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Tech Addiction Episode 8 - Call of Duty Black Ops 2 PC FAIL! also UFO SIGHTING!

do this let's get some energy huh hey guys you're watching tech addiction episode 8 i'm your host JC cents coming at you live from the fat man production studios in Southern California we've got a lot of really interesting things to talk about today and guess what none of it involves Apple hallelujah don't you go anywhere we're gonna talk about all sorts of crazy stuff so I've been kind of covering the production fiasco going on over at Foxconn in China and it all started with the fact that they couldn't keep up with the production of the iphone 5 and they came out publicly last week and said that they could not keep up with production and member i said if they might have been outsourcing some of that stuff to one of their other sister companies well things have just gotten a lot thicker you see foxconn's been dealing with suicides suicide threats people have literally been jumping off of the roof of their employers business I can't say that I've never myself actually thought of doing that that would be the understatement of the century but anyway Foxconn earlier this year ordered tens of thousands of assembly robots to replace employees to bring a higher efficiency and a lower operating costs to the manufacturing plant at Foxconn well this month and we are 15 days into November 10,000 of these robots have already arrived at one Foxconn factory and I didn't say which one it was but they are saying that 10,000 of them are currently being installed as we speak so there's potentially 10,000 if not more Foxconn labor jobs that are getting ready to be axed because we all know computers are more efficient they're faster they don't complain they don't jump off roofs most of the time you know if you thought things were getting ugly in China right now expect things to get worse because if you're complaining that you can't keep up with your job and you can't make ends meet and your stress levels just too high how much stress is it going to add to you if your job is replaced by a circuit board electricity and something that can go 24 hours a day and doesn't need a coffee break Foxconn said that these robots cost anywhere between 20 to 25 thousand dollars to produce Foxconn did say well hey you know it cost two to three times the annual salary of the employee that is replacing to do a 20 to 25 thousand dollar robot so I guess now we know what China's paying their employees looks like they're paying somewhere right around seven thousand dollars a year in China Wow I pay seven thousand dollars a year on coffee I have a feeling this one's going to take a couple of takes this is not good easy to say the green 500 list has listed the Xenon Phi as the world's most efficient supercomputer the Xenon thighs code paste the Xenon fuck wow that's hard to say oh my god signifies unifies unify Xena truth heart Intel supercomputer boasting the xenon 5 processors several of them is codenamed the beacon and it offers two and a half billion floating points of operation per watt that's 2.49 gigaflops per watt and it has a max performance of 112,000 gigaflops well consuming only 44 kilowatts of energy and you know what's sad is it still can't run battlefield 3 on high settings and it can't even dream of running minecraft with the add-ons and ticket and shaders and textures and all that stuff you need two of those bad boys actually run minecraft anyway this bad boy is a beast and green 500 has listed as the world's most energy-efficient supercomputer in the world and mentioned it in other videos this is the start of the matrix and this is the start of Skynet and we all might as well just go ahead and kneel down to the new mechanical computer race how long have you been with Xbox Live you see major nelson just tweeted that he's confirming that they're giving away free special edition xbox live xbox 360 consoles to some of their members who've been around xbox live the longest I definitely don't have a shot at that I've only been with xbox live since 2008 if you've been with xbox live since the beginning you may be getting one of these if your very own I wonder how much it would go for an ebay so if you're a gamer you're already aware that on Monday at midnight black ops 2 launched and a lot of people stood out in line for the midnight releases at various retailers Walmart best buy gamestop thrifty s no maybe not thrifty s but there were thousands of people waiting in line to get their special edition copies or just their hard copy of tray arcs hit game black ops 2 if you happen to buy that game on PC it comes with more than one disk well a lot of people on all these different forums for black ops both treyarch and game or reporting the same thing that when they go to put in disc 2 during the installation process an installer for mass effect 2 pops up so one guy put up a video on YouTube describing this problem and it shows that the disc 2 is actually disc one of mass effect 2 and when hits ok to continue the installation of black ops 2 it says entered is too so it appears that somebody in the assembly line or the copying line of these discs and i'm going to say right now i'm not really going to blame Treyarch on this one you see a lot of people are blaming treyarch what people don't realize is treyarch makes a master copy and then outsources it to these digital media specialists who then do mass copying of these discs you tracked their a designing company their software developers they are not digital media well somebody somewhere in the line really screwed up because they put the black ops 2 label on the mass effect two discs and well now they have a huge problem to fix here because there are a ton of people who are unable to install their black ops 2 speaking of black ops 2 I had the honor and a privilege of attending the Yash live and ptfo live 24 hour livestream for the black ops 2 launch event in Los Angeles California and I've got to go ahead and tell you I met some of the coolest people i could have ever imagined meeting at this event and a couple of people I just want to go ahead and get a shout out because they're a hell of a lot bigger than I am brought off the bat I want to go ahead and thank Bix max he's a CEO of Yahoo awesome guy he put together an amazing event really pulled together some sponsors and gave away probably one of the best prize collections I've ever seen in any giveaway in any genre whatsoever big snacks awesome shout out to you man you did a great job couple of other people I had the opportunity of meeting holiday doc who gave me my start in to youtube got to meet and hang out with him for several days got into some shenanigans got in a not really too much trouble but I'm sure if there was more time there's a lot of trouble that could have been had midget King an amazing guy stand up guys serving our country and he found the time to come out la and participate in one of the best live streams I think I've even seen fearless Envy pro gamer on the call of duty circuit with the team new breed taught me a lot when it comes to xbox 360 and getting back in the groove of things that guy really knows his shit I also had the opportunity of meeting mr. blackout mrs. blackout you may also know her as a me from trailer Tuesday's over on the couch calm and the YouTube yow channel I also have the privilege of meeting whack 4863 who's one of the employees over at yash stand up guy and make sure you go check out his channel and I got to meet minnesotaburns with trollarch and the PTF crew chaos X silencer caught by night just the list just was the room was too big for me to feel like I belonged to be a part of it but they all accepted me it was great at a lot of fun we've got to thank full screen for opening up their studio in their offices to us allowing us to come and basically trash the place for a few days and cap their 100 megabit upload fiber optic system where the ISP sort of started to throttle because of how much data we were sending but of course if you guys were watching the stream we couldn't have done it without you because what's the point of doing it if nobody is watching and make sure you go over to yash calm and don't forget to subscribe to their channel at youtube com / ouch and it's that time again for technologies dumbass of the Week and you see last week was the first week I actually brought you a dumbass that didn't have anything to do with crime and this is going to be the second week in a row where we talk about a collective group of people who are just proving that you give them a voice and a camera and a network and a new studio and a lot of money doesn't mean they're going to bring you the news the way it's meant to be brought see technology has given them the voice to reach you and they decided to go ahead and do a spot on what they believed to be a UFO captured on live news but you see it was a fly it was a freakin fly you see there's some science behind this where the weather and the time has to be just right for a fly to be able to actually fly because they're so I guess a whole aerodynamic thing going on with the Flies body and the wings and this net but you know you get a fly flying around in front of a lens or even off in the distance if it's a big-ass fly and it looks like a a speck or a dot flying across the sky really fast but they brought in experts to check out you know this video to see if it was authentic and even experts were saying that it was authentically an unidentified flying object well I think the only thing unidentified when it came to this flying object was what species of fly was it because it was going by too fast but you know maybe there are UFOs out there maybe there's not you know maybe you believe in a higher being or extraterrestrials or time warp or no my little pony it doesn't matter this is not a UFO these are flies and have a really hard time with the fact that you can have a collective group of experts all coming to the same conclusion that it's unidentifiable but guys look at the video for yourself i'm gonna link it down below this is just I'm losing my mind with some of this mainstream media I mean how can you sit there and do a story about a fly and call it a UFO captured on TV I just don't get it so what collective group of professional journalism could have brought you a flying flying called it an unidentified flying object well that would be none other than Fox the same network that brings new family guy I like family I family guy's awesome american dad married with children did fuck you know I mean I'm naming some of the most awesome shows but when it comes to news sorry Fox your technologies dumbass of the Week okay guys it's time to get out of here that's been episode 8 of tech addiction i'm your host JS two cents and i hope that you'll check out my channel on some of my other videos i put up a few reviews some unboxing so I've got some gameplay up there I've got some vlogs I've got some dual comms I've got a little bit of everything for everybody you could basically say that I'm bringing the 1950s variety channel back to youtube so i hope that you'll stick around subscribe make sure you follow me on twitter for some exciting news and i'm bringing up within the next couple of weeks where I'm gonna be doing a giveaway who what could I be giving away it's not me guys I'm taking sorry I'm taking I'm married at a kid I've got debt you have to get you want the debt it's all yours but anyways stick around I hope to see you in my next video
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