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Leap Computing HyperGate - Are we ready for Gaming in the Cloud?

so last week on Tech Talk I teased a service coming up that you guys actually had an opportunity to preorder for of a service that I had been excited about for the last six months and I've been wanting to tell everybody about it but because of NDA's I couldn't but finally the time has come where I get to do this review now there's very few things that ever make me really excited anymore and this is one of them the new EVGA silent series power supplies offer excellent silence and efficiency through their new EVGA Eco mode technology and also features a seven year warranty for worryfree gaming click the link in the description to learn more no it's no surprise that I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to hardware and liking high-end stuff but the reality is most people including myself cannot afford everything you see here I'm just in a very fortunate position to be able to review the coolest stuff on the planet now this review is absolutely no exception now this video has been six months in the making because last year I sat down with a company called leap computing and they asked me how I felt about doing like cloud-based gaming stuff and I thought well you know there's a lot of hurdles there and you if you can overcome those you might be onto something they were excited about it I was excited about it and last week on Tech Talk which is a podcast Barnack liaison I do every single Thursday we just kind of hang out like hanging out at the bar just talking about whatever we want I got to kind of let the cat out of the bag if you will that I'm gonna be the first reviewer taking a look at this cloud-based gaming service here from leap computing called hypergate I'm not gonna lie I was a little bit skeptical when they first asked me about this because I thought man there's a lot of variables that are just out of your control I mean how are you gonna deal with ISP lag how you gonna deal with latency how are you gonna deal with you know different data center distribution how are you gonna deal with global clients well leap computing is definitely the folks that can pull this off because they are absolutely based on cloud based computing on not just gaming but all sorts of stuff involving the cloud so who better than to do cloud based gaming than somebody who is a huge part of the cloud now there are some pre-order information to put in this video but it's gonna be at the end so you guys are gonna want to watch for that I already talked about it on Tech Talk but today we're gonna actually do the live demo and now here's what's cool about today's demo is you're gonna see a pretty impressive performance well demonstration it's what's what demo means and let's talk about demolition in which case if this service sucks will demo it demolition it I have no idea where I'm going with this now let's go ahead and talk about the base Hardware real quick now right now if you pre-order you can actually get the service for half off for life so any of the tiers of service you can actually get half off for the life of your account as long as you don't cancel it for more than three months but you get a dedicated 5820k that's a hex core 12 thread CPU you get 16 gigabytes of RAM a ddr4 Ram and you get 128 gigabytes of storage as well as your choice of either a top tier AMD Radeon graphics card or in NVIDIA Titan X now that's yours now for limited time if you do pre-order you can get the service for $29.99 a month now basically this is going to be your hardware it's like your machine but it's hosted in a data center that is already astronomically cheap when it comes to data center hosting at that price it go look up how much dedicated servers like that would cost and then try and tell me that even $59.99 isn't an outrageous steal but on top of that you can add more storage 500 gigabytes or one terabyte or 32 gigabytes of RAM or I mean it's just this is where they're starting the service and they're gonna be doing more and more hardware in the future with lower tiers of hardware if you decide you know you don't need all of that but really for the price I don't know why you wouldn't want it now I don't want to sit here in front of the camera doing all sorts of disc jockey yakety-yak about it I want to go ahead and turn around and get into the machine and let's do a demonstration now the machine that we're using is a media box this is a box that's been assembled to allow us to demo the service and it actually has lesser specs than what's going to be in the client do retail version this is only an i7 4790k which is a 4 core 8 thread not a 6 core 12 thread has 16 gigabytes but it's DD three not ddr4 and we do have a AMD Radeon Tahiti base GPU this would be like a 79 70 version or this might even be believe a I didn't open up the box I don't wanna be too intrusive but I believe this might even be one of their fire pros in there but it's a Tahiti based graphics card so it's gonna be absolutely amazing when it comes to rendering and I mean basically everything you're gonna see is on a box that's lesser specs than what you're actually going to get at launch so enough chatting let's just go ahead and turn around get into the demo and let's see how the gaming on this actually performs well it feels like forever in a year since I've been in this format actually we should be doing some more stuff like this so here's the website leap computing dot-com and when you come here and you click sign up here's basically the information about it it's half off right now for all sign ups whether you use my code or not it's half off but you get an option of 5820k hex core a GTX Titan X or an AMD radeon GPU with eight gigabytes of vram 16 gigabytes of ddr4 on both 128 gigabyte hard drive as well as windows 8.1 pro I hit pre-order it was even a couple of different options that you can utilize here you can do love AMD level 1 2 3 or 4 and basically the differences here is the amount of hard drive space and the system ram so level 2 is 500 gigs I highly recommend level 2 it's only five dollars more for pre-order because 128 gigabytes is gonna fill up incredibly fast level 3 gets you 1 terabyte and then level 4 get you 1 terabyte and 32 gigabytes of ddr4 so that's pretty much the service right there and when you install the service you get this little it's like it's their own client and it's gonna give you complete access to the server so we're gonna go ahead and login and I'm not gonna show you my my login info we don't want to I don't wanna do that alright so once you log in here it says server at the bottom if you have more than one server then you would see those there but right now I'm connected to leap computing because that's my server and when this text turns green you can hit connect and once you do that it will bring up a window BAM so here is our desktop now as you can see it's in a window we have full control over it as if we were at the machine now it's gonna seem a lot like an RT PT but it's not it's it's a completely proprietary piece of software that is written specifically from leap computing for this service so don't confuse it for an RDP but you have full control over it and that's what Barna cleaves and I were talking about on Tech Talk that makes this thing so amazing is things like on live didn't give you full control over the system like this this is the same as if you took a computer put it into a data center and then you have full control over it now you're not gonna be able to do things like install torrents or any sort of miners or anything like that or counter-strike servers because this is not for setting up servers and hosting so it's gonna have its own software built in that's gonna kill those services and keep them from being able to run because of the fact that that's not what this is you're not buying a server to host things you're buying a server to play games on that is the point of this service now this is what a 1080p window looks like in a 1440p panel technically we're looking at a 1440p so you can see the amount of difference right you know here it's a massive amount of difference in pixels so I'm gonna go ahead and push this guy over here into one of my side panels alright so now we're in the leap computing app that's built into this server and as you can see we're in the setup tab and if we had multiple encoders built in here like for instance AMD's our only option because that's all we have is a single AMD card on here quality there's three different settings here you have high quality balanced and low latency now here's the thing the server's gonna be running 1080p that's the native resolution for the server and if you want lower latency which is less time between the signal reaching you or being encoded and sent to you then you're gonna want to go with AMD because AMD cards are actually superior to NVIDIA when it comes to their period of coding power now if you want higher FPS at the sacrifice of a little bit of network latency then you're going to want to go ahead and go with an Nvidia graphics card now you can also see we have three quality presets here we have high quality balanced and low-latency well here we go inside of grid Autosport so we got it on balance mode and let's go ahead and take a look here at all right so our settings are gonna be set to high I set them to high and then MSAA and all that's on Forex so we're gonna be doing well I guess the same type of settings I would be running this game at probably locally or I mean I guess realistically I'd probably be doing it more like maxed out setting so let's do that graphics here preset high will do preset ultra there we go right one other thing I want to mention though is you may have noticed is that the sound it's off by about a half second now they've assured me that that is not going to be the case when the system launches or the service launches it has to do specifically with this one machine that we're using for the demo and that the drivers for the built-in audio on the motherboard or having a problem with the rendering so it's always one half second behind so that's not going to be the case with you know the actual service so what does have to live with it as is that's if you guys can even hear it I'm trying to keep the volume kind of down on it because there's a lot of music in here that I'm not licensed to you so I don't exactly want to get my video flagged alright so let's go ahead and do as you can see we're getting 60fps here at the window the FPS for fraps as you're seeing is the amount of frames I'm getting from the service so that's how much is being encoded and sent to me so that's how many FPS I'm actually getting out of the the cloud-based gaming stuff alright here we go so I guess the question here is gonna be can I do this without it feeling like I'm being gimped by latency I have a feeling the only thing I'm gonna be get by really as my own driving ability yes me whoa yeah I don't like driving with the keyboard much that's not a lot of fun so because we're on balance mode there is a little bit of blockiness but that's because I want to make sure I get at least that 60 FPS but the blockiness really isn't that bad be honest there's a little bit of encoder blockiness there now if I was to put this up to high quality we would of course be sacrificing some some fps so you're gonna have to determine what it is that's high there I broke your window sorry I have insurance we can deal with it later we'll swap information at the end of the race but you know I feel like the controls are very responsive I don't feel like I'm dealing with any terrible latency here in terms of controlling the car I just can't control the car because I suck never played grid before this so I'm completely green at this or team red in this case cuz it's named debug all right so that's grid let's go ahead and let's try a shooter I don't really want to mention what shooter it is but we're gonna do a shooter all right so as much as I hate to admit it we're gonna do some Call of Duty advanced warfare ok aftermath Detroit Michigan exit type specialist right shield overdrive instead this is some sort of like a oh that's right they're copying crisis I remember now that's right Scott um I don't know why everybody's blew everybody's blew um Joker oh there's always someone named Joker in the military Gideon okay 60 Hertz monitor a 248 okay yeah see it as a fire pro that's in here like I said it's a fire pro W 8000 so this is it Tahiti it's a it's old stuff well there we go we got our color tones back apparently going into bordered windowless a windowed borderless works so now we're no longer playing The Smurfs edition now like I said FPS shooters are going to be clearly the most noticeable when it comes to being any sort of latency so we're gonna find out real quickly if this is uh this lives up to the expectations that is well this is a big looking dude these guys aren't friendly at all I guess we'll come back when something actually happens so because so far advanced warfare is nothing more than cutscenes simulator frames four seconds looking pretty good we're in a tease now that's one of the things you guys complained about most when I showed other streaming services even in-home streaming was that you guys were like 30fps no way to screw 30fps well clearly we're getting way above that well that's nice they're all sleeping together this guy got spaghetti on his back Missy eater nothing Bad's gonna happen here huh oh no I didn't see that coming didn't see that coming oh we're still falling through the ground the sound being off a little bit weird kind of funny oh well we're just giving him his shots guys that's all yeah I have no problems aiming whatever at all with this this is this is pretty lag free give that dog oh wow anybody that guy was right there shy foot look at the FPS yep PS is actually doing really good whoa hello ow I just never did this game than them yep so the bottom line here is I have absolutely no there's like no lag with this well except for the sound but like I said that's that's a bug that's gonna be repaired all right well there you go now is Call of Duty FPS shooter very very doable actually with high FPS I mean eighties can't complain about that can you but I think one of the coolest things obviously about this whole thing is the fact that you get a full desktop control with it so like I said you could do a lot of things with this anything you could do with your own PC with the exception of you know torrenting and you know doing servers like I said all right so let's go ahead and turn around let's just kind of talk about the service and how I feel about it when it's available and whether or not I think this is something that the future is ready for or whether or not this is ready for the future whatever well guys there you go when I did some of the stuff earlier in the year like the dokgo you guys were like no a 30 FPS is terrible but as you can see here the guys over at leap computing have definitely found to weight a way to bring you very low latency very high FPS up to 144 FPS actually a cloud-based gaming now this has a lot of uses that I think would be absolutely beneficial to anybody who's looking for a way to bring their stuff with them when they go places for instance when I was working full time I was traveling quite often for my business and I did not have a gaming laptop I still don't have a gaming laptop but I did have a basic professional grade laptop that I was able to carry with me everywhere I went and I could have done all of the gaming that you just saw me doing even on a low-end laptop because again all this thing is doing is sending a video signal that your computer has to decode no different than if you were doing something like watching YouTube or whatever but the cool thing about this service is the fact that you have control over the quality of it as well as the latency of it so you can choose if you want quality latency or balanced so everything we saw today was actually unbalanced low latency would have given us even lower lag but I wasn't really getting any lag and high quality would have limited the FPS a bit more down to the 30s or 40s which is what a lot of people wouldn't have wanted now a high quality with the tight necks option it would have been higher FPS but there would have been a little bit more latency involved unfortunately I didn't have tight next version of the server available just the one with the AMD FirePro in it so I think this has a lot of uses I think people who want to be able to do their encoding or their editing and stuff mobile as well because as you saw with the full desktop functionality you could install your Adobe cloud or work Adobe software on the server and then upload your stuff via FTP you're gonna have a full control panel available to you so you could upload your stuff to the server and have your videos online that you could edit on the go and pick up with wherever you left off from one machine to another it's not like in my case where I've got all my editing stuff on one machine and I've got to transfer it via my land to other machines it's all transferred via the cloud now another use for this is if you couldn't afford a full-on gaming machine but you could afford say $30 a month and you already have a basic computer or like a Walmart box or something then you'd be able to have high-end hardware including like a Titan a hex core 16 gigs of DDR 4 for 30 bucks a month and it would take three years to recoup the cost alone of a Titan exit $30 a month let alone the rest of the system and not only that they are gonna be doing upgrades as hardware's upgraded as well included in the price so if you had let's say a tight next today and then next year the next line of Titan cards launch the next generation it's you know Titan XYZ I don't know then you'll get an automatic upgrade so you're always on that top tier hardware and getting the level of hardware of what you've paid for at no extra cost they just take out the old hardware and update it over time and you get free updates for no charge whatsoever it may really makes you wonder how the hell they're gonna make any money hit this but it's a pretty awesome worthwhile endeavor at least to give it a shot its month-to-month it's not even a contract so one last thing - is they are offering a free gift for people who sign up using my promo code which is j2c the letter J not J why J to see and they're gonna give you a free gift I have no idea what it is to be honest with you they're also gonna read they're also gonna flag your account with a two cents discount I know right J's two cents but that actually Flags you for future things that are gonna be available only to people who pre-ordered using the j2c promo code again I don't get any kickback I don't get any portion of those proceeds no money this is just something I think it's freaking amazing I love it I'm gonna use the hell out of it and this is just 100% me speaking like a computer geek because I think this is freaking cool so there you go guys if you have any questions hit up Leap computing comm check it out the pre-order that half off is only good during the pre-order once they go live it's no longer half off it's 60 bucks instead of 30 bucks so you definitely don't want to wait and they're only gonna charge you the one month to do the pre-order and then they won't charge you again until 30 days after the service goes live so you're not gonna be paying up until the service goes live just one time set up and then until it goes live nothing else so there you go guys what do you think of this cloud-based gaming stuff I can think of a lot of ways I would use this both good and gooder alright guys as always I had a lot of fun making this video for you guys and of course thank you for watching
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