what's up everyone Jase $0.02 here and
it's time to bring you another one of
those bonus videos where I show you how
I do things behind the scenes and I
decided this would be a perfect
opportunity for me to kill two birds
with one stone I can make you a video
about how I do stuff but at the same
time I can update the incredibly
out-of-date intro for Tech Talk
especially since we brought Tech Talk
back about a month ago some be returning
at the beginning of the year we're on
holiday break right now but here is what
the new intro looks like and today I'm
gonna show you how I made it
it's just good enough to be better than
the old one but just bad enough to still
be you know Jerry and I now today's
video is sponsored by story blocks the
service I've been using as long as I've
been doing YouTube so that's over five
years now but it's exciting to see that
the service is definitely expanded it's
got a marketplace where we actually
weren't the template we're using here
today actually got from the marketplace
so I actually paid for that but I
it's the service I've been using for
quite a while here because I am no good
I mean no good at creating motion
graphics are using After Effects or any
of that so I need people who are good at
that to help me with that that's exactly
what story blocks does we've got a few
different services here that we're using
in today's video specifically the videos
which is video blocks where we got our
template that were going to be using as
well as audio from audio blocks because
we needed to add some music and stuff in
there so if you're wanting to spice up
your content you need royalty-free video
and motion graphics and templates then
definitely make sure you guys look at
the description below there's a link
there where you can sign up where you're
getting seven days for free and if
you're a content creator already and you
know how to do all this stuff you have a
marketplace where you can actually
upload your projects to share with the
world and you get to keep a hundred
percent of the proceeds from the
marketplace in fact that's what I did
today I actually used a marketplace
template so it's a great service
definitely worth checking out so I did
here is I went over to the after-effects
here and I looked at the intro tabs
because there's it's all categorized so
I used intro to try and find something
that was going to fit the sort of the
flare and feel of Tech Talk but without
being too professional because I've got
a lot of different stuff here the cool
part is if you hover over something
it gives you a preview so you can kind
of get an idea of what you're looking at
what I'm gonna click on it or click off
the page and create you no longer
browsing times so in the intro you guys
just saw me make was kind of a mash-up
of a few different things here some
sound effects some music and of course a
template from video blog so let's get
started now this particular project was
called crazy titles and I thought that
fit our vibe very well cuz Jerry and I
are very weird crazy people if you will
we definitely blend together well
because we have very different
personalities and I thought that this
template with all of the sort of like
wiggling titles and things kind of
smacking around was perfect for the feel
that I was looking for but as you can
see right here when you look at the
project obviously that's not the one we
made right s zone works I believe was a
creator of this and as I said it was a
marketplace template so he made some
money on this so good for you and the
nice thing about most of these creators
is they have some sort of a help and
info file like for instance here there's
two fonts that are used in this video
they put a link to those fonts right
there so if you don't want to have a
font error you definitely I do that they
give contact information and some
information on here and even a help
video in this particular guy you made it
help video sometimes it's a Word
document so if you have any questions on
how to use the template usually they can
answer it for you now for this one here
what I had to do was they they basically
made an idiot-proof which is perfect for
a guy like me you can see over here we
have no need to open having some basic
knowledge of After Effects those are all
assets and footage are this is where
it's gonna be pulling information that
is gonna be playing like all of this
right here is basically broken down into
the assets folder but if you look here
at the Edit or one edit text here this
is our sequence right here that allows
us to be able to actually edit our text
our composition excuse me it's the
sequins and premiere to composition in
AE I don't want to make any BAE power
users med we double click that then here
is all of our text
now obviously you guys saw on the this
is alt text right here but on that one
that I made actually use Jerry's logo so
I'll show you how I actually
incorporated that but the pretty sweet
thing is here they've actually labeled
as you can see here text one two three
so you can see this is text for this is
text five and six so
they've definitely made it easy for you
but if you also want to know which one
is which you can move your timeline
cursor right here and you can see if we
just hit the low to I we can also see
which one it is it's like okay and if
you want to go a step further you could
even title this one you can actually
change the text of it right here like
rename let's call this one here oh I
don't know let's call it get ready cuz
that's what we were gonna use in that
particular title sequence if you
remember so now if we just double click
on here it highlights the text
automatically so we can just start
typing let's call this one gets ready
and I didn't want that to be blue so we
can highlight it this is again just like
you would do in Word or Photoshop or
whatever change our color right here by
using the eyedropper that opened up
another screen of course and this is
make it kind of a red color cuz the red
has sort of been my colour scheme for
quite a while on this channel let's go
ahead and change the second one here
let's rename that too laughs and then we
can change it here as well double click
- laughs the nice thing about this
particular font is it is all uppercase
so you don't worry about like you know
punctuation and stuff but let's change
that color as well double click and
let's make this from like kind of a
bluish color we want happy colors and
then this one here we're gonna rename to
till it's Hertz
oh that hurts as my typing skills that's
double click and till it hurts and I
think I even left this one this color
and the one that you guys saw so now as
you can see we've now got this effect
now I trimmed this part out on the
original as you guys saw cuz I didn't
see the I didn't see the need for that
cuz he was just advertising his name
right there but we can actually trim
this down now I'm not gonna move the
whole sequence over cuz when I do it
doesn't actually move the keyframes with
it for the motion so that's where my
inability of knowing how to use ie very
well is a problem but this is fine
because we can trim this in Premiere or
something else if we want later on so
we've got that section done right there
now this is where I decided to add the
Thursdays right because we want to
advertise when the show is on
all right and I'm gonna change that
color now to like kind of a light kind
of light blue there we go
Thursdays and we can rename it here just
so we know what's what and then over
here just keep dragging along the
timeline this is where we want to
advertise what time it is a 5:00 p.m.
Pacific there we go
and all the motion that you guys see the
motion blur and the like rotation and
all that stuff this is all
pre-programmed in the template so the
nice thing is if a template that just
aligns with your needs or your taste
then it definitely takes a lot of the
work out of it and then right here of
course because we are never really right
we're never really on time so that's why
we play usually right usually it's not
kid ourselves here like we have some
sort of an actual schedule that we're
good at keeping so let's just do it like
they're usually this is where we're
gonna advertise who we are right so as
you can see it's they're advertising in
the template here it's a full HD
resonate ET 1080p and 720p names right
here so what I did was I just found text
9 doesn't actually have anything on it
right see it's got this line that shows
through right here I'm not sure what
that is but I just leave it so if I go
ahead and take this one here we can make
it J's to cents and then we can kind of
put our color in here I'm going to make
this black even though I don't know what
I should make it red that's what we'll
do make that red we'll make this black
that's fine it's not exactly like my
logo is but it's good enough it's fine
maybe a little bit more of a grayish
there we go now this is the part where
Jerry was difficult because he doesn't
use just a plain font like I do for his
channel he actually has an image that he
uses so I went on the good old googles
and I downloaded his image so what I
want to do now is I just want to go
ahead and draw drag and drop his logo
down the timeline so there it is right
there as you can see it's just
overlaying on top of everything it's not
what we want so I'm gonna bring this
down to sort of the right about there
because that's sort of where the
sequence that we want him in there is
and I'm going to line it with these
right here so now as you can see we've
got this whole thing that's just like oh
he just pops up right there and he's
kind of in the way now we don't want
this text right here this 1080 and 720
so that is actually text 7 so if we
click the little eyeball we could see
that disappears so I'm gonna remove that
layer and I'm gonna go ahead and push V
for my grabber tool and I'm gonna kind
of resize Jerry's logo here just like
that just underneath mine and we're
gonna do now is we are gonna go ahead
because text 7 right here already has
all of the motion applied to it
this is pretty simple we can just go
ahead and parent Jerry's logo here to
text 7 so what that means is anything
that text 7 was doing all the motion and
stuff is gonna be applied to Jerry's
logo so now watch this see how it slides
in now it's got all the motion applied
to it and check that but as you can see
part of the problem here though is it
doesn't go all the way off-screen now I
could sit there and find the motion path
and modify it and all that stuff but I
don't want to do that and something else
that's missing too you'll notice see how
my logo has this motion blur it's a very
natural but Jerry's doesn't that's just
this little button right here guy click
this little motion blur button now check
it out now Jerry's logo when it moves
check it all that blur look at all that
blur the nice thing about blur is it
allows us to mask things like what I'm
about to do right here where we can
slide I should just do this you can
slide Jerry's logo over like this and
then as soon as it goes up right there
we can actually just trim that and the
motion blur will take care of the rest
where it looks like it kept going
off-screen because your eyes just make
it think it did and that's what you get
so as you can see now now it just looks
like it just right off-screen but it
really didn't it really stopped right
there so yeah that's a little trick that
I used right there motion blur hides a
lot of imperfections - why do you think
Hollywood loves motion blur so much
so the other thing right here too is now
we gonna change this easy to use to the
actual Tech Talk or this guy right here
the actual Tech Talk because that's what
you know we are we're talking a Tech
Talk here so we to highlight this we're
gonna change this to white if we
highlight the whole word we can go over
here to the right where the character
adjustments are and we can actually add
a little stroke to it I make it just not
quite totally black there you go now you
can read the word Tech much much better
I'm gonna make the talk less maroon and
more red not purple I want red there we
go and then the other the other little
joke here is tech not included right
because another thing is everyone says
Ju don't talk about enough tech on Tech
Talk well I mean the whole show is
brought to you via technologies and so I
don't know I guess that works too just
know what the V ah I'm bad alright so
there's that and then this is what we
get right there a Tech Talk Tech not
included and then of course we need to
change their crazy titles calm little
plug to the creator of this template and
we can go ahead and make it maybe Debbie
Tibbet at youtube.com slash J's
to sense and then we need to obviously
change the color on that right make it
red once again boom and then a little
glass shatter effect they already had
now obviously there's no music on the
background of this what we're gonna do
now is we're gonna come back over here
to the left we're gonna go here to our
assets our final sets an assets folder
final this is all of those these
different things stacked right here in
the final composition don't take the
music that I found over on audio blocks
drop it in over here and the nice thing
is it was actually the perfect length so
as you saw if we look at the timeline
here you can see the length is perfect
so if we just go ahead and play that
so it couldn't have been any more
perfect because the audio clip that I
chose was actually about 23 seconds long
as you can see right here we've got a 24
second timeline with a little bit of
buffer in the beginning for us to use
transitions and and all of that without
actually cutting off any of the actual
intro so it worked out perfect and then
export it's pretty simple a scope to
file go up to export X Add to Adobe
Media encoder queue and then it will pop
up into encoder and you can just render
it like you normally would so you just
go file and choose your preset I'm using
1080p HD for YouTube
choose your save location hit the green
button and it renders and then that is
what you get so guys it's just that
simple my nice thing about these
templates that allowed me as someone who
has not used After Effects and years
probably about two years since I've used
After Effects to get in here and simply
just make something that worked and was
perfect for my needs quick and easy
we're not about to I mean this video is
about what 20 minutes long and you saw
away from nothing to a working intro in
about 20 minutes having no like power
user knowledge and AE what service
either make services like video blocks
and and story blocks perfect because
you've got the marketplace which means
guys like you watching this who know
what you're doing can help guys like me
who don't and actually make money on
that so that's a huge benefit make sure
you guys if you are content creators
check out the marketplace and get a
hundred percent of the profit on your
work so anyway it's time to go check out
the link down below for your seven days
for free and having access to the entire
marketplace here on story blocks for
whether it be audio clip art vector art
videos motion backgrounds you name it
they've got it they sponsored this video
and I am hugely grateful for that
because now I've got this particular
video or this intro ready to go for Tech
Talk which is way overdue anyway guys
thanks for watching if you've got any
suggestions on anymore there's creator
corners and things you want to know
about how I create these videos for you
guys let me know and I will do my best
to accommodate thanks for watching and
I'll see you in the next one
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