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How well did the Primochill Vue fluid hold up?? Let's tear blocks apart and see!

all right you guys have been asking for me to do a follow-up on the view fluid which we've been trying now for how long we had this over a month right well over month I'll do this it's a couple months once again gin this so we've been testing it out obviously this was the first system we put it in right here check out that video the guys haven't seen it already it's where I show it for the first time we're also been running it back here in the thread Ripper build and this is the newest build you guys saw me do the no talking just building that was actually a giveaway system for one lucky winner that EVGA had a competition back on their anniversary but it's running in there as well but now we're gonna take apart our blocks we're gonna see how well this is actually held up today's video is sponsored by ez skins if you're like me and you're harder to your devices will it be your cell phone your tablet heck even your console ez skins has got you covered regardless of your device as a matter if you're talking about a 1+5 every time an iPhone Samsung and LG but they also sent me over here an iPhone 8 plus which has a skin pre-applied and I think Nick's gonna like this one just check this out we've got camo that's pretty awesome actually so we've got a full covered device right here the face we've got to do the obligatory removal the plastic check it out look at that look at camel skin that looks pretty awesome you guys want to keep your device's protective whether it be an iPhone a Samsung and LG your PlayStation 4 your Xbox one your tablet go and check out easy skins you can find the link in the description below now to be fair if the color doesn't look as vibrant as it did before that's because these tubes and this reservoir and stuff was stained it was already stained from the orange fluid we ran back we had the Mayhem's orange in here it actually stained the ptg even the acrylic but I'm not too concerned about that I want to see what happened with the blocks also too I wanted to kind of show the new panels that we've been using on here because if you remember I also talked about air flow on this especially for water-cooled like this when you have a front rad not a very good case for air flow and the reason being is it only had these tiny little vents to blow air out the top and it came brought an air through the sides right here on the front and that's it but obviously these panels have been modified they have some mesh on here and they've also obviously got some cutouts these are from mod mods you guys had to find a link to check these out down the description below they sent these over for us to try out they definitely helped temperatures unfortunately the e bulb just it's not the best when it comes to airflow but this definitely helps not only that it gives a really good aesthetic to it too so yeah the one check them out this is the part that always gets a little bit messy and this is why you will always find drain systems built into my loops because man it's just why make it harder on yourself right you know what who needs all that who needs that nonsense now one thing I like to do - that way you don't have your hose flopping all around as I like to take the tube and insert it in the little hole right here and it kind of force it in there you can hear it doesn't want to go you just gotta push harder are you okay over there now it will just go down like that and you're not gonna have it pop out on you then we just turn our valve now it's not gonna get all of the fluid out right there's still gonna be some fluid stuck in that radiator and stuff but what I care about right now is at least getting it apart enough to get GPU out and CPU block out kind of sounds like me after I have tacos let me take a look at that in a second alright now it's light okay so we're all torn apart I'm gonna start with a CPU block here well I guess it's important to remember this system has run multiple fluids this was probably not the most cared for components to be honest no blasphemous do as I say not as I do I am your tech Daddy did man you'd think I would know better by now than just to turn a block over what I just took it out of the system right I just blew right in there don't you know with my alcohol good to have your isopropyl alcohol on hand like I say this was not the most cared for and I'm not proud now proud of that you can live through my mistakes it's probably a good thing we took the system apart when we did look at this our block cracked see that see you stress cracks that's scary to say the least yeah this block is done yes but if you look down here at the copper though do that because shady that is remember this one looked like this is the one that was all like looked like fiber because there was so much gunk in it yeah this looks like yeah look at that that's like cleaned they're not claiming that this is going to clean your your blocks they just made a statement to me at PDX when they were showing me some picture is that this is something that they had experienced where like things were actually getting cleaned this did not look like this when I put this together this shininess of all the micro fins because of the previous fluids that were used in here you you can see man if you if you look in the fittings right here you can see how it's all like kind of dried and crusty that's resident residue from the previous fluids that was in the block when I started this and I cleaned it out as best I could with a razor blade and a brush but it did not have this shine to it unfortunately though unfortunately this block is done you can still see like some of the gunk that was in the block see it all built up around here that's gross so the fact that clean the middle is impressive but yeah sadly this block is done it's lived its life it's time to go off to block heaven because of those cracks now it doesn't go all the way through I can't feel it with my nail right here and it's not cracked through on this side so it's in the middle like it's in between that make sense if you look through the side you can actually see the cracks like the depth of the cracks so it's in the middle of the acrylic it doesn't make it to the extent like to the exterior or interior but once the cracks start once you start crack you know it's hard to get off so so I've heard because it's a clear block we can kind of see what's going on in there but you can still see some of that orange gunk I was talking about in there these definitely need a deep deep cleaning or these need to be soaked all right here we go you ready actually that doesn't look half bad look the gunk and stuff I was seeing let me turn this over this block is still pretty good the gunk I was seeing is stuck to here like that so if you look through there you can see it but if I look I can just let me just wipe this dry Wow shiny that is all right I mean I hate to be like oh my god this this stuff is cleaning your blocks but I mean obviously the they're not gonna go out and say this cleans your stuff but with this this is impressive in my opinion do you remember this this block right remember how like tarnished it started to look how it was changing color yeah that I've never seen a fluid actually clean a block before I've only seen fluids and I'm going back guys I'm going back a decade I'm going back to like fluid XP days and an early fessor and all that stuff I've not seen a fluid ever actually clean metal before a cleaned bare copper where to go a clean bare copper and now it's cleaned nickel plating I think what we're gonna have to do honestly is my workstation PC upstairs will run this one I'd say for like six months and then tear it apart and see what it looks like because that's never seen fluid before so if you want to talk about the different fluids that this block has seen and why this is impressive to me this block right here this was one of the original cards in skunk works when I went 3-way Titans in on the Titan XP or not xp for the Titan X Maxwell cards this saw mayhem is pastel this is seen Mayhem's x1 this has seen Mayhem's x t1 in blue and then this is now seen the primo chill view and this is what it looks like it did not look this good when we first put it in there in fact you can still see some of the discoloration if you look in the corner you get the lighting just right if you look right here on the edge you see some of the discoloration you can see some other discoloration right there and you can see some of it right there that is what the whole block looked like when I first took these apart and then upgraded with the 1080s and skunkworks but you can see now where the main flow is look how shiny that is how it's actually started to clean right a little bit discoloration right there but that's actually not part of the flow you know flow plane it goes in there and goes out spreads and goes back previously when I was using like the nanofluids the o-rings had a really kind of a hard crunchy feel to them because of this again dis you know whatever that residue is it's in the fittings would also make its way to the o-rings but the o-ring now you can look at it looks hydrated right you can still see a little bit of the remnants of what I was talking about on the inside of the Ring right there do you see that kind of a powdery look right that's the nanofluids always left this kind of a powder buildup in the loops but where it's actually been touching now the other side of it with the new fluid actually is shiny and hydrated okay yeah same thing where a lot of what looked like it was stuck to the block is it was actually stuck to backside of backside of the moon no stuck to the actual acrylic right here I am very happy with what I'm seeing right here they didn't ask me to do this video you guys did so that's why I'm doing it and let me just tell you right now I am highly impressed with what I'm seeing right here the block the block I mean it's got a little bit of residue on there that we can clean up it's still left over from the previous fluids but man we clean this polish this up it will look good as new I'm not I'm just wiping it with a dry paper towel too and this is this is what we're getting I mean I think it's impressive that we have a fluid now that's actually giving us positive results right here and I'm not seeing any negative in any of the systems we're running this in again I've been using it upstairs - am i editing rig all along no temperature issues no gunking as you can see is happening so I don't expect it happened up there with brand new parts but yeah I mean that we in the water cooling industry the fluid is obviously the most important part and not only does it do give you these positive results like this it looks cool - definitely worth checking out again pretty much ill did not ask me to do this video this is purely a response to the community asking me tear your blocks apart and let us see what the insides look like because well I think it's a very valid thing to ask for but it is apparently available on the market now it's on their website you can see it pre-orders have already started shipping and yeah I'm impressed with what I'm seeing here look at the o-ring on this one and then we'll go ahead and wrap this video up the lid you see you see how hydrated this oh he looks you see how soft this is I'm not kidding there has been blocks I've taken apart after running nanofluids that were just the o-rings were crunchy and really started to make me worried about reusing them but that's a pretty hydrated overhang right there and it's not shiny just cuz it's wet it's shiny because the rubber I mean the rubbers is hydrated right I mean do you see that Nick that's not wet right that's just shiny rubber yeah all right honestly though I think it's a good idea that we get Nick's feet wet with rigid tubing and stuff he's gonna need a computer now obviously for upstairs so maybe what we'll do when we come back from the Thanksgiving holiday is we'll have Nick build his first rigid tubed PC you've got a rigid - PC but I built it for you yeah I think I think we need you to do it okay makes you guys hit like you want to see Nick his first time doing high-end custom water cooing to his own stuff so all right guys we're gonna go thanks for watching I'll see you the next one
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