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Gaming on Minimum Hardware Specs - Wolfenstein II The New Colossus

what's up everyone Jays $0.02 here we are keeping with our tradition of testing new games and their minimum requirements you guys really liked that video and you requested that I keep doing it so that's we're gonna do so today we're today we're talking about Wolfenstein - the new Colossus which is interesting because it has two sets of minimum requirements basically it's got a minimum like a bare minimum for 720p gaming which I think it's kind of rare these days I don't think that many people are giving at 720p but we also have a set of requirements for 1080p so we're gonna check both of those out today this is the best part watches watches guys's need Celsius x36 from fractal design yeah so but do you know what it does yeah it makes things cool yeah cool hey guys and today I am super excited to be doing a video with the one and only next - sense yo I am excited man so what are we doing today we're gonna review the Celsius s 36 I get that a lot today what's up sure I could give you some workout tips how's tomorrow sound awesome later and server the new Celsius as 36 can make almost anything cooler almost I'm so cool now the minimal requirements for 720p is an FX 8350 processor 8 gigabytes of system memory as well as a r9 290 graphics card now I don't have that exact hardware so I'm kind of well Jimmy rigged up my own set of hardware to be similar to that as possible gotta 8320 overclocked to 4.2 gigahertz which is matching the 8350 fortunately the 8320 and 8350 the only difference is clock speed so fortunately there's that and I'm also running an r9 380 in here not a 290 because I don't have one but if you look up both graphics cards on GPU boss you'll see that they are the exact same score well I think the point one difference and even GPU boss said it can't determine a winner because they're too closely matched now it also recommends either an i7 3770k or a gtx 770 i don't have either of those GPUs or the CPU or the motherboard and CPU combo but the 770 is a 2 gigabyte vm video card whereas so is this so I think it's close enough nice thing is because it's running Vulcan it gets us all of these metrics right here that we can see so this is frame timing right here FPS frame timing of course our CPU usage which you can see one of our cores is pegged pretty normal here we are starting to ask a lot of an fx CPU here's our V RAM in our graphics card now it is running Vulcan so that means that we should be able to get some pretty good performance out of emelius where are you at 720p settings on low which is what it recommended and we are sitting in the game in the 120s 130s yeah I mean this FPS is actually not bad which has me kind of curious yeah and yes I know we're just in a starting zone here in the boat but I think obviously this is yeah this is this is good it's good actually what happens if we actually put this to 1080 now I'm kind of curious even though we are not at the recommended now we're gonna be going to 1080 which is not recommended for our hardware but I'm curious now as to if it can do it let's apply that Louis we're still sitting at 66 six dances and all the settings are strolling low though so that's important to remember it's not easy moving around in a wheelchair with one hand and a gun I'm just kind of going around in circles now but I think the FPS so far we are we are asking more of this than the minimum requirements so I think we're okay with this okay so there's that we're gonna do right now is we're going to go ahead and test the 1080p high settings recommendations which is an i7 4770k with 16 gigabytes of system memory so we've got that built out right here we're also going to be putting on there once again our gtx 1066 gigabyte card because that's what it recommends and we're gonna try 1080p on high settings and see what we can get so we have to recommend a 1080p system built 4770k no overclocking applied whatsoever I just figured out of the box settings right if we overclock it we kind of skew some of that we've got a Founders Edition GTX 1060 again no overclocking and 16 gigabytes of 1600 megahertz ddr3 so I think it's a pretty rounded system and we are running as you might guess as our recommendations are 1080p at high and so far we've got some pretty good FPS here I mean we're sitting right around 100 100 FPS as we roll around our little wheelchair here in Wolfenstein I'm not really that surprised it's running this good because of the fact that I mean it's Bethesda right there this is running Vulcan the requirements a little bit higher than doom but fairly similar I'm surprised though that it has such a CP requirement I just died I'm kind of surprised it has such a high CP requirement though a 4770k for 1080p I I guess I don't maybe I'm just dumb oh I'm dead again so running around in a wheelchair not really my thing this is just one more time I'm curious so we're still sitting though at the 100 FPS I kept regime jump I'm in I'm in a wheelchair it's kind of silly right okay go back this way well I like to I mean you can't tell me what to do so the fact that we can maintain 90 to 100 FPS in 1080p high settings makes sense right but what's funny is their requirements say that that's for 60 fps and we were clearly higher than that so as me thinking that they're being fairly conservative with their requirements for 1080p so I'm wondering how far we can actually go now so what I've done is a just restarted the game with the ultra settings loaded you have to restart the game every time you change the profile like that but I'm curious now as to what kind of FPS we're gonna get with the ultra settings and then we'll try it we'll step it up and see how far we can actually push this hardware but I mean so far nothing's changed we're still sitting 100 FPS here inside the submarine it'll probably drop down a little bit though once you're in a larger world but this isn't a huge like world game like say something like Ghost Recon this is fairly linear at least Wolfenstein usually was seen behind me yes how many times have I died already ten at least I need a death counter yeah oh I'm so bad at this that didn't really change fps why is it all did it so let's try it uber and I know we have to restart the game we're running over settings right now and it's still sitting at the same like about a hundred to 110 FPS I feel like I'm gonna die when I go down this thing oh god don't go into the thing there's all those stupid forcefield things yeah I mean this is I'm you know what I'm having such fun with these types of videos because don't die I'm having so much fun with these types of videos because this is just showing now that you don't need skunkworks level hardware you don't need 1080 is you don't need Vega graphics cards you don't need any of that stuff to enjoy games when they're built well like this right here vulcan is an amazing api dx12 i don't think it's as good as everyone hoped it was going to be in terms of performance overhead but clearly we are running a what this is almost a five-year-old hardware platform the 4770k came out and what 2013 right so we're pretty damn close to this thing being five years old the gtx 1060 doesn't cost a fortune and yet you can still get a hundred FPS in the game like Wolfenstein 2 which just launched here at the end of 2017 so anyway tell what you guys thought about this right here I this is fun this is fun now because it actually just really opens up the door for so many gamers to see a real-world performance and to see that there's actually a bit of conservativeness conservative conservativism conservative conserve you actually get better performance with the minimums then they're actually telling you because we were able to gain at 1080p with low settings with the initial 720p hardware I mean it was 50 to 60 FPS but that's the number a lot of people are looking for that's what we got with destiny on the minimum hardware so if that's good enough for destiny it's good enough for Wolfenstein anyway guys quick video here just showing you what the minimums were like thanks for watching again give me the titles that you guys want me to do this with and every time my game launches I will buy it and I will do this anyway guys thanks for watching and as always I'll see you in the next one I'll go back to my wheelchair simulator you
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