remember when handling a CPU it is very
delicate you should handle it with care
when inserting the CPU into the socket
make sure that the gold triangle is in
alignment with the triangle on the
once again handle with care when
applying thermal paste make sure you
don't use too much make sure you don't
use too little make sure you use just
the right amount and you want to make
sure that you get it applied nice and
evenly to the top of the CPU
when installing the CPU fan you might
have to use a little force sometimes
this theme can be just a little bit
finicky but of course it always helps to
have the right tool for the job you
might find that it takes more than one
attempt to get the CPU fan to seat onto
the socket but practice makes perfect
and just keep trying there is nothing
like the satisfaction of knowing that
you did a job well done congratulations
and if you've liked today's video do all
that normal stuff you do on YouTube like
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check out my other videos thanks for
this is J's $0.02 who just taught you
the J's way of installing a CPU so long
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