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Full Review and Voice Changer Demo! - ROCCAT KAVE XTD 5.1 Digital Headset

hey what's up guys Jay here with Jays two cents going to bring you a review of a product that I took a look at in CES or at CES in January that I'm kind of excited about and I've been using it for a couple of weeks now so it's not going to be an unboxing but we are going to be taking a look today at the row cat cave xtd 5.1 digital surround gaming headset it's got some really unique features that I can't wait to take a look at so you guessed it we're gonna go ahead and give it the old Jase new sense yes that is a thing now I think and if it's not a thing it should be a thing if it is a thing and you don't like that thing well too bad it's my thing I think so what I'm going to do is I'm going to break these into four categories we're going to talk about build quality sound quality microphone quality and bonus features that come along with these Roccat cave X TV 5.1 digital headphones so they're already kind of long and hard to say so I'm just going to refer to refer to these as the cave headset from here on out there's more than one type of cave so just be mindful of that first things first to build quality they are extremely durable I mean I would not be doing this if they weren't doing it all weekend long at CES without any of them breaking at least that I was able to see they are made out of a few different types of materials I mean we've got plastic here up on the headband we've got kind of a neoprene padding here on the headband very comfortable for long gaming sessions don't really notice the weight on my head at all the weight feels like it's centralized and well more distributed amongst my big ol noggin in my big dome here so I didn't really get uncomfortable with those they didn't really pinch my head I'm really sensitive under my ears and I don't like headphones that pinch and push down on my upper jaw or under my ear because I get sensitive and I get headaches from that these were not a problem they did not do that to me now when it comes to the material the surface material used it's kind of a rubberized plastic on the outside and it does have a polished piano finish ring that goes around the ear can and then you have kind of a leatherette ear cups they're not changeable by the way this is the ones you have as the ones you have and they're sort of like a d-shaped in there they give you the D nos they said remember like an oval shape which means that your ears are intended to kind of slide into them you kind of are you're inserting your ear into them which could kind of pose a problem for some people if you're if your ears are really big and I'm not I don't know say anything against people big ears you know people with big ears that say you have a really big but if you have big ears you may not find it comfortable that your ears have to slide into there because they may kind of fold up on you I think my ears are the perfect size unfortunately because my right ear lobe is bigger than my left ear lobe I feel like I kind of have to wiggle it on in there my right ear just goes or my left ear goes right in no problem the other problem is if you don't have ear lobes like I do I mean we all have different-shaped here some of us have an attached ear lobe on the bottom they just go straight into your head rather than having this little flippy flappy thing this is your ear by the way if you didn't know this is your ear it may not be as comfortable for you because that part of your ear is not going to slide in if you look at the way that this is shaped on the bottom it's definitely intended for your ears to slide in and be completely completely over the ear it's also designed to kind of forward make your ears point slightly forward that way the angle drivers on the inside are shooting directly into your ear giving you a really good immersion when it comes to the sound now I don't like the piano finish the plastic polished finish on there because I don't have a headset stand I've been putting them down on my desk and because I get moved around and stuff they're already wearing right they're wearing kind of dull so they looks kind of scratched in that spot just because that's where it contacts the desk so that kind of sucks because I don't have a headset stand it's more my bad than theirs but whatever now they were comfortable to wear long term I did not have any sweating issues when I was doing Tech Talk with these on and if you guys tell that Tech Talk you know was pretty funny and we'll get to why in a little bit now build quality we just talked about that sound quality when it comes to sound quality they took me a little bit to get used to and hear me out on this I am used to stereo headsets which means it's got a big cone driver in there with a tweeter in the middle and the tuning on them is very defined for stereo sound means hard-hitting bass low-frequency bass because of the size of the driver nice clear highs nice clear mids because they have specific drivers for that now because these are 5.1 surround and they do have three drivers per head four ear can I thought there were four it's actually three there's three drivers per ear can means there do not have a large driver in there pushing the bass now it's able to produce the bass frequency down in the low ranges sub sub 50 Hertz below 50 Hertz submarine a sub woofer range which meant in games I did get some rumbly explosions and things but nothing near what I like or what I'm used to so in the beginning my thoughts on these were they're kind of dull now they do give you a full digital EQ with the software that's included with this that you can go in and adjust the sound of them but I've definitely felt they were really heavy on the mids and highs and really lacking on the lows and that's quite frankly because of the size of the drivers that they have to deal with in here I'm not gonna fault them for that because where it made up for it was the very first time I played battlefield 4 with a true 5.1 surround I had them on and I went into the options and I'm going okay you know there's already sound happening I go into the options I think okay so I take my mouse right and I click on options go to audio and then I go to high high quality or high fidelity and then I go to surround style 5.1 and I just was like oh my god because then I started hearing in general I was hearing jets and stuff fly right but I was just hearing it flat all of a sudden I heard the jet behind me I heard the boat in front of me simultaneously I heard footsteps over here it was like oh my god I know where everybody's at now I I spent less time looking at the map because I could go by sounds so I immediately went you know what screw the fact that it's not super bass heavy like I'm used to and love the fact that I have complete surround quality now you're going to have to go in and play around with some of the EQ settings to get the sound just right because we all like different style of sound some people hate bass some people hate trouble you're gonna you can at least go into the EQ and figure that out for yourself and tune it to your liking now let's go ahead and talk about the next thing which is the microphone quality you know in fact here's what we'll do instead of talking about the microphone quality at the end of this video I'm going to go ahead and just switch on over to the computer and I'll do a recording with the microphone so you guys can hear some of the different voice changer sounds that are options that are in there because they do include a voice changer which if you saw last week's Tech Talk was a whole lot of fun and it's it it's amazing how many of you people said that you wanted to buy these now simply because of the demonstration I was doing with the voice changer and you know what it's a whole lot of fun now it's going to talk about bonus features when it comes to controlling the thing you get this little dongle that dongle I said dongle dongles a funny word this goes on your desk which gives you a few different options you can control the sound right here with this big giant knob if you want to mute everything if you want to mute the microphone mute the game sounds meet the computer every years ago BAM push that down everything lights up it's completely muted at that point and you can cycle through front Center woofer and rear settings on here so you can control the EQ from here as well having got to go into the software which is really nice you are able to change this use this button right here to change the channel on there to adjust the volume for each of the different surround settings you have a movie mode you've got a speaker pastor we'll talk about that in a second a mute button right here and you have this Bluetooth phone button right here well what the heck is that well when it comes to bonus features on this row ket's thought ahead and said you know sometimes you're in the middle of gaming and rather than taking off your headset or some people will take their headset off and set it down if you're in like teamspeak or something and you're talking on the phone everyone hears your conversation and it's just kind of annoying well you can push that phone button if you pair your mobile device to this dongle here and you can take your phone calls right from your gaming headset without ever taking them off your head or changing any settings so you do have Bluetooth interaction between a mobile device and this which is pretty awesome I thought it was cool I don't really know of anybody else that does that so Roccat is kind of an innovator in there as far as I know someone else does it let me know so one other thing I thought was really nice about this when it comes to bonus features was I don't like having to cost go into my surrounds or my sound settings and change to a USB headset as my main device and then go okay I got to go in and change back to my speakers if I want to listen to speakers and I'm constantly having to change settings well I do have a set of Logitech 5.1 surround speakers on my desk but I only have them set up in like a three channel mode rather than surround because I have nowhere back here to hook them up at so I thought well I don't want have to keep going back and forth well Roccat has thought ahead and they've done true 5.1 audio pass-through on the back of this so this now becomes your sound card this becomes your audio pass-through and you just push this speaker button on here to go back and forth between headset and speakers I love that because it takes out the fact that I have to go into the settings on the machine or in Windows and constantly change what my default sound source is alright so enough talking about the build quality and talking about this little dongle here which I think kind of changes everything oh one last thing the cord I don't like the cord for one reason I would have prefered they did a sleeved cord it's completely rubberized which means it completely gets tangled up with any cord it touches it's just like a big grabber it's just like it grabs any cable near and it gets all tangled up in itself and you end up looking like kind of like this by the end of messing with it so I hate rubberized and I truly did just tangle myself up here I don't like rubberized cords I would have much rather preferred to have a braided cord so anyway enough about that let's go ahead and finish this review by doing the microphone test and showing you guys exactly how this thing sounds and we'll give you guys my final thoughts okay so here we are now with the row cat cave xtd 5.1 digital headphones now you that's what we're talking on now this microphone right there now I you guys have to notice immediately already that the sound quality is not really all that good I'm surprised considering the quality of everything else about this microphone is so great I'm confused as to why the microphone quality in it is so bad I don't know maybe it has something to do with the fact that this is what it took for them to keep the price range somewhat controlled considering this is a pretty expensive headset if you're taking for what it is now here's the dongle lit up as you can see I've got all my controls and stuff on there you've got a mute button right here and in anyway there's that now I did a live stream with these headphones and you guys have just been laughing your ass off because there's an extra function to these that I think is a lot of fun and that is the built-in voice changer and we'll go ahead and demonstrate that right now you can be a monster and tell people how from the bowels of hell you are going to rip off their head and eat their throats and their babies yeah that was kind of scary right yeah anyway rather gawky you're that one you make that time loud toughen Alex I like you then there's this one that I like to say sounds like a super creepy guy who gives free candy to children out of vans down by the lake or you can use it to tell all of your subscribers about how they should be subbed to you and anyone who's not subbed to you you'll be coming by maybe seeing that really soon then there's what I like to call my minion voice you need you like a boy a boy no no no boy a boy yeah ah ooh Jesse so yeah I mean there's an aspect to that that really kind of makes up for the bad sound quality which is why I'm going to probably continue to use these headphones for a while now I've got a whole lot of headphones and things in this room and I like to switch them out and stuff but the 5.1 immersion gaming quality of these headphones really oh man it changed everything I mean I've never actually used 5.1 surround headphones and the clarity of them and just the precision of where things are around you was so amazing it really made shooter games a whole lot more interesting and a whole lot more fun really feeling like you're in there so guys these this has been the rave the rave this has been the rave guys I'm gonna head and bring out my globe my glow gloves we're into that we're gonna do this thing now I'm just kidding guys this is been the row cat cave xtd 5.1 digital surround sound headphones a 5.1 type phone so yeah that's what they are all right by the end of these I kind of forget what the heck I'm doing so what are you guys using tell me so are using headphones or using speakers and what headphones are you using or hits it are you using if you are using a headset okay guys I'm gonna go ahead and get the heck on out of here because I got some stuff I got to do I got to go see a guy about a thing in the place as always I'll see you soon
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