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Special Edition Vlog - Meet Jayz Dad

hey everybody this is Jays two cents and there's somebody else on here that you guys have probably never seen but if you follow me on Twitter and on Facebook and all that stuff you've definitely heard about them because this is my old man I'm his pops like some people think you're my grandpa in public but anyway there's no resemblance here whatsoever no you if you guys follow the vlog channel you've seen miss Jays two cents you've seen my daughter but you've never seen my old man in here yes and when I did the vlog on Friday about you know the help scare that we just went through if you guys aren't aware on Friday my old man here was I'm always gonna call you my old man you're always gonna be my old man just like yo if I can always be your baby you know my baby you can always be my old man anyway he was diagnosed with male breast cancer after feeling some what yet pain didn't you yeah after about a week and being the tough guy in the Navy veteran that he is and the Vietnam survivor and the ambush patrols and going out there and looking for Charlie and laying down runways and UDT and then or anything like he'll the other way running while getting shot at if you weren't allowed to shoot back sort of thing yeah you but some people have heard some of the war stories that you've told me because when I mentioned the cancer scare I only have 1500 subscribers versus the 20,000 people that could potentially be watching this video right now but that video has almost 1200 views out of fifteen hundred subscribers that is an insane view ratio and what that means is that a lot of people watched it a lot of people were you know we're interested in what it meant when I said Jay got horrible news and a lot of people started sharing their stories with me lots and lots of you know prayers for best wishes and the flipside a lot of people started sharing with me their stories both publicly and privately of their parents or their wives and girlfriends and brothers who have died to cancer because it's it's a real thing it's a major you know epidemic all over the world different types of cancers and many of which aren't curable so there you take this guy here that his seem fairly invincible I mean you've had you've had heart attacks when you were a lot younger you've had strokes you have type-2 diabetes right yeah I'd like to have type 2 diabetes and that's what's wrong with my legs right now yeah that's led to the strokes and the neuropathy you also have neuropathy so you have a very hard time walking you're turning 71 how many one that's seven I'd went well I gave you a no that one gave you an extra year because I used to always guess her age Tim high and then you would get offended now I guess too low in your offended look if I can't win a dress like you were going in 40 I feel like I'm going on for some time but anyway it really got me thinking you know I've been on a couple of like my friend boogie2988 the guy who was you know cussin and yellow and this because that's what his channel is you know he's a he's a rager and he's got a character but I was on his livestream when there was you know tens of thousands of people watched that and when he you know we just were chatting and talking you know on live stream and you know he had asked me you know people somebody asked a question you know who were you guys as heroes and he talked about you know Superman spider-man knows all that sort of stuff I thought about it and I told them that you have always been my hero oh I never heard this first this is why we're doing this because I very nearly may not have had a chance to tell you yeah I'm 32 years old right 32 I'm 32 years old to date and I think in my entire adult life I've never told you how much you mean to me it took me two years after I retired to get you yeah you were retiring from the Navy and you were starting all over what about of the hard work but no I got to thinking about it and you know a lot of people may have seen my draw my life video that I did and I don't emotionally open up and I think you know that and and you don't either nope and it's a trait I've definitely gotten from you but a lot of people always ask me about me why I'm successful in almost anything I do I put my mind to I because I been successful at it because the the drive and the diligence and the attention to detail and everything that makes me me I feel I've learned from you well you know I knew that when I took it to when I was doing a special consulting for Toyota and I took you to work with me and we worked on the networking yeah I knew then I knew you're born but that date well I was 16 when I put on a suit and tie and went to work with you it Toyota Motor Corp corporate office in Torrance California and but I mean everything today it's amazing how much I've fallen in your footsteps to with the project management and a lot of the things I do for work but it all goes back to you know you put me on your lap when I was a kid and teaching me how to use a computer and one of the best things I ever did and you should take lesson from this and when he tried to get that the computer on my lap I never said no never let him go yeah and that was the best thing I ever did and I do the same thing with my daughter now and look how good she is with a computer she's amazing the sad part is she's better at for than I ever was and there's a really smart Easter that kid's gonna put me to shame but I wanted to I wanted to publicly take the opportunity to put up there on the internet forever and just let the world know how much you mean to me how worried I would try to make me cry I'm trying not to look look I've got to be I've gotta be the big tough guy here but you know I've not been very good at sharing my emotions and you know it's it's caused me problems in the past and it wasn't until all these people told me how they didn't get a chance to say goodbye today look and maybe I wouldn't have had that opportunity so I have the ability to record this and keep it forever and I want to share it because a lot of people were concerned a lot of ways when I readily comment to them I would like to say no thank you very much for all those comments you made on the blog because you should see the way my phone blew up when I tweeted out that it was a misdiagnosis and that you don't have cancer it's important to say that too that you don't have it what's it called what do you have gosh yes it's not worried about that baby I don't see lots of CO Mystica mr. classic elastico Mystica something like that basically it's a growth caused by your medications and caused by my blood pressure medication now you've been taking since your 50s well this way I have taken for one year he says that's about the right time for that to start happening he said you never go away and it might even hurt a little bit more but even if they change the medicine I would come back again yeah I know but the bottom line is this is not that this is not it's not a danger this country but apparently but apparently it appears on imaging a lot like cancer enough to fool your doctor well that's why we went to USA because they're specialists at the rate Research Center and I don't blame the other doctor for making miss diagnostic because unless I knew what they were looking in this guy looks at it all the time they wouldn't know they would've thought was cancer well a lot of a lot of people I talked to you know I talked to Robert at the gym about it and he was like well I'd be mad you know with all the fear and people get sick you know you had to deal with almost a week I would rather be safe than sorry yeah what if the doctor hadn't said anything yeah and what if it was so but basically I I just wanted to tell everybody out there on that camera that everything I am and all my success that's happened here on YouTube and in my career and technically the technical side of me I have definitely learned from you and this is me making more head to be a thumb phone this is me making an honest effort to open up more emotionally with my family and I and now I I love you very much you're definitely you've always been there in my teenage years you help me get my Eagle Scout you've pushed me to do things that I otherwise wouldn't have wanted to do but definitely never regretted doing them after getting the Swift kicks in the ass that you were willing to you know what I thought about the other day during remember going for your Eagle Scout and you had to make a wicked basket a wicker basket and that was the worst basket ever man I thought I just sat there and cracked up and laughs because we think about that basket yeah it was crooked and it was all excited and like weighed out it was horrible yeah yeah but when it came down when it came time to do the shootin badges that definitely showed my strength I'll take credit for that one guys I hit mother too he taught me how to shoot Navy taught you how to shoot and you were expert every year equal lawyer this man right here I mean you're in the Navy 20 20 years 20 years and every year he qualified in the in the Navy he qualified as an expert shooter yeah people I say was a navy usually said got somebody that's on the ship running around the ocean I had to tell him how I carried him 16 in the jungle so he carried an m16 in the jungle and you went up we you went out with the marine recons didn't get yep I tell people military bona fide badass and when you were in New York we were looking through your military photos because we were looking at old photos can you ask your military stuff and Diego Garcia and all that sort of stuff but you are my hero I love you very much and you don't need to wonder whether or not I do or don't love you because I don't have the ability well the one thing it bothered me somewhat because I got used to doing everything with you and I know dads have to back off in fact when they asked him you want me to back off a bit well I don't know answer did I say no no no okay I know I could have told you yes back off detent down that next yeah oh one single I'm doing this year look I'm very proud of this man he had a mammogram I had a mammogram my 70 year old father had a mammogram anyways guys the bottom line here is you know this isn't tech related other than the fact that this is the guy that started everything I've become today when it comes to my technical career and all the stuff I do on YouTube but a lot of you told me you didn't get a chance to tell people how you cared almost all of you told me to tell this man how I carried and that's exactly what I'm doing today so turn and tell someone you care that you love them and don't let them wonder if you do because just like when Alma died immediately oh I know right when my grandmother died it was I didn't get a chance to tell her and she and I and I felt bad because she wondered if I liked her and I remember that watching she knew but she getting back to told my sister my grandfather was more like a father to me than my real father was and he died I didn't have a chance to say goodbye and but because of the not terrific relationship he had with your father created your drive to be a better father yeah my father I was 40 years old my father went to first baseball game with me yeah and the whole time you were and when you were a young boy he was out in World War two out in the yeah Wow really Normandy wasn't it didn't go in Germany in Germany yeah he marched all the way to Berlin was at the Battle of the Bulge and he crossed the bridge at Remagen there's some rich military history in this family that's for sure but guys we're gonna go ahead and cut this out I just wanted to we're gonna cut this off now just make sure you tell someone how you care and it's a little bit different from the normal format of my show but when an opportunity like this happens and you have so there's people today who did not get the good news that we got so we've got to think about those people too and I love you very much I don't think I could have had a better father and I just wanted the world to know that they take care of it
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