine with that and you know what we appreciate that you guys thank you for the compliment Haruka Knox tech chat or HD tech chat or just tech chat and my last and probably one the funny ones in this top five list is beaver time something that we've lost for people not to go anymore but you know what guys you are awesome and creative and I love those those are my top five for a top 5 my top 5 I actually got a couple that are kind of similar or and like the same so one that I really liked was hardware connects the tap show or tech access point tap tap the log the log has kind of like the log critical canucks cuz that's actually a pretty cool name beaver time beaver time yeah and the dam just because I think that's the really good time to the you know hardware connects brands yeah it works just works for me I like yeah yeah so well those are the top ten again linked in the description and like always we will put a time code on this video so you guys can go check out the topics that you want you are interested in and also make sure to stick around because we a very special guest on the show today it's gonna be in the end the show so you can you know go ahead and skip throughout the show but we do have a really cool topics lineup today and so well you know what let's just dive right into it so the first topic is Google glass competitor so Matt what is it um well on the glass is actually coming up with a brand new product that competes directly with the Google glass so it's basically gonna have a 720p liquid crystal display a 4 megapixel camera it's got an imaging chip in it that kind of I guess is on par with what the glass uses and everything but the tech specs really aren't that important what's really important right now is the fact that the Google glass isn't even really out yet and it's already getting competitors now I know that Omni glasses and at Microsoft is apparently developing something that will play in the same realm as what Google wants to do so it's not even available yet some sample kits guys are available from from Omni glass but they're looking at availability to be in like the first quarter of 2014 um I don't have any pricing info I don't know whatsoever but yeah well all the topics are again with the links and type codes below so go check out the actual prototype that they display I think one thing it's a cool thing because you have Google glass competition right so that's awesome always dry spicing down prices down and encourages innovation but another thing is I want to mention is the fact that it's not it's not as simple and elegant looking as Google glass it seems like you're just in like a plain military glass with this bit of a machine on the side and I think the google has the whole I mean target audience is to have something elegant and despite its functionality to have something really cool like that on your face so I think the Omni glass is is reaching towards the functionality aspect more than so to the actual appeal of the glass I'm sure that once the other prototype and everything done in it they're making money they might you know make it more refined but yeah I hear what you're saying that guess the prototype is ugly you're just about to say it the prototype is really really ugly why they have something that they can work with no that's good news yeah um I want to get to the second topic well second topic is well I guess the gigs but dates back not gates it dates back to Watson a computer that was developed by IBM now if you guys don't remember who Watson Watson is it's that PC and or not the PC it's the supercomputer that I've been built stick that basically just wanted to compete on on Jeopardy and it kicked some serious ass so basically what they've found is that they've actually found a way to repurpose Watson and that's basically to watch or to act like the TV doctor house so now they put it to work basically going and finding out all these really obscure sort of out of nowhere type of diagnoses for people that have like some serious illnesses and they're putting it's a really hard work and it just goes to show that once you actually compete on Jeopardy you can still go on and compete really good things move on to good things yes so it's able to Dowe deep into like medical records and actually find a way to diagnose things that maybe people might have had a really hard time before and that actually could be the future of medical diagnosis or the Samba that goes behind it because now they're actually finding some tangible reason that hospitals could maybe venture into like getting something like a crate which is still expensive but it still might help doctors do their job better and deliver better quality of service so this is just the I guess the tipping point or just the beginning of what could actually possibly have that and you won't have to deal with the jerk house it's himself I mean if you get I would I would love to be like working or have a doctor that's like how's my doctors a jackass oh yeah yeah oh alright well moving out to the next topic is Intel's Core 3 revenue numbers have been released and they're showing growth but about this much yeah but okay much yeah but this much there we go can we okay yeah so but what's surprising not surprising it's I think that's a good thing to hear that Intel's and PC industry is growing despite the slowdown and cease sales in the PC industry in itself isn't necessarily it's growing and it's a bowl they want it to its evolving and it's changing I mean Intel's actual desktop and PC client sales went down I think it's like three to like nine percent I think like that but what is up and I significant them I was significant amount I think it's almost like or was it eighteen no I'm sorry 12.2% was like they're the data center services so the data center group so I guess that's like cloud management stuff it's up 12% so that's where you're seeing I think the biggest change going and that's actually perfect timing because I mean Microsoft is trying to do everything in the cloud now yeah yeah the cloud is becoming huge and actually their Microsoft is launching a lot of stores throughout Canada and the states I was actually today at the event and you guys gonna see most likely probably before this video launches my trip to this opening event but basically what they're trying to do is get the hands on with the Windows tablets and basically push towards the more touch interface ecosystem was it like an actual physical store it's not a physical store and my idea is that it's gonna be an actual window store like a Mac store but it just in in insert that time as smaller insert in Best Buy so like it in its own corner where I just Windows Windows Windows ok so it's not like a kiosk like guys I don't know if that it's bigger than a kiosk so it's the one where today is 1,100 feet 11 feet and I think they're gonna go to 12 about 2000 something feet squared in terms of size so it's not a kiosk in terms of like this table and look at these phones and look at these cards but it is an actual basically you know a showcase physical space yeah it's physics interphase being in the middle of a mall like they have a meeting center no yeah well that's pretty cool I mean you can see that they're trying to make some serious changes I guess Windows good job good job keep on competing keep on competing we need more competition yeah guys speaking about competition the the new next-gen games are about to be released and everything I mean with the Xbox one and the ps4 launching really soon I think we're talking like just a matter of a couple weeks now some bad news for you soft yes so Ubisoft is the developer for watch dogs watch dogs it's gotten a crazy amount of height because of welcome do you know I want to play too because you have this GTA environment where you can actually interact we can turn off that light bulb turn off this camera and start the camera in you know you can hack into things and while I was in Montreal covering the Nvidia event they did they did a live demo playing watchdogs which were unfortunately not allowed to film but what I got out of it is the fact that it's been delayed on October 16th and that plummeted Ubisoft stock by 26% so that's I mean if I that's the equivalent to this yeah to their stuff yeah but not only I mean not only the delay is just super bad for the company itself I mean 26% of stock loss it's insane amount of money but that I was also angry gamers who me and have wanted to play this hacking game and all that because the trailers and the hype that's being building up so but going back to the demo that they played at them in Montreal it just seems so unpolished in terms of optimization of your hardware did it seem like they're using like just like an alpha built or wasn't even thinking that's like pre alpha that was just like a tech demo it threw together I it seemed like open-world environment where people I mean where are you able to go into places and they showcased what you can do in terms of getting away from cops so blowing up a pipe steam or closing down a bridge or changing the traffic lights but the problem the problem was that it was very choppy performance-wise I believe is running in on Titan SLI oh and it was just purple at intersections where there was a lot of things happening but it shouldn't be that way especially if you're running in the Etzel eyed Titan right so no wonder this game is delayed while I'm excited for it based on what I've seen I think this game is going to be disappointment kinda sucks now to something that's not a disappointment for capo this is why that's yeah you knew was you knew I was coming I don't know why I get the thumbs up this is inappropriate but you knew it was coming so if you want to find it you can find it somewhere we won't even have any links for that but you know now this is you don't ask how I know this this is just an announcement of that for all of you that have large hard drives specifically for that purpose now you know a way that you can use them that's nice going with this you get your mind out of the gutter people Oh so moving on from 4k porn we have more exciting as much as I don't want to move on from 4k award exciting news drug acts 11.2 yes so DirectX 11 point 2 is set to announce what is set to work in conjunction with Windows 8.1 in order to offload textures in a game that usually are that they usually loaded into vram so dedicated graph dedicated RAM on your graphics card and DirectX 11 point to wit Kakashi with Windows 8.1 will be able to offload this textures from DRAM on to system memory and this is this is huge that means that if you have a one gigabyte graphics card and you have 16 gigabytes of system memory your system memory is now going to be I'm not sure exactly how much of it but it will be able to be utilized for game textures and this means that you have an insane amount of more detail and high resolution textures that will be able to be included in the game and that's just exciting that the fact that you can the PC industry is moving forward in terms of incorporating different performance just using resources in in a way that we weren't able to do before so what I think that'll big news because the way that I think about it is that you're gonna have graphics card company so you're so good at the end up throwing out like four and three gig cards like they usually do but what we're gonna see is that one start seeing I think the cores are be much better utilized with 11.2 specifically because they're not going to be pulling directly from the RAM that's on the card and basically the cards aren't really gonna be controlling that that memory bandwidth so mm-hmm really one thing I'm concerned about though is that this might not necessarily be as big of a thing for discrete GPUs I think that the biggest thing that we're see right now is that when you have let's say an APU like AMD you might actually have the textures coming off of the the RAM that way so might allow you to game at a higher quality level with just an APU then you would look at the discrete GPU but I can see where if it's coated properly in Gaza I have no idea how it is coated but if it's coated properly this could actually kind of remove like GDD are whatever yeah from cards for the next little while if you're pulling it right from system exactly and it could make the graphics cards that much cheaper if if if they include just enough memory on the card to run all the processing tasks that are required to run by the GPU then the rest of the memory can be utilized on the system memory and that way you your GPU can only make me half a gig or maybe 2 gigas and kids of RAM and just as yeah to like run basic 2d tasks I guess I mean if they're uh if they're able to offload everything on to assistant memory that would be huge yeah I didn't imagine playing a game with like I don't know I just well it's 32 gigs this place or the higher end systems you can get right now it's imagine running a game of 16 gigs worth of actual memory running it like thanks my memory yet so you're high detailed insane resolution textures that be great for 4k gaming yeah you know what that's the perfect segment that we who have done for 4k porn okay so with moving from DirectX 11 points you we're good before before we move on to another topic is that well given now that DirectX 11 point 2 and we'll be working with an introduction with 8.1 Windows would you guys be willing to switch to Windows 8.1 because of that a good point a lot of people are still very unfamiliar with the Windows 8 ecosystem I myself as just switch the wall upgraded to Windows 8.1 which I prefer just because it's Start button and actually find ridiculous that it was not including the on 8 and I find ridiculous that all they are the advertisements for Windows 8.1 were now we've added the start button and you know it just you put back something and took away yes so I mean that is a whole story in its own but the fact that now this is going to be a thing exclusive for 8.1 Windows so would you guys be willing to switch to Windows 8.1 because of that I'm a windows 7 user so I think that this might actually help what do you mean I might I might do it now I might get a copy and move to 8.1 I might join the new world so yeah enjoy in the touch world I like it well not the touch world I don't have a touch monitor yeah I need one for a 4k porn okay so another thing that's in the new guys and the new guys in the news guys is something that's actually a little bit disturbing if you live in Canada and are a bowel subscriber Bella has basically gone and announced that if you use okay if you do the following things if you have bel internet if you have a phone with bel so a cell phone if you have TV with bel so either bel 5 or satellite they are going to track every single thing that you do in order to enhance customer satisfaction so in other words let us monitor what you do so that we can collect this information and I don't know what they do it pass it on to the NSA okay I think simultaneously it was awesome so basically this is really bad news for the consumer I don't understand how companies think that they can do this type of thing yeah and strip away just basic privacy rights and basically get away with it but at the exact same time guys stand up for your rights I mean Canada's privacy Commission has promised that they're gonna actually look into it which is huge news so if you want talk to your MPs talk to people that will care go to a bail store and yell at people just random people Oh Ranma beetle okay maybe not ran into people don't get don't go to a bolster and yell at anybody I'm not advocating that but what I am saying is that rights if you're as outraged as I am that well I don't use spell products but if I did use spell products I would be incredibly outraged I would be writing letters of concern and basically just stating that listen this has to change it's not right it has to change it's not right and what's good from this story and I think this sort of relates back to our Foxconn story that we did in episode one is the fact that international community while yes in Canada people are responding and people are saying this is not okay so now the privacy Commission in Canada have started the investigation to find out what's that what sighing group yeah an honest actually sent out a couple tweets don't worry about it yeah okay so uh Bell thank you and all you need to do something quickly before they get you before they get you yeah I think it's a it's a good way to for the community to respond I'm a bell customer so it affects me I guess gives me another reason to stick to a VPN yeah that's true yeah um so another thing in the news I don't know if you guys noticed but Apple had a pretty big conference a couple days ago the biggest thing is is surprise surprise it's a new iPad oh my god so I mean it's it's thinner it's got a bigger screen kind of yeah that's pretty much it it's what was it at 20% thinner so that is pretty cool it's groundbreaking yeah it's got a thinner bezel it's got the a7 processor it's very fast yes okay let's retina display they're saying that it's eight times faster than the original iPad yeah that's eight or three years old I'd certainly hope it's at least eight times faster yeah but the big thing about this that they're selling it on an MSRP of $4.99 which is impressive considering the fact that their past iPads have sold for considerably more but in my eyes it's like they're competing with a $500 product against stuff that you can still purchase for 200 300 I mean you've reviewed Pat tablets that are roughly around the exact same size yeah that might not have the same feature quality so I might have the same pixel density and everything on the screen but but it it really comes down to I guess user experience in user behavior and for example I would I would rather go with an latest Nexus 7 then and then an iPad just because I like the Android ecosystem better but there's gonna be a lot of people who are you know Apple and they have been following the iOS ecosystem for a while and they just don't feel comfortable expanding into Android yes you saw them outside of the Apple Store every time that there's any type of a launch if they have new headphones there's people lining up outside the door so what making funny you I'm just saying it's a fact yeah there's a lot of you yeah so in terms of they're announcing I mean it's not we're gonna see a new iPad every year anyway or same thing with like well at least at least there's gonna be a cycle and so I think there's cycles every six months yeah every six months - like eight months they released a new iPad products the same thing with like the iPhone yeah they're coming up with one I go out every yep almost every year - six or eight months to a year so yeah I guess that's what their product cycle was like but the only one thing that I wish that they would have done is been a little more competitive in price I might have actually picked one up I have a eight inch Samsung Galaxy Tab that I I find is pretty cool I didn't pay for it I got it from my bank but it works for me so my value proposition is like I would like something cheap but then again you don't have people that are willing to pay that price for it so yeah yeah well just they'll on a topic of we have some stats for you guys so in 2012 Apple basically held 54 54 % of iOS in iOS in general iOS ecosystem 54% worldwide this is a year ago today in 2013 they held they hold less of a share than Android so Android is really up and coming huge so like you said it's all about competition right so the this new iPad while it is still competing with you know I guess find a $4.99 8 inch tablets in 10 inch tablets said that there are windows that you know have a lot more functionality built into them than because it's it's an actual Windows PC you can do a lot more things with it than just an iOS tablet it's also showing that this gap between Android and iOS is widening so potentially in 2014 we're gonna see that Apple's thinking that you know maybe we should be competing more and become more competitive by offering better pricing because I think they tip their hat a little bit with that with the the iPhone launch yeah they had the 5s and then the 5c I mean they're saying that the 5 seat is for five color no it's for five cheap they basically built the thing it's the first iPhone to have like a plastic back cover I believe it's the first iPhone daffa I like a polycarbonate back cover so I mean there's kind of going in that in the way realizing that hey we've had a corner of the premium market for the longest time now maybe it's time that we'd do something that gets to more of a broad appeal so you can reach more people and emerging markets they don't have the same type of money that we do here in North America so that's that's a pretty big thing mm-hmm yeah absolutely okay guys so the the next topic that we have on our docket on the lists of everything that we want to discuss is something that actually will we're filming this on a Thursday the product that we're talking about the NDA expired as of midnight this morning so the reviews are posted yeah it's it's out you can buy one it's really hyped up it's an AMD card what is it it has mantle true audio to ensure audio a really cool cooler it's a 290x dr9 290x so finally finally a note you were able to size it out finally its own okay guys this is one of the bigger things that the market next are the past little while the rumors of it being a game changer are kind of true if you want to look at it on a value proposition type of thing so yeah you saw it firsthand what did you think so 290x is based on the benchmarking like you say it's a I think it's a game-changer because it delivers to that price to performance ratio that we've never seen before and a lot of people were initially thinking oh my god this is going to be a Titan killer and they've hyped up this this card and you know what the when I first saw the results I wasn't I was surprised because the hyped up rumors were true and that usually ever happens it beat it it beat and I did okay we're not just talking about like marginally I mean the majority of the the tests over if you go too hard recognize calm and you take a look at the the review section and then you take a look at the 290x I believe it beats the Titan by at least three percent overall yeah and this is without an overclock and I'm gonna be jumping into that a little bit this is on this is in the uber mode which is increased fan speed but yeah so fan speed increased so that better cooling and allows the car to have a little bit higher clocks but this is not overclocking this is allowing the cards to run and the best possible clocks utilization of the core at the hundred percent so basically what we're talking about is that the clock structure is dynamic yeah so depending on basically how cool you can keep your card yeah that clock will change now there is still overclocking features that you can get in this card but it's basically just adjusting for your temperature variance I guess or the temperature threshold which is which is 95 degrees so I mean there's a lot of concerns with a card so the three the concerns is the first is temperature it's 94 degrees at 100% or 94 degrees as soon as you do any benchmarking or gaming with it right so that's kind of concern for me like how hot will your case become because of that that's a I guess this is a perfect time to introduce somebody to water cooling if they want to spend I mean gay guys famous the cost of the card is like what five fifty yeah five forty nine MSRP this is just the suggested retail price if you go to your outlets you might see some sort of a variance you might see some board partners that come in less they might come in more it might add up more value to it but I mean you can do water cooling custom cooling solutions I know that Asus has like some pretty decent ones I guess in the pipeline like they're there dc2 and whatever they're a direct hopper and everything that's that's a great cooler who who knows where you could push the card with a really good cooler on exactly so that that leaves up the potential for even better performance so even you know potentially to see higher 3% plus better performance than the titan with the waterblock with aftermarket coolers and just bored partners that are going to come up with because this cooler is not very is I mean it's not the exhaust design wall because even in the back you have just the tiny bit cutouts opening for the GPU to second air it has advantages of it if you have two cards in crossfire that it will allow to still intake air even if they're really close together but it's just the fan itself and I mean the heatsink is very large but it's just not the best cool for the card and that's something a little bit disappointing in terms of a reference design yeah but it just refers to something that I'll fairness I don't remember okay AMD I'm sorry I don't remember the last time you came up with a reference design cooler that was really super efficient the most efficient air coolers right now are unfortunately the ones that pour hot air back into the case they're not gonna get a blower cooler a blower fan that's really gonna perform really all that well while maintaining low noise yeah so I mean you're gonna get either you need to get something that's lightning fast that'll keep the card really cool and it'll sound like a jet engine is taking off right next to your head or you're gonna get something that basically fills your case up and you need really good positive pressure and move all that hot air out of your case mmm but it'll be silent they're not silent at least it'll be a little bit quieter so I guess it's kind of like the trade-off yeah water cool that's all I'm gonna say you're gonna get great clocks your article and everything yes that's my that's my opinion at least mhm and and this leaves a you know good sort of a hopefully positive response from Nvidia with their 780ti release so 780ti supposed to be the I guess the fastest card NVIDIA has ever built and they said that in their Montreal conference so I would say this would be a nice response to the 290x but I guess it will come down to price the pricing structure of their of Nvidia's latest and the greatest cards I guess because in videos sorry aim DS got got amazing pricing structure at the moment with their 280x at $2.99 so you know it's I would say $2.99 is a sweet spot for such a low-end and 550 for the highest end graphics car will be like a really awesome plateau we're hopefully we're gonna see this type of pricing to sort of level out and benefit the consumers well we've seen I don't think that Nvidia is gonna come back and sort of like scale back their pricing in a way that it'll be a huge difference like we're not gonna see six hundred dollar Titans we might see them be a little more aggressive in in bundles added value propositions like bundles we're gonna go into that a little bit with Linus a little bit later he'll outline exactly what's gonna be included in the new Nvidia cards I don't really see them trying to respond directly to it I think that they're gonna try to basically say here's where you're gonna get value yeah and you can choose between this product and this product based on what you have perceived value for the tool I would say it's a it's a strategy that would work because if you've been if you need in video cards for doing your you have to affect stuff yeah using in you utilizing CUDA I utilize CUDA everything making exactly so I mean if I wanted to get a 780ti simply for that purposes I would have liked the option to have the value included of maybe perhaps a few games if you dollars off the shield you know so it's I would say it would be an a good comeback in terms of still giving the consumer a little better value for their for their money what they what AMD is done is with this life cycle this current life cycle that ran four GPUs they've been competitive but ii the titan basically came into life came into fruition and via kind of just stole the show they haven't really been competitive with them afterwards i mean yes you can really say dual GPU is 7990 and that's that's fantastic it's a great card it's got a great value proposition I think it's actually for the performance it might be close to a value per dollar leader their performance per dollar leaders what I meant to say but what this is done is that AMD is now kind of like throwing the gauntlet back at it video basically just saying hey we're gonna price our cards aggressively so that we can jump back in and now this creates competition and guys that's never a bad thing I'm actually excited for the first time in a little while yeah but the the whole GPU market because of how things have dynamically changed in the past couple of weeks yeah like Montreal was fun I I was covering it with you but I was with in Toronto watching a livestream and I I it sounded like you guys all were having like an amazing time seeing all the demos yeah you're doing so I mean or with AMD right across the street there they're going to war guys and it's more evident now than I think at any other time that I've seen in the past couple of years yeah I'm not sure about Amy's history in terms of crashing and videos events but they they were across the street from the invidious conference and so it's a little it's a little funny trying to them trying to kind of lure media into their direction but it is a little unpolite and kind of leaves beatty that taste in the mouth when when the company tries to do something like that when you are there for I like the event I like it I think it's good I personally I mean they thought with it is imperative but the thing is they're not they're not stabbing Nvidia in the back they're stopping the press so if you if you're there on invidious dime yeah you're now gonna go to aim the secret hideout place to like talk to them ya know that that's that's true that is true because then the price is natively effective yeah okay no I completely understand what you're saying I mean it's one thing if let's say they're throwing an event simultaneously let's say like CES or something and trying to yeah pull them away but yes okay no I hear what you're saying no I okay I agree I kind of misunderstood as to what was going on mm-hmm well that would be our topics for today yeah and so no now we have lioness on the line we have a great some great questions for him so stick around and this is the interview Matt why don't we go ahead first question for you Linus I know a little while ago on your on your forum you had a opposed to basically educated people and exactly how you got started in the business but one thing that I really I'm interested in finding out is how like what exactly inspired your motivated you into jumping into this field my boss so he basically pulled me into his office and yelled at me one day because tigerdirect had product videos and we didn't so uh you know we needed to get we need to get in gear yeah he figured I would be the one to do it because it was like you're reasonably techie and you're not horrific aliso for her management site is no longer there unfortunately I respect him a lot and I really like working for in spite of the way that that story might sound but that was that was actually how I got started cool so I you know what that kind of answered my second question was like who actually inspired you're motivated you to kind of reach for more but what was the what was the biggest motivating factor or opportunity that you saw when it came to starting your a your meat-eater well the biggest opportunity for me was I mean I've been looking very closely at the way that the way that revenues have trended over the last five years since I started doing this YouTube thing and you go back and hit it and it is a very is a very exponential growth curve even for a relatively small channel like NCIX tech tips or Linus tech tips and I mean okay yeah they each have over a you know a quarter million and over half a million subscribers at this point but that's still relatively small in the grand scheme of things and I looked at it my my world there's a revenue opportunity here and there's an opportunity for me to be self-employed which is something that you know since I grew up watching my dad run his own jam company I had been interested in so I kind of went okay well if I can make enough money to survive and I can do this full-time and I'm already doing this well at it I only have a little bit of time to spend on it I have a full-time job otherwise then who knows what I can do if I actually do this full-time so that was that's where that idea came from cool now I know that um your persona that well I guess the one thing I want to know about give us a little bit of background as to exactly who you are and first and foremost do you actually play a character when you do your videos now if you don't want to tell me that's cool but yeah give us a little insight as to who you are I mean the simple answer is I really wasn't hard enough to come up with the pseudonym or a persona or anything like that when we originally started this like I said it was it was my boss yelling at me and telling me we had to do videos okay I actually remember watching you do one of the first ncx videos and it was kind of like something that I was also looking forward to when I was starting my own channel eventually more me off to Harvard Canucks so like you know you I think are sort of the I would say inspiration for him for a lot of the people who are pioneers sir the Pioneer yeah because still even building my own first computer it was like referring back to Linus it's kind of like that type of history it's cool that you've come so far with it you know I didn't you know I wasn't like Logan where I knew that I was you know needed a you know stage name or anything like that it was just me making videos and the reason I was chosen for the project was just because I was again techy and not horribly ugly so that was that was the entire rationale so it was just me in front of the camera and I don't think it's really changed much since that time so all right so I guess can you describe your fan base for us because you have probably one of the most rabid fan bases that I've probably ever encountered ever and I don't mean rabbit in a bad way like they are very passionate they are a very passionate fan base so how would you describe the people that follow you and that yeah watch your videos and stuff you know the way that I look at it most III actually don't work her to the people who watch Linus X it says fans if you've ever heard me talk I'll refer to them as viewers because the way that I see it the show is about more than me it's not you're not a fan of lioness and you're not a fan of line effective someone you may really like line detectives' and you may really like my approach to technology but the way that I see it is my viewers are fans of technology there are fans of computers they're fans of the companies that make this technology that makes our lives better and more enriching and and that that's really the way that I see it and whenever you whenever you take computer fan and computer hardware enthusiasts and put them all in one place you're going to end up with what looks like a pretty rabid fan base yeah but I didn't see it a little bit differently than the way that I look at someone like a fan of jenna Marbles where the entire show is her personality tactics was never intended to be about me it was intended to be about this kind of stuff yeah oh the 290 speaking away speaking of which the 290x in one word go okay no word all right so then what do you think the news release what do you think of the 290x I think that potential game-changer with respect to price to performance you look at the way that AMD is priced it I know we haven't seen how Nvidia is reacted with something like 780ti they've given us almost no details about that card but right now if I'm a battlefield gamer and I want a card for playing Battlefield as soon as possible I'm looking very closely at the r9 290x for a couple of reasons number one is that even though we got a Bunco blocker so we're one of the only sites reporting 290x not beating the GTX 780 because we have a decent 780 overclock and our 290x is a complete done in that respect so even though we got one of those you look at how competitive it is now and then you look at how much more competitive it could potentially be based on some of the rumors I've heard about how project mantle is going to affect performance and we could be looking at a completely different landscape come December when battlefield 4 releases their mental support so right do you actually think that n videos gonna have any type of response to it I mean we're there most likely will prize jobs oh man I mean to Manta yeah or automation they're very comfortable being priced hundred dollars higher than AMD I think their reaction mail may already be done with their holiday bundle which is the three games I can't remember it's black flags in there they've also got I had tuned one that comes to mind cuz that I think it's only one that I was personally end up buying anyways anyway holiday bundle and then they've got that $100 box filled with 770 which I mean I am maybe I'm the only person I don't think I'm the only person left there's some exciting stuff coming up about shield with respect to the functionality that they announced at the last conference so there's the console mode yeah that starting to look like very compelling little piece of hardware and a great companion for your graphics cards so they not like they're competitive okay do you think that they kind of jumped the gun or not jump the gun but kind of like found a way to work around the fact that AMD ended up picking up all the consoles and kind of winning that console board do you think they're trying to compete kind of with consoles by kind of developing their own version of one you know the rumors the rumors are all over the place on this one of the rumors I heard is that Nvidia was approached about being a hardware and the upcoming consoles and basically said no not not lucrative enough doesn't make sense for us and you know you look at the way this new gen we have shield being resistant as a replacement for a next-gen console already the way that I look at it is maybe in videos right maybe maybe this generation of consoles is the last generation that is relevant and maybe even it doesn't last create an entire console lifetime relevance because the way that I see it we could be looking at being machine versus Android yeah rather than so many versus Microsoft in the console space within the next five or six years you mentioned that next-gen consoles are obsolete even before launch I would agree with you on that point in terms of sort of where the graphics industry is moving towards you know insane performance like we saw with the 290x for example one thing I want to find out what about you and pick your brain about is DirectX 11 point 2 and Windows 8.1 and the feature of offloading sort of the RAM memory onto just regular system memory so what do you think about that in terms of moving into that direction for gaming unloading much higher textures for games for example what what do you what do you think of that on the PC I mean it's it's no secret you ask anyone whether it's Intel or AMD who makes CPUs and they're gonna tell you we are moving towards a complete change in the way that pcs operate and we want the CPU and the GPU to both be responsible for general computing we want them to both be responsible for graphics computing we want them to share more resources that is an extremely exciting future I just don't know that Microsoft will necessarily be a part of it because Windows 8.1 has been described as I guess less terrible but the reality is normally those eight already performed better the Windows 7 for gamers and not many people seem to be willing to sacrifice the general usability of their machine for something that's a little bit more optimal for gaming right I'm taking a very wait-and-see approach to that I don't want what I just said to sound like you know a prediction of doom for Windows or Microsoft because they've got a lot of time still to pull this together and deliver something that appeals to enthusiasts a lot at the time I mean it's not like they've never released an OS but nobody liked before and they've turned it around and they've released something better to follow it up so I had to say anything about it I would say I'm really excited to see more shared resources between different parts of your computer thanks Linda well that concludes our interview session with Linus thank you so much men for joining on the episode 2 we we do appreciate it man yeah and you know it's Haruka knox name still pending show at the moment where am i thinking of like there's one about I don't know a log I just hope that there's no dropping of log jokes a lot of think of beaver time what about the the tap show can you guys get away from like body by word well we asked for suggestions so we're gonna wait and see what the feedback is but we're gonna be doing a vote and if you want jump in and see what you'd like to have it called thanks a lot man we really appreciate your time and I look forward to seeing a I don't know some sort of like a press release that you actually did invent that USB butt plug thanks Linus here all right well guys this concludes episode number two we've had a great show excellent guest host excellent great guest host first great guest Thank You Linus so much for tuning in and answering some of the questions great insight then you know something that I believe a lot of people you a lot of people might have gotten some useful information out of it and just great Tech Talk man yeah I guess the next thing I want to tell you guys is go to the forums main reason why we love your feedback I don't I don't know if you guys noticed and I'm not ringing grandpa sweater no grandpa sweater and no gum this time yes I'm not chewing gum I don't you didn't see any chewing motion system but we do love your feedback we listen to it we take into consideration we're in a new set and they kind of were in my apartment because our studio was kind of taken from us people's ember to stay in the couches so we were just a little more a little more cozy so basically guys what you can do is go onto the yeah what the hell like this okay so guys going to the forums to grab you a bad folks go back for you okay so let's go back so guys we love your feedback obviously and what we want to do is to be more help name the show some you guys have already given some incredible names so far yeah so what we're gonna do keep on coming up with names and giving them to us either on Facebook Twitter YouTube or on the forum itself we're gonna create a thread so you can vote on what we think are the top five for each of us yeah I mean there is a little bit of overlap so might be seven or eight options there and you're gonna have a saying basically what we call this going forward thank you guys so much for tuning in in episode 2 I hope you enjoyed it we will be continuing along with this weekly content the delivering news text of some things and ethics and more news in the technology industry in general and we are planning on having weekly guests as well bringing in insightful information for yourself and also you don't know who yet we don't know who yet next week but we are working on it then it's gonna be exciting I'm looking forward to it and I look forward to filming the show every week so you know partly because of really looking interested to see what type of engagement we would like to get from you guys because some really awesome comments on the first episode and really good feedback from you guys as well and also just learning about what's happening in the industry and chillin with this guy so yeah let's wrap this up and we'll see you guys in the next episode see you guys see ya there alright alright that's a wrap that's gonna
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