MSI AMD A88XM and A88X-GD45 Gaming Motherboard!- CES 2014
MSI AMD A88XM and A88X-GD45 Gaming Motherboard!- CES 2014
welcome to Jays two cents exclusive
insider coverage of CES 2014 our trip
this year is brought to you by aqua
tuning your global source for PC modding
and cooling components and by Sennheiser
the pursuit of perfect sound and of
course by generous viewers like you so
strap in with Jays two cents as he takes
you on a wild ride through CES 2014 ok
guys race to sense continuing our
coverage here of CES 2014 in Las Vegas
and I am still here with mark Tran here
of MSI and we're gonna look at something
that you guys have been asking me about
for a long time and I really didn't have
any answers for you when it came to
small form-factor
AMD builds so now we're gonna be taking
a look here at a line of motherboards
that's coming out this year for the AMD
for micro ATX and mini ITX motherboard
builds so the gaming line as you guys
know what MSI has been pretty much
exclusive to Intel until CES because now
they've unveiled some msi gaming
products for the AMD enthusiasts so what
we've got over here and I'll get I'll
get mark to tell us a little more about
it is a micro ATX built here featuring
the Kaveri chipset which was unveiled
was that a mill and they said it should
be releasing on the 14 yeah so you guys
have you guys have heard the rumors
about the future of FX chipset and you
know AMD has a really strong apu and its
really good for builders on a budget so
MSI has gone out and included the gaming
line of motherboards into the AMD Kaveri
chipset so that now you can get the
features that you expect out of a gaming
motherboard while moving forward with
the evolution of AMD and that's what
we're looking at right here so go mark
go and tell us little bit more about
what we're looking at okay so this is
our first ever gaming motherboard for
the AMD I know like a lot of MSI fan was
asking of so when are you guys coming
out with the gaming series for AMD right
so I see yes we're announcing that this
you know we're coming out first of
course will be the micro ATX board and
that seems to be the most commonly asked
for solution I get asked all the time
for micro ATX solutions for AMD and and
they're really there's like one or two
on the market now and they're not great
solutions actually there yeah there is
one or two in the market but the thing
the good unique thing about this is that
this is a there's no other people in the
market that's still retaining like all
the features like let's say like the
killer NIC card audio boos and you know
and military components on it so it's
the same quality of the intel brother
but with the m2 AMD fm2 chipset yes
right so it's C or the FM 2 socket
excuse me maximum memory on this is 32
sorry 32 gigs we just went back about 20
years guys at least ok 32 gigs maximum
you mentioned the killer NIC crossfire
and SLI capability yes yeah so if you're
an AMD fan and I see here we have a you
know 8 pin CPU power on there
now what about onboard raid capability
of this I see we have six looks like we
have six SATA ports on here so I'm
assuming there's going to be onboard
raid support which we'll know more about
as the chip as the chipset launches and
the board comes out and the the actual
chip from AMD is available but the
bottom line guys it's a full function
AMD motherboard introduced through the
gaming line giving you all the features
that you'd expect as a gamer now the
last question I have is about onboard
audio what does it have on both on both
otto we have audio booths so let's say
if if you go to like here you can see oh
yeah so you can see the path here where
they're trying to separate the signal
for the audio from the main components -
we have so many capacitor right there
right and they're all on this side of
the of the separation so theoretically
what that does is it separates your
sound from the the power signals on the
motherboard so you get less noise hiss
and interference pops that sort of
things okay so if you're interested in
building an AMD system but you don't
need some of those features that would
be on a high-end motherboard like that
we do have another product here we're
looking at what is this in the blue the
same thing
as the the microbe stripped down so it's
more like but today if you're you know
you're more like on a budget right now
you you don't want all the bells and
whistles you know you just want to just
plug it in and and web server for know
like that this will be a perfect board
right and see it still has an old-school
PCI slot on there so two PCI Express
does it do SLI or crossfire it does
crossfire but I'm not sure about a soul
I but for sure I know it does crossfire
yeah I see a 16 X and an 8 X I don't see
any PCI oh I wit one one X right there
one thing to note on the other board is
you do have a 16 and ATX as well but two
PCI 1 X for additional sound cards or
NIT cards or whatever you want to maybe
add to the board now you have a couple
of really small options here which are
the mini ITX so let's go ahead and talk
about this so this one is also the
Kaveri chipset which is a 88x
using AC Intel Wireless so it's AMD
board but still yeah we're using a Intel
Wireless on in there because reason why
is a pretty popular with a lot of the
fans they still like to Intel chip yeah
and and until makes a really good
wireless setup I love the fact that you
guys include Wireless built onto the
mini ITX boards because if you're
building a system based on portability
it makes no sense to be tethered down to
an rj45 or something like that the the
board that I'm using here on the CES
build which you guys saw the video of is
my z87 I Gaming Mini ITX motherboard
provided by MSI and that built-in
Wireless is an amazing feature that is
serving me really well in the hotel room
so I'm very thankful for the built-in
Wireless on there so guys if you're
building an AMD system you need
something small compact but
full-featured coming out this year msi
has got you covered here with the gaming
series you've got your mid-range mini
are extremely micro 8 ITA micro ATX so
many acronyms and then you've got your
mini ITX as well now a question I asked
you before we started rolling was if
you're going to be including a mini ITX
version of the intel gaming board
I'm pretty sure in the future are coming
up soon we might include that in but
right now we don't have any plans yet at
the moment we have to see how the market
reacts to the gaming board you know we
still have the the standard ATX which
are about to show you on the next clip
you guys heard it if you want it you
have to speak up guys they respond to
the things that they want it from the
fans and the enthusiasts and that's you
guys so if you guys are interested in
these products
speak up let these companies know what
you're interested in and it doesn't stop
there I mean we're gonna take a look at
in another motherboard now if you're a
hardcore AMD gamer and you want to jump
on to the new platform we're gonna take
a look at a really awesome full-sized
ambi motherboard so don't go away okay
guys so as I promised if you're an AMD
fan and you want to build a full-size
AMD board you know there's very limited
options when it comes to being a gaming
enthusiast when it comes to AMD now what
I'm looking at right here is the g45
gaming for AMD now mark go ahead and
tell us about what we're looking at
right here right now you know as we
heard from 2013 a lot of fans was
complaining like how come you guys
didn't come out with AMD gaming series
board you know with all the with
features and everything so yeah we
definitely you know hear what you have
to say and we Came As Seen yes this year
we're announced that this will be the
first gaming series for the AMD
motherboard so it has it retains all of
the features like the audio boost
military components and also the killer
NIC card what I like about this board
here is it features all the functions
that you'd expect from a high-end
motherboard but with the AMD chipset I
mean we've got our onboard controls
you've got your OC Genie button your
power your reset I see eight SATA ports
on here so obviously we're gonna have a
built in raid I don't know why maybe
because I'm an old-school builder I love
that there's a PCI slot on there because
I still have some PCI peripherals that I
don't use because there's no slots to
support them but the chips that still
support to PCI so they put it in there
you've got three PCI Express looks like
you have one 16 X 2 8 X and you have 2
PCI Express 1 X on there a fan looks
like we have our
on board queue code right here so that
you can troubleshoot it gives you eight
boot options on there it tells you the
status of the board but I see tons of
fan control because you guys know me I'm
all about noise control and water
cooling and if you have more control
over your fans that's that's awesome
but it's it's a full-functioning
full-sized gaming AMD motherboard if
you're an AMD fan we've certainly got
you covered here through MSI when it
comes to options on building gaming
systems you guys have spoken up over the
last couple of years saying why are we
the black sheep why don't we have any
any gaming motherboards for for AMD
builds well there you go guys they've
you've spoken up they've listened and
this is going to be also available for
the the 88 it's the Kaveri chipset
that's coming out soon here at CES when
it comes to AMD and their brand new
chipset so they've got you covered on
day one once those chips are available
thank you Mark for showing us this CES
2014 coverage brought to you by J's two
cents follow on Twitter we've got a ton
of tweets going out just so much
information to try and cover and as
always I will see you guys in my next
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