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Playing PC Building Simulator - LIVE STREAM

okay let's see what's happening it makes your volume down Nick is playing killing floor right Killing Floor 2 and I am playing PC building simulator which I got a few days ago and I may or may not be a part of this game in the future but we'll just leave that part completely unmentioned any further beyond that and yeah so I thought that I plan to stream earlier this week actually so the coincidental timing with the unfortunate events taking place the YouTube headquarters are ongoing as we currently speak but in the meantime yes I am live-streaming some PC building simulator here it's available on Steam and I don't know how much it cost you know much it is a $17 check so you can basically use this simulator to build a computer and not have to completely break the bank for buying parts so yeah I'm gonna go ahead and kind of let people get in here for a second I pooped the chat out so that I can actually see more chat and I am going to be playing this I have no idea how intense that this game is I don't think it requires a lot of hardware but I'm not gonna be doing free build although I guess I could do for you build but I want to I want to do the career because apparently the career is kind of like you're a PC repair shop sort of a thing and you've got work orders that you gotta fulfill it if you've ever played mechanic car simulator my understanding and it's just like that so as the career you kind of build up your presence and your income and as that goes up you buy extra things and buy more work benches and and beefed up your systems so let's see what we got going on here new game if you guys hear the sounds playing like a slight echo I am listening to it on speakers and not headphones and so it might pick up on the mic a little bit to begin go to your PC by the doorway and open the email program on the desktop I've got mail what do you know Oh double click okay just like real life here we go thanks for taking over the PC shop for me so it's not better state a few things the company isn't doing very well and there was no money in the bank account well that what a way to start a company the rent and energy bills come out monthly so make sure oh you have to pay the utilities too yeah so make sure the you have enough to money for them I had a job to go to which should help with the rent see the email below remember to use your thermal paste when putting in a CPU I almost always forget and the PCs overheat Nick would you go to a guy who builds computers who always forgets to put the thermal paste in so I think you're all set up it's your company now so running how you see fit I hope you do better than I did love uncle Tim psi to borrow 15 for fuel you know how it is all right give her that email so we got a job here remove viruses I hope you can help me my computer has been running slower than usual I think I might have clicked on something I shouldn't have do I have a virus thanks Gary all right I guess this is his computer did it do all right so we need to PC can boot to an operating system and we can remove viruses and we need to work on this PC for this job you need to run virus scan press 3 or the cable button and plug in the monitor keyboard mouse and power into the back of the PC so I've never I have not played this game yet I like how it starts me at negative 15 because home homeboy took 15 bucks for me so how to play this game yet I have no idea like the order of things I know how I would do it in real life when I'm kind of looking for here with PC building simulator is how realistic the game is our simulator is versus you know doing it in real life okay so let's see oh that's cables okay pick that up put that there get up there get up there okay now you need to put your USB Drive into the back of the PC so you can install the virus scanner press 1 or install a button to go to your inventory and select the USB Drive it plugs into the USB slot and back of the PC this is the part where you were saying that it makes you have to take off the stupid side panel huh oh yeah see you can't there you go so that was a problem right you weren't tilting your view enough so you were like clicking it through the vent now press pure power button to turn on the PC doesn't do this every time resist a tutorial ok button a PC click on the monitor to use operating system ok there's pcs loud okay I guess we'll take these off why the heck not all right so now how do we go to the monitor oh that's up and down okay I'm just taking the computer apart why the heck not lose you can actually disassemble this whole thing that's crazy oh so that's cool when you turn your view it actually turns the computer case you can tell that this game was built by PC builders because when you how many times have you seen us do that on the desk I go to look around it and it's like you turned the case and you turn the case right that's cool okay I gotta figure out how to get over to the monitor now I guess cable no all right so am i doing here I already got that already got that there we go welcome to the virus scanner this isn't a real virus scanner I'm sorry a lot virus scanners actually take place in its own bootable environment okay welcome to Omega OS the operating system of a choice click on add remove programs to install the virus scanner and don't forget to restart the PC after its installed all right so we'll install a virus scanner yeah are you moderating at all I just kind of keep it open on the side if anyone gets really stupid then just say goodbye all right you must restart your computer for your changes take effects sure oh the Candace Rosen this stupid camera I really think it's time to update my OBS okay here we go we're back guys so let's run the virus scanner do I wish virus scans took only a few seconds and you put the PC back together make sure all the cables are disconnected now like when you picked up and walked away with the case and you yanked all the cables out you guys just told everybody that alright power it down and let's go ahead and move and now do I put the pieces I took off back on cuz they're like not on the table anymore okay guys giving back their PC with their parts missing or what look to work bonus PC so I took parts off this computer and they're just not here now do you know anything about that okay Oh so these okay so those are the parts you took off yeah I oh I can sell his computer parts yeah what I wanted to sell the parts there we go okay I see you now oops okay fine I'll do that first can you introduce every time they like you have to actually click on install that kind of sucks do you I mean you know they're not gonna stop yeah so let him backseat game all they want I'm not really looking at that so gay front panel and side panel leave by door okay oh crap room button okay and why is it keep taking it off oh the screws that's right okay every time I hit escape even though it was on it would like just disappear so like that was weird okay I guess we can send it back to him now huh this is where you drop it and go a lot Linus all right now you need to collect your pay go to email Nick collect well using PayPal over here using PayPal so I not eighty five dollars and they're gonna tell me they try groping I just wanna say thank you for fixing PC boots faster than has in years and you realize your uncle had stopped emailing me just like real life I hate you raised around okay whatever so that one's done alright replace graphics card now this is realistic my graphics card is fried itself and it needs to be replaced with the same one please an NVIDIA GTX 970 maybe one of those Shawn one's seen once Shawn wins I can drop it around first thing tomorrow morning alright accept customers PC would take day to arrive cool go to your shop on your PC to buy the components you need and can have them delivered at the same time as the clients PC so I guess I have to do other jobs in the meantime things I can't buy a five hundred twenty five dollar graphics card right now at 85 bucks or you can use okay but I'm pretty sure I can't buy a 970 485 bucks so I guess we'll have to say so I probably do other jobs in the meantime hold on so it pays 100 bucks it's a remove virus fine we'll do that needs more space I need some more harddrive space poking my files could you install a 500 gigabyte hard drive alongside my existing Drive please I'll bring it around first thing in the morning that pays three thirty this person knows an awful lot about what they want for someone not able to do it themselves that makes sense most people who actually need some sort of a technician to install a hard drive for them would say I just need more space they won't be like I need a 500 gigabyte installed alongside of this one has to be an nvme I'm not - you know ok we'll take that one so what can we do in the meantime can we look around here is z97 Wi-Fi I can't grab any of this random stuff right on here we can't well it looks like you could do something there at one point so you can buy other workbenches right yeah ok what is it screw doors oh is this my work PC down here I have feeling that's gonna break at some point so if you leave the workshop does it go back to the main menu oh because there's nothing to do right now so I can do that right okay I miss you and your day in advance to tomorrow make sure you've accepted your jobs all right and let's do this look at all this work okay that's upgrade scan we'll do that one first it's easy yeah see it's filthy oops okay oh wait it says one it doesn't let you just open it you have to take the side panel screws off that's weird I mean this is one of those cases that have a door you just open so why would it do that okay clean out dust so we need to buy canned air how do you use the canned air I didn't actually buy it today how do you use the canned air I don't have it I don't think I have it in my hand I did oh ma 'king any noise it's not going Shh oh come on guys make it make noise is it really oh I realize it's like I'm going why isn't I making the sound filthy computer filthy filthy filthy okay oh it's we need to remove viruses did it do lugging all the stuff that's a thin power cable holy crap that is not a worthy power cable all right install our USB drive and power it on dear little sounds weird should I check their email give you like read customers email oh yeah this is a virus scan so yo YouTube horde Court headquarters just got shot up said I am out y'all why don't you get out dude we're in for you to leave you must restart your computer for your changes to take effect okay Stan how many viruses did we find we found zero files infected okay we're good and I guess we're done and we just mean put it back together that's something that's weird it actually unscrews the side panel when it's a you know door USB drive back okay I need you that we move here we go doo doo doo doo it's like I'm working in IT again fix so that one's done let's go tough customer give me my money it's fine we'll go back to her in a second this one is fix okay PC kyboot replaced graphics card install oh that one we don't have enough for money for you I don't think I'm actually shopped yet but I don't think we have enough for that one let me do this one first how many hours did you play this for so far Nick you don't need to remove the cables you know yes I know you can just pick up the key of the case and walk away there and everything unplugs but it kind of bothers me that way okay so install more or Tony easy store 500 gig later and see if we have it oops you have enough 40 bucks that's a 320 gigabyte that we want that's it one in 500 yeah they want a 500 why is there no 500 listen here ah there we go 500 gigabyte costs 50 bucks that is not bad at all so how much is the graphics card then they won a 970 looks like we can filter oh cool okay we'll be able to afford a after this job go to my cart same days a hundred bucks three to five working days is $10.00 like okay they don't have Amazon now it's 100 bucks it's free with Amazon I don't have any other parts to buy this is one okay all right three to five working days no my luck sent me five I just see what other jobs we can get I never go with computers but mine as you start the bottom I'm already doing that one I'm already doing that one okay remember I go with computers but mine isn't working properly I begin very hot lately I'm running slower and slower I don't think I can hear the fan anymore it lives on the floor of my dusty office I hope it's not all clogged up if you have to replace a fan please pick the cheapest one I can't afford anything fancy they would pay two hundred and seventy dollars to blow out the dust and replace the cooler I I'm at I need to get a new job dude it's gonna do this now a lot of PC texts like oftentimes will charge anywhere between like fifty to a hundred bucks an hour alright so that's in transit so I literally don't have anything i can be right now I don't think that's hard drive all right time to go and the day go to work all right Audrey oh it's even uh it's always the NZXT case it's all purple ah that case isn't the way we need another work bench if you ask me I don't need this whole work bench being taken up over here by my work PC so basically yeah if you guys just like the whole building stuff then I don't see the reason why this this game wouldn't just be a good whoa there we go this game would be fun I think just if you're bored and you like the idea of fixing computers and stuff and leveling up and well that's not hey can I just take this person's graphics card out and stick it in the other person's computers all right why is this they replace air cooler it should say verify air cooler is operational not just replace it it sounds like one of them like I'm one of them Shady PC repair shops mm-hmm don't you think you can go over John you can you can go over drawing this game if you tried it so I could buy that graphics card now and not the wait for other jobs is there an is there a downside to going over draw by the graphics card now then I mean it's crazy we need a nine 7265 bucks I like it's a cheap deshaun GeForce GTX 970 aimer the gamer that sucks I didn't realize that so I could have put it on the other order but oh well there we go all right is it some money back for this guy place air cooler I just did it again where I bought a piece and not the other one I mean it's not the click shipping again alright that's fine cool derp there we go search now okay fine cooling Owens 10 bucks yes that's what we're going with she said nothing fancy why did it put why is it say 40 I will go next day delivery screw it come on get this job done do you to install hard drive place graphics card all right new parts have arrived click the box is yeah it's just like a round here huh alright let's get her computer done remove unplug motherboard it's a cable for it there we go install as broken can we sell the broken one for $0 whatever we need to plug it in right wait oh it's part of cable isn't it yep okay there we go I like how you have to like actually pick which USB port you want to put it in makes me wonder if later it's gonna be granular to the level of like you have to play USB 3 in a USB 3 kind of a deal oh I did it again I didn't do the thermal paste just like that it said not to do yeah we'll just let it overheat why the hell not so you get so caught up on like oh I'm taking out the CPU no here we go there okay so how do I close the little thing then oh you can zoom in by like mouse wheel how come I can't close the lid then now remove cable install did you see that it let me put it down with the latch up there it goes well it's like that's not right that's not right there we go there we go I'm a computer fixer why did say computer need thermal paste it was on there did it not didn't like take itself off did do that thing where I hit escape so like undid what I did yeah it sure as hell did stop doing that okay there we go it's just like real life the only thing is it didn't let me leave the plastic piece on the bottom you know the plastic cover for the base of the cooler that's what I need to do let you leave the plastic on so you can try and figure out why it's overheating there we go that was way harder than need to be leave by door okay so everyone tells me just let it yank the cables out yeah when you pick it up it automatically does it alright that works let's tell them it's done in my monies in transit all right so let's go over here we can't do any yet because we still need our other yeah we still need our other parts don't we yeah that's right thought here we go here's our parts we've got our hard drive now this one's the hard drive right yes okay so check this off need to add our hard drive for the full-size hard drive oops so can you start just buying parts to have them on hand to have to wait for shipping you wouldn't that you said yeah because it's very specific I see like how it let me slide the look at let me sled slide the hard drive tray like through the back panel is that yeah that's a bug there we go that shouldn't be the case so we obviously need cables that's all the same okay cool are you slightly back in there goes there right I figured it out get them mark go and it's go ahead you know what no joke I'm gonna let my daughter play this game like i'ma buy it for her and just let her play because it's so realistic in terms of just like you get to plug this in like this is gonna work without this plugged in it's not gonna work without the thermal paste that this will start to like ingrain the flow and the familiarity with the parts and where they go so I'm gonna I'm totally gonna let Little J play this yeah why not you are live somebody just told me I'm live weird it's weird all right so weird all right the sound gets all weird when you turn your head think you're you give my money oh wait was it not done that is because I didn't actually go oh I didn't put her panel back together I tried to ship it back to her that her side panel I could say I've never done that before in real life there we go you don't need a side panel this is better cooling this way side panels are for noobs there we go okay we said to do that broken graphics card line okay replaced graphics card okey-dokey see she likes to play job simulator in VR so I think she would like this okay stop Coast Guard oh wait my card didn't arrive yet alright that's fine this was ready to go at least like it's already too torn down this one is this one need not remember replaced by the board can I replace it with just any motherboard so I think we'll start tearing this one down because we're gonna have to see what all we need for the motherboard graphics cards out there cooler memory like this is cool because you have to lift up each little tab for the RAM undo the cable well from this in here 24 pin SATA cable that was audio HD audio looks like everything I'm plug a CPU out it's a seller on G 3900 it's a more Tony z170 with a seller on I mean that seems a little mismatched if you ask me okay oh yeah I knew all my Portuguese you know when to replace little J's motherboard three times the other day would have been nice if it was this fast huh yeah there we go let's go buy ourselves a more Tony oh no no do that oh they need to fix that when you hit escape it doesn't undo everything you just did because now I have to undo all these screws again why do so many people come in here and start saying stupid like YouTube's being shot YouTube me like like we have it heard already like their first 56,000 messages people have been sending me like I haven't seen a single one oh yeah yeah people people my god see this is the part that's bugging me here I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong okay so I'm undoing that this Nick watch this trick I know you're doing killing for it okay so I undo this I'm do all the screws motherboards out right you do why we're replacing the motherboard not the case or any I mean we don't need the standoffs gone okay that's dumb that needs to be Denny to be fixed because that is not part of replacing a motherboard unless you're changing the motherboard like form-factor yeah okay now we need to buy motherboard I guess I should see what other jobs we have first year here at mega Corp we know that life doesn't always run smoothly so we provide a free overdraft for all your customers free free / deaf limits $1,000 okay well that's I'm not overdrawn anymore so did I never finish Audrey's computer yeah okay we need another workbench badly well this is just telling me I leveled up so now I've access to other components okay cool I'm giving my daughter a PC and she needs that seems to be a lot of that going around lately huh I'm giving my daughter a PC and she needs a lot of RAM apparently she says she needs 16 gigabyte and I've got 2 gigabyte and 4 gigabyte RAM slots on my motherboard Oh 2 gigabytes and for RAM slots on the motherboard ok fine except that one replace motherboard broken graphics card install PC status ready to boot alright so we need to order the motherboard oops z170 mtech that's all we can get okay we has four slots new 16 mother or 16 gigs we needed my memory we need 16 gigabytes looks like it's pretty standard for gigabyte there $40 per 4 gigs that's how we're and prices used to be I guess actually still not that far off but still it's like $50 per four gigs now so I could buy four of these I guess one two three four okay okay that'll do the order will arrive tomorrow oh damn it's like defaulting next day oops there's a lot of money in shipping right there which one was this place graphics card Oh with the gamer okay so we need to come back tomorrow for Britney's she's been waiting forever here we go got a graphics card my motherboard and my RAM sticks so let's get this one out of here this is the motherboard replacement easy parts well the motherboards not here yet okay so we got to get his power crap out of here for now take this one eight gigabytes for 50 bucks that'd be sixteen for a hundred yeah back in the day that's what it was now it's a $200 for 16 gigs all right so we need to install our PC processor no ghost card there we go there 970 gamer didn't 1970s require a power plug in real life yeah this one doesn't seem to require it okay well whatever so you're just tuning in this is PC building simulator basically the career is like you're running a PC repair shop you have these work orders you have to figure out why oh crap it's undid everything you have to figure out why it's not working upgrade their pcs whatever the actual work order request is like and this one here was replaced a bad graphics card in this day and age it kind of sucks you a bad graphics card you take it to a repair place they're just gonna be like sorry bro we can't we got nothing to replace it with and it appears to be working oops and it's go ahead and install their panel back on there we go all right she could finally have her computer back there we go so apparently I didn't finish these jobs properly weight estimate that's not that what I want that's why well upgrade to 16 gigs of ram so I will take your 2 gigabytes of value Ram and that's going in my inventory we were gonna install open open open open oh see this takes longer on the game there in real life because I'm real life I just put my finger across all four and push them down so yeah I know right okay so they automatically go down alright let's go ahead and plug everything in make sure it works what if we can do it without a mouse oh well and we were at the OS easy-peasy fairly this one doesn't require pins oh yeah it's got that little Locker in there in the middle all right there we go I don't think I have the motherboard yet PC said is ready to boot understand what that means I thought they took it from me already yeah I know but see right here I've already sent the PC back right it just says PC status ready to boot discard ok sounds like that was a weird place motherboard collect this card top quickly I need your help I borrowed my mom's brand-new PC and I think I clicked on something I shouldn't have now it's riddled with viruses that's called pornography I need it done before she gets back from her friend's house on 1:10 2018 in two days hurry alright fine Godot Lear PC not turning on missing thermal paste hi there I bought a PC from you six months ago from Tim and it's been overheating oh that's the uncle Tim the guy who never puts on the thermal paste whenever I try to do anything on it I took a look under the CPU and there's no thermal paste what kind of Mickey Mouse business are you running I demand you fix this for free and this time test the PC would you take the time to ship it back and wait for him to put on the Tim or would you just do it yourself write an angry review and eat the 10 bucks yeah all right I'll take the warranty job ok so we don't have a motherboard in stock yet do we I don't think we do let's have a check because I think the motherboard will be here tomorrow if it's not oh we do have it sweet do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do put all the screws back on I think it's dumb that it makes you take the standoffs off to replace some motherboard I mean come on okay so this plug all these cables back in why is it making me replug it into the power supply never gonna unplug from the power supply oh well okay we have put the cpu back in like are installing it upright careful careful um tools there we go not not making Tim's mistake again doo-doo-doo now we gotta plug in the cables for this now put its memory back in property of Woodward we go outside slots okay wheels missing here um graphics card everybody's got nine seventies in this game apparently that's all plugged in right okay that thermal sound I know like metallic apparently we're using liquid metal in this one give me any power that's not turning on what did I do it's broken it's not turning on what do we got here it's the side panel oh that's all plugged in again oh no I got the epin plugged in it's why we did not turn on um wife is texting me once that guy's okay so what did I do wrong here so everything's plugged in yeah CPU power is plugged in 24 pin is plugged in needs to be connected top right of the case are you talking about that's unplugging Oh where'd it go so it's gonna be the i/o but where is it ah there it is you guys are so smart see by them knowing all this means I've done my job Nicholas I did my job I kind of feel like we should be running a benchmark on this though to make sure this graphics card is good you know what I mean so even though it doesn't require it we're gonna do it I'll show you guys how you can actually benchmark test for install 3dmark yeah there's no GPU power on the 970 in this game which is really strange because every 970 I have kind of looked at had power mmm times by Hall of Fame because I go to the real one oh my gosh it really does it just took me out of the game and took me the real Hall of Fame that's funny okay here we go oh man that FPS though holy hell can we end it early can you escape it's not part of the job I was just curious yeah no sorry your PC whoops I mean side panel don't we that is not gonna work it was like two FPS I gave him an extra Ram stick it no it said it was property his are you sure let's see so if I take this stick of RAM so this is Woodward yeah see property of Woodward so that was his stick my trolling me you trolling me oops so now I have to make sure that I can boot up again but now something's not right again oh no this stuff's plugged in derp this is kind of like the equivalent of when you try and turn on a PC in real life but you forget that you turned off the power supply toggle switch there we go I got had me thinking I gave him an extra Ram stick but it has a little sticky notes on who belongs to what so I knew I didn't mess it up there we go let's go get paid and all the jobs are done upgrade plans of mine I want four gigabytes of RAM installed it would be good if you could benchmark it afterward please okay so now we have to go wait to the next day okay in the day look at all look at all those green jobs right there that's a job well done okay what do we got here boring II know where's the one where dude like screwed up his mom's car oh that car of a computer this is there here he could have screwed up his mom's car I mean he screwed up her computer anything's possible he borrowed his mom's computer when she was out of town he looked at some adult entertainment and now his stuff don't work so let's do this it's okay I'm gonna make like a hundred bucks on this because this kid looking at the dirties you know look at the dirties on your mom's computer because then you're just like you sharing keyboards and stuff this is wrong adult entertainment do you G wait so every weights says I've been there why remove because it's a habit for me to remove the side panel no time I do anything now three viruses did he have warning files found 320 infected files how is not one click you're right X it could have been okay I was an easy one remember that problem was an ID 10 T issue initiated by pep kak I was $200 and I thought 100 bucks I'm the $200 job right there light thermal taste all right do it this is the guy that good ol uncle Tim he forgot to put thermal paste on here again that's okay nephew Jay did the same thing earlier at least I fixed it before I shipped it back oh he's got a rise in CPU in there all right there we go and I just did it again I tried to turn on the PC I know anything plugged in this games pretty cool I can't wait to let my daughter play it this would be fun this is probably the perfect game for kids in my opinion because it's good enough to where it can familiarize them with the parts what the parts do it kind of gives you some ideas on like troubleshooting and what that's like because I mean it's it's pretty realistic we've got to put in the u.s. people like it's pretty realistic in the terms of what troubleshooting steps would be like you know what I'm doing virus scanner no I guess it never hurts right 3d mark the Intel cooler though lol yeah that just that's a good catch that's a good catch he just he just pointed out it was an Intel cooler on horizon no actually you know what though to be to be honest there are aftermarket coolers for AMD that looked just like the Intel cooler so I think we're gonna go with that it's a free to play you have to pay for it it's like seventeen dollars or $19.99 it's technically an early access title but yeah nasrid wan ridwan says no thanks Linus his daughter 2018 like I will I kind of skimmed through that video he's doing this daughter he was doing a hard to build and he was like do you want to come back in and help us finish the build that she's like no thanks and she's like jumping in the bean bags I mean she's three right so you can only be so into something at three alright we gotta wait for this thing to go now I'm triggered you didn't restart it yeah me too but I need to do the restart I didn't mean to actually install the virus scanner I needed 3d mark what is the name of that game it says it right in the title dude playing PC building simulator speaking of viruses what do you recommend for antivirus software I just installed this and launched it and then seen your stream haha blazing-fast yeah it's going 21 FPS I just love that it's like the actual benchmark guys that's not Linus tech tips so don't don't go talking to him like it's Linus in fact once you ban whoever's name copying like that somewhere up there somewhere is somebody posing as Linus hey I think I just discovered a glitch I clicked off the game and then clicked back to it and then the benchmark was just done I'm gonna try that again next time in fact why don't I try to run it again right now and see if it works let's see you ready hey hey oh I didn't finish that sure isn't whatever that's good enough dudes piece and no gonna put the keys back together there we go and that was it done man I've got so much money now upgrade to four gigabytes upgrade now I recently upgraded my PC but now it's not working properly the computer boots okay but when I try to benchmark it or run a game the computer crashes I haven't replaced my PS you could my new parts be drawing too much power sounds about right they could fix my PC since you add the thermal paste it's running nicely I didn't realize that business is under new ownership a good thing too I think I have been impressed with your timely fixing of this issue so I'm happy to give you another chance I shall recommend you to anyone that needs work doing ok except that one this is the one that once upgrade to 4 gigabytes of RAM so I need to buy Ram anyway Louie hep in there that's probably a good place to start right he says yes 2 gigs but does he have a 2 gig stick because I don't think I can add the 2 gig stick biggest we'll see so we currently have we have so he wants four I already had hey that's smart because I kept that dude's 2gig stick as part of his upgrade and then he added to Gig already that's cool because now I can use those so now he's got four gigs and didn't cost me any money see if it works see if it accepts it there we go if you guys have played this game already why don't you let me know in the comments or let other people in the comments know how you feel about it I think this is like a relaxing kind of a game it's not intense obviously there is free build mode we'll check that out in a minute and you can just build something crazy and free building so we'll try that in a moment that's when it gets a level-3 first oops I did it again gotta install my utility disc gotta run 3dmark why not make one in real life cuz this one doesn't cut my fingers shut up Nick J uninstall your programs why do you give free software to them because it makes no difference to the game I like it but the benchmarking sucks every time there's new graphics card launch we go through the benchmarks for dozens and dozens of hours at a time so yeah it kind of sucked in real life too I personally like this game however there are many inaccuracies yeah I mean I think there's a lot gonna be a lot of little inaccuracies because you can't possibly account for every single combination of parts ever like that I mean you can't possibly do that J about them standoffs he might have metric and imperial standoffs that said you could reuse the old screws and standoffs with a new mobo I cannot remember the last time I came across an imperial standoff it's been a very very very long time J wait T hit level four why well the benchmark run if you hit escape lawyer while it's going that sucks cuz you know in real life I walk away and let that thing go you know what I mean I don't just sit here and stare at it yeah member I told you a second ago it allowed me to watch it watch us cuz this happened a second ago to go boop boop see that works I did it earlier and I thought it was a glitch all right so since he got all triggered that I left my software on there we'll take it off there we go Judy dear we're home you need to fix that sounds doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo I got so much money okay I'm nigga I need to upgrade my PC can you put in 4 gigabytes of memory can you run 3dmark to check it doesn't overheat I may understand that they're trying to come up with a bunch of these scenarios to just fill the game but I think some of it's very strange like it should do repetitive work because when you do IT a lot of the stuff is extremely repetitive so there be a different job every time I'm kind of stupid I should ordered parts before I ended that day all right install Shawn power King 600 or better and one second here run 3dmark and this one-piece upgrade to four gigabytes of ram all right so I needed to install hmm om pay my bills am I gonna get my parish shut off oh yeah we were passed how do you pay them otherwise huh I know but you had to go like a browser but it didn't tell me that my bills were do it just had passed you all right so I need four gigs of memory and I need the 600 watt power supply music player oh it's playing right now but I have the sound turned down because of copyright reasons yeah Shawn power King 600 that's only 80 bucks and I need four gigs of memory I'm just going with the basic memory kit yeah next day deliveries fine okay now we can end the day oh it says on them on the calendar okay give me my parts go to this guy's computer first it would be fun the J unboxing simulator why do you laugh like that oh yeah yeah you get to jump over the obstacles and stuff that is that is hurtful there's a power supply in this thing huh there we go Jarrett why put itself on the table backwards there we go it's weird like it's backwards alright well whatever this is modular so the wife and I watched it last night you should watch it it's not that scary it's not scary at all okay power supply day he only had 250 watt power supply is wondering why he was computer with shutting down here we go and Maris oh there is that's a front panel connector where is there it is it's one of them they're inverted ones take a quick break and look at the chat in a second - people are saying that had terrible Jay is at this game what is this what the hard drive become I'm disconnected I think I did it when it ended the power supply didn't I oh that's the power key before you say that okay there we go he wants me to run oh I already had it on there see it has to run first like a little bit before it'll work Wow an inverted tower case any car vids soon yes actually maybe something involving an Audi tt-rs maybe something involving a seal one one le no why there are no J's to sense posters on the walls oh you guys just wait you guys just wait okay you can turn off the lights can you really what I like to work in the dark anyway who thinks I should send Nick on a coffee run push one in chat if you think I should make Nick walk two blocks on a coffee run I can't go you don't even moderate it my audience is a very respectful mature why are you laughing so hard my audience is respectful mature and very trustworthy to be on their own yeah if you guys think I should send Nick on a coffee run press one-inch yet and we're done 3d mark was already installed in this PC so I'm not gonna uninstall it there is no slow mode in here that's twitch dude no there's not no there's not look at my screen that's twitch that has slow mode and by the way it's not one person hitting one a million times it's that many different people saying one they just want you to go walk out it's like 80 degrees today heat it up a little bit they say there's no there's no slow mode for chat don't you think I would have used that on Tech Talk by now that's twitch that has slow mode all right let's put this back together looks like you're making a copy run buddy 420 run whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah I don't smoke stuff you'd have is legal or not I don't I don't know yeah do it in this building anyway okay that one's done there is a slow mode well not that I've ever found yeah all right look ah step it I leveled up now I have access to all these parts urgent upgrade required ok need harddrive space I already on the collector's edition blu-ray I like to rip them I could use my storage capacity it's a suit another terabyte should do the trick this job requires you to use the willit run program that can be purchased from the shop okay will it run interesting oops there's software tab tools where is will it run oh the auto connect tool dude that's gonna be worth it I'm gonna have the money huh yeah the quick screw tool will it run is $200 find out whether or not it will run or not without the pain of installing the parts first alright fine I was gonna say Baron I have a delivery like shipping fee for a software you know I'm not I'm saying all right what do we got here it's update this guy has some memories someone requested I go to level 4 before I do free free play or free build whatever what why are you laughing cuz I don't know words oh wait did you do ring games you walk by did you do ring game when you walk by you did didn't you oh there it is I see it I see another chat now you're fired you're fired after you get back from getting me coffee you're fired til tomorrow why am I taking the back panel off for memory here we go fix that Nevers like over 10,000 earlier a lot of people left it was like ten thousand seven hundred at one point alright did you do oh wait what do they have in here first of all this ones upgrade to four right so we currently have in here it was a memory there we go go ahead and put this panel back on we're gonna do a video about your car when I feel like it I don't like I mean I like doing car videos I don't like doing car videos about my car and stuff is often because then it feels like work my car is about saying gtfo to work and so I like to enjoy myself and not make it work all right run 3dmark that's right and did you do really marked through your career are you free built I will when I hit level four somebody suggested I go to level four first turn off the lights to save power I will I forgot you know whoa it's dark okay there we go can you do a good $1000 PC build please um no not very easily right now with Ram prices and GP prices the way they are wrong slot J that's not the slot you took it out of I don't really care I hope they always go into outer salats put me in chat time out you Nvidia she'll know cuz you're too stupid you'll put yourself in timeout don't worry your opinion buddy when are you going to do a video about the water crisis in Mongolia Thursday when you think of the r7 10 server as a gaming rig I okay damn it ug pick hoarders was just shot up by a female shooter your daddy wingnut you are so late to the party you are so late like you just strip walked in here like three hours after it happened thinking like you were breaking news should I replace my r3 r7 360 with a 1030 it's struggling with 1080p 60 on YouTube fullscreen the 10:30 would handle YouTube no problem but so should the r7 360 so you got something else going on there wait you're number four live trending in Luxembourg people need to go outside more in Luxembourg and then not do not watch me always thought you put the RAM in the inner slots the more you know it's usually the outer slots or the alternating colored slots like it'll be gray in black or red and black or whatever usually the colors to know a channel and see if this'll work dammit it's not working anymore the glitch shooter is not active free warded shoot as the shooter is dead another day the game won't let me install the a IO shield you're probably doing something wrong first hey J my first water-cooling PC I never installed a drain port can you make a video about how to fix that I already have teach me to overclock you just put a clock on top of your computer oh where do you rank the r9 390 right now the r9 390 is like a between a 1066 gig and a 1070 in terms of power MJ it's as well still usable platform of course every computer is usable platform even a potato PC it just depends on how long you want to wait for it to do its things if you're talking about gaming and yeah haswell's just fine is the game free no it's not J alt tab three times and it skips one two three that didn't work one three there goes yeah I'm sure they're gonna fix that eventually so you can't do that there we go alright you got a mouth music everything because you know copyright stuff can you livestream where you build a computer smiley face actually I just said to Brian today I was like I haven't done that in a while so I need to do that again there we go nope nope nope there we go and let's go get our monies back mm buddy give my money okay this is one upgrade 1500 storage can it play we just added the following parts to our range msi radeon r7 370 gaming 4g okay that's good to know do you work with computers I've got the money can you make the upgrade performance dot wise - wise can you aim for benchmark score of 3411 this sounds like so many emails I get every day it's not even funny it's scary it's like they copy and paste it emails I receive all right so I need to buy 1.5 terabyte of hard drive space whoops ah no no I go back so we're gonna have to buy like a 1 terabyte and a 500 or Z already have a 500 in there I don't even have the computer yet so I guess we're going to bed here we go J what do you think it's about what do you think about what's happened by YouTube I think it's sex no I mean doesn't I don't doesn't matter if its YouTube it doesn't matter if it's random car dealership workplace violence and any sort of violence sex I got to turn the lights on this is begging me there we go okay so this one is upgrade would we currently have for storage when will you do custom loop with the logos s1 not what the 1i have they have not fulfilled their obligation to send me another one so oaky SNA one terabyte so it's like Barracuda you could tell Seagate paid for this or at least I don't know maybe they didn't pay for it I don't know next day delivery that'll do fine okay let's get him out of here don't take this one which one's this one PC boo to us can play seal way okay so we've got to plug this all in and we've got to run the will it run okay run um can have a better CPU I have an i5 5200 you know you cannot have a better CPU you are destined to have that CPU only forever J what is the best way to set up a multi drive system where your files don't install to C Drive and automatically saved to i its your files are never gonna automatically save to that location it's gonna be default drive c usually which is why a time you download something you need to go and say where you wanted to go which game did he want us to go world hearthstone heroes of Warcraft World of Warcraft ergo sail away there we go he's got enough RAM he's got enough be Ram he's got enough storage he's got enough GPU that's minimum spec yeah we're doing good ok so we definitely do not oh he wants to play the recommended specs I see okay so we need another graphics card we need a 980 we need a 980 that cost three hundred and fifty dollars geez wouldn't it be nice even today add two cards okay so let's go and put him away and this one so what I'm doing now is I'm just seeing what all parts I possibly need so that I can just border at once TC Kabuto OS and he wants a 3d mark score of at least thirty four eleven so he's gonna need a new GPU and CPU probably he's got a 1050 TI so that's probably not gonna get the score we want done it's a cry rig wonder what will it play weren't though give me a score let's try it I always forget to plug in my utility Drive my current score will check that - you get a baseline why no what do you think I'm doing this game is LOL J should I run a an AMD graphics card or Nvidia currently I have a 1050 t I want to upgrade soon J you forgot the RAM on the other computer no I didn't we even touch RAM on the other computer see what this does I'm gonna do this has 3dmark nope what does it say but won't a Warcraft I bet you they're using real specs on this which is funny okay so we currently have a quad-core risin 3 1200 with a 1050 Ti hmm ok so let's go and get our benchmark oops there you go so we got 21 24 and we need 131 134 11 that's a gtx 750ti so here's what we're going to do we are gonna go ahead and sell this card because we know he needs to get rid of this card right like how this is so realistic like in real life how you have to remove these screws and stuff that's happening here why won't it remove okay interesting fine I'll just tear the whole computer down and see what happens it's a very mismatched M Serena what does that mean don't sell it keep it for later I guess it depends on how much things cost at the moment like this is telling me there's something in the way of getting a GPU out what okay oh there we go it just wasn't lining up on the cable I guess cuz I tried clicking the cable multiple times but it was red every time I clicked it okay so he's got a 1050 TI let's see Jesus 34:11 is what needs right man there's gonna be expensive like they don't have very many Radeon cards in here like higher end Radeon card either 292 1050 TI's if it's just yeah 9 69 69 69 69 so I guess 980 is what we're going with then okay so that's in there and alright so now we just have to place our order and we'll do same-day delivery why the hell not these are high-paying jobs and there they are oh I bought two of them yeah I really buy two of the same card whoopsies umm fight I put a 1 terabyte all right well we got an extra 980 now guys oops that's right do this one first this is the one use the one day right yes yeah I thought I put AG argh when you don't check what you're clicking when you click it sigue sigue we need one terabyte of cheap one terabytes up here No so the reason why I didn't go straight to like CPU on that benchmark run is your graphics card carries a lot of weight in I do next day then your graphics card carries a lot of weight in that score so I want to see what happens by updating this graphics card either way I know needs to be updated and considering as a 1050 Ti the only thing really faster than it in that list is the 980 so I know it's not the buy it anyway so yeah okay no these graphics cards right here this is broken so I'm gonna sell it damn I bought this for like 300 some and I can sell it for 117 that sex lease is gonna match his build oh look at that look at that that's nifty looking in it where's this power cable there we go at work so I guess we'll see what happens to a score now I mean 1200 is a fork or 8 thread so it should be able to do all right with fire strike four times by I mean hey Thomas how are you there we go hey yeah look at that we passed seat what'd I tell you 34 Elevens when we had to be CPU was fine we're good we are good I don't have to do this but ever since I got all triggered and chat that I'm not removing my programs I'll do it in I'll remove them okay there we go put it all back together you little covers on oops Oh derp I'm doing that backwards gracias sir this is so tedious uh-huh I still think it's really stupid this is a hinged case why is it taking screws out not just opening the door a number four and live trending that's cool that's why we're making tech mainstream baby all right there we go let's get this guy back to its owner dude I lost money on that job and can it play sail away so now I'm gonna take the 10:50 tii that last guy's case we're gonna put it in this one and see oops nope wrong case so we're gonna see that 1050 TI will get us to where we need to be to play this game I wish you could play music right now but I don't want to get a copyright strike so you know am i doing oh it's another one of these cases large okay so let's see Coast Guard we can take that 1050 Ti we could put that back in there but first where's the slide that lines we had to do this one see how this works this will require cord yes it does no no okay let's see now what happens oh dang we went backwards Antipodes ETI is slower than 1/10 at 280 I don't think that's right I was supposed to put the 980 in there yeah I'm seeing that now but in real life a 1050 Ti is faster than an r9 283 gee that's the thing so I mean I'm just trying to figure out like why they're saying a 1050 is slower than a 280 ok fine we'll go with it yeah there we go hey Nick I found an inaccuracy with this game like it says a 1050 Ti is slower than an r9 280 in our ninety-two 80s from 2000 like 13 I'm gonna look now no wait I don't have a 280 I don't have a 280 on my benchmark list because I know what the 270 did when I benchmarked that back in like 20 13/14 and know what the 1050 Ti does today 1050 Ti is just slightly slower it's like a 1970 and 970 was much faster than a 280 so I I feel like that's wrong but I will see see on gaming sense for that I quit for that I quit this game oh great it has been stripped from just labrie to 80s 384-bit no no no dan dan dan dan you know you don't start that crap the memory bit bandwidth had very little to do if we're talking about you don't even talking about if you got about GTX 280 we're not talking about GTX 280 and r9 280 is slightly faster we're at to test that now Nik see if you can find an iron r9 280 online for us to buy okay that's okay I accidentally bought two 980 s and turns out I needed both so there is that yeah I'll go buy one we'll buy one and loops to try it out I feel like this is a true scenario for many people or they'll have like a really nice CPU because like this one here is a 6700 K which is a great CPU but then they have like a really old graphics card I feel a lot of people watching this right now like what people watching this stream are living that that problem like you don't I mean where type they've got all the specs and stuff that they need except for like that one is missing you know I mean and they can't even buy a new graphics card that they've been saving up their money for how much 140 systems a little high are you sure we don't have a 280 can you look look at the inventory just look at our inventory you don't go look at the Shelf I we might have one actually cool well this is good enough I'll leave that program on there for him screw it oh I guess we're keeping the PCI cover because the only news one before oh we have 25 yeah it's not it's that's different all right there we go and that's done give my money okay so this is the guy I thought I bought the hardware for and then I didn't okay that was good that one's done now I can buy an r5 and an R 9 283 goe limited edition looking to upgrade my PC I hear you work with computers so my rig is running really slow lately can you upgrade the CPU I'm hoping for 4 gigabytes of memory if you can stretch if you can stretch to that can you run 3d mark to check it doesn't overheat it's weird what I mean if you can stretch it to that okay goodbye 970 now Americ just doesn't isn't up to the task anymore so I need to get about 23:43 and pinch marks if possible I have never heard anyone ever be like I need a benchmark score of at least 20 to 18 you know no I mean I feel like when the developers wrote this game they just like mash the keyboard to come up with these numbers alright it's time to end the day and use our parts they did it again to sum up about two hard drives I bought one I put one in the cart and then two popped up so I guess no well I'm sure I'll need another 1 terabyte hard drive at some point oh well whatever get this pc out of here can i buy another bench yet i can give this like a workbench for 1500 but then if i do that i can't pay the rent that's a that'd be a bed it'll be a bad thing to do alright that did it doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo there we go and I can't wait to buy the auto like the one click cables cuz that's just gonna be like one click and all the cables are plugged in that's gonna be awesome there we go 9,000 people in here it's crazy so yeah I mean I guess if you guys are really bored you got 20 bucks to blow and you feel like building computers this is pretty doable I mean look at the graphics i mean i mean they're they're blocky but it's they've actually aren't if you guys know this actually modeled this after the actual cad drawings so they reached out to these companies and got like the 3d models sent over to them you know from their design phase and then implemented it into the game and you see how there's these like whoops don't do that nope you see how there's like these build spaces like like this little like building area here they can make anything they want out of this which is why i'm saying you may or may not want to kind of keep your eyes on this in the future new build areas to build it so yeah this is this is gonna be fun ok so this is done this is the outgoing right here and this is the incoming there we go wow it's a level four here alright I'm gonna do I'm gonna do free build in a second is this rushing hacking sim okay that's not even funny it's like a terrible joke alright it's been a long time said no live stream that wasn't tech talk so if you guys are enjoying this do me a favor and use the like button otherwise if you're not enjoying it then you know what to do I hate work with computers why does every email start like that I hear you work with computers alright so my rig is running really slow lately can you upgrade the CPU I'm hoping for four gigabytes of memory if you can stretch to that oh that's right I already did that one okay so I've gotta buy parts for him need the 3d mark scorer for him remove viruses okay and you just big ol long explanation for that did I so why don't we see what he currently has just wait till you get the job that asks you to build a crypto mining rig I'll just be like triggered the likes are jumping up so quick likes make us feel better I mean they don't change a whole lot but they make us feel I think it's real appreciated okay oh boy what's happening here yeah I've been playing this for like two hours already like huh are you loading up the game now yeah we should totally multiplayer bro that'd be so awesome man you have another bench already how did you do that bro you're a rarity man no one works hard anymore he dusted so many computers okay we need to see what our current specs are in this machine okay I've had another glitch I was working on some of the plugs yeah that works like when the circle starts to go and you're waiting for the circle to like complete to plug something in if you just double-click it real fast it just plugs in like instantly yeah and that didn't work on your end what level are you six anyway oh did it again yeah so you can't like pull up like about or my computer or any of that to see what the stuff is huh he sounds like Leo from that 70 show man the problem is the government man they're trying to get in your head chemtrails man it's all about chemtrails they're trying to get to our kids through coffee I don't like this background it makes it hard to see the icons all right so we currently have two gigabytes of RAM we have two gigabytes of storage we have a quad-core 1200 and a gtx 750ti now this guy wanted a score of what oh just upgrade the CPU and upgrade to four gigabytes of RAM bonds easy enough so what's the other one run a piece okay so I'm gonna try the graphics card already having this one the government's trying to get to our kids me and I've been telling people that you can't trust the government whoa okay well I guess that's one way to see what was in it um here oh there was a 960 mm well since everyone set the 980 s faster or the two 80s faster let's see you what happens see I don't like to get public haircuts man because I feel like they put you know tracking devices and scissors and then injects in your hair man they saw it once on the Internet because this guy left his volume turned up oops Jade you know Linus gave us 79-80 XD system to his three-year-old daughter oh yeah was it all the 30 loved his kids me okay 21:17 dang what do we need to be at 23:43 alright so let's try the other graphics card hmm I don't leave the temp agency is gonna be faster you just now figured that out that was like part of the level too like it told you you had to download that program yeah it's just needed but he has a 970 oh yeah oh wait what am i doing okay no Nick's over there playing to you he's playing a little shopkeep okay yeah it does now man just from the people who made car mechanics simulator I have no idea free build please no go buy it yourself J you are a legend no uh legends never die and I'm dead inside [Laughter] J you convinced me to get this game I'm not trying to I'll be honest I'm not trying to convince anyone to buy anything I'm just playing I'm just playing how do you skip the 3d mark alt-tab three times I goes 21:43 so I need to buy something for this computer what does he have I don't know what CPUs in here I think so we have a 1300 x 1050 TI this would be epic and VR yeah that's what I said already J you're an above-average individual well if the person is a below average individual then I'll take it which right when J are you hooked to the game hmm I'll just try to get to level 4 so that I could do some of the requests were like recommended I go to level 4 before I do free build but I think I'm out to do free build after I figure out this one here 1,300 X so I think GPU is what we need to do because because reasons all right so what do I need here this upgrade CPU before gigabytes of RAM good that one's not even here yet okay so what did the other guy have in it no it's 4 gigabytes of RAM and a CPU upgrade oh crap that's right I only have one bench there we go I wish it told like it showed you I'm a stick you know like what the specs were because I would write that down if I was working on a computer I would write down the specs it's time to fire it up try and be like what's in here again who needs a program for that it's called a pen and a paper so this one had Oh a 1200 okay keep us alive this program not so far Ju gonna do a liquid nitrogen cooling on your own to make it more intense uses 8700 K I'm not really right now ty says oh my god Jay I love you so much well I love ty ty for the record I love you too you should probably like record that so you can always have it like as your ringtone could you might not being a ringtone hi ty I love you hi ty I love you alright so here's a 1300 right haven't said 1200 so let's get him he just wants to he just wants a CPU upgrade but doesn't say what he wants so I guess I get to use my own discretion can we filter it by AMD no we can't okay that's weird I am for there we go so we're gonna go with a 1,300 X why the hell not we need a graphics card for the other guy to 8165 155 180 damn there's all kinds of graphics cards available 265 oh and r7 370 uh no r9 280 I had that exact one right there tea with that cooler okay back to back to topic they might try 970 with his I don't want that Shawn one I guess that's supposed to be like the founders edition card or something go with this one it's cheaper and then we need memory oh look we got team group team group memory holy cow here we go he's already got two gigabytes in his system so I was buying him another two gigabyte stick and we're gonna do same-day on this one let's do it this is the one now we're gonna have to change out the graphics card or another guy card but the CPU in the memory now he's got a Titan 2gig okay that's a ragin tech cooler - oh it says it right there I cut one let me undo the power cable until last like I can't so many screws we got here card we're my GPU go I bought a GPU 970 check what kind of crap is that I bought the 970 it's not look yeah fine we'll put his back wait to the next stage just in case if I don't buy two of them on accident again how you got a calendar oh it's weird they should put a calendar on the door if they want that to be the case no that's so weird you don't need a better DP you for this guy please stop at the silly voice MGR legends want you to please stop being stupid how's that being stupid do you like huh yeah but okay it says right oops three marked winter oh yeah they're right I think they're right well no I'm stupid - shut up stupid oh my goodness hey that was weird it wouldn't let it the graphics card come off because it had one of the little slot covers like on while the graphics card was on it sounds like what the hell yeah there we go all right there it is with 970 in there I think that'll be enough to get us the score that we're looking for here oh yeah I put that piece back up right there she won't let it go in the slot it's supposed to go in you see that like it has to go right here which is not where it needs to go okay I think that's buggy she now put it on top of the eye Oh see it right there Nick look yeah so that's a bug you know what they say about bugs early access oh yeah there we go we're missing here oh all of the power cables that were messing and power all right this should be enough Jay I want a burger mmm burgers there you go hey we did it he got way more score than he was expecting this one's ready to go back and and go get paid time to get paid so you wanted the update more parts are available Gidget no I dropped my gaming rig that one's in transit diagnosed fix sure whether Mitch requires you figure out what's wrong with PC before being able to order parts makes sense that's how it should always be right but I guess there's people out there that don't exactly operate like that the one that like was supposed to get CPU and the memory was never even supposed to steal his which we'll call it oops did you do do do do you did you to do so now we've got rising 1300 X thermal paste and now we need his cooler back ready to go cooling that's right you know agent tech cooler plug this guy back in keep hard on just that you can thank goodness fat if it wouldn't let me turn it on with just the power cable plugged in I would have it upset I'm sorry we do that all the time around here don't we sir well I've have to his memory here or if it's gonna like that I'm using mismatched memory well if the other memory is even gonna fit let's see right yeah miss matchsticks buddy hello he just said he wants four gigs he didn't say and they have to be matched what do that every freakin time this game needs more Dyson that's good they need to be there needs to be you can hear the background music no you can't you hear the pian is the paint piano instructor next door the penis instructor there needs to be a Dyson vacuum like standing in the corner of the room yeah oh here we go 21:50 all right there we go my colors just like falling out of his machine I've done so many jobs but they've been staying like right around the same like my money is not going up it's bugging me right now so it's not just take them all huh yeah what they should do is let you start doing overclocking like let you go into the BIOS and start playing with settings yeah you my money reason o'clock to nine eighty and the 980 gamer this one says upgrade to eight gigabytes of RAM PC is super slow right now yawn I'm after eight gigabytes of memory do you run can you run 3dmark to make sure it's all working properly could you get it done by one twenty six twenty eighteen see that's the thing it'd be nice if they told you what the current specs works if he's like I have two gigs and I want eight I want sixteen or I want eight then it's gonna be more expensive he's only paying two hundred and ten dollars if he has eight I know I can get another four for forty bucks which means profit but that's the risk right you don't know what he currently has you can still buy 8 gigs to 4 gig sticks or even one 8 gig stick and make profit on that so I'll take that one the thing is I'm just gonna not like buy it that one's got time so I'm just not gonna buy it like next stick you know I mean save money on shipping the thing is I don't know exactly what he has so like I said I could just buy an 8 gig stick and be done or I could buy 4 gig valueram or I could just bunch of but buy a bunch of valueram right now I keep getting these 4 gig ram jobs so I could just buy more of them so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add that to my cart add two of those to my cart just so I have them on hand and that's a diagnose and fix ok so it's going go back to shop go to my cart I've got two of those and we're just gonna let it go three of five working days pre-build I'll go to free bill in the set guys and let's go over here whence the rent do I always have little ways to go so this one Oh see this is easy this is removed viruses those are always jobs you want to take because they cost nothing at least from what I can tell you know I mean unless they have this in some way a virus caused physical damage I like these because they are really easy to diagnose and fix James Barnett says Jay I'm late but is this a steam game and is it cheap enough yes it's a steam game in its 20 bucks start scanning baby I'm gonna turn down this really loud 263 infected files holy crap do-do-do-do-do-do - I'm really kind of gained all about where these boxes are you know I mean I like the I like the boxes I need to work on to be closest to the shop door and the boxes that are on their way out to be closest to the exit otherwise it's like I know get upgrade to eight gigs diagnose and fix alright so see we got here so we don't even know like what's wrong with this computer we just try turning the power on to see what happens oh yeah I see that see this is this is what happens here with watches deactivate activate it's just something weird with um Logitech it's really annoying alright fixed it so often the BIOS will give you a clue as to what's wrong if nothing happens it could be broken PSU if that doesn't help work your way through the components to find the broken ones fortunately I have spare parts so see we got here we need to plug all this stuff in we know what's happening like is it just not turning on of course this is what it's like when you try and fix a computer for someone my computer's not working what's happening I don't know it's just not working well does it turn on well yeah but it doesn't work what I mean doesn't work does it give you a video No so it turns on but no video yeah I think so what error no CPU found I have another one to try though if it's a risin anyway so it is a risin what CPU was that anyway let's see I'm broken oh it's a 1500 X okay but I can stick this one in there to make sure it boots the 1200 but I took out the other customers build look it works okay so I'm gonna turn that back off take the cooler off take the CPU back back in my inventory and we need to order a 1500 X oops $190 alright well I don't have a choice how much is this job paying me 340 all right so he's paying me 340 it's 220 yeah we can do next day on that one that's fine and this one what was this one eight gigs of ram alright so we have to now go to the next day replace hard drive why is it the professionals like these people that work on the movie sets and stuff right these big old long ass emails I don't care that you're supposed to be helping on an article just tell me what you need by the way if you can get a hold of a copy of the sonic monk trilogy I do recommend giving you to watch oh come on oh and you can skip the second half and the third can you do something I need to get this article written here as usual doesn't even say how much he wants the series is massive I'm in some indie film ok I'm supposed to be helping out with an article for moviemax a series retrospective of the sonic monk trilogy this series it's massive and some indie films Denmark so you can understand why I want to take the utmost care to get this right does it just says replace the hard drive so fine I accept it I'll try putting my used hard drive I have and see if it works give away a rewrite okay okay I got the CPU whoops why is the case back my memory didn't come to the memory not oh I didn't do let me see so he had a 4 gigabyte stick alright that's good but for whatever reason guess War II ordered memory now I gotta order memory it's a quirky but I was making matches sure why the hell not you order will arrive in three to five working days so as they say on the calendar when it's coming the delivery of the more Tony value so that was the memory ordered right there and then delivery of team group doesn't come for all the way to the 24th geez yeah it's fine yeah that's fine so I have extra RAM sticks which is good though okay so this one's the camp boot I know I was saying earlier I was like where the hell's Amazon do this stuff so expensive which hard drive to it to replace Ivan a gig doesn't say which one to replace them yeah stop it jeez mm-hmm well I wonder let me take it off oh there we go like I have to click on the cable that's like going behind it okay you stupid Dermot you'd be laughing at this if you're watching you Nick there we go what I just had to go through huh dang it remember that extra 1 terabyte drive that I had there we go there we go gum now the Louisville area dude I'm catching you man for $1,000 yeah yank I only do it I did it I fixed it dude it looked it or I made the 1500 can you army I'm curious I don't think you can actually do that oh there it is right there system info get the details of the system's performance like you were saying part ranking compared the relative performance of CPUs and graphs get used parts at reduced prices from PC Bay will it run alright well if you don't save it you just automatically bark all your progress oh I got a memory for this guy yet soon as I finish these jobs I'll do for you building this one was died diagnose and fix all right so god I can't wait to get enough money see the one-click install of all the cables oh there's no CPU even in it that's the one I already started to fix remember all right so now I got to wait for the parts to arrive oh I didn't turn in that other one though did I great that guy put me on his damn mailing list remove viruses okay used the 1200 you have the parts J but I was replacing the 1500 ETSU it came to me bad with a 1500 X in it I was trying to replace it for the same part will it let me get away with downgrading him I'll try it if it works and by all means I mean shoot well I had another 1500 X right here well whatever I guess it came in but if it will let me do the 1200 and sure why the hell not alright it lets me do it Nick this game let's you be like shady I just replaced this 1500 X with a 1200 and it was like good job I'm not even kidding Shady it just doesn't seem right I mean I feel dirty just doing it in a game and it booted to the OS that's just wrong I'm sorry I know not a single person watching this stream right now would be okay with taking the computer to a repair guy and saying can you fix it for me and then says sure I can fix it downgrades you without like approving it right once you once you'd be like okay you're 1500 X is bad we can replace it with a 1500 X or we can save money by going with a yada yada that's how you do business folks you do business the other way you're not business very long said problem is I went in this with ethics and apparently that was the wrong way to do it why isn't this letting me turn it in though is it because of that see it's not letting me say collect on it so maybe that's why I let me try putting the 1500 X in now and see what happens oh I did thermal paste but I did thermal paste though I put the little stupid little thing on there or wasn't when I tested it with the 1200 I think that was probably it there we go but now because he touched it you have to boot it again do you think there's add-ons like Auto thermal paste and stuff for this game like when you unlock abilities like the one o'clock one click you know this game though because then they're probably testing this like internally you know they probably kept forgetting to put it on which is why the very first thing it tells you it was like don't forget the thermal paste cuz I always do yeah you know that's how it probably went you need to hire a guy to bring all these boxes to the door for me okay this guy's really bugging me upgrade to 8,000 gigabytes of storage for 440 gigabyte or $440 he's got 2 terabytes in there now I think how big is storage four thousand gigabytes it's one hundred and thirty dollars you know there's profit to be had alright why the heck not they have finished these jobs then I'll be level now be level four who are we good to go here's all my parts this is the one I think I need with the hard drives okay nope that's I that's the viruses one that was easy I'm number three on life trending on YouTube right now the heck is that all about yeah we got 8500 people watching I say it was almost 11,000 earlier so I went down a little bit but that's okay okay hey I remembered to put in my boot drive this time reach level 9000 be able to repair a mining farm do you imagine mining simulator just make a throw-up sound you have 443 infected files Angra it's like you never turned out a virus job because doesn't cost money you know I mean this guy needs 8 gigs of storage I mean to me 8 terabytes of storage so he's already got like the 1 terabyte I just put in there that's a 1 terabyte it's 1 terabyte so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take these both out let me see if this will work gonna let me take out these 2 terabytes but there's 2 1 terabytes and put in my 2 4 terabytes shoot to do the tray up well fort everybody Oh there we go what I do it again and that's like in a work nevermind the fact I took all of his data and his OS it was like mine there we go easy enough so I got those two 1 terabyte drives back which will probably come in handy later see I'm learning now just be shady as in this game and we're good this one ready yet no but sunny my memory for that one you me me hey little four okay now we can go to anyway he wants an upgrade this Blake guy at films classics won't go away holy crap but repeat customers right replace the PSU replaced CPU just guard help okay so that was done alright I got to the bathroom quick one here and say hi to my gosh we're taking over chat I kind of want to play for you though okay I won't I won't touch it maybe they already have a janitor or a janitor simulator it's uh I have it it was pretty funny it's a it's you're in outer space janitor and just cleaning up gory mess I forgot actually then we go check I have it on my steam library it is called VY Sierra cleanup detail that's the game it's pretty funny I'm not breaking his things did he mute it Nydia mute it we're good we're good this chats moving way too fast touch it touching the game and touch anything maybe I didn't touch it okay it's free building yeah see if I see a cleanup detail that's a fun janitor see you told me you said on your computer and chat with the people so I was gonna do some stuff like what like look up a game but yeah I looked it up in my computer said you're gonna break it you broke my chair you broke it all right okay let's tweet out or into some free building you got on there and 500 people left haters all of y'all all right here we go free build time so it's done Oh accepts accept okay so how do you save Oh say again yeah well I didn't say level oh that was autosave huh yes yeah did now here we go guys free build time I'll even have a how to build a PC like tutorial I clicked it can we get out of here yes thank you no thank you mean menu free build so we built anything we want right welcome to free building simulator free build mode in this mode you can build PC is using all the current parts including the game cases can be found in the cupboard we recommend you play career mode first get a feel for the controls okay we ready did that case is that okay so we got the DG 87 DG 86 td5 England 303 the ragin tech Thetis Coolermaster so I'm so glad they kept the real names in in this game I have complained for the longest time about Coolermaster having the worst naming of anything in PC it's like industry like they're naming is so terrible the cooler master master Casemaker v msi dragon elite it's like the worst names is like how many times can we put master and maker in the name of a product well you've got two masters and a maker in there so I mean get in there all right so it's oh the corsair crystal 5x we built in this where i did anyway the thing was kind of a bitch just to make it clean I know okay oh man it just like is strewn about and it sucks 60o silverstone did it like a TJ oh nine no cooler master master Casemaker 5t there's the guy next door pounding on a keyboard oh there's a cool master cosmos see 700 p which is funny as that's exactly what I'm playing on so look Nick it's like it's like case section yeah yet they're adding more components like that all the time they have a lot of region tech in here I will do the we'll do this one because that's this is the case I'm actually like this is the case that my computer is actually in right now oh they swing that door open why not the other one that fine whatever oh they don't make that slight like that flips forward in real life like in real life that piece I just took off like will tilt forward before it comes off so like right now if I wanted more airflow in the front of my case I can just here I'll show you guys on the webcam so here is right so here's the case that I'm actually using okay but stuck on all the things so here it is right here right so there's the case in the game and here's the case in real life so that piece I just took off in real life you can tilt that forward to get more airflow so I just I feel like the game should have had that whatever turn up the music hey can you play louder over there I mean if that's that's how I have to turn it up so I wish I could actually make the doors come off entirely this piece comes off yep this is just like real life and then here's the adjustable rail let's see if we can what we can do we need to RGB all the things other RGB fans in this game of course they're the only fans available okay that it's very realistic I feel like they should consult with me in this game to like bring water cooling in there like so I can pick all the parts and then we like let me be the water cooling consultant I think you guys should contact the developers and be like we want Jade I hope you guys bring water cooling to the simulator I'd do it yeah that's what I'm saying like I would I would just I would consult with them on getting it all done properly should I make this as like close to my system in real life as possible yeah like should I just rebuild my system right now but I can't it's all rigid water to water cold in real life you can't look dumb I hate or I do yeah put it back in there yeah literally just put the case away because if I can't SLI in this case it's gonna look all empty let's do this instead and else we have purple now what the heck now what will do the will do the crystal because I've built in this case in real life can you put in an AI oh not that I've seen oh there we go forgot to logout a chat the last thing I need is all them ding sounds while I'm trying to do my thing and there we go okay so take the front off that's not what the screws look like in real life but hey it's alright so the the fans in this case in real life are RGB so I'm gonna leave the front fans in and see if those are RGB don't break the glass hey I managed to build in this thing in real life without breaking the glass this is the the system that's in my dining room that sounds so first world elitist doesn't it this is my dining room build no that's just where the system is sitting at the moment you think this is you think that's first world you should see my bathroom PC alright start building let's start with motherboard so what do we got here Z 370 X 399 x3 no no no and x3 through 70 they have no x2 99 that's funny I love it see 270x 399 she would do a thread Ripper build the gigabyte X 399 designee R cuz I want my system new plagued with BIOS problems so that's it huh EB Gaz 374 the wind see how that one looks in there Oh God beer for an hour doing standoffs well I mean it's realistic right thread Ripper I like Hut's photorealistic look at that that's literally an image overlaid on there okay so see what the other oh god ton doing all this just leave the standoffs in oh I thought want to changes Dan does every time boy here we go again it's so terrible is he level four yet yeah Marnie and Freebo calf Fe Lake I'm doing thread Ripper right now at the moment I guess I like how it automatically puts in the i/o shield it really should make you put in the i/o shield because you know everyone would forget just like thermal paste all right screw it down I'll go with the designated board why the hell not --card --card mode should make it like not highlight things I I think that'd be cool but I could also see people like going crazy alright so now we need our processor 1950 X or go home of course he's gonna make you torque it down on the right no it doesn't make you torque it down they should have brought the truth Red River experience tighten it down in the right order to the right spec or get a no boot right yeah okay we need memory there's no RGB memory in this game is there oh yeah there is the team group is RGB oh they also have Dominator Platinum's in here hang it all the dump lats yeah their every speed and like all the way up to like 16 gigabytes stick so you do 128 gigs of ram platinum yeah team group appears to be the only RGB Ram that you can get because Dominator Platinum's don't light up without a light bar on them team group T force Delta to RGB series blue LED RGB series white Dan did other Ram manufacturers need to step up in this game because team groups is dominating in terms of all of the like representation the Nighthawk RGB fine will do that one jeez yeah I'll bet I do all little tabbies all the little tab tab tab aru's no don't take out the CPU see that doesn't happen in real life like you don't accidentally like look at the CPU bracket and have it start to uninstall itself that'd be kind of crazy don't you think we're going with all the Rams we are doing all the Rams fellas and probably like two girls that are in chat they're all that Ram dude I like cut yeah okay we need cooler yep air coolers only that sucks come on guys that's not right though because there were different coolers at the flat coolers OLPC parchment that's not right is there another page no huh all right well yeah I'm disappointed any day iOS or something I'm gonna put fans everywhere and what's funny is you can actually put three 120s on the top in this case but it's not letting you like position the fans you know I mean so if you slowed if you slid these two on the top back you can actually put three of these on top so that's disappointing Oh thermal paste again yeah me a bigger dot than that for the Red River holy crap yeah I'm just really disappointed that raging tech is seriously the only coolers that are in here I mean I know they're gonna yeah but it's not because I have a thread ripper oops so maybe if I change this but why wouldn't cry or it going like being here like the cry rig cooler or fans are on here but only the arctic freezer cooler is showing up on here 40 our thermal toothpastes yeah it's probably a thing somewhere well I'm if it wasn't for the fact that have to click 50 million things right now I'd pull it out just to put in Z 370 so I could run like the cryo red cooler but I'm not gonna do that because because getting these done you know screw it we'll start over I mean maybe this game is realistic in the sense that that cooler doesn't support the Red River in real life you know that's a possibility I just can't get an angle now to install there we go no don't take out the fan you mother it'd be easier probably just take out a fan No here we go all right no that's the only I hate about this game no like I said I now to take out the motherboard I have to take out all the screws which is fine perfectly fine that's very realistic but now to take out the motherboard it's gonna actually force me to take out the standoffs this and if I don't take out the standoffs then it puts everything back so I really hope they fix that no they put the Red River in here but just they didn't there's no cooler support for it other than the Arctic freeze cooler so now see now look at all the coolers available look at this the moment I took out the Red River there's like all these coolers available for it or for the case so yeah we're gonna go ahead and just go with a Z 370 or something like that see-through 70 gaming Pro carbon x3 net nope not necessary 9c 170 170 SD 370 mm we'll go with the Auris yeah we do Z 370 or us cuz I'll match in here nicely to I think look under search who won the gleam giveaway if you're asking then it wasn't you now the all three winners have already responded and the winners were announced if you just go to Twitter and look at my pin tweet you'll see the names that's why social media exists no I mean well let's put it takes three seconds to find it and there now we have my the board alright so now let's do CPU 8700 K clothes clothes thermal paste cooling now we have all these cooler options so this the silverstone silverstone we do like stock intel cooler cryo a game 9i great cooler in real life cryovac h5 Ultimates h5 universal now this is just very realistic though because i mean these are showing the real the real motherboard socket types that they support and that was the thing they just don't have a lot of threader for support yet just the Arctic freeze so we're gonna do the r1 ultimate damn that thing is massive okay let's go ahead and do Ram first just like real life oops no I'm not trying to put that in yet okay so it's do memory do damn white LED RGB it's gotta be RGB man do that eight eight 16:24 32 there we go now we can do our cooler arctic freezer component Arctic freeze whatever you guys know what I meant there's that and we can plug in the cable so there's that let's go is it fit uh oh oh look at that that's clock that's close that'd be a real concern in real life you know so we need a power supply don't we no power supply maybe we should do 1200 watt man Aiko is a 1500 watt power supply in here but it won't let you do SLI interesting interesting of course they're txm 850 cooler master master watt maker 1200 mij see again the stupidest names ever I'm sorry okay I guess we'll do we'll do Corsair 850 J has pasted on yes there's paste on there right now okay so now you plug in our oops plug in our cables yeah look at this there's like like you said there's no cable management whatsoever uh-oh is it specific to the motherboard like you can't you're gonna plug in one fan there's there no fan splitters don't do this to me oh no no no no okay yeah so you can't even plug the fans into the power supply what the heck you look so enthralled right now well I'm just I've never free built than a free building this and what I'm seeing here it needs to give you like a head fan header splitter or something because this I can't plug these fans into anything see there's nowhere to plug these and like all the fan headers have been occupied so that's dumb oh wait you can daisy-chain them if only that's how it worked in real life okay all right you can daisy-chain them but that's yeah okay you don't need that many fans oh shut up it's it shut up look at the way the cable management is on this that's embarrassing come on all right graphics cards what we got here what's the highest end card they've gotten here do you have a 1080i yes they do which ones they have in here it gee I wonder if MSI like really hit these guys at oh I have a kingpin card look at that it's supposed to be okay uncheck fits PC top left oh I say didn't change anything though put a kingpin card nearly the size of this boom I still can't believe they won't let you do SLI in this game what the hell I can't be right let's see let's try this again nope it did not let you do SLI uninstall uninstall now well let me put the little PCIe covers back on come on is it like specific to the slot no okay well no I guess you're not putting those back on whatever um we mean no storage you serious there's no like SSDs or anything in this are you sure because here they are here I see no no they just they're plain like there's no lip there's no label on them that's why 60 gigabyte and 120 gigabyte 250 gigabyte SATA SSDs so there's no like big ones all right well I'll just plug these guys in have you read the cables just like get strewn about everywhere what they should do is they should give you a cable management mode where you can like click and drag the cable and like move it around yeah so you can be like I wanted to go this way or even sleeved cables would be kind of neat all righty are we just about done oh I need to put a fan in the back install USB oh yeah she makes you install OS okay here we go plug everything in see others baby boots and I played this game for like three hours already I've been streaming for three hours yeah I started at 2:30 didn't I holy hell this time goes by that's what you're doing this okay alrighty whatever oh look at that give the colors yes I know I saw the aura like the aura thing so alright let's do this side panels eye panel that's awesome that cable go through the GPU yeah there's some there's some bugs with this don't forget this is early access stuff guys that looks just like real life well except for you can see it more from the side but yep so I actually have one of these systems in use sort of used to be my like guest PC but oh no no but my my quote-unquote guests PC my guest room is no longer really used like it has a bed in there now so it doesn't have two PC's anymore so it's like a guest room now so when people come over for the weekend or whatever they can stay in there okay top panel you can do water coolant you can do water cooling thread River you can't that looks cool all right I like it better with the side panel off that's too like great out leave the side panel off for now what else we got here just those covers well let me put the covers back on the bottom ones I took off just what's stupid all right so tools reboot it now it's installing the OS those cables Nick oh I thought it was this I thought there was a springy sound I was like wait what no it was the OS started so let's see we've got here um you know lighting make sure you turn the lights off for the effect oh yeah good good call system info and three work that's restarting and it's go trying to lights out like how it's daytime outside when the lights are on see state I'm out there you turn the lights off suddenly it's nighttime there it is look at that oh incomplete case shut up I think a big case okay select all lights here we go wait it didn't do anything it's not going pukey oh my god dude okay that would be like epsilon that's alive that 1080i it won't let me well the lighting aka aura app doesn't appear to be working just like in real life well the colors are changing well that sucks restart the PC okay oh you actually have to read why would you have to restart the PC but now it's just blue which is which is not what I told it to do again this is working just like aura yeah it's too fast still too fast and it's like way too fast there we go there goes except the corsair fans are not even like running there it goes you messed up the boxes bro okay let me try it again select all they're all selected it's running Windows when in doubt reboot yeah but you can't like actually reboot on here it's not working hmm the corsair fans can't be RGB lighting in real life mmm they can but they require yeah I mean they can the will controller has plug into the motherboard okay so here's I'm gonna do what's funny is like I told the system to turn off you know it turns off as the fans turned off now it's green I didn't even tell it to go green and now suddenly the fans are green the corsair fans are static colors in real life they are donated our RGB fans in this build this like sea I'm Ora wasn't working for my hero tan and the fixed it and made a video Wow I kind of won't watch this video now to see if it's like the same type of language alright what fans do we have in here oh my god this I'm gonna Yelp this guy next door there's no RGB fans here which sucks oh they can messed up again and fixed there we go are there any RGB fans other than I don't think so the crowd rig fans are not RGB in real life right the more Tony heat aways love the names well I mean there's that all right let's build something in obviously those make them white or something's reset apply it's not even plugged in and the Corsair is illuminated possessed all right what we got here sure I'll build in this little form back there PC and then wool and then we'll call it a day this was fun actually I enjoyed this today put the side panel back on and the LEDs will work are you sure you sure I don't like the way it looks on because they are like the glass doesn't look very realistic like transparent at all these wires are so skinny okay they're back to white it looks cool just white be honest but see ramp jeez breathe hey it doesn't let you really link them all together does it it still only shows the color next to the Corsair it white oops okay is that who wishes their OS really like booted that fast here we go see they just do blue oh well that's fine like the fans can actually turn off like pee and the fans turn off and then the RDP works and then everything turns off that's right we're gonna be able over here mmm I feel like this needed ITX you know I'm saying he's ITX breath rub move another region tech case this would be a fun case to build in I'd build in this case what but I'm doing this one not the one you have this is more like the open chassis one all right Susan I've done with this build on this one I'm gonna go ahead and call it a day guys but it's been fun hanging out with ya I think we love our you over there there level seven yeah but still no more money than I have it like level three or four it's like so it's like you've really got to start picking pinching your pennies doing that piece eBay like use parts and stuff yeah okay so now we need to process or you have 1800 X in here y know 1800 X oh there it is I was like that's weird do you do did you do okay memories what color should I do on this one like with theme I'm gonna do green what do you think well duty will do team green and Vidya color in an AMD build that's what we're gonna do yeah yeah that's what we're doing I need to open up all these other ones dang did you just bang on the keyboard somebody's playing piano the way I play video games here we go purple I do purple purple nurple you know see again it's like really selective on which coolers you can use is it even let me do like case fans on this let's see ooh it's a cool looking case we use the special edition yeah those were only nine seven years ago huh is that 1080i okay key balls I didn't have a power supply who didn't yet Danny go to 1060 the evil 1070 1064 the one gaming Dan they got all the randoms I wanted to put one of the one of these green and Messiah cards in there but I forgot those really for the Millennial millennium a 100 million edition and so was 1070 TI titanium where do we have 4:10 eighties that's what I thought and Gi well I guess I can put in a kingpin card because if I do then I look at RGB on that that heatsink though man I can't wait to back over off so yeah this games 20 bucks and I think I think this is an awesome tool for people wanting to learn how to build computers because if if you've never ever built a computer this would legitimately teach you like the way you have to think about parts and the way the parts work and all that stuff and the way they they connect to each other I honestly think somebody playing around on this long enough would be able to comfortably build a computer in real life I honestly do got to have all the storages for all the adult content it doesn't let me put it in an SSD that sucks yeah how can you not put in an SSD in this all right I guess we're going with 12 gigabyte there are 12 terabytes of hard drive storage but why would it not let me put in an SSD weird okay well whatever let's see where we can put fans in this thing it doesn't even let you put in case fans you know why cuz this chassis is meant for water cooling and there's no water cooling in here so alright guys I'm gonna go ahead and end it here like I said 20 bucks for this game on Steam really not that bad at all and we may or may not be involved in this game in the future so keep an eye out for that and yeah we're gonna go guys so thanks for hanging out with us today well get out here we're going in the stream and we will see you at the rest of this week for some regular content some good stuff coming and yeah it'll be fun so thanks guys as always we'll see you in the next one
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