
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

LIVE from PDXLAN - Games and Shenanigans...

alright ok we are streaming right now oh yeah this is real life right now oh geez I forgot to change the thumbnail so it's just says real live at PDX land and it's a giant image of the 1080 TI whoops it copied the thumbnail of like the last time I went live using lot youtubes like instant stream features this is an event so anyway what's up guys jst sensei me pop the chat out so if I'm using a secondary laptop to monitor the chat so bear with me here we pop that out yeah so that that thumbnail that was actually not intended to be so my bad or whatever it's a cool looking graphics cards we can go with it right we're gonna take a couple minutes here and let people kind of trickle in I am live here in Portland at PDX land and as you guys can see if I turn the camera around they kind of put it in the back they put us back it's in the back you know dreamhack but there is a there is a lot of us here and we've got two 10-gig the networks brought in through Xfinity and then of course the sponsors for this entire event for us anyway cuz I am here with fractal Josh and Nick is also here you guys can see them they're skunkworks we brought skunkworks with us there's Josh and Nick josh Polk Nick and tell them to wave so there's Nick oh they're and they are of course playing on the systems that we built in our build challenge so it's gonna be a low quality stream in terms of it just being webcam and stuff this is me actually playing games for once so I would appreciate it if you guys would appreciate the low quality that's what we need we need to appreciate the low quality I'm trying to see if I can't change that thumbnail nope I can whatever thumbnail is what it is let's see chat is popped out right see so we have a few games on the docket we have so we're gonna start with insurgency only cuz it's I've never really played it I'm pretty derpy at it I'm really bad because when those games are like you can't just go running in and be all Rambo like you kind of have to go serve our monsters here to keep us going you have to sort of like plan out your attacks and work together the AI is actually I hear fairly difficult to overcome so you have to be smart about it and that's not me that's not the way I operate I like to operate in shooters like I operate life and lovemaking I like to just kind of Ram it ran in there run in there and just get her done and get out so yeah oh also two donations please dont donate there's no reason to donate for this we are sponsor of this event of course fractal design has sponsored Hardware for this as well as in the monetary offsets for us to get out here three of us in a road trip in a car for four days total speaking of car Hertz has graciously donated our accommodations so they have provided us with our 2017 Lincoln Navigator 3.5 liter EcoBoost twin-turbo v6 and also our hotels so oh and then EVGA of course a sponsored the motherboards and graphics cards that we are using in all three systems so what the exception of my tight nexus I I got those direct but that's a guys time to play some game so I'm gonna go and flip on over here and if it's noisy well we're at a LAN party so is what it is Josh and going turn on your mic now if you'd like and we are also in discord so we'll be below a sexy job josh is also live-streaming are you liking right now I'm surprised skunk works as it yeah we have like six systems running off of one daisy chained power extension cord you guys can check out Josh's stream though if you feel like it he is gonna be on Twitch whereas I am of course on YouTube so he is gonna be twitch TVs Ford / fractal Josh credits me I'll be trying to pay attention to chat but it's gonna be on my phone so yeah remember guys first and foremost we're here to play some games but we want to share with you guys so please bear with us in terms of being slow Jake Paxton says what's up Jay hey what's up with you sardines with crackers and pus there's a lot of discussion Josh about me being a pussy and I'm okay with that cuz I own it I can't need him yeah that's kind of the thing you know we we didn't see on-screen was that inside the truck stop we had a bit of a discussion choice a and J was rather adverse to it what I asked bombs let us know you saw leave and walk towards the car in the video like that was his reaction inside but you know he tried it until you open well okay so the way I went down was he was like well no it doesn't mean you're gonna be the one who has to eat them right there's a chance that you may not be picked you know you may not lose first I'm gonna rock I stole I was like no you know the way it's gonna go down because I am so adverse to eating this release raw fish you know that the universe is going to force this upon me and he was like no you don't know that you don't know that well as exactly the way I went down that's why I was like I told you I told you that's how this was gonna go they also corrected me the little fishes that I was like thinking of were anchovies oh you shouldn't get that brand this other brand is like really really good it's like but that was the whole thing the challenge was let's find the crappiest food that we can well apparently mustard is a good thing to eat with them but I didn't even realize the can said soybean oil until I was editing it yeah the funny thing is when J was editing it his aversion to seafood was hitting him again he's like stain on J's pants was cuz when he was bending over retching he threw a piece at me yeah he threw a piece of the fish at me and when it hit me it bounced off my leg it like smeared on my leg and then it fell apart on the ground like the spine fell out and it was just it like exploded and that's why I was like gagging even more you hit and then it smelled like fish in the yeah it was it was bad like no matter what we did it was just bad something smells fishy is what Krispy Kreme McDonald's J please help why's my GPO no tech questions guys where this is gaming stream and even says gaming run anything so sorry Jerry eat your damn sardines no I wouldn't even eat know what they were cooked I didn't realize you were that averse to to any form of seafood but man it was it was pretty strong I'll put it that way I mean there was no acting involved I didn't have to act that was totally genuine I still think that on the way back we should do the Russian Roulette and we hide a sardine in one of them whoa we weren't even thing about because you could possibly see the sardine right because it would be like a dark spot well what we were actually saying was like the juice like you pour out the sardine juice into a Slurpee and no no I even offered to drink it right I was like can I drink it but then you started throwing pieces of it at me and stuff and yeah you know Nick Nick Nick was against it as much as I was but the motivation for Nick to show me up on my own channel was greater than his adversity to the sardine which is why he ate it twice well and I did see a couple people commenting about I've never seen Jay cop out so badge it was owned by a can of fish yes you know and we caught we talked about this in the car right everyone has their weakness and that's mine that's mine and it was it was kind of funny for Nick to be like I've never seen Jay have such a moment of weakness oh yeah Jay was just there there was no acting there at all that was just Jay that was totally just jailing the worst thing was the way it would run CH didn't do oh stop I know it's like the limit you said like when we pulled it out yeah that is his reaction it's here you anymore not even hear you anymore are you live now yeah yeah I'm a little bit a little bit dirty but if it won't get you a game I'm just running window a windowed mode and then I'm doing window capture and it's working fine okay I'm gonna relaunch insurgency now and a real quick bit about you were saying about insurgency so people that don't know it's been around for a long time you can usually give it for less than ten bucks on Steam and it tends to be a more realistic game the main points mean there's no hitmarkers there's no arcade style points and also there's no mag pooling so if Jay fires off 15 rounds out of a thirty round mag and then does a tactical reload that 15 round mag is gonna come back and that goes against everything that I am like used to I'm used to like firing off four rounds and capping off a mag so I'm gonna be screwed on that also too it's basically like playing it's sort of like playing in my opinion a crossover of a close quarters battle field and csgo on hardcore mode yeah the thing that like when I play Rainbow six siege for example I'll do the same thing fire three rounds boom cap reload and in this game you don't want to do that you'd also don't want to yo lo I was streaming a couple weeks ago and a kid popped in to play with us he's got a 360 noscope and let me know how that goes for you oh yeah is that do you get to control AI difficulty is it always just as realistic as it can be no you can control it you can do there's brutal bots where they're wearing armor and the AI is a lot more difficult I always play just PvE you know I don't tend to go for like full multiplayer because I don't want to get owned by some thirteen year old talking trash to me in Russian right Oh some Russians something I also have to point out to here I totally free I'm such a bad such a bad host got to call out a sponsor oops our panels were actually supplied by Acer these are on these were these were loan to us here we are running Acer predators with a xB ones 1440p 144 Hertz refresh rate g-sync the whole spiel you know I haven't played on the sixteen by nine panel in quite a while I've been running ultra wide 20 1 by 9 for a while but this is this 27-inch is actually a very good format I'm happy with this I could run this daily and I should be fine with it but it's high refresh rate which is all I cared about because once you go high refresh rate right Josh you can't go back the other way yeah I was able to go back to monochrome you know kick it old school for a while but it's so hard to find flat panel versions of that monochrome yeah like a white CRT a black injury yeah you know or take it back to my you know my work on trail routes since we are an organist there's a lot of things that are like labeled Oregon Trail at the Oregon Trail burger you know the Oregon Trail smoothie it's like wow guys it's quite possible you could hear a slight echo Josh's right there like two seats over so my mic might pick them up slightly but is what's been playing games so it's not gonna be like a lot of that we're just waiting on Nick honestly we're just killing time until Nick comes back do we know where he is or what he's doing I I don't know I think he well you gave him that burger oh well maybe that's him you should explain that so yeah Kevlar condoms here Gerry's here they're on the opposite end of the building ironically so grams of all our medias here Houston computer systems here and they got like these burgers I know what they're from but they're basically a hamburger that's made with the bun is a it's made out of donuts and so they brought it and gave me was like oh there's no way I can eat that right we've already eaten so poorly on this trip I'm already like off the charts and level of guilt but there's no way I could eat that and so I just asked Nick do you wanna he's like well it might kill me I was like I'm okay with that so I handed it to him he ate it and we haven't seen him since we think he might be in the bathroom yeah I think he might be dead that might be immoral you know if he did then well there's more room on the way back he is talking to Jerry jeez come on Nicky oh yeah I see it I see him standing there talking to Jerry yeah I'll try texting OBS hates me it's not capturing the game I'm gonna help you over there you need some tech support no no I'm good I might just am I just so talk amongst yourselves I'll give you a topic why I suck at tech what you work for fractal design that's why so the sponsorship has been rescinded too late Marty here I can fly home I'll ship the system sure it's all good we should have done that I mean if we're clear we're thinking about doing stuff as far as the easiest way to do it that's what we have done but you know what I can't I've seen too many horror stories and what happens we will ship big heavy systems like this and they show up just smashed I work for FedEx for a cut for a few years as a FedEx driver I know what they go through there's no way I can in good conscience ship a system like this somewhere I would have to go it have to be pallet it and go on like a less than truckload you know trailer yeah it's just I mean the thing is you can insure it up to the hill if you want to but it's not really gonna matter yeah at the end of the day it's just gonna get to what PSU is skunkworks had it used to run a 1600 watt EVGA supernova but when I went three-way was sort of abandoned by EVGA in game or by Nvidia and games I reduce it down to a 1200 watt and I've been running 1200 ever since with two titannics PS or X's not the XP big peanut little P not to be confused with the new collector's edition which worth they all because of how expensive they were yeah there's a good next one's gonna be tight knit speak dragger edition humble brag humble brag 10x B would just throw away your money didn't you see one like on the eBay for like 4,700 okay so we we had a conversation about this in the car obviously we had a lot of conversation we talked to each other a couple of times but when we were in a car ride on the way up here that was when the email came in with the teaser Lincoln and I screen kept the titin collector's edition and I was like wait a minute they've sort of done this before right with the Titans E or the Titans ed which was the dual GPU Titan card and I was kind of curious Michael wait a minute that didn't really sell for long it was $3,000 when it was new there were low quantity made me wonder what they're going for today there there is a base seller selling them for four thousand seven hundred and fifty bucks so who in their right mind would pay that in why I think they're treating it like it's already some sort of a collector's card and why someone would pay that level of premium for it yeah there's somebody out there bred things are getting a deal with that like oh it's gonna be collector's edition item you know I think it's very difficult still look at tech is anything like a true collector's edition from like increasing in value I mean except for maybe RAM or video card you bought you know yeah other than that I think it's still too new to really fall into like that this is an investment yeah speaking of graphics cards and things guys make sure you tune in to tomorrow's video be very important to me if you guys watch it and toss the like if you enjoy it it's something I've never really done before I hosted kingpin in my studio he flew in from Taiwan we did some ln2 overclocking stuff talking about Ellen to what it's like cuz I've I've seen this stuff that like trade shows I've seen it at CES and Computex there's always guys doing Ellen - something like that's not for me and I don't know I don't know anybody I probably burn my hands blah blah blah and so the whole point was like to come and educate me and then see if I could potentially get on the leader board for the hell of it right not only did we end up doing a really fun video it's about 25 minutes long 20 minutes long somewhere around there we broke the world record on single card time spy extreme and then we broke it four more times so it's a it's a fun it's a fun video for me he left me the stuff as well as a kingpin card for me to start messing around with it more on my own and I can't we'll see what can happen so yeah it's a lot of fun I'm I texted Nick saying come on I can see him as a come on get over here and he's not alright I'm gonna go grab him okay so guys I'm gonna put this on a FK mode here real quick and I will see you in just a moment you you you you all right I got him I already had him I already had him yeah got him buddy heck gonna go ahead and start my stream up again so today I got towards Nick help would having a nice day you keep that up sweetheart you can call me anything you want Nick can you say something on screaming oh my god is discord crashed no look at this screen that's like weird it's got like headshots of us what is that oh it's somehow like because it smashed up I think it's cuz you tagged or something hold on I gotta say it does look rather glorious but I tagged him they had it holy crap haha we're a winning game all right we're back yes I'm in the game I'm you guys are gonna have to guide me through this I don't even know how to start this run as fast as you can no I mean like how to even start like you guys gonna invite me to something is how this works yeah are you friended with me on Steam why she don't think I am I think I think you are deserve a V in it v as in Victor yes okay let me invite my little let's hear are you in the game right now I'm in the game right now if I can't invite you didn't then they can't okay is there an acquire steam overlay or what about B I don't know the unfriend of them yes right-click on the name and kajori through the venue and get a hold on I'm already in your party I know but didn't bite him oh I think you have to show up as online oh yeah that's right I stayed signed off all right fair warning if you guys if I'm on your steam friends list and you guys start messaging me and stuff it's insta blocks so don't do that while I'm streaming I really need it I really need to thin out this list I really do said a minute but calling I got it I mean oh that's you I almost bet I almost removed you for my list so many times not knowing who that was don't you feel stupid I know right I like how you're like I'm not gonna show I don't want to say your names but they can see it on my stream oh I really like to cater to the viewers I think that people can't see you are actually blessed hey so what we'll do we're gonna go into coop we're gonna play I guess if you want to put a message out to everybody in your check yes we're gonna play PvE we're not going to leave complaining you know PvP so why is I say I'm on co-op PvP like under my name it says coop PvP Junior like like you see the avatar on the left oh look so right here it says co-op PvP yeah don't worry about that okay um let's see here let's pick a random one that has at least three people some some pro true the sub oaks on the chatter really loving NYX my little homie nickname [Laughter] okay we're gonna hop into an empty one odds are randos will probably join with us but this way we don't hop into you know service it's just like a bye menu or do you expect out a config you spec it out okay but it's a bit is a buy menu though with points I say so do you earn points by how much you die because if so I'm gonna be rich loaded so there's different things you can do it different servers love different point allotments there's also like a weight allotment right what you'll also have to is like if you're playing Survival the more people you kill the more points you get gotcha considering I just fired up my first game at 3 o'clock I don't think I'm gonna stop to leave to go alright teams do I team selection what do I do here oh we're already on the same team right I don't know what happened all I see is this it's probably loading Thomas the Tank Engine left though well I was on another menu thing you're mine I broke it I broke it guys I'm sorry thank you in a problem all I did was click go and then them now I'm looking at shows you in here okay let's return to the menu okay everybody exit out tonight oh it doesn't show that you're here though yes Joshy doesn't show that you're in here no problem exit out to main menu yeah you got it that's the only way you get MVP right we won did we win yeah we won we won okay now follow along everybody it should load you in there automatically will take a little bit to lit up the maps that is really crazy that the game itself is showing us at the top give us some codes to give away so and I let them know we were playing oh okay I get it now I thought that like auto-generated I was like how the hell that they just had they use my profile pic I'm seducing all these players and doing certain Z's what I'm doing Jay is licensed on steroids I know maybe hey what's up guys scarce here they sent your growth you always made me snort my monster I tried okay so here's what we're gonna play one of their official servers we're gonna play survival okay that's where we're all gonna start with pistols the more guys you kill the more points you get it's sort of like gun game then but it's like a like a waves yeah and this is just one way of doing it so okay em isn't marry so did you get your config screen this is where you pick and pick up the top like specialist Scout whatever we're up there see the blue things okay pick one of the open ones oh I see you click that it's gonna let you configure but there's nothing you can really add right now so I'll go bomber what could go wrong with me and a bomb this world war two game whatever World War two rifle I have an old bolt-action rifle this can't go well you've already got someone did John wick just hop in yeah we're good to go there Dan carry on I'm like who is Terrace John wick some random okay now like I said there's no crosshairs there's no this we're gonna head towards like you see Dean F we're gonna go over there I followed John wick because that seemed like the safer bet is Artie is there a friendly fire yes okay oh my god how do you slide I saw what John macdui like slides troll when you're running oh I see John what just left me behind is their stamina involved in this not directly but you'll see you still start to pan down a little bit that's a bad guy get him there's no crosshairs on okay neato this old gun here let's see here that counted you got a kill oh I killed him Oh oh god there's a lot of em over there I hit windows button hold on wow oh wow I think I did all right for the first time this is a different style I like this now though normally when you play it the checkpoints so if you die you don't spawn in until your your team captures our checkpoint so if you have points hit em right now you can spend them what's up with dudes eyes oh my god his eyes are like freaking out on that model you can also pick up in any weapons if you shoot a guy hit after oh but you only have you only have the magnets in there well makes sense some of these guys are like rubber bands ah I think I was friendly expired I think somebody killed me like friendly fired oh is this SCS clone no it's quite different than CS it's built off a source hub G is infested with whiny kids a lot of you any triple-a title is I just flashbang now you're not really intended to survive this are you its wave after wave you can only get so far I mean then they start getting more aggressive does your weapons and it goes up against eight guys will we play pub G I don't think we're gonna play pub G maybe but maybe not so we can play try another round of this and if you want we can hop out we'll just end this train those game go home and then we can go under like a more traditional like a checkpoint style or something like that where you can spec out before we leave I got arrested they're staring at each other I only have one point and the thing is sometimes you think you knock a guy down and he just went rolling sort of shooting oh no at the flashbang nice being my bad dude I'm confirming that he's dead how do I know if I killed somebody if you hold down tab it'll keep your KD count knowing they'll show you where you're wrong but that's just it there's no guarantee that's what makes it hard we're special you're sniping people kill the Murphy just alpha echo in my chat says you were like a terrorist uh-huh van all nights wait a minute they kicked us at the box cutter next I'm out of bullets oh can I get in this can I get in that APC I'm gonna I'm gonna die just trying to get it open area I know there's a pretty weak smoke bomb they're using didn't go off at all it's like spectating on che don't do that how do I get more got him run back to him he did but after reload Oh Oh God how do you how do you do knife oh my god help me resisting the urge like reload after every two rounds it's tough well what'd you run into is the dead man's click you run into a room you react somebody ah me a gun where's this gun oh he's behind me i flashbang my corpse someone said this is like watching your parents play Nintendo for the first time it's true I accept that that's true I've never claimed to be a good gamer have I dad you don't have to jump in real life to jump in the game oh right that's so bright when that happens oh my God look at my street where the flash ping goes off it's like a solar flare if my face I was gonna be a three only cuz I played it a lot but I was only good I like how she's in your chat but not like she doesn't go to the YouTube stuff so I don't know if she's watching my stream at all no I'm just like trying to wait for my vision come back you can't grab any of this animal on the ground with hell no you can reload there though basically we're doing a public service showing people how not to play the game watch what I'm about to do do not I think there's a certain amount of people that would agree there's a there's an entertaining element to watching really good players and there's also an entertaining element to watching the really bad players oh you can't jump off the roof well I was trying to go after the the machine gun that was on the ground but you can't do that if you do that you died good to know that yeah don't jump up damn Nick oh god I need sunglasses to play this game you would be neat Josh what if they had a thing like a module that you hooked up lighting so that what a flashbang goes off it's like you get some of my studio lights in your face these are predatory ones they have some they have some interactive stuff too on some games where it can like hook up to heaters and red lights and stuff - really it like explosions and things but I think it'd be neat if you had like a lighting setup so that when you're shooting is like pops of light in your face but then also like a flashbang goes off and it's just like like those spotlights come off and you get a Sun sunburn stream like else are we good I said I was watching I'm watching my preview I'll be here on my laptop and every time a flashbang went off I was whited out like a ghost I was a white silhouette yeah well you know to keep it real okay now we're gonna do checkpoint checkpoints where you get to pick out your loadout before you start we're probably to join a game in progress we might have to wait for them to finish but that would give you time to spec out spend your points on different things you can change the primaries HP ammo is basically hollow point a PMO is armor-piercing are you sure about that Jay why you don't eat the sardine oh I think I think my wife finally watched the stream because she just her the video she just texted me and all she said his sardines that's all she said sardines I'm gonna kill you in real life just so you know it's really it's about what the November events the smaller one I need to turn down the volume there's like what 250 ish people here on this one maybe 300 there's 500 here I thought 500 was like July in February 500 it does seem fairly full yeah we can we playing it's insurgency because I'm doing this on youtube I can't like change the title midstream like you can on twitch but we're playing insurgency and we might just do some random like left 4 dead 2 if you think I'm dirty on this Josh don't expect me to be very helpful on that for dead well good as long as we are on the same page then if you need to the X key oh so this is not hold aim down sights it's click okay oh god an RPG what's prone oszi okay see which is pretty typical I just wasted like a whole mag dammit that's gonna kill me the whole like reload thing well when I first started playing this game I never worried about like fully completing a mag before delivery because I never lived long enough to go through all my bags I have a Molotov cocktail I'm throwing it in my bad light yeah you guys enjoy that I'm gonna go around hopefully not catchable it says laying down some covering fire is he not think there's someone in that building right there I was right there is someone in that building oh yeah I almost shot Nick in the butt sorry right yeah Nick sorry I did almost shoot you in the butt oh damn it I keep wasting my mags stupid habits is there leaning oh there is leaning Luis yeah so dang that was like Black Hawk Down oh god they're rough they're rushing not feeling too good about this since it is real they said bad words no shit and this crazy thing all the Indian voices you hear in this game are done by one guy really yeah where's the tears mortar because mortar coming in think I killed a guy I think I killed a guy I'm happy yeah I killed one guy whoo-hoo J Skyliner Supra whoo that's a hard one Nick skyliner Supra skyline which skyline all right Eddie boy okay so it's our thirty or if it's our 32 or 33 versus super at like a mark mark 3 or mark or super mark 4 super I met you doing my first date breath I think so okay just to Jay recoil is real in this game I'm done yet I caught a lady down that's where you can like sound effects on this game are pretty cool too though oh god chase gunner what could go wrong I'm okay I don't want to play battlefield Scoob at a field the guns I'm specking on Josh I'll leave them we had to call that surprise buttsex you're hilarious J no I'm not what I need to like be better with my rifle though I need a I need a muzzle brake and I need better optics and then I feel like I could actually use it secta when I just clicked just tracer ammo like Ashley make them come like find our way back to you oh I want to get rid of my front iron sight can I do that or is that part of the post on these yeah it's gotta change barrels it's scary to shoot and have an explosion happen because I shot like the timing was just right thing we think that I did it because my rifle has a different skin on it the good thing is about policing that so people can't do stuff that gets it like a cheat ability like you have clip the terrorists like blaze orange jumpsuits or stuff like that oh geez that was a machine gun to the face oh I'm dead two people next to you Steve obliterated I think I was one of those two people I want to change my gun but I guess the ones that we have available to us I cannot do ones without a co-host more than 16 though it takes to frag grenades or a thermite is there more beer than people at PDX actually is this is not a drinking event I don't think that's a that's vector land that's different I have a Aichi under grip how do i how do i aromatic no no I meant like how do I make it shoot its I don't know nikinoo district with the m203 i don't know maybe it looks like three activate it like scroll down to your explosive use or the same select-fire know the many difference wait oh I got it I figured it out oh really so you can't like shoot it against a wall on your face something is shooting anything how did he not die I only have one left on the last guy left I'm scared saw the RPG getting what this is that's gonna end have some faith in me please just a little bit I love what all the dead players trying to tell you how to play the game like how do you capture speaking of time the RPG I don't think has it doesn't I found that out earlier okay we got this oh look I did it I never got to shoot my RPG though it's probably good thing oh my god let's do this one stuff so we think so far it's fun I like I'm enjoying this it's a different style I just never actually even made it through the tutorial I kept dying repeatedly well the tutorial on this game is when you're like in training but then your base is attacked while you're in training that's a tutorial right I'm seeing a lot of people saying like a lot of really cool and supportive things in chat thank you for that in a world where chat is just no no chat chat is typically just like so toxic I'm running the same class again because I think it worked out well someone said we're playing half-life 3 Shay's in my town I know we're not planning on doing like any meetups or anything we will be going out and getting dinner later so who knows what run into you ran into we've run into so many people just out about heavily Josh what makes this when difficult angles it seems like you're exposed from at least two sides at all times it's hard to snipe this one I killed someone would like to make that known that I killed a guy I really need to switch my control so that could hold down right click for aim down sight and not I'll come my fire team's going that way and I'm going the other way can I just drive this tank it's running don't let the keys in it yeah it's all like hardcore core kind of yeah you leave yourself exposed you're going to get hit with something you don't I mean all right I want to get that guy in the bridge of my Ichi yeah come on bridge it didn't blow up stay frosty this guy's at the end of the tunnel there is on the bridge okay I just tried to kill him and I D I got hit with the click click oh yeah go higher and you're all so slick smoke grenade yourself at that boy in the wrong way Oh got another RPG RPG I'm I'm underneath the tunnel with the bus for the buses oh god I mean shot at oh they're behind us the - they're coming up the stairs behind us coming through the doorway don't shoot the doorway oh god damn it I went into that room Josh does the bad guy click click click click click Kevin Spacey's in Tehran oh stop shut up where I'll talk about that shit right where's my RPG a is my body I took my RPG back I'm gonna get killed with this I'm good with RPG ok I'll get with the RPG don't worry Nick why do you laugh when you always say that you've seen my RPG skills Josh don't stand up this is a regular grenade like a grenade grenade oh god I pulled the pin okay I didn't know what kind of grade it was so I wasn't afraid I think was a smoke grenade but it just looked green so I wasn't sure already our charges now turn the radio now the guy in the rooftop yeah coming out of the doorway don't shoot me there's a lot more guys here that about their feet I'm trying to make our way to you guys let alone actually supplied some assistance here that guy dead standing up yes yes Nick I'm on your right now I'm on your left using my H II well god oh god oh god oh god oh god she's not gonna yellow any better than that just chasing that guy Oh there at the last I think I just got rid of a perfectly good round how do I get off this roof without breaking my legs well I'm a saw oh god that was a friendly my bad I didn't mean to do that they're gonna be coming back in the way we came oh why would I kill someone that killed me okay I killed which you know I killed more people than that I killed more people in that round that I have in any other game though I killed 11 people whatever I see you gaming J you know it's funny I talked about this before I build computers and do custom stuff and talk about overclocking and GPUs and stuff and that and most of the time the audience is really receptive to that if I do a video about games or anything they're like we want to watch you play games don't do a bit about games it's to beauty about overclocking game fine the opposition's get trying it in and blow up our cash I'm trying to go recon on this one that's gonna go very badly I'm sure yes can I put a foregrip on a sniper rifle I don't know if I'm gonna be any use to you guys but I'm gonna try sniping this map to lay everything okay is there a way to hold your breath shit okay while I was busy looking at like what happened when I hit shift kind of thing oh my my attachments didn't I was backup before I ran through fire Oh oops oopsies my bad my bad I I killed a guy that was on our team reinforced when the next wave begins I want the attachments I was trying to put on here come in yeah we gained a point each wave the hardest part for me obviously is not knowing the maps oh the sprinklers just in just went off oh sorry the sprinkler system went off in the game well they sound really convincing when they go by your head instead I was last man left what I didn't die and it ended what happened I don't think I was anywhere near them yeah guys I'm enjoying a game that's old there's nothing wrong with that is there Josh only to play the newest games do you have to be a streamer or youtuber to attend PD excellent no no the effect is very few streamers or gamers are youtubers here I saw the RPG come in before I died the game is insurgency it's on Steam and it's pretty cheap can anyone help me nope no I was free to chat I'm dead I I died instantly telling an RPG that came in on the start I was spectating on a guy who just fell to his death I don't know which way I'm supposed to be pointing it's part of my problem like I don't know this map at all I don't even know the caches are there's a matter for he laughing come down try this again you see me dancing see me dancing I'm running towards danger it actually works and I'm dead I need meetups planned in Portland nope there's a sign of time want to play much I won't use what has been in playing games what a play a good job well to be fair I took out like three guys before I died by that play oh god there's an RPG coming up the stairs it was like a bunch of guys on the stairs I got three of them how do I equip grenade it says I have it in my loadout oh there it is for what shopping guess where I was just killed by friendly unless I'm blind I'm really bad at this map what if you're getting attacked from all angles no this is not Call of Duty I'm that guy that keeps getting caught on the doorframe every time he goes through a door well I ran into the enemy very quickly and I'm dead again I'm not really digging this map I can't stay alive longer than ten seconds after this go back to quit talking to him how about you quit telling people what to quit huh he's just some pretty well-equipped insurgents I think about this game she was like with his age you don't have to have Heian oh it runs on Steam right or I'm sorry source didn't even see the guy yeah I don't like it at all the fun level diminished big-time with that map this can run on a bulldozer - plays this better so who gives a fuck if Linus plays the better conquers playing with bots near PD excellent I think people seem to get the wrong idea about a LAN party everyone's playing the same fucking game it's just you're here all in the same place playing games that's what matters right there's some people oh they're playing World of Warcraft I see people playing Diablo 3 I see a lot of destiny - I say some Warcraft I see a lot of League whoo I'm going slow you son of a bitch why you tried to get it let's see did we go for it let's go well I got that kind of experience it to know what I want right see ya oh yeah giggle giggle giggle right you will see muzzle rise on that thing like crazy does it have a bite but yeah if you go pro Gatlin got another one don't walk in front of me don't walk it right okay you're gonna you're in front of me guy oh oh here's all here's cheap at and then your aw damn relocating I don't think it's going in his favor he's gonna have to reevaluate choices so NFS asked me how tacticool J is at what I'm very cool oh I got hit with an RPG or something I killed seven people on that one I can advance beyond cover J you're sort of angles out man and stop camping oh shut up camping first of all play against bots it's insurgency it's designed to be played like you would in real life you don't go fucking Rambo and running around you shut up and play the way you want you shut up about the way I'm playing if you can't tell what you should be doing there sir it's just shut up stop camping no spots you're gonna get mad at you stop camping first of all I'm a heavy gunner I'm super quiz it 249 and my job is to lay prone and put down fire not run around like Rambo stupid I would like to put down suppressing fire in this hallway but everyone's in the way thank you for everyone moving out of the way just let me mo him down I'm looking for their feet you see that if you see the piles of bodies are laid out there so I was like I'd like people to get out of my way especially since I'm learning right now I've already killed 17 people J's what does he have a sandwich oh he's playing on the razor gaming phone I actually think I did a pretty good job so far is the gunner 17 killer sues everyone got out of the damn way it's minecraft with mods it's playing pong guys we are gonna try and do tech talk later tonight after they get back from their dinner but I don't know what time any of that it's totally up near where all the ladies had right I think everyone always thinks as I go it's just a bunch of dudes away I can't jump oh it's at the testify oh I had no one watching my six apparently let me see a streaming some action Jay thank you sir take it drunk on the protec sake Jay I still got monster for you oh my god Reuben is it still good I was like two years ago I think it was trying to get that to me it's even possible to accurately fire at the m249 when moving around I killed one guy but the recoil is so bad you know good job did what I need is a vantage point but something I can deploy a bipod on thank you thank you I'm in the house you know that I have to pee so bad because of all the monsters I'm like city I'm like sitting here doing the pee dance under the table I would like to set up somewhere with my m249 but I need okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm setting up I got that door go on in the building with you Jim is sitting up on the doorway oh shit I can't turn yeah I got the left side door so I need to watch my six though in my in my right it's hider angle here you please do just sit on my back okay Nick you almost got lit up just want you to know that by me I can't see me rounds I have left got it I'm reloading now okay oh no I think we're good at moving Ford moving on G or to the G I'm in luck I'm gonna handle this court over here on the right or not because I just ran to put of me so guy right there Oh scary let's write over my head get sir get that violet pie all the bodies I didn't get him in time sorry I need a reload I need to reload soon I like an MP in peace I think I'm actually playing support pretty well though you might have to stick with this class for a little while I want to move in Oh need to move up I'm moving up towards H a little bit yeah I know I was covering right down the middle first yeah we're right in front of H all right I'm setting up prone riding the left side of that halt that middle alley I just watched that and I just watch it to my sights medic medic yep vs. BOTS whoa yeah 29 or 44 kills yeah run exit main menu guys we are going to go ahead and hop out of here for a quick bio we shall be we shall be our b-52 so I'll see you guys I'm just gonna leave up a blank screen and kill the Mike because I'm other people talking about C soon you you you realize I have fuel we're playing with in there we're like followers yeah so I hate okay this you you you you you you you you you you all right Josh what time you want to dinner I'm alive right now and they can hear but yeah we'll play a little more okay I also just talked to Jerry so he's gonna be going to dinner with some people that are here they you know he only gets to see while he's here we'll probably end up doing a late like late night tech talk tonight like 10 o'clock Pacific time so now my live stream at the audio going well Thank You Josh say I got mission it'll just be like a Late Late special edition whatever are you guys in a gamer no no I'm still in the menu I need something on your ready I'll get one lined up I guess which my scene here okay I'm ready to go let me get a monster About You Jay I know right how much would this be if I wanted to go or is it invites only no its tickets are public and what is it like for $40 to see you have like a whole weekend you get Internet everything I mean the internet here's solid it's like one 500 down to 50 oh yeah yeah and that's with everyone on it yeah so I think they brought in 20 gigabit per second like total like $2 million check out PDX land I think net for all their available show dates they'll put the tickets on sale they generally sell out with 24 yeah they sell out one in the same day see Guinea takes a ticket is the hard part yes that's the thing where it does help being me I guess which is really kind of hate so really being me since I bought you you did but remember by the time we hit you up for them no luck by the time you have formed they were already sold out yeah they make accommodation so right which thank goodness for that yeah it's it's just like if you want to go to pax you get a kind of camp out and the benefit is if you do make it to a PDX land you kind of get the first crack at buying tickets for the next point right right this is a lot of fun I like the skin I never this is my first time playing it and I've owned it since I came out you understand I own just about every game like every major title but that's because I use it for work for testing and benchmarking and just general knowledge of how something runs on a game you know if I don't do videos about it I'm still playing with it and testing it so yeah it's one of those things where I finally get to sit down and play something it's like wow this is actually pretty cool sorry Josh um buddy Josh I'm going to be running for that gunner of that support position like every time in a fight you for it yeah you're cutting out your mic slowly yeah how about now I think he'll be alright now it's Jerry with us yeah he is on the other end of the venue actually just to kind of show you guys here too if you haven't these first time here and you weren't here in the beginning part of the stream here is we're in the kind of back part right so josh is right there we've hi Josh the little nick is to the right wait hi Nick Nick is not in discord is it of course he's not Nick is such a noob Josh tell Nick to get in discord discord okay we're gonna go Thanks yeah ja Oh Nick why was he ignoring me then and not waving to the camera like I said Oh cuz I was definitely you did oh oh that camera oh my god trying to show everyone where you are so we're in the back part of the room here there is sorry so shaky the main doors are like way over there and then there's you know more people here and stuff so it's not a huge Atlanta I mean like Dreamhack and in Europe is like dwarfs this one good it's like thousands of people but we're about 500 people here it's nice to this manageable you know and then there's some vendors who like Emma sighs we go from UK is here you're still cutting out here and there it's kind of weird am I really Andy up north says there's about 30 people there yeah 30 right yeah now 500 J well what would you do if someone would send sardines in the fan mail I don't have fan mail so good luck that could be rain soaked in unemployment oh oh let's see here check check and see can you hear me any better on discord where you want you run discord write your volume level wind up a little bit I don't know if it was just the threshold was a little too low or high on some screens too so sometimes it'll cut out now it's way loud normal voice I think you're good I just think your threshold that'll be put down a little bit gotcha you guys ready to pop in no we are not already in a match why are why are you already in why are you so low over there Nick I mean your party it says you're in the service I'm launching go to another nwi official server too far J no it's not too far we drove 15 hours to get here that's how much we wanted to be here what NIC's lecture no I got it I told you dude I got she achieved something and offered support literally on the last game don't you think I should put that generally do not offer support neither emotional or physical support exactly what I'm running J's not there to watch out Josh I'm gonna should be shooting right your way Genta they lined up and they both felt like dominos it felt opposite directions it was very Hollywood remember through that smoke made so I couldn't offer any more support though I'm reloading watching 10 minutes what server I don't know I follow Josh Josh drags us into the servers let's see here right now we're on I think it's full the cool thing there there are some like unique servers now it's a hack oh Jesus are you dead no I'm not Europe there are some custom servers ready to play 16 people when I used to scream and I scream and fill up quick we do that we play 16 that gets a little hectic yeah Mack you and you were famous er yeah my stream more often used to stream like every night at like midnight yeah midnight night that that works slows down enough bird be in between worldwide conference calls hello cool and I'm not ignoring chat guys I'm kind of focusing on the game still annoying part about streaming when you're you know an online personality up myself as everyone expects every second of your stream do we spent like staring at the chat and it's not why I strained eyes you don't your dick it's like not ignoring you just trying to even if I do I'm apparently I'm dead something hit me from the side and I think it was the one you're shooting at and I private you know you cannot cannot private me that sounds very offensive and dirty and violating Jen was flood into your DMS just Fassett up first we need we need a saline vaseline vaseline but I decrease I don't know where I'm guard I'm lost I'm just gonna head towards all the diamonds can't go that way oh shit that means click OK I'm going way the wrong way simply for my Chet I see you guys I am watching chefs not able to respond the entire apologies don't apologize I just sweat dead guy fall off a balcony I'm somebody shooting to me no is a teammate trying to kill me that's probably me no is that right cool guy or everything where is everybody they wrecked cool just make sure you're playing the game right or we can kick you he's trying to get my attention to tell me which way to go but I already figured it out like hand cramps from like constantly holding down the car there's so much blood in holes against the wall that I've just shoot up 200 I turn right I'm here to J I'm already dead it was those okay this seems safe this smoky hallway here the one that's on fire yes quick everybody stack up in the stairwell closest you cancel oh god I already pulled the grenade our shadow shadows it grenade grenade now I'm gonna it up I would like to get into a position to offer aid and support doesn't help that support runs slower than everything else I know it's hard to keep up with you guys they're on fire let's push the talk up okay Hazen Kaine all right go I didn't know that the in-game chat has like this burrito extra radio chatter yeah reloading could be captured and the defense he has a Foxtrot yeah we set to defend now all right I will defend the stairs I got stairwell oh shit and that's me dead anyone got my six let me check yeah you're fine I'm third-person spectating on you no one's getting up my stairs totally can't even give a shit this is called defending be good everybody else yes I'm like Yolo and too fast on this issue - down whoo look Jim weapon eyes got a guy fly inside by a guy in a stairwell that as bad as that sounds that's what I meant I got an RPG everybody I'm also enjoys rock pool so we both went down from the same bullet gotta give that guy credit if you spoke out one bullet cuz I just destroyed the thingy with my RPG lower stairs our toaster am I'm not gonna trying to walk down the railing on that one I'm lost again yeah it gets easy to get lost skirt oh shit I'll keep moving towards the red things I guess yeah space of what it is check one check point got my concentration face nice on hotel there's a lot of people are about multi spectating watching your stream in mind it's probably two very different playstyles bad and worse - in this oh shit they're dropping watch out lady you're right Oh see movement we're coming through the building turned out coming from outside oh god oh god I got a run run where'd you run outta ammo no I just I turned the corner there was the 18 of them Josh and watching at 6:00 if you want to stay back there okay I need to reload I've had people ask before like how come you reload so slow in this game because it's realistic yeah they shouldn't like they're attached later though somehow how do you mean really uh you know at the speed reloads yeah acquired skill right yes I'd like spend your points on it like yeah watch my left side rich environment hang out GG 39 kills 32 suppressed Nate from 29 30 how gpj 23 kills 20 to suppress only shot 353 fire shot so good I did 298 all that's alright with all that spray it's all that to spray three people you understand the spray keeps them from running in Jesus somebody so many people are like really dumb when it comes to like tactic he's not he doesn't believe in us Jason up appeal box ready I'll send you some fresh monster no cuz I know it gets fresh sardines suit this out now Jay what game is this it's insurgency a bill on Steam and we do have we do have coach we can give away me we give away those later like over Twitter or something like that if you want to check it out and there's also the their newer game day of infamy which is kind of like a same play style but world war two and it is brutal you think it stuff like this try out like iron sights and bolt-action rifles I'm full weight right now in real life not the game an RPG strike early on to take out like Daniel try to pry to overwatch all the bullets flash a little bit tricky I got it's a claustrophobic map I have it yields nests I'm pretty exposed to rooftops though you probably won't get a lot of fire I mean I've got this this this little road right here this came more than a sniper rifle I feel like the like the EBR is good stuff semi-auto you don't have a crazy mag scope on it so if you needed to defend yourself to your primary conduct I would like to get a rooftop oh god I made a mistake I made it big I just cleared that room before you got in there so reloading appreciate it I can see your handiwork all the bodies are six there come upstairs and smoke grenades are effective I can't see crap I go downstairs to defend I've got North covered they are checking rooftops I've got North alley covered okay hang on tops like so you did resupply oh shit oh god they're flanking they're flanking rekt cool on your right they caught me when I was moving I've got your six though so keep North alley covered no let me know when we're moving over I was intense I'm dad I miss lurking but I'm finished the scrapyard worst finale your earlier vlog was hilarious thanks Jay you're welcome glad you enjoyed the plug here there's a guy in the smoke in the alleyway that was expected the guy just laid down on the open like what like you're so fucking cool you're so awesome everyone should be as good as you and the way you game cuz like you know you're so perfect I wish I was like you but I don't have the capacity of holding the level of Awesome of which you're you know your bag of guts actually holds we're learning it still T man J turned into a phallic girl it's like totally from SoCal's I like Nick Stinson all junk just like the internet does to me if you're in my chat you say something really stupid I will I will wreck you it's what I do someone in my chat asked if they weren't perspective what I want screwed up today for my home system yes to have this one the one that I'm using right now is a little Jay built in his challenge accepted video series against so go watch that video if you want to respect some of them right now I'm dead I got really pitched there well lit up yeah I saw that like we're all alive and now you're dead yeah Oh as far as heads I'm using them using the SteelSeries that don't have five or something like that does pretty good face pretty punchy get some no shit that's friendlies our six are six are six that sounds like overwatch anyone's looking for Jay there's about four back here again I'm sorry honestly the mic on his headset blocks out bad really good bike ones gonna fail one of the people in my chat was like move up move up but if I had moved up if I had moved up we wouldn't have seen the flank coming from behind right there at least do you have an ITX or microchip oh you're not talking to me spray-and-pray by JC sense why do people not understand the task of a heavy gunner yeah that's it first of all it's not spray-and-pray I am 40 kills in it's not a headset this is that my n 50 X's audio technica that I'm using the Yeti mic Yeti blue blue Yeti well blue is the brand I stopped hearing a while ago Jim stayed back and forth it's almost like we've been at sorry swimmer Nick your paybacks coming reloading the worst possible location like the radio mod that guy has to make it sound like a real radio oh god I threw a frag in there get out of there get out of there hey guys sorry do for the lulz I need to reload all right I'm hot I felt like a really bad like dr. Seuss book breakout breakout breakout wherever we're enjoying playing with bots right now keeps things very just chill yeah that's the boy how many FPS do you have Jay at 144 Hertz panel and the G sink is on so I'm just doing 144 Hertz we'll play a little bit more than I think maybe we'll start okay right now when you get back we'll get some food and then we'll go back to the stream again yeah yeah well break food let's stuff and come back you stirred maybe do left4dead later yeah yeah oh that would be super Derby I didn't see many kills I had that last round but I think it was closer to 60 yeah some of the maps like I've had him as high like cuz you're mowing them down they just keep running in when you get some levels where the check points go out to like a Mandel Jacobs spawn on a Mac weapon it was 55 kill school less I'm most so far a lot of people are saying it's kind of crazy how close our stream sink up yeah especially I started mine what don't puck don't pop that chief are there warlock I'm gonna hit you moving in my red dot on that was a bad word sir when he he caught me standing so I just injured his feet and held down the trigger in the rest to care of itself I can't tell you in this game how many times I'm fired at muzzle flashes cuz there's too much smoke let's check our six making sure on some blanket nine to nine seconds before that part of the war opens up reloading J is too sexy you know it to six before my pewter to sexy very much you're loading I'll grab this hallway oh shit I'm gonna get nice alley over RPG oh no no not today not gonna do it not today trying to push outs if we get early indication which direction they're coming from oh god they spawn did they pop spawned in front of me geez oh man that was shit Josh Josh I turned the corner I'm looking and they were like JC sexy AMD family you don't pay much attention do you try to play co-op on Massacre servers maybe we're gonna play some left 4 dead 2 later and that'll be funny I think yeah here they go that way RPG dick and it goes our left ripped yeah I was she was I was too far to the left I couldn't turn right history I think later you left for dead cat - Modi branded I've actually thought about I actually thought about getting it wrapped but I have 20 little dents and things under what well somebody say get your dues Modi branded basically saying get it wrapped but I have too many small dents and things that show up with wrap like if I do am a trap or something no do full chrome yeah so I'm just a driving blind spot at that point but dazzle it well things you never be able leaves you close your door and see your reflection it happens already though it's pretty shiny oh you want try brutal before we end it all right we went to 20 bucks for objective and they're all gonna be proven so what you want to do you can spec up your stuff get AP rounds cuz brutal BOTS usually have we'll do an F J what you would be doing better if he had eaten the fish on the road trip no I wouldn't be here right now I'm beating the bathroom still throwing up fish is a brain food okay now what we want to do is just go hide are they gonna come from all directions no it should still be the same style of gameplay they're just they're really mean whoever that flash in front of me now no nothing as he already told her once hahaha well I just go straight to the third count acts like it's over as everybody's taking incoming fire post up on right alley right side upstairs which way they gonna be coming from yeah just cover all the doors another compass you do but I can't remember how to bring it up in the room time to look at it so it doesn't do anything my caper compass nope resupply Ches as you guys already know is for talking oh my gosh you just got capped from behind that was kind of funny areas compass came up then disappeared again that's weird I think I'm bugging out maybe cap has popped up and then went away without me doing anything tell shit's getting real - no one's talked as much yeah we're in the game that's what happens when you put a riddle like it gets yeah what direction oh my god oh my god oh my god I couldn't say anything cuz I was too much well guys went down a corridor where there was probably ten of them at least yeah I could I couldn't yeah I couldn't say anything alright let me get in there my phone keeps way to go team that scared me so much I'm too arduous oh I don't even know who got me this all right think I was I think I was friendly fired give your own though I'm in a bad place you are paying attention Jason I'm a fanboy all PC parts isn't that isn't that a good thing there are so many cool systems here they'll built with all manufacturers oh shit watch out I was gonna go off never know Jesus hi I'm like really stuck back here Leroy Jenkins I wish we could set where these comfortably looking couches I know right you really use the rest around all day job there's only how many points of entry for him here yeah I'm gonna cover this hallway okay you get that you need help let me know I'm gonna go back here cover Oh got me son you're all that shooting going on and I'm trying to post up on my corridor and it's scary because it's like I feel like I should be helping but if I move from here it's a whole another entry point yeah you get up guys behind you it's like I don't know when they need help you know I mean that's what's like freaky about it cause once launched you into a street that has BOTS already fired at yeah I know right like I just shrugged off three rounds that's nice I got it was anybody coming in from that side you just came in I don't know there's two people behind me round up they're coming in or not I can hear the footprints but I don't know who is it who it is the footprints are the footsteps just I hear I hear colors I only killed 47 on that one all right guys I think I'm going to shut down the stream for now it will probably be going up and down a couple times today because you know I want to share this with you guys so I just don't feel like streaming on Twitch so although it's YouTube I'll probably be going back live again later still planning on doing a late night tech talk with Jeri later on so there is that make sure you have your notifications turned on thanks for watching we'll also probably be streaming some left 4 dead 2 later yeah that's usually a 4 3 4 ve right 4 vs. the environment is like foreign floor like we do it versus yeah so I try start with like 4 or ve and then maybe universe is where we can do 44 ok survivors for zombies like that cool all right guys I'm gonna shut down the stream a little bit thanks for watching and we'll see you in a couple hours or so if I can figure how to get out of here anyway same thing goes from you guys pop off now for a while check Twitter and stuff will come back off the stream later on
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