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man how many years has it been well it's been seven years and videos how many videos almost 1,300 and wanna know the best part okay what we just surpassed 1 million subscribers well you seem to have things under control you were always there for me Fred thank you and thank you okay so I think it's safe to say shuttle value to mod my fork that's pretty impressive and if I notice after unboxing there are there significant differences because neener I did experience oh this was only did is so awesome and putting these on these city guys impeach what's up guys a b-tree once again is keeper here with harbor kinetics hello good people Tom Petri what's what's up guys ever hear anybody ever connect sex for watching we hope you enjoyed this review don't forget subscribe and see you next week man so this is a weird video to me because 1 million subscribers is just such an accomplishment but there's also so vague because you know we didn't start this out thinking we're gonna reach this goal or we didn't have the goals in mind because we just started out doing this because we wanted to make videos and we liked doing them and we liked sharing them and you guys loved them so this whole circulation of content that has led us to this place is it's quite surprising and it's like it kind of really puts everything into perspective on how much appreciation we have for the audience and the community that we've built here and also for our team that has collaborated on all this content that you know allows you guys to watch the stuff and allows us to continue to be making videos that we like to make - now I remember my very first Harper Canucks video the Silverstone r03 which still by the way is a fantastic enclosure today but just from that point up to you know how many videos like a thousand videos later just how many challenges and how many creative like roadblocks we have to face in order to surprise you guys in order to deliver something new and also keep us engaged as creators and you know I just want to thank each and every one who has ever commented and given us feedback because all that kind of feeds into this machine of our content creation so that we can be you know sane and still sit in front of our computers for eight hours on an edit and shoot for 20 hours for for certain b-roll to make one product that is enjoyable to watch and makes us happy too now we as a team have always accepted feedback input and criticism from our community so that we can properly navigate this landscape of your expectations and so that we can be like happy individuals on both sides and I really really appreciate this engagement that we've had with you guys that you know when I log in on Saturday morning to check out the common it's you know the majority of the commentators is just like really good engagement from the communities you know that's just helping us but helping everyone else that is on this platform and for that I thank you and of course our relationship with sponsors has evolved into this experimentation point where the community and our delivery of ads have come kind of like merged into this interesting symbiotic relationship that allows us to sustain the channel and also hear any pushback that you might have based on what you see and for that I really appreciate how like things have been handled on that side of thing and from the viewership especially when we see and hear comments about like certain ad spot that you'd like guys loved that makes it all worth it one that looks like we have a message from uber take it away okay so this is take two of my thank you message because the mean tree I don't want you to do start laughing but really thank you guys thank you so much for your support we have reached a million subscribers on YouTube and that is just amazing words can't really describe how thankful we are here at Hardwick in acts and I am just so glad to be a part of an amazing team Mike aka Skye MTL is an awesome boss a slash friend I mean he's always been there for us Demitri man it's been an awesome journey working with you and just sharing on ideas and of course you know I love the times when we sort of goof around when we're together because you know we're all so productive but we also have a really good time but most specifically it's it's a support that you guys have been giving us and just the way have you been interacting or how we've been able to interact with you guys it's just fascinating because you know we are as we are family and I think it's just it's just amazing to see the support and it's kind of overwhelming too because I just I still can't believe that we're here because when I started hard-working acts I think we were around these 70,000 subscriber mark and it has been a long journey ever since that time and you know my first review for the channel was a gimme - video and it was the my onyx AV or 7000 it's what got me started on the channel and we've evolved big-time ever since then I mean we've expanded to multiple attic or E's we will try our very best to give you guys the best possible content we have made mistakes in the past and you know we have addressed them we've we've we've definitely brought them up and again that's all thanks to you guys I mean without you know this would have been possible so I want to take this time to thank you so much for your support and I will see you all in the next video alright so I think it is time to close off this video and 1 million subscribers that is incredible so I can't I'm gonna sleep so well tonight and just gives us that little extra push to do something new and surprise you guys because that is what's all about alongside us having a good time too so keep doing what you're doing and yeah we'll see you in the next video make sure to check out this other relevant content subscribe to our new boot sequence channel too thank you
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