what's up guys Jays $0.02 here bringing
you another emergency battlefield 4 fix
video and it may help some of you with
your stutters and your frame drops what
I've discovered here is that and
actually I didn't discover it I don't
take credit for this this was just
through Google searches and stuff I
didn't know about it so chances are some
of you don't some of you may if you do
then please help out a friend or
somebody in this video now what is
happening here is battlefield 4 is
having cores parked by the operating
what core is part pork court court
parkour parkour Windows does parkour
what court parking is and I've done some
research on this because I really didn't
know is when Windows will set aside
tasks for the processor and will tell
the processor hey set these cores aside
and don't use them and you don't want
that when you're playing the game you
want all courts being used for the game
so here is what you are going to do
you're going to hit and by the way guys
this only works for those using Windows
sorry Windows 8 is different I don't
have a fix for that but this is working
for me on Windows 7 now open up your
Start menu go to read edit hit enter and
then you're going to be in your registry
here now this may be a little bit scary
to some of you please trust me this is
not but this is this is basic you're not
gonna be messing anything up you're not
deleting any files you're not changing
any files you're changing a value go to
edit go to find or hit ctrl F it brings
up a search when you window you're going
to copy and paste this key now this key
is down in the description you can copy
and paste it from the description and
click find next and it's going to start
searching the registry how long this
takes to search is going to basically
depend on how slow your hard drive is so
it could take a few seconds it could
take a few minutes depends on
that now we've got one match right here
and here it is by default it's
highlighted blue you may find more than
one depending on various factors now
you're going to see a bunch of different
stuff here and you're going to see value
min and value max by default you may see
value Max is set at 64 so looks
something like this where it's X 0 0 0 0
0 0 64 or 100 what this is saying is
that and if you hear a funky noise when
recognition just kicked on outside so
anyway if you click this value max
double click on it and you see 64 that's
a hexadecimal symbol or value which
means a hundred percent of your course
can be parked where battlefield becomes
a minimal task to the operating system
and it runs basically at minimum
processing power so what you want to do
is you want to take 64 and turn it to
zero hit OK and value max is now set to
zero close your registry turn off your
computer do not restart the computer
shut it down let it power down and cold
boot it again into battlefield 4 and you
may notice now that your framerate is
not going to be all over the place
anymore in fact I want to show you
something here I did a little bit of a I
did a little bit of a benchmark myself
on that using the fraps benchmark err
and check this out the min max average
eighty four point four frames per second
with a minimum of 71 and a maximum of
109 and I played the game for 15,000 63
frames per second or friends was like oh
my god that would be amazing
ok I played it for 15,000 63 frames so I
played it for quite a few minutes
average 84 point 4 min 71 max 109 guys
that is a huge improvement and I will
say this right now when I was playing
the game it was enjoyable
it was smooth and before that out the
stutters were back before I did this fix
all the stutters were back and I was
just thinking god this is unplayable so
guys please give this little tweak a try
tell me in the comments if this works
for you
this may make the game a little more
enjoyable and as for the crashes I don't
know if it's going to fix that I haven't
long enough but in the meantime you
might enjoy some more stutter free
operation if this worked for you please
let me know and if this video helped you
in any way share it with someone else
with PC battlefield 4 it just may bring
back a little bit of sanity in their
lives thanks for checking out this video
guys I honestly hope it helped
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