
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place


what's up guys Jason here I don't even I don't even know where to start today I am just I'm so frickin mad no no no no stop the music just forget all that so Nvidia decided to go ahead and come out with the GTX Titan and they didn't call it the 695 or the 685 like a lot of people were thinking because it has the gk110 chip in it or the gk110 die or whatever you want to call it in there this some of you might recognize is the GTX 680 this is the card that I have what what was supposed to be maybe the GTX 780 or the new series coming out they come out with the GTX Titan because they think the AMD is going to be launching a new 8000 series card in the first quarter of 2013 in January of 2012 AMD launches the 7970 which is the first Kepler based GPU it's a smaller die and it was faster than anything GTX had on the market so they admitted okay okay you know we jumped the gun a little bit here because they had already put this thing in the development and knew that okay we're gonna come out with this thing before the end of q1 2013 and what happens AMD announces just a little while ago that oh you know we're not going to be coming out with any new cards until quarter four of 2013 a Nvidia admittedly says oh well no we're kind of we jumped the gun on this one a little bit now and so they don't want to call it a 685 and they don't want to call it a 780 it's a stopgap card they call this thing a boutique card what the is that what is a boutique card supposed to mean huh do I have to go down to like huh Rodeo Drive to buy the damn thing and then okay okay well let's go ahead and see what the performance is like and of course they send out these review models to all these different forms they're under a non-disclosure act or an NDA we're not allowed to talk about any of the specs until Nvidia officially announces the car so okay fine an Nvidia holds its press conference and it talks about the card and the specs are impressive hey 384 bit memory bus six gigabytes of ddr4 what does it have as a base clock 837 megahertz with an 800 in 76 megahertz okay fine fine I know enough about computers to know don't judge a performance simply by the mega hurt twenty six hundred and eighty eight CUDA cores holy that's more than a thousand more than my six eighty has and it doesn't use that much more power than the six eighty the things thirty to forty percent faster and that's really enticing to someone like me because I want to get something like that to insist in faster renting or my videos that way I could bring videos to you guys the GTX 680 costs above five hundred give or take a little bit less you can find it as cheap as four hundred in like sixty dollars okay fine and the six ninety debuts at nine hundred and ninety nine dollars okay fine so this is a single GPU the six ninety is technically the flagship and it's gonna cost somewhere between the six eighty and the six ninety okay fine I dig it I can handle that when we talking here $6.99 right six fifty something like that a thousand dollars they review this thing I'd a thousand dollars I don't have a thousand dollars to throw away for Christ's sakes I have kids I have a wife I have things to pay but damn it if I don't have the addiction where I have to have the top of the line and the best all the time because now all of a sudden this thing is a piece of nobody wants that anymore the six 80s now old news I'm trying to base a goddamn YouTube channel and the fact that you don't have to have breaking budget performance out of a PC to do PC gaming but Nvidia you're making a little bit difficult considering the fact that you want to scare people away with thousand dollar price tags on GPUs and then you have the nerve to call it a boutique card yeah go and get your nails done get your pamper and go get your goddamn lacy panties in video and I think right now team red AMD is starting to look a whole lot better on second thought Nvidia I think I've come up with a more productive way to burn $1000 Nvidia Titan that's what it does for your money you Nvidia
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