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Jay vs GamersNexus for RTX 2080Ti SLI World Record Title!

what's up guys Jay the Builder here and we're kind of continuing on this overclocking battle between gamers Nexus and I Paul has apparently decided to delayed his 79-80 XE so that is something that is gonna be coming in the near future he's jumping into this my goal today is to get so far ahead to go so far past the current scores that we've already loaded up on the 3d mark site that everyone just gives up well between Paul and Kyle and Steve of course there the real overclockers they're coming soon we know they're coming so I want to show you guys something because Steve is banking on the fact that my CPU is degraded because that's what I said online and that's partially true but what the internet doesn't know well I've said it a bunch of time so the internet doesn't really listen is I've got my overclocks back baby this this ain't over EVGA offers a full range of components including video cards motherboards power supplies cases and peripherals regardless of your needs EVGA sure to have you covered to see what EVGA can do for your next build head to EVGA dot-com so what has changed since my last video if you guys haven't seen the last one go ahead I custom-made a block for our EVGA XE ultra made just use my cheap GPU block I made a vrn block for it and then I've water-cooled another 20 80 TI that ones using a supremacy or ek supremacy Evo no vrm cooling on it still just using that heat plate that's sort of on there but it's not going to be a problem because the main card the one that has the display hooked up to it that's the one that gets hottest in terms of higher voltages and power draw so we seem to be getting away with it alright but let's take a look at my settings here these are the CPU settings I've actually got and the reason why I'm sharing this in this video is because I don't think I'm gonna be able to push this much farther without deleting and doing crazy cooling options which I'm just not prepared to do today so I'm gonna kind of go for broke put it all out there with my best scores and see what we get because I will tell you this these score that Steve put up recently the fourth or third or 14400 something would have beat my fourteen thousand six six eight or fourteen thousand four six eight but right before he was able to upload his score as I upload the better score so he's still in second place otherwise you'd be sitting at first right now and we're gonna beat my own scores today because yeah because reasons so here's where I'm currently at we've got 4.9 gigahertz going right now on my CPU it's a 449 ratio on there on all my cores as you can see my mesh ratio whoops my mesh ratio is at 33 and our ABX offset is set to 0 you want zero because whatever number is in there is going to reduce from the multiplier so if we're running a 49 multiplier and we've got a 3 mesh ratio which is default it will drop our correlate our core ratio down to 4.6 gigahertz from 4.9 if it's seeing an AV X instruction now the 3dmark time spy cpu test is an AV X test so we do not want that negative off setting otherwise it's gonna slow down our CP during that test so we also are going to be running here 2.1 is fine it sets a 2.1 it's a little bit more to point one three five two point one four eight that's our cpu VIN or a voltage in that's the total amount of voltage going into the CPU that then has to be able to power both the V Corps which I have set to one point four six five it's so high because because well hot not a golden sample it needs a lot of voltage and because I'm not deleted so because I'm not deleted I have temperatures are obviously an issue so I've got to keep temperatures and voltages very much in check Steve is running of deleted CPU so he's got an advantage there as always he's always kind of got an advantage he's kind of like Samson I'm pretty sure his power is driven his hair so if I actually lose I'm gonna fly to North Carolina I'm gonna break in and I'm going to take clippers to him while he sleeps and then that's not creepy at all but it's totally worth it to win this battle whatever so my mesh is set to one point three five veces VSA our system agent is set to one point three as well as our VCC i/o so to one point three and our uncor voltage offset is a 450 plus offset those are for memory overclocking speaking of memory I'm running out 3,800 megahertz this is corsair dominator platinum special edition i'm running one point six volts that's a lot of volts but it could take it and I've tightened up the timing to 15 15 15 30 I'm not touching any of the sub timings if you in case you're curious the XMP profile on this as a 24 34:47 with a 1618 1836 timing so we've tightened all of that up and of course I've got all the fans and stuff on the VRMs running pretty much full speed because we're asking a lot of power of that so I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna rotate this computer back around so it's actually clean my graphics cards again because I forgot I had this cold air that's coming through the a/c actually blowing on the cards so that as you can see I don't have a water block on the VRMs on this card you can see I can touch it and stuff it's no problem but I wanted to actively cool it with the cool air that is coming through the AC unit and by me turning it did myself sort of a disservice there now because I do have both of my graphics card water cooled you can see my temperatures are amazing these are my these are my clocks that I'm sort of at right now these aren't my max clots but this is how high I've gotten it so far 15 see on the second card 15 see on the first card but I've got a plus 1180 overclock on the RAM on both cards as you can see and a plus 160 on the core now I can actually push that core a little bit higher but for now we're just gonna run it like this and we're gonna see sort of where it lands so to further understand how important this is today Steve did his live stream where he beat me live and did like a fourteen thousand three hundred something score and out of 14,000 like 68 it was really low and Steve was very excited he beat me on live stream and then I came in in the studio and degraded my CPU now I've got it back like I said we just got a fourteen thousand eight hundred eighty-five so as you can see he spent all weekend to beat the old score that's now four hundred points lower than the score we just uploaded and we're not done no no no we're not done we're gonna play around this for a little bit and we're gonna see how much more we can truly truly get out of this told you we're not done fourteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-four Steve what were you saying about my degraded CPU eleven thousand six ninety that's six hundred points higher than my previous I think gara graphics score to a fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty-one I told you I gotta put this away I don't have time I know time to screw around with this we got real work to do so what I change and you guys can't actually see I don't think it still says four point eight nine I haven't messed with my B clock yet I did I did learn that this CPU likes a mixture of B clock as well as multiplier so I'm still just on the multiplier at four point nine gigahertz but I did bump up the memory just a little bit to eleven ninety still at plus 160 o'clock on both so there's that Lee's temperatures though both of them a fifteen see that is amazing so that's what got us are fourteen thousand eight ninety four so why don't we do this let's just see what happens at twelve hundred on the memory which is Sun that's up this is insane I've never had memory go this far so G DDR six is definitely loving the overclock so all right let's just see what happens with that so twelve hundred megahertz overclock on the clock still in the same core that bumped us up to fourteen thousand eight hundred ninety eight so close so close to the fifteen thousand I can taste it graphic scored at fifteen thousand six five nine so why don't we do this now why don't we go ahead and bump our core clock till one seventy leave the memory where it's at the amazing thing is I didn't have any sort of artifacting which is absolutely an unheard of at this clock speed so yeah let's just see what that does that's ten more megahertz on the core it's not going to be an exact tense give me more like twelve it's gonna step it up to the next piece date so let's see what that gets 14090 to look at it well would you just look at it that's that graphics score just keeps going up and up and up this is where we're gaining you can see our cpu score is still around the eleven thousand six hundred range because we haven't we haven't touched our CPU yet fifteen thousand six ninety seven on the video in the fourteen thousand nine two two on the graphics look at it but look at me look at it that's the star that's the star right there okay here's we're gonna do we're gonna go for broke I'm gonna go + 180 on the core but what I'm gonna do right now is I'm also gonna step up our core clock to five gigs are now core clocks our CPU we're gonna get the CP at five gigs I'm gonna do it by adding two to the beat clock so 102 which is 49 times two so technically would be four point nine eight nine nine eight close enough to five gigs right that is five gigahertz okay I know it doesn't show a five it's five rounding math Common Core all that stuff and just to show you that we're actually in the OS with this here it is we're at four point nine nine fluctuating so five gigs there's our 49 multiplier and our 102 base clock right there DRAM frequency is at nineteen thirty seven so that times two right that's getting us just under four gigahertz but that's because the B clock also applies to the memory frequency as well so I mean I think we've already kind of achieved what we wanted to achieve today I'd love to see a fifteen thousand not entirely convinced that's gonna happen today but yeah it's possible I don't know okay so after lots of trial and error lots of crashes we are literally at the limit right now fourteen thousand nine five eight is my score funny enough though even though we increased the base clock and it brought up the RAM speed a little bit and the CPU a little bit eleven thousand six eight one is still our max on the CPU we can't get that over eleven thousand seven hundred didn't really change with the faster CPU so clearly there's other things that need to happen to make that score go up but our GPU look at that because we ran the twelve hundred memory in the one eighty core fifteen thousand seven thirty eight now what's starting to happen here at least for us and our current limitations is the card is running very cool but we're still hitting power limit and even though we have the very unofficial not recognized BIOS that we have obtained through the overclocking community we still hit that power limit in fact we were spiking like a stupid amount of power draw which means that the core clocks do suffer because of that so temp is out of the equation power draw is still a problem so Steve with his shunt mods and once he's on water might be able to beat this but this is pretty much all I could do so 14,000 9 5 8 guys somebody beat me to 15000 that's not kingpin so Steve once again the ball is in your court have at it man I passed the hard hat to you so anyway thanks for watching guys and as always we'll see you in the net one five zero zero zero oh look at the CPU score eleven thousand eight hundred ninety one okay connector so fill this literally in the middle of editing this video that you guys are watching right now so I my vest is over here I put this on good do that so anyway we were filming that or he was editing that and I was like you know what we can get five gigs so you saw the four point nine nine eight that we did but what I did was instead of running 15 15 15 thirty on the timing on the memory I went 15 16 16 31 I loosened it just a little bit and jumped it up a whole nother multiplier to 4000 and then when you take our B clock into account which is still at 102 it's above 4000 so if we look at CPU Z here real quick you can see that the memory is actually running 2039 or we were actually running 4d or 4,000 80 megahertz on the memory but that still shows 15 15 15 31 holy crap so maybe my 16 16 16 didn't apply who cares we got 15,000 in the Canadian J's two cents and yeah I mean I'm done maybe you can go farther maybe it'll be another video I don't
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