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PS4 vs XBOX One vs PC - How do they compare?

what is going on guys you were watching Jays two cents bringing you another traditional commentary over the top of some really bad mediocre gameplay brought to you by yours truly today we're playing some bf3 which is some scavenger mode where you have to pick up guns off the ground and choose a sidearm limited ammunition forcing you to play with guns you may not ever ever have used before or even care to use and have very defensive play styles because of limited ammunition and today's topic pcs vs the brand new consoles coming out at the end of this year and how to choose which one is right for you okay guys so as I mentioned here we're going to go ahead and talk about PCs and whether or not how they stack up to the new consoles that are coming out because there's a lot of fanboys out there on both sides of the fence honestly both sides of the fence PC gamers are definitely guilty of this to talking about whether or not the new consoles really are going to stack up against gaming PC's and that there's a douchebag over at EA I don't even remember his name made the stupid asinine comment of the consoles that are getting the new CPUs that are going into consoles or entire generation ahead of highest and gaming PC right now now that was my best you know like you know rich guy whatever that okay whatever I digress so we're gonna go ahead and talk about right now before we get into some specs I'm gonna put out there the specs for both consoles and then we're going to virtually build a computer that has the same specs and compare the costs and compare the power and see whether or not the new consoles really do stack up against some of the high-end gaming pcs that are out there and taking that information you can decide whether or not it's the right thing for you whether or not you want to go with a new gaming console if you have to make the choice between a PC or a gaming console and you can't have both because let's face it there's a lot of people that do not have that luxury okay so pros and cons of consoles from the way that I see it my two cents pros flick consoles are they're easy to set up there's no installation required they're easy to update usually they have a nice little interface you pop up you click a button you pop a pill you go to sleep no you look a button and it starts updating all by itself nothing that you really have to worry about there's a lot of online features now with consoles with Netflix and YouTube and all that stuff you can trade games with your friends that something believe it or not PC gamers have not been able to do for a long long time once you install a game on your PC and you activate it with your code it's DRM to you and it's been like that for over ten years so that's why a lot of us PC gamers really just stop whining with all the DM stuff around but I was definitely advocate for open DRM for consoles because that was always a benefit to consoles and it is faster for you to start up and play a game you turn on the power button and usually in less than a minute you're already playing now some of the cons that I see is you're stuck with whatever Hardware you Hardware they put in it at the time you buy it you can upgrade it a lot of the console is out there you know we--you and are not shadow of Wii U has it but definitely Xbox and PlayStation have their networks where there's a subscription and the ps4 is going to have a risk subscription required they tend to wear out faster because they run so much hotter I mean just look at the yellow light and red ring issues so you tend to have to buy more of the consoles over the same amount of time you would have a PC the games cost more for console they have limited harddrive space they're not expandable anymore and there's no productivity apps you can't do anything on it other than play games or watch movies or Facebook or something so it's really expensive very limited PC speaking of PCs pros on PCs the way that I see it is it's a Productivity machine with my PC I can do the gaming that you're watching I can edit this video I can go online we can look at you know stuff all around the world Maps pornography really you know actually I take back that last one cuz there's there's kids on this channel so yeah you know anyway it's more powerful and faster than consoles the games are cheaper especially when you take into account the Steam sale they're upgradeable as things progress and as the technology and the coding the gaming's progress you can upgrade your machine over time so that you're never left behind and there's virtually no game subscriptions of course you have to have the Internet but you have to have the Internet to play console online to's thats really not something to throw around saying we're going to help your internet anyway yes I've seen console fanboys say where you've got to have the Internet to play games on PC - yeah yeah no shit Sherlock you have to have it no matter where you are the cons to PC is that the initial cost can be more expensive depending on how high the end of a PC that you want to build but you can build a lower end PC and upgrade it later over time which is always an option building it can be scary if you're going to build it yourself I definitely definitely if you haven't noticed by now advocate building it yourself they're bigger they take up more space even home theater pcs can be much bigger than your console they require more peripherals you know keyboard mouse speakers and all that stuff but then again you need to have a monitor and speakers for your consoles anyway but they're more prone to crash it OS crashes and viruses and stuff but you just don't generally have to deal with on console and that can be a little bit nitpicky and really make you angry but then again it keeps guys like me employed so for all please continue doing tour and getting viruses and stuff it keeps food on my table all right so let's go ahead and take a look at some specs here the ps4 is toting that it has a single chip custom processor hahaha basically they're saying we have an APU which is something that's been around for a decade more than a decade for PCs so yeah bite me on that one but it's an 8 quart a 64 bit Jaguar processor now here's what's interesting about the Jaguar I looked it up and the only information I could find is that it's basically it's basically a detuned Trinity and the equivalent a Trinity that I could find because it's an AMD a4 5000 is what the Jaguar is and a for guys and the cheapest the cheapest APU I could find that was toting the same kind of graphics was the AMD a5 5300 which comes in at 3.8 gigahertz which is twice as fast as APU going into the new consoles so that's why that statement that that jerk over a TAS making the comment that you know the new consoles have a whole generation newer processor than the highest gaming PC on the market today dumb stupid idiot I don't even know how you can get away of saying that I mean you just literally have your head so far up your ass that it's popping back out your shoulders makes no sense to me how you can say that anyway they have you know GPU is included in the CPU the power supply obviously is built-in and the motherboard doesn't really you know we can't compare that to PC it's all built in one unit but Ram ps4 is going with eight gigabytes of ddr4 and to be honest this is the first device it's going to be using pure ddr5 system Ram so I'm excited to see how well it performs because PC is moving up to ddr4 very soon I've got a 500 gigabyte hard drive and a 6x blu-ray drive now when you talk about the Xbox one specs they keep changing from day to day every time they wake up they're like maybe room go ahead and go with this one because the ps4 seems to be beating us and me you know we're going to go ahead and bump things up a little bit like they just recently increased a GPU on their APU from 800 megahertz to 853 which again looks like it's going to be the same custom 8 core custom vpu by AMD so I'm just going to go ahead and call it the a 4 or 5,000 because that's basically what the PSU is using I'm assuming AMD is going to sell them the same you or APU whatever the system Ram is 8 gigabytes of ddr3 with 32 megabytes of East yes Ram have no idea what that is 8 gigabytes flash 500 gigabyte hard drive and again a blu-ray drive doesn't even mention what speed is now the ps4 comes in at 399 and the Xbox comes in at 499 now to build in the comp to build a comparable PC you would go with an AMD a 550 300 which is 3.8 gigahertz and twice as fast as the chip that's going into consoles as I've already mentioned I would recommend using a 400 watt cougar 80 plus bronze power supply an msi f FM 2 a 75 m AE 35 motherboard that has all the stuff that's comparable to the PSU or the CP consoles which are you know USB 3 SATA 6 dry or 6 gigs per second geez I came to talking now 6 gigabits per second hard drive SATA drives Jesus I couldn't say that and you know it's got all the stuff that you would want you've also got a hyper I say going with the 8 gigabyte of kingston hyperx 1600 ram is comparable 500 gigabyte 7200 western digital black which is one of the fastest mechanical drives that you can buy and an LG blu-ray drive what's interesting about the blu-ray drive is the LG is a 12x versus the ps4 6x so the read speed on the blu-ray drive for computer is already twice as fast and then I would say allocate about 40 bucks to a case and then 30 bucks to a cheap keyboard and mouse bringing you to a grand total on PC of 413 dollars now obvious I didn't include an operating system in there because you have options when it comes to the operating system so you know you're going to want to kind of keep that in mind that you know you may you can go with Windows Home you could go with Linux if you want it but then your gaming is limited so operating dries are a whole other thing so you know go ahead and and you can say and even five hundred dollars if you wanted for a PC but even at five hundred dollars it's much more powerful than these consoles if you want to just compare spec for spec now what I want to talk about lastly before we end here is the statement of a lot of the console gamers that are super excited about the new consoles coming out toting that the graphics on these new consoles is going to be better than what you can get on TV yes granted you guys are no longer going to be stuck to 30 frames per second at 720p you're going to get 1080p gaming and you're going to get 60 frames per second which is awesome because I think everybody should gain at 60 frames per second it's just an enjoyable experience it's better on your eyes but all we know about the graphics card for the ps4 is we know it's faster than Xbox one so I'm going to use the ps4 in comparison here to the PC and they're advertising it as a 1.8 for teraflop powerful GPU so it can do 1.8 teraflops on on real processing power ok fine I get that so what is 1.8 for teraflops equate to well a lot of people are saying well that's equal to the 7870 gigahertz some people say oh it's equivalent to a 7950 well here's how it breaks down guys the 7850 standard edition the non gigahertz the standard edition is 1.7 6 teraflops at 860 megahertz so what does that mean it means that the ps4s console is really equivalent to more or less a 7815 on gigahertz edition not a 78 79 a 79 50 now what's the difference in between the 78 50 and the 7870 well the 7870 came in at 2.5 6 teraflops yeah we're talking about another 70 % faster than what's in the ps4 and the 79 70 which is just right now you know taking into account the single GPU flagship for AMD comes enough over for teraflops at 1 Meg 1,000 megahertz which is not even their fastest card so there you go when it comes to GPU please for the love of God if you're a ps4 fanboy or just a console fanboy in general stop saying that your graphics cards are just as powerful as pcs because they honestly are not and that's really truly just super annoying that you keep saying that but anyway I'm gonna get on out of here guys there it is this information here is hope it is just nothing more to try to arm you with information on what to go with if you feel like you have to choose a platform if you're scared to build a PC by all means go with a ps4 or an Xbox one they definitely do bring the strength of consoles up to about a year ago when it comes to pcs and they're going to probably continue to get more evolved at sensor using eight core processors and hopefully we don't have to wait another seven or eight years before you get something new in the console world as I've mentioned I am going to be buying a ps4 I am NOT a console or PC fanboy I'm I am a gaming advocate I love gaming it doesn't matter where you play it you can even be playing it on your iPhone or your tablet and your gamer in my eyes so you know take this information share it with a friend if you know someone that's really struggling with where to go with this and as always guys hit the subscribe button if you like this video and you're not subscribed and you accidentally found me on the Internet follow me on Twitter do the Facebook because it's the best way to interact with you I love interacting with you guys and talking with you and chatting Tech and all that fun stuff and I'm going to get on out of here I'll see you guys in my next video until next time
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