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EVGA GTX 1080 FTW Hybrid - Watercooled 1080 Review

hey what's up guys JC sends here and I'm excited because I have got a chance to check out the brand new GT X 1080 hybrid from EVGA you guys know the EVGA has been pretty big on making hybrid classes for the 970 the 980 980 TI and all of that but this one's a little bit different than what they've done in the past we're going to talk about that today we're talking about what makes this different than previous hybrid models and then of course we're going to put it through the paces yeah so strap in guys this is going to be a pretty epic graphics card if it holds up at least to the to the expectations because you know gamers they've got some high expectations you are you sick and tired of trying to find a gaming headset with a mic works it see what I did there well you're in luck because math drop has a drop going on the highly popular antlion mod mic the mod mic offers amazing voice clarity and with its magnetic mount allows you to attach the mic to your favorite pair of cans turning any pair of headphones into a high-end gaming headset instantly want to learn more then follow the link down below so let's start this video off by talking about what makes this a quote-unquote hybrid card no it's not a Prius it's obviously it's electric so it doesn't run on gasoline or anything like that but it's the fact that it has an air cooler built onto the card to cool things like vrm and memory but it also has obviously a all-in-one water cooling loop on there in this case a 120 millimeter self-contained water cooling unit to keep the core cool so it's kind of two independent cooling systems designed to keep the card as cool as possible now EVGA introduced its hybrid series graphics cards with the gtx 980 and that launched in september 9 ad launched in september of 2014 and the hybrid came like early 2015 so you guys can see how long ago that was but since then they've actually made a few changes and what i want to talk about here is two things that really differentiates the 1080 hybrid from the other hybrid models as I kind of alluded to in the beginning of this video and that being one that 980 980ti and the 970 that's kind of the order of the hybrid cards released were based on reference PCBs that's the PCB blueprint and design as made by Nvidia and then EVGA came up with a custom cooling solution for a all stock 100% untouched graphics card board and then called it a hybrid which is perfectly fine but this time around they actually are making the hybrid on the for the win PCB so it's one step up from the SC which has got things like ten plus two power fades it's also got on there dual BIOS which is going to give you things like a more aggressive fan curve for the fan on the PCB and it's also going to allow you to be able to update power limit which is going to be a good thing because you want to take advantage of the cooled graphics card that's being cooled by water so it's you're going to see a lot of benefits to a water cooled / hybrid graphics card you're not going to see temps that are nearly as high as an all air cold graphics card even something with custom air coolers like the for the when air cold cards have but you're also going to see a much more steady and lower voltage going into the graphics card which means lower temperatures but you're also going to see a much more stable clock and I don't mean necessarily a stable overclock I mean a stable core clock where GPU boost is not going to be bouncing around all over the place because you're never going to get near the temperature target that the air cooled cards are so it doesn't have to do any sort of dynamic throttling whatsoever of the core clocks you're going to get a very consistent speed which really makes a hybrid card like this a huge benefit now something else they changed with this particular cooler is the fact that it has a different fan on it in the past all of the hybrid cards like I said 989 ati 970 had a blower style fan on it which can still be fairly noisy even though they are not running at nearly as high of an RPM if you were dealing with like a standard blower card like on a reference card or a founders card but that style fan that little turbine fan is still very very noisy so they've opted to go with their kind of a reverse blade swept fan design like you would find on their AC X coolers which means an immediate direct downdraft of air right onto the VRMs and you're also going to get a lot less noise and wind chopping sound if you will with this cooler so they've actually made quite a few changes this time around and I'm excited to see how this actually performs on the for the wind card because for the first time we should see some very respectable results in things like temperatures standard boost clock speeds and overclocking so with all of that out of the way let's go ahead and get to the best part of the video the benchmarks transition so full disclosure here all of the tests that you saw were on the slave BIOS which is a little bit more aggressive fan curve on the board for the VRMs and a higher power limit but I didn't change the power limit I left everything default but I did go to the slave BIOS immediately because I also played around with overclocking now yes you did see a 21 64 max overclock speed on that chart but all the tests you saw were run at 20 25 because that's where the card boosted up to by itself and that's where I left it I didn't change any of the settings for any of the benchmarks that you guys see the only chart that you guys would see where I overclocked it so that you could see how much of a benefit there was was in firestrike all the rest of the tests were but it was actually denoted on there that it was OCD so all the rest of the tests were done at factory out of the box settings on the second bios so really these benchmarks should be no surprise it's it's right around where all the other ten eighties are it just does at a much much lower temperature but really the the point of this card here is simply to do it with better acoustics in bed better overclocking Headroom in terms of temperatures on a chip that can otherwise get pretty damn hot I mean 60 nano meter FinFET is a pretty small chip with a lot of focused heat and the water cooling the water cooling unit here on the hybrids having no problems handling that but you might have noticed on the chart that we saw 51 C as a max temp in fact I'm sitting at 51 c right now and let me talk about that for a second here because that's warmer that I would have liked to have seen this card get especially since some of the other hybrids in the past sat right around 43 to 44 C do you have no control over the fan on the radiator as it's setup precision X does not control the speed of the fan on the radiator it controls the speed of the fan on the card for cooling the V RMS now keeping V RMS cool is obviously very important but they have their own dynamic fan control setup based on water temperature that allows the fan to go faster as it starts to get warmer and right around the 51 52 C is where it starts to ramp up that fan uh so you should never really see harder than about 51 or 52 and I keep looking behind me because I've had this looping now for about 45 minutes just doing more temperature testing and it's sitting at 51 C as we sit right now but the radiator fan has started to speed up but down in the 40s the radiator fan is pretty much running at an idle speed which I feels a little too conservative because the fan that they used is not very loud and they can get away with higher rpms and in a closed case where I've got this thing in an open test bench and right behind me I cannot hear it what I hear is my my pump on my test bed and you could get better temperatures with a little better fan curve or at least give the the consumer control over that fan so I wasn't happy with those results and what I did was I ended up taking off the stock fan to do some testing here and I took an ek Vardar fan and put that on which has a four pin pwm fan and plugged it into the motherboard now I could do that because the fan that comes with this is a standard three-pin fan that is molex right in the middle of the cable so it's not hardwired in where you'd have to cut it or leave the fan on flopping around you can actually remove the fan entirely plug in your own fan to the motherboard and control that few motherboard software in my case I use speed fan but with the Vardar fan a fourteen hundred and fifty rpm fan I could run it at about 1213 rpm there are 1200 to 1300 rpm it's not very loud have control over that and got the temps to come down significantly in fact I saw 44 C by changing out the fan didn't get really any louder just used a higher quality fan and was able to get much better temperatures while overclock that 44 C guys was at that 20 164 megahertz overclocked number that you guys saw in that chart so I got curious and I put a second one on there and push pull and ended up seeing that come all the way down to almost 41 C it was like 42 it's sometimes at 41 go back to 42 so we saw almost a 10 C drop in temperatures by changing out the fans with something more high static pressure and a little bit higher rpm so it's something that you can do at least with this kit is you can upgrade the fan if you want to now something else that this card features as well as the rest of the for the win and classified graphics cards from EVGA is a full RGB LED control and you can control that either using precision X or using the led visualizer built into the GeForce experience app so I obviously made mine green as I have a green test bed and you guys are going to call me a fanboy anyway but I like green kinda like a slammer green I really I really like it so anyway there's that it is retailing at the time of making this video EVGA u.s. pricing is seven hundred and twenty nine dollars it's got a premium but if you look at what some of the other cards are costing and with the kind of screwy pricing with the ten eighty it's up to you to decide whether or not it's worth it the temperatures are obviously kept well in check even more so when you put on a custom fan and start playing around with fan curves but it's it's definitely it's definitely going to give you a hell of a gaming experience in games with the amount of fps that a 1080 can draw or can render draw that technically draws and renders whatever you guys get what I'm trying to say but it's time to go thanks for watching guys let me know what other cards you want me to review in the future I still have a GTX 1082 classified that I've got do my review on I do also have before the win 1080 and a 1070 I've also cut more AMD cards I've got a look at their just turn into such a GPU channel but I've also got an ek water block for the tight next Pascal card so maybe we'll be doing some water-cooled tight next stuff now what the heck I might as well do it it's the two things I love graphics cards and water cooling just smooshed into one so you guys can look for that in the future anyway thanks for watching guys hit that like button if you liked it subscribe if you're new to the channel check out the description for other links to stuff or just come and follow me and say hey what's up on Twitter or Instagram anyway guys thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one
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