
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tech Talk #157 - Whatever

and you're fired boom do this I think we're live I don't even know oh shit wrong button well do the thing know or live I just I hit the wrong I hit the wrong button woman yeah we're live whatever uh what what do we normally say when we start this show I don't know no yeah that's how the day goes we had two weeks off so obviously josh is in studio with those Nick's right arm is back there over Josh's left shoulder and then Anna's back there somewhere and like we have a foot or something we'll see your foot there there goes all right so ants what was that how could I share this one camera with Skype and OBS and I'm going to run the intro Oh everyone's saying they can't hear you now I don't know hold on I guess I'm gonna do live tech support like you normally do I tried muting it for like an hour so now I don't get it I don't get it like just try meeting him for an hour what happens there yeah it's setup no I think I know what it is hold on see if I do this yeah the desktop audio you know OBS is like desktop audio thing will like freak out and not yeah it's doing that hold on I can't go home now I think we definitely did tech off I mean we did I mean it's people are talking and chat like they can't hear me so we have confirmation Tech Talk did happen you're good now we hear you all right what I don't get is why could you guys here be perfectly fine but everybody else is all fucked up did you have like a level in OBS wrong or no OBS was set to the right like you know sound mixer but then I'd always like set it to something else and set it back and then hit save and it works alright there we go there we go Orlando said just do sign language I would if I knew ASL but I don't I don't even know what it was what were you talking about oh you're talking girls and camp sit ups and stuff I see yeah yeah I was saying if you want to split a camera one camera between two programs you have to use like one of those cam splitter programs like many cams or there's another one that does it that I don't know if there's a free one that doesn't work for shit I just like how you went straight to cam girl was the idea of you know the practical use well that's that's where I learned it from so like that'd be practical right are you can i meanwe my current testosterone levels I certainly qualify for 100 you don't have low testosterone you just have a high estrogen is that what it is my man Tate he's just coming from a high estrogen so guys we got Josh here he's still in town as you guys know we finished his build yesterday we may or may not have like screwed something up and had to take it all back apart today I mean another Josh drill holes to the board again no need he drills to the board this time that wasn't the problem we just wanted to see how many of our mistakes the audience could pick up on kind of like those you know compare these two images and point out the differences yes oh god yeah where's waldo technology addition i got you yeah it's not you know what's what's different with this one like this whale has you know three eyelids or eye eyelashes where they have a picture that's too kind of a thing real subtle things yeah you know really just get it you know looking at the audience retention and how deeply they view the video how much they pay attention as opposed to have a known second monitor you're not watching it yeah we got we got the metrics back everything's good well I I can't argue with that logic sounds like one of my most popular videos I ever did is call it Diablo Diablo that like every comment on the video all 10,000 Devin was like you know that it Brad's a goddamn game as long as I've known you you pronounce things wrong though I do it's like hey hey that's my don't make fun of my accent or speech impediment depends on how much I want you to feel sorry for me it's like it's like is there a Northwest accent not that I'm aware of because I wouldn't know it like I would I've never heard anybody oh yeah don't you know that's what's gone all things business consulate planes I don't know I mean whenever you're from a place you don't think there's an accent to go somewhere old man you got an accent I'm like you got a radio voice what the hell does that mean you got a face for radio New York's a lot like that too you go to New York and you hear people talk you're like wow that is the thickest accent I like the Brooklyn actor that's like the thickest accent I've ever heard and then they look at you like you're talking funny I'm like William Nicholson chat says it's topless Taco Tuesday it's Thursday my friend she had you talk tapas like gone Tuesday somewhere no it's not actually oh my god Oh JJ what's uh what's this whatever shit about like are we literally just talking about whatever we always do but you apparently had some topics you want to talk about that had to do Microsoft I guess well you know that's about the only thing I'm known for these days if anyone has like vid IQ or whatever going you guys should look at the video tags did you Mangalam know for those of you they cannot see the tags I can't see them bitch js2 says barnacle he's followed by Microsoft and some shit as a phrase and yes he used to work at Microsoft as a phrase oh there goes Jerry again it's gonna take a minute we out we did it goddamn it I'm right here I came to type on my phone hi from Germany - my way oh my god I hear you Jerry thank you at least somebody does you cut out for a while there though that was weird cuz I could hear you guys like perfectly fine talking shit Craig so I'm sick I just went to the doctor today I'm sick man I'll go to the doctor and you know because I have a cold mix another finger up my butt is that normal oh yeah see that that's been my experience that's good you go to that freelance proctologist though guys got that band oh yeah never never pick a urologist based on his height there's a free clinic on the border whoa guys whoa guys just the border on Elway Josh my proctologist makes you look like a midget and trust me that does translate to finger length I know firsthand these all checking your tonsils see your buddy hey guys pretty much yeah yeah van Appledore what's pushing on the back of my teeth don't worry about it mr. berg we can go ahead and cancel dinner plans for the night um yeah I'm good yeah go get some fudge yeah exactly how about you place like shit don't worry about it shit take this shit Jay check your donations I can't see the donation is a no-show for sorry yeah there's no donations join me that's amazing psych no seriously the super check donation things guys we don't we don't really like promote that we don't really I don't even encourage donations so the problem is in the past we used to be like if you donate well guaranteed to read your comment then it turned into an hour for reading donation comments so we just kind of don't do that anymore but L had Jerry froze again like that you're that Aires holding really serious so freaking Zen right now it's impressive price no tears though the Team America thing to keep it alive so you can hear it when you give us a sign when you're when you're uplink to us fails you you can still hear us yeah and it's not even degraded audio quality sound flawless oh god damn it Gary I have no fucking clue you know what I'm gonna go to old speed test and see if I'm dropping packets or something oh here just repeat test why he's connected to it yeah hey really crappy there for a second I don't know why dude okay 9 MS and 250 megabytes oh yeah no it's not my it's not my problem hmm I do think it's a blame Skype and and when I tell you what happened with Microsoft who knows maybe don't make more said and go what's your Microsoft story alright so today mr. Sachin Adele you all know him as the CEO of Microsoft you're beside and sent up hi he's your bestie right he's my bestie like get me me and sad should go away back I've cupped his balls gently before on command so anyways he decided today he's gonna send out a huge mail to all the employees company-wide saying that they're gonna basically restructure and shift around bunch of divisions inside of Microsoft well the one that really caught my eye was they are officially moving Windows which used to be the top tier like like highest earner inside a Microsoft like the biggest business like they they came to the table they ruled Microsoft they have officially been moved under Azure as of today where's that the cloud services you know you know like Microsoft if they call as yours you're depending on who's pronouncing it I'll pronounce it seven different ways before the show's over but I assure is basically their non-relational and relational database technology that's basically like competition to Amazon's AWS and whatever the fuck Google's call this is some sort of precursor as to what they're going to be doing with Windows yes absolutely absolutely because the only reason that you would move Windows not not as a partner but actually as a subordinate under a big data division is because you plan to restructure the product to work into Big Data well there's always been rumors that Windows is going to turn into a strictly subscription basis OS yes that's actually been rumors have been flying on that since about 2008 I think was the company meeting that I was at or Bill Gates back back when he's still like gave a fuck about the company he stood up in front of everybody at Safeco Field at the time and said hey guess what everybody we are gonna move to a service-based Windows and they figured out that they couldn't do it for whatever reason there was just huge huge hurdles that they couldn't get over well apparently now with Azure the the abundance of Internet bandwidth on all these things it looks like this is becoming a possibility so we may see in the next three to five years a Windows version come out that is that is completely a dumb terminal kind of like Chromebook is but in the window space that's really really fucking bad okay I guess okay I'm biased right cuz mic yourself like kicked me to the curb and you know I like kicking them in the nuts it's just fun for me but you know a couple years ago wearing a sombrero so so what this means though in this this is this is where things get a little scary it's in the same letter and it's it's an open letter he basically published it himself so it's not like a leak or anything it's on news Microsoft comm the letter to everybody said that they're actually looking into cloud based services and artificial intelligence and analysis of data for the purpose of helping people you know more easily user technology and move seamlessly between their phones or their Xboxes their windows and all that shit right well in a nutshell if you read between the lines that means that they want to be able to immobilize as much data as they can or they basically conglomerated it all together and use it to make your life easier but that also means that they're gonna be taking a lot more data as we move forward you're gonna see windows undoubtedly start collecting more and more data however they do numerous times throughout the email say that their priority is responsibility with personal data and responsibility to the customers privacy and blah-blah-blah-blah-blah well achieving their goal of basically dominating the world with AI and data so it's ask you this sure what does that mean for always-on I mean does that mean you're gonna have to have an internet connection to be connected to your OS no no not not at all the way that they mitigated that a long time ago because we all know that that was fucked when SimCity came out and like you can only play it when your internet was working then like your internet would crap out in the game would just be like sorry you can't play anymore the way they mitigate it now is anytime that your computer isn't connect to the internet or doesn't have an available internet connection it's basically caching and collecting data locally and then once it does have an internet connection in a one fell swoop it can basically transact that data the AI and business intelligence can run against it and then it can cache the response back to the machine so if it loses internet again at least ask something to key off of so the idea being is yeah cuz they're always on things kind of bullshit right we all know anybody that has a Comcast internet connection has enough time of about 3% most days and a lot of it turns to run a live show know that I'm also thinking about you know we do live in a world where there are lots of territories that still have data caps right right but what this undoubtedly will mean is that you will need an internet connection of some kind shape or form within a period of time which means whether they need to connect every month to verify your subscription or verify your activation or for some reason they're probably gonna pressure you to get some kind of an internet connection or they're gonna have some really convoluted manual workaround we're gonna have to call a number and basically transact a fucking private key that's like eight thousand digits over the phone to get your registration to work that's the only way I could see them doing this and especially if they're trying to combat piracy which everybody knows stealing Windows is like the easiest fucking thing to do on planet Earth because Microsoft put the mechanism in place that allow you to do it which is called manual activation that still works to this day even on Windows 10 you could activate the same copy of Windows 10 on five hundred million machines if you're willing to just keep making that phone call over and over yet oh yeah you just need to make the phone call anymore you can just use your smart phone because oh really yeah now when you call it goes if you're calling from a smart phone we can blow it send a message to your phone you got any idea and then you're like okay and then it will like is this are you calling from your smart phone now and then you say yes it's like okay hang-up and then you hang up and then text comes in and he just key in the the install key and then it asks you that question period via text how many computers have been installed with this copy of Windows you say one and then it's like here's your new teeth I can't believe they made it even easier because before you had to listen to the operator be like enter your private key with touch-tone phone and then you'd enter like the 97 digits that were on your screen and then it would read them back with the new coders but then they made a voice-activated so you just see the code and now they made so you just take a picture of it you can just take a picture of it with your phone like I'm not even kidding you can take a picture with your phone and then it was doing like an MS pain but then the thing is because you know that install key is is unique to that computer it even tells you like take a screenshot of this and save it for later so when you reinstall it again you can just get that key again so like why would they even bother with a big sophisticated back-end verification system when you could literally just take a picture of a barcode off a carton of milk and it works we know as well as I do it's because it costs them more money to try and fight the the piracy turn up piracy but the reinstallation of it then the money they're losing by just allowing people to keep using Windows because at the end was right eating all that telemetry that they're selling back to everyone anyway exactly you know the you're the customer you're more the customer using Windows 10 actually Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 were the first generations of heavy telemetry operating systems but make no mistake Windows 7 and I would say I would even argue all the way back to like XP sp2 not the original release of XP but XP sp2 was when telemetry started being collected so this isn't a new thing it's just that keep stacking more and more shit it's not it's not a new thing but no this is now their business model the OS is nothing more than the platform which to grab data and sell it to customer or to to third-party advertisers so so what makes this really scary though is that they can Terry Meyer do you know who Terry Myerson us know so he's basically was the president of Windows for a long time Terry Meyer said he was basically like honestly he was Steve Ballmer jr. to be honest I think it was the right call to basically send him packing which is what they did sachin ounce of the mail the hill no longer be the president because windows doesn't need a president anymore because now they're under as you're in those your president will be basically you know holding order over all that his windows right so Terry Myerson I think that's actually a good call because I think that he was way more about business and bottom line number than he was the customer I hate to say this as much as I hate what Sacha's done in the past but actually he's made what are the key decisions right now in a face-to-face structure uh-huh you froze for a second but it was in a very derpy face I always have a very dirty face so so anyways I mean my take on this is I think sach is making the right call as far as stepping down Terry Myerson however putting it under Azure is a really scary thing especially with all the press that Microsoft's getting about data privacy issues and to basically say that Windows now belongs to an organization that is completely based on big data conglomerating data aggregating data and trying to make the world work through business intelligence and smart queries and all that shit that's that's a little bit scary because that mean that's the right thing yeah is it the entire back end was a shirt for the windows telemetry collection real quick high everybody's saying hard to me yeah you think you love me okay oh shit is it doing that did that now your sucked right before taking a drink your cup what well anyways I I apologize for the robotic speaking do it again for a little bit there yeah god damn it so I can't said nobody even heard anything I said we got the we got that we got the gist that you're happy that either you mean Terry sit down yeah and then you have but I'm but I'm not happy that it's under is your because this means for the first time in microsoft's history the windows product which is the original product microsoft was founded on is now a second-class citizen to Microsoft and that's scary yes actually the other thing is and this is uh this is complete theory I have to say that but apparently Microsoft edge is getting their ass handed to them they're the the chief executive of the project was asked to fuck off kindly I'm not gonna use his name though just cuz I don't want to I don't want to so anyways Microsoft edge basically had a certain period of time to basically get their shit together Sacchi decided nope they didn't get their shit together so they fucking punted the the president that put a new guy into play and now edge has two years and an unlimited budget to basically turn the project around and become the best web browser in the world and fully integrated itself into the Microsoft product and Azure platform and bring everything together so they got another two years please do I think I don't think it will either I think I think everyone just automatically writes off edge slash the old explorers stuff simply because it's the baked you know yeah it could be the best that's ever gained at the benefit the devil is gonna get enough time to try it and find out right right it's I mean you got holy your paint your keep you keep freezing but I'm gonna if you're talking with Toby for a sec here everyone knows that explore an edge only see enough internet to download Chrome or Firefox or whatever you use and that's it someone use your laptop to buy a new computer try to take your car to go car shopping you know it's like you use explorer edge to download Chrome or exactly never I never ever ever use edge for anything ever ever ever yeah well it sounds to me though like they're trying to make it a big part of their game plan like that like edge plays under this whole as you remove this like lateral move or actually not even ladder or sub lateral move of taking windows and putting it under a sure now they want edge to kind of become its own entity not so much a part of the operating system but across all platforms that includes the iOS app the Android app yeah you can get fucking edge on everything now so they really want to streamline it make it like the best that it can be and they pretty much you know allocated unlimited resources to that and then the last little piece of news that I have is and I would even call this news let's just call this a prediction is there is gonna be another round of layoffs coming at Microsoft undoubtedly because any time historically when Microsoft has merged two divisions together there has been overlap there's always redundancy always save that I mean that's why I'm out of a job right they merged Xbox they Windows Phone and Windows all under the same division and they're like well we don't need three fucking test teams anymore so they basically just picked the test team that the current management was most familiar with which was the Windows Phone test team which still makes no fucking sense to me that they pick the guy on the project that failed to basically run the test effort for the products that succeeded makes no sense to me but anyways that's what they decided to do so expect if you know anybody that's working at Microsoft especially in the test or development disciplines that anywhere where there's overlap between as you're in the operating system where things were being duplicated they're gonna slowly start phasing that out and either move those people out of those positions or just fucking put a gun to their head well hey real quick someone's like hey Josh I thought fractals from Sweden it is so I didn't know that is that up for he don't sound very Swedish I know I don't wait wait wait crack those from suite what the fuck I didn't know this I'm serious yeah I'm dead serious I didn't know fractals based like out of Sweden era based in sweida okay wow I didn't know the Swedes made anything but like IKEA friend I can't believe you minimalism I believe every box has always said engineer three computers they come to me out of the box Jesus I didn't know that city that do your cases come flat pack then do they come in like little little like envelopes and you pull out all the sheets and like bend up and weld them together yeah they come with this office they come with a little stick figure instructions on how to put it together do this do that with a lap you can't my house off you guys or at least the case that was like like give it the name like like the gerber he and Sheehan yeah the gauge to get galaktion speaking oh my god people think that I was the CEO of fractals like I'm not I am the vice president marketing for North America and this I've never tried to say it was the CEO of a big deal though I mean you've always called yourself the vice president marketing in North America it's the second what you are anyone who's ever said or thought you were the CEO just assumed it and never actually picked up that information from anywhere a just like they just pulled it out of the thin air I mean let's be honest here muffin stuffer says that they love me so that's an accomplishment for they love to stuff your muscles and yeah it turns like really into baking or something like that like I just make the IKEA case you speak Swedish no well I say I could say a few things but I can't say I'm here oh you picked up a business meeting shit oh yeah England is actually producing most of the furniture don't really care really can I was like saying everything we're using from China anyway so see what he talks about Volvo you know like when they're talking about Sweden like Saab I'm like I'm or like it's like shit it's like Chevy right designed in America and assembled in Mexico yeah Saab's been thrown around like crazy no I didn't I hear they got bought again probably I think Saab but like they don't officially have a car out right now but I heard that because they had to close down after they were like acquired three times back in like the early 2000s and then I heard that they got bought by somebody else again so you may actually see Saab cars again at some point well the pieces of shit though don't buy them they're fucking terrible cars well the thing is I mean it's like you look at any you know my major auto manufacturer you look at like you know Ferrari Lamborghini many times those have been bought so let me Chrysler only out for a while right well Chrysler own Saab - I remember watching the top of your episode where they said they bought him and they tried to change everything and and they were spending too much money so they ditched him yeah I mean and that's the thing I like when people look at - you know the quality of like automotive electronics or things like that you see something - spoke like a Lambo or Ferrari or connects yeah or anything like that like oh that was so high it's like honestly the best in-car entertainment stuff that I've seen is always like Ford and GM because they make I don't know five million of them a year as opposed like Lambo who's either taken howdy leftovers and trying to force them into the - yeah yeah a lot of people don't realize - the most of the electronics that are in all the cars now all come from one or two major distributors because of all the safety bullshit like all the airbags are manufactured by like one of two companies all the electronics are usually Denso or this other company that each of their German or Japanese because it just makes them easier for them to certify their cars for sale cuz like in the United States you have to be able to how many do you get a crash test you got a crash test I think five cars or something to be able to sell in the US market genetics I think like the the CCX generation or whatever technically not road-legal because they wouldn't submit them they do like spice and testing but they wouldn't submit physical samples because hey yeah here's 12 million dollars by the time yeah exactly just blow up just fucking priceless cars and they're only gonna make one of like a hundred years of hidden traps like five of them fuck that no apparently thinking that guy that day I work like oh man I really wanna hit this with a side slid but here we go I have thawed yeah I haven't calendar if this is true or not crypt crypt on ice says I hit a tree going 74 my Volvo and still drove built like brick shithouse as though because they all weigh a fucking ton like I don't know of a single Volvo that's under like 4000 pounds which we do a header into it or junk sideswipe it you know yeah it's like did you did you knock a mirror off and the car under and it still ran coffee oh and I really splashed that someone asked what Nick is playing in the background right now he's huh yeah he was playing for titanfall - and now it looks like he's just playing Spotify and moderator oh oh I actually take actually take back what I said about Saab somebody made a good point the Saab 9000 was actually a really good car I'm talking I'm talking with Saab was its own company they made good cars when Chrysler acquired him and everything they started making shit cars because they were just rebranding American market cars as Saab and fucking with interiors a little bit I love it when of questions have like the most important thing missing is the decent model block for the GTX 280 you can suggest them I think it's is there a decent model I know but the Z that's the letter that's missing J a decent mono block for G they're not called mana blocks they called full cover blocks when they're for graphics cards first of all I'm on a walk flick would like motherboard like I have on that we're like amplifiers monoblock is what I think of amps when I think of mono block or mono price that's because you're dumb Jerry's a monorail I am a little bit uh yeah go get a block from a company that makes blocks for your card I mean what else to say hey Lackey Macintosh asking how I like my mouse I love it this is the logitech g502 and I've been using this thing for about five years and I still haven't replaced its longest I've ever owned a mouse without destroying it I'm here I've still been using my cool Master Reaper Mouse actually see him storm Reaper Mouse for just as long and I love this mouse I think is that much bigger place mine I wanted to get like a new Mouse I'm running like a SteelSeries right now and it's like I can use it but the fit is not right and for me it's like I don't care about the DPI blah blah blah blah blah see if it doesn't feel right it just sucks yeah have you seen the new Logitech that's got the wireless charging through the mat and zero lag RF system do you have I mean they and a lot of other companies have been doing that now so it's not even really like a new thing Oh gotcha well there's the only one I tried when I was when I was down at twitchcon I was like fucking around with it there booth and I was like I can always notice the lag on a wireless mouse I don't care how good it is I've always noticed it's the first Mouse that I didn't see any appreciable lag flippin Adams incognito tabs yep I don't use incognito tabs I don't I'm not embarrassed of my search history no I still acting on my phone that like casts it to the whatever closest TV is on and I've gotten lucky so far the xander hasn't been there that take some explaining so my little one you know she's three and she's got Maya Oh actually she's she's got my wife's old iPhone six that it has no connection or like service or anything turned on to it but she uses yeah YouTube kids and little kids games and stuff she'll get mad like my video is not playing but she'll keep she'll keep err plotting it up to or err playing it up to the theater room upstairs and then I'll hear the theater just start blasting like kids videos dude would it be funny if you're in the bedroom having a little a little alone time with Miss jst sense and it's like you're watching something on the TV it's all hot and then I'll sit and just pops on it's like the fucking poggle's or whatever it is Barney shows up because you can control the volume of like the airplay through the phone yeah she'll think that it's just turned down so she'll crank the audio through the phone and not you you haven't heard the upstairs theater like my dev tech 9000 set up up there it will shit the whole damn house and it's terrifying and usually you know Little J my older daughter will be up there playing her computer because it's in the same loft yeah and then she'll just you'll just hear her scream because she gets scared cuz the TV suddenly turns on just like instant 10 and yeah it's kind of funny but annoying I need to turn off airplay on that receiver there's no reason for me to even have it on yeah Sandra would freak if it was like full wall he would just like run out of the room he's pretty sensitive to really loud noise water-cooling question why don't people use flu attempt to control fan speed because usually your fluid tempo only range like about 5c difference between its coldest and its hottest again these are we actually got a huge care package from EKF stuff that I requested so I could do these you saw that right so I could do these videos showing people how one loop order does not matter to how you can oversize your system and get no benefits out of it and three to show I'd actually have temperature probes and like a pass-through temperature fitting so it'll show a readout of how much temperature does not change between max load and idle the water temp itself does not change but maybe five see from its hottest to its coldest now I've got all the temperature probes and stuff to show in different parts of the loop like look here's what the temp isn't so so that all these videos planned out but they're they're being more or less time for the beginning of summer because that's when these videos are much more relevant get water Cooling's for poor people man so I got a couple things here real quick first of all the guy that's asked about the replacement side panel like anywhere just contact our tech support department they can help you out and I was gonna ask you guys it seems like a logical place to start right yeah I mean that's what I do that's the thing like were we get those questions on like social media we're not trying to be dicks but it's like if you wants to troubleshoot something in 280 characters it's kind of difficult where I was gonna direct you back to the tech support they'll help you out and then like whenever I show up in videos I get this lot he sounds like or he looks like like who do you get do you ever get like Oh Jay looks like so until Jay sounds like so-and-so or no I'm pretty unique other than drunk on the goonies yet now secondly I heard from you know in all seriousness I think when people spot me out in public it's because I'm a very unique looking individual like there's no one that sounds like the most politically correct way to describe you I thought I was unique inside with the Goshen Indiana I met two people that could literally be my fucking clones there right well you know boobs still be you know through now someone asked if I'm driving a red 911 because they saw me on the 60 nope Jay King confirmed black Corvette this time black Corvette god dammit you drive fucking nice rent I broke and I broke Jays windshield you know we went on a candy run today and he kicked up a rock about the size of a marble and put the car kicked up her and I ran like booted one at his car no you threw at my hand that's like that's out the window slow him down so yeah he put out he put her chip and cracking my windshield does that thing have a fancy window and it were cost more because it's like lighter weight or something no it's the exact same one it's like the baseball's good no no I mean that's a good thing so I had a friend who had this a acoustically modified glass windshield came in his car or something he's like oh yeah it makes it really quiet inside but the replacement cost $900 because it has the PDR it might have a different windshield so I don't know well you better hope it doesn't does it have like a little fucking wires running through it or anything for heaters or defroster I have an insurance on it so doesn't really matter no but insurance that sometimes will only cover up to a certain amount like the only this is through the dealership for this specific car Oh gotcha okay nevermind well and the thing is like you know I mean there are cars that have that where it's basically like like the double sealed glass and go on your car yeah I feel that when you feel like the edge of the side window it's got kind of denominated pieces going together like the a eight now to eight eight eight had that and then like obviously I Drive a lot of different rental cars it's like it's becoming much more common even like lower spec cars to have like the double walled or whatever you want to call that sealed bonded whatever yeah we like the lexan rear windows that's kind of becoming a thing to shave weight now or you have like the back window that's flexible we're discussing that the other day like all the bullshit the carbon adventures come up with on a performance car associated way like Oh your gt3 RS no door handles we're gonna put straps oh thanks for the seven ounces you say one of the things they did on my car to save weight was to remove the daylight running lamps which they said was seven pounds I could see this hanging out on the end too so still those seven pounds four lights like I don't even know how you get to that weight unless you're fucking like drip and let on it or something like wiring harness unfortunately where the crack is on my windshield I have to get a repair door it's gonna spread obviously but it's like down at the bottom just above the windshield wiper where it's still like the black border around the windshield so it's not like an oil or anything it's down low so so is it still like quarter size though or it can be like injected and fixed it's smaller than that it can be injected the thing is also you can still see the crack and that's gonna bug me oh no have you seen that they used to I watched a guy do it like not six months ago and I could not tell cuz they do this grinding thing now for the grind apologize cuz remember how before it looked like the glass had a ripple like a little circular ripple in it that doesn't happen anyway I guess you have to have this one method but yeah they have a method now where they injected and then once it sets up they use like this fucking die grinder thing it grinds it down to the surface of the glass and then they polish it out and it literally looks absolutely flawless well I mean there's there's obviously the impact mark and then there's yeah Strait cracks that come out from that so okay so so maybe that wouldn't that wouldn't work out so well what they had basically said was they will what they'll do is like they'll try and repair it and if they can then they will then they'll repair it if they can't then they will repair the or replace the whole windshield okay is it the dealership that's gonna do the windshield swap or the repair the dealership will do it the see I love that dealership has a guy on on site that doesn't that's awesome because every time I get a window put because my STI eats about a windshield a year because you know it's the most uh narrow dynamic fucking car ever made it kicks up its own rocks and breaks this window if you can believe that so so there were every time they replace the windshield they always use this generic fucking trim around the windshield that does not match anything and it drives me nuts you know you know what I'm talking about that fake like a little plastic it almost just like goes over the lip of the glass before they glue it in just to form a seal and it's not like the trim that goes over the bodywork so it leaves a gap and it drives me absolutely bonkers and they always do it okay so one question I get the question for Josh you're on the clock screen real estate space I have Josh follow this with your head wait there you go and then it helps that I'm like you know what 14 2016 Chester Road don't even flex on me I've got ten and a half feet wide of display this is the one side this is the other side sorry about your PA so anyone not the question basically don't we make case with interchangeable parts we don't I guess intentionally do that already does it yeah there's always gonna be some stuff that's reused like if you check out our tech support department for example like the defined excel on the arc excel those side panels were interchangeable drive trade certain parts are but I mean it just kind of things because like we're not really trying to design cases to like hey how many uses can we get out of the same basic design it's largely do not say let's go method of making cases yeah it's it sergeant like what do you want to do with it I mean like a defined see is different than you know define Nano or define ask but like a define see and a mesh if I see are largely the same interior chassis with ones airflow whirring there once silence oriented so I have a question for you yes how do you feel about the Coolermaster mystify see so anyway looking at the use 15 honestly I haven't seen a ton of it if it's that similar then hey I'll just say that you know I am I'm flattered it is the it is the highest form of flattery to be fair everything visible if you have a die grinder at a spot welder Friday just say and you make military-style case handles like the old coarser yeah we could we could do pretty much anything the biggest thing like what you've seen with the new metruff I see white the mesh if I see mini the the black out series all those came because you know our fans went to our website went to the contact us section and said hey product suggestions we want to see this it's supply and demand you guys tell us what you want to see there's enough demand we want to supply it so I'm gonna talk about I just want to troll you with like a thousand accounts now that just sent a random requests for the same thing I'm gonna talk about this one here a quick Cody Sanders asks J how do y'all feel about the new Corvettes I said I saw that earlier do you want to interrupt you we're talking I love the Corvette love it okay so the 2019 Corvette zr1 is like what the zo6 kind of should have been see the zo6 came out and it was an under performed in terms of cooling it was a overheated it cooked the oil and it's the same engine that's in my car the OLT for supercharged and they put it in the Camaro zl1 and then just it completely dominated the zo6 so of course Corvettes firing back with the 2019 zr1 which is I think it's awesome first of all I mean why would I get mad that a Corvette is faster than my car it's alright have to look it up it's about $129,000 and hundred twenty thousand to start yeah fucking Corvette Jesus yeah it was his base for zero to 16 2.8 it is zero that's high does zero to 106 flat it's the top is like 212 something like that and it's ten five and a quarter now to put into perspective my car is zero to 60 in 3.5 and I don't know what zero 200 is it's a and it's 11 five I think it's eleven point five at 1:23 in the quarter so it's no slouch by any means but but but Jerry you don't even know this yet I've already started the process with Cunningham motorsports to do the stage two 900 horsepower package on my car dude what the fuck's wrong with you seriously you're gonna die more power I mean they're good driver but you're not 900 horsepower on a track good driver you're not you're not fucking Mario Andretti you don't know shit about my dress you're gonna die dude and I'm probably be in the passenger seat when it happens to all end up playing another date get it back from them no you're not you're not gonna be in the bathroom seat of my car why this suspension can handle it ma you upgraded make it down here no I'm gonna come down I told you just tell me when okay I'll tell you what that was one weekend you and sapphire had mud wrestling that weekend herself I brought a job I can come down tomorrow if you want I'm just sick why did you touch you track events last year and won this year so far and all three were like can't okay well this one I could this one I couldn't come back those physically out of town that's a difference like know-it-alls gone where I was working you left after I got back to go to your way did I yes you didn't even get the weekend right when you were like nope not I'm not around you're so I left on the 20 when I leave 23rd yeah I see my track day was 18th which is what I told you on the on the stream so I totally could have made that now Ryan okay I'm a dick I'm a dick hey I'm looking at the zr1 though it does look an awful lot like the Ferrari five nine what is it they're alive no 9x yes because they opened up the front to give it more cooling like it needs to so it has a very similar like grille design now god it's a cool looking car though I have to say that is pretty pretty badass for me like I would I would drive that all day long I was gonna happen real quick anybody that ever asked just fractile make a bla please check our website that's where we keep everything that we make I'm not trying to be snotty but I mean it's like legit if you're making it we make if we make a mini ITX case of five and quarter Bay yeah we do core 500 but generally start there and if you don't see your answer there then hit us up I just want a fleshlight holder for the front of the case can you make that happen Josh Josh I would like to know if the 4770k with the 387 this was running running g.skill ddr3 will allow me to run a 360 mill a 30 mil read with these needs to be like some read that was made for like six months by some company you've never heard of and yeah what I love is how people think you test every single possible iteration of hardware ever and they're gonna get granular down to I want to know if it's gonna fit this exact configure well okay in here's part of it right we get I saw a question earlier about is it hard to make cases if at 280 millimeter abs are basically 140 millimeter base treads that still fit I have RAM clearance like a 140 rad like like the 420 140 yeah built and anything for that is like you always gotta draw the line somewhere because for the guy that's over there like God if you made it an inch taller what if it this would fit this with that there's five other people saying why is it that tall if you made it an inch shorter yeah so much closer to what I want and that's where you kind of have to draw the line of this has the best compromise of fitting multiple different radiator so for example I mean the r6 can fit a 420 on the topic there 360 in the topic you feel like you know two 40s all that stuff but I mean can I do every single thing at the same time know what's the max it can do at any one time regardless of hardware orientation on before 20 280 280 but you probably would never want to do that could be a basement mount of 280 which would be a bitch to plumb but it could technically do it and then I think probably this is something that you know you should do a video on sometime or you might already have planned but it's like there is a law of diminishing returns yeah it's like if you put a 5-4 80 60 whatever the hell in there it all depends on your ambient temperature it depends on what you're trying to cool if you're just cooling your CPU you're gonna hit that where it's like I got a really big radiator and my temps aren't really changing there's no more I've never not even touching the thermal Headroom so we kind of have to make this product where it fits a bunch of different scenarios and that's where it's not always gonna be tweaked and you know we're happy to let you guys mod it yourself there's a lot of people do some crazy stuff with their cases that's always really cool to see but now ek has a configurator em online that they requested a lot of support from their Kohn customers to let them know like hey this rad fits in this case yeah you know in this config and and they've been building that database but it's a hundred percent dependent on the customer feedback and because their feedback being correct yeah well it's cuz it's not like they can go out and and seriously buy like every single every single iteration of hardware you mean and even if they could when do they test fit how long would it take to put all those different you know factors in there so what we try to do is we try to put stuff on our website of like support CPU coolers up to this height and like we'll get questions like I know it says it sports up 262 this one's 160 300 let's support that technically no that's why we had to say 162 now maybe you could stuff it in there but we have to draw the line where we say this is officially what it is and you know and we even rely on other vendors because it's like well I think they measure from the heat plate and not from you know the extended leg mounts it's like I don't know how say cryo rig or whoever measures it all we're saying is this is how much room you have from the motherboard plate or from the motherboard to the side of the case and we do the best we can but anything whether it's cars like hey can I go aftermarket and cream out twin-turbo setup it should fit in the car and then you get to doing it and dust or like well we're doing it's like you're the best laid plans but you're never really gonna know until you get right in there yeah alright so let's talk about your build that we just finished sure so ok obviously you go and put so much in a video how do you like is there anything you're not happy with about how it turned out there's anything you would change right now if you could go back and do something get him Josh I don't eat him I was just gonna call I should build a plan his own build the only thing I would change honestly no I mean it's you know so far it boots that so it's great yeah that's a good works is gonna be up there and a lot of the time I did plan out ahead of time there's there's times where it's a pain in the ass to get stuff you know put together like we were talking about it's a game of millimeters right if it's off a little bit left off a little bit right yeah we do what we can to make it fit I didn't really have a loop in mind when I looked at as far as like how I wanted the tubing runs to go or how I wanted it to look honestly I'm surprised how good it looked when it turned cuz I got we got a lot of comments I'm people like hey I don't like purple but that actually pretty badass so I mean okay so many people go with the staple colors right blue red mostly red right wax White has kind of been a thing lately like my white fluid and something that I mean but purple is one of those like it's not the easiest to pull off but I think you did really well with the the cables really tied it together and there's more RGB in your bill than anything I've ever done where did I see this thing I want to see what you guys are talking about here it's on the YouTube yeah there's a place online where people put videos it's car I'm gonna go on the only youtubes okay is its last video you uploaded probably just find it and if you go to Josh's Twitter he's my sure he's put it yeah that's all I see is I see it yeah actually purple looks really good in that build well thank you and that's the thing I went to first fired up did they like the rainbow cute thing and as I said from the beginning my thing with the RGB is not to have it go spectrum it's like I just want to use it so I can color match it I'm so nervous I'm gonna dress this one skill Drock Josh why did you choose i9 as if Red River for the build the same reason why if he chose thread Ripper they'd be like Josh why did you choose Red River and not I 9 yeah I'm so I'm so tired of the why did you why did you or why didn't you why did it you actions to be fair you know you get both sides of anything you do online like when I'll be streams you like well you have a 4770k where the fuck you run to that like you can still see me right you're still watching me streams so it works that's why I'm running that then you have created something like this look over proved okay so let me tell you let me tell you what's annoying about Red River is the CCX do you know the CCX is its I've no idea okay so thread Ripper no joke is too 1800 X is basically on a single die that's why Intel was was making this the comment of legumes two CPUs glued together yeah well the CC X is the glue and it's a it's it's basically like sort of like how the Infinity fabric works yeah and it communicate has a crosstalk and cross communicate on the actual die you can find a lot of diagrams about how this works and there's what is like what they call their content creator mode mm-hmm and then there's like gamer mode or like professional mode game remote yeah and you know neither of them perform best at everything in either mode so for instance jack of all trades master of none right so if you want to if you wanted to go into content creator mode and run all your memory at max speed and get all your performance of all your cores and stuff then that works fine for things like Cinebench and your your video editing color grading uh stuff in like DaVinci and all that stuff but if you go into gaming they have found there's actually a decrease in performance in games because of the latency that takes place between the CPU alternating and crosstalking over through the through the affinity fabric so what happens is you go into game mode it shuts off half the course it turns it from a sixteen core to an eight core okay yeah so then they found most games that perform better that way there are some games that are very hyper thread or hyper threaded they're very multi threaded that perform better in content greater mode or creative mode so you're constantly having to like switch these modes and figure out which is best unless you just want to leave it in creator mode and take the hidden gaming you don't know what that ni9 yeah on and then that's kind of the thing you know it's like there's there's a lot of it you know as far as the ecosystem you know I haven't really liked a CS for the rampage six you know yeah it happens to be the fact like I could have gone with a thread where it's like I know people at AMD that I could work with and it's like it's not really so much Allegiance it's like hey it kind of worked out for what I wanted to do and honestly the end of the day I didn't sweat it because you're gonna get props and you're gonna get shit from people no matter what side of the fence that you're on you know so yep so I said yeah it worked for me I'm really happy it's not a one size fits all though like no matter what like there is no scenario where you can say this is absolutely gonna be faster at everything well and when we were doing we were gonna come up with a bill nice talking to Jim Joe guy says you can code around CCX but he's not a coder he's an end user that makes no people that make his software probably aren't doing that also that's the other thing you got to take into consideration well and that's one of the things I'd like I talked about in the video was like you know this is largely it's a work rig and also gaming or it's gonna be kind of a catch-all but the big thing is like yeah I worked on average 16 hours a day you know so if I'm down for four hours that really kind of screws me so it's like I'm also not gonna overclock the crap out of it yeah so if J singing DEA's subpar did I say that did I say a MDS subpar he said well he doesn't like about CCS right what I said C's reacts CCX for a dual purpose machine like this is kind of annoying if you if you spent that kind of and you bought your processor that was not a sponsored part yeah if you are spending the money on that and you are doing it for a dual purpose like you want to yep then you want to get the most out of what you spent no yeah it's also gonna fail because we didn't deal it it the temps are doing pretty damn good by the way yeah how much was that CPU what'd you pay for it nothing is like what 12 okay so yeah it's a it was about $300 more than you could have gotten a 1950 x4 and the 1950 X does indeed have more cores and stuff but I think but for what you're using it for you'd probably notice very little difference between the two but it's about preference and it's about having options because you know what if we lived in this world where AMD still didn't compete then we would it would suck to have everything be super one-sided like it's been for a while unfortunately GPUs and stuff and GPU performance but you have choice so what I hate and what I what I hate about the PC master-race and the whole PC crowd is this divide of like know you've got using envy or you've got to use Intel or whatever or you suck or your system sucks and that is if stupidest mentality that shit I am ashamed of the people who think that way in this community because they make a whole community look bad by doing that what bothers me is you know I hear a lot of the PC master-race in person I don't consider myself a part of the PC master-race or whatever I'm not crapping on the people that do you know in my mind what really bothers me is when someone tries to join a community right like yeah so what makes the leap and it's gonna build their first system they go into a forum and then people shit all over them for like what they chose yeah and it's like you think that really makes people want to be a part of something like hey I picked this and this is what I could afford and maybe I'm gonna upgrade this in you know six months but I got them on the video karthik and he's right now and it's oh you should've done this you shoot it on that because i like this it's like that's an opinion man and that's fine but don't crap on someone for using that yeah and then again you get people like you wonder why i just want to go contort or what they'd only want to dick with yeah building a PC they just want to buy one they buy one oh god you know PC yeah most people who go to forums right where the be Tom's Hardware hard o CP OC overclock net whatever the poor Jam no Jerry the the people who are like who have the hard core you know that that's usually what they see I think a lot of the comments a lot of the viewers on YouTube don't go to the comments actually comments section is not a very good place for discussion obviously and so I think most people are just accustomed to seeing the comments on the various build build got or build logs and stuff they'll see yeah they don't get to see the comments from the perspective of like lioness or myself or Paul or Kyle and I'm telling you right now that's it's it's the saddest thing to try and preach like my channel is literally about just giving people information entertaining people and letting them make their own choices I want to help people make a choice or arm them with information to make their choice I'm never going to tell someone go buy this go buy that but it's sad and it really it really at times makes me feel ashamed of like that debt mentality of like people that will shit on someone else's build because they use parts that that person wouldn't have picked and I think that I think the thing is like when you're looking at the comments section or forums or whatever you know basically opinions and knowledge or the the currency of that location it's like yeah I can one-up you and say that I know more about this or I could have picked a better video card that was on sale that particular day for 10 bucks off the local Micro Center with 10 coupons and you know a hug in the backroom sort of thing it's like fine yeah you can prove someone wrong and then you've trumped them and then you're a better online person than they are the thing is at the end of the day they're winning a race yeah it's like don't be an asshole I mean it's like if you really want to join this well well your dickhole it's like if you really well even have to be a part of this community if you want people to be able to mod their cases build their own pcs or whatever if they don't build the same way you do that that's fine you know what like maybe your mom's cookies or shit you love them but I think they're shit and I'm gonna tell you they're shit that doesn't mean they're shit that's means I don't like them if you like and bless you do what works for you what's it you you have people constantly saying that that what they think is the best should be the best for everybody else when there's so many different scenarios like Jay how much how often do you get it where somebody actually uses you in the defense of their argue by completely erroneously like ogee would never use that or J thinks that's a piece of shit or something like what for you J would believe you that all the time of me I don't know and they had somebody do that with 3d printers before they're like oh yeah you know Jerry only uses Ultimaker cuz they're like the best printer ever no I only use all teamaker because they fuckin sent me my first printer and I have like nine of their printers so just by default I use ur shit it doesn't mean that it's bad but it doesn't mean I'm saying it's the only good thing on planet earth you know not by a long shot boring it would be if every hobby you had had no choice like if you want to race the car everyone races the same car now okay yes yes and leagues to keep things fair but yeah everyone be like that movie equilibrium like where everybody just take a medication and all agrees on the same thing and the same doctrine you just wake up and go through the same moves and try the same cars and do the same jobs you know I'm totally gonna gonna devil's advocate my own statement though know how good gaming would be though if we all had the same CPU and all the same GPUs and stuff cuz they never change so you mean like a console okay gaming isn't fair now like everybody's got like that now Xbox one versus Xbox one X how the fuck is that fair one's got like double the framerate better graphics 4k vs. 1080p Alex and while you're Cubs is hotter than the other one like that doesn't even matter easy one of them clearly is hotter than the other one I'm just gonna go on record and say that Fred yeah so okay someone keeps asking is there gonna be a new define s I'll go and answer all those questions for you right now and fortunately not talking about products there may or may not be in development so if it's is this new thing gonna come out I don't know if I didn't know I couldn't tell you until it came out but if you want to see something go to our website contact us product suggestions let us I on the other hand could talk all I want so no video for that no one's gonna listen I have 1.4 million year 10 subscribers and gray hair it's 1.4 - I think oh hey why are you growing so slow again man you were growing all like super fast think I slowed down again what fuck I'm sorry that I'm only doing a thousand or so a day Jerry that's like poor people we used to do that like way back in the day get on that next-level shit I want to see like 5000 a day man come on Jay likes the undulator you know you gotta hold back a little bit well yeah I got I try not to completely you know bring all the steam out here your engines I'm trying to get down to single digits let me see if I've done it yet you're almost there you don't worry you know it's funny is Jay used to actually watch my watch my socialblade stats Morton I did like he'd say something to be like oh shit like I didn't know is that bad oh my god having to say about the case though is they define s so that was the first like case of its of its type right like the open open yeah kind of like saying josh is there gonna be a define R 7 that's it's probably there's been a 3 or 4 out of 5 it's certain things you can look at where I mean it's like okay so like when you look at the define see that's basically compact it's like we don't put five a quarter bay drives in it so it's shorter front to back then you have like to define a switch like that open interior define ours are always gonna be you know I guess like what they are now like a nice amount of storage fairly flexible and also silence focused define is our silent series so yeah it's like the define s if it's doing really well there's generally gonna be an update to it um you know so honestly probably they'll probably be an hour seven but I can't tell you for sure and the reason a lot of people thing is like oh you wanna be secretive it's like no it's part of its because it's that like I have no idea when they're gonna come out you can have planned dates for stuff to come out there can be a production delay there could be a logistics delay yeah and it gets blown out like obviously we're having a lot of issues right now ar6 selling out so damn fast that they keep going out of stock on Newegg and then people get upset with us and I totally get it but at the end of the day it's one of those things where it's like hey we don't make any money if we don't sell them either you know we are trying to get them to you as quick as pop you mean gonna get the Harrison Ford thing I don't get that you mean I just saw that - I was like I kind of now I got that stuck in my head you do kind of a giant team doesn't just sit around now like done like they're just done peace out you guys could probably move a lot faster if you adopted thermal takes model and just you know stole the designs and just you know copied copied all the shit and sent it over your design department and China no comment on that one but you know what I can't say is like things are always evolutional it's not necessarily okay the r6 comes out now let's are working on the r7 like a lot of that stuff runs in parallel because maybe there's features that you want to put on a version of a case or any product phone whatever and you have to make that cut time okay we need to launch this or it's gonna be in it's gonna be an RD forever you know so it's like you make the decision like this is what this is gonna be we couldn't get that feature in on this one so we're gonna move to the next model year or to the next version or maybe a different product in the lineup so you know it's like the r6 was probably still being developed while the r5 was being finalized and the air for was going to end of life and so on so you could tell he's way behind like on the chat it says yo Barney edge is built into Windows Explorer whoa must be watching like the recording he's watching via fax machine I like all my fractal cases I've got to I've got two of them sitting one on my desk and one underneath it yeah but then I find out you Excel when you are two would you have chosen those cases or you just use them because that's what that's what puget uses oh that's a good question actually if I could choose them and money was no object the case labs I just um their cases just or just over the top but I wouldn't want him if I had to drag the shit that land party I'll tell you that I don't even think that offends Josh because I mean that's not even a competing product that's no no they're over there expensive I mean it's like yeah it's like tipped and the tiffany's of case design and obviously it's like you know like something like the size of skunkworks right that's what they asked him away yeah basically was like I'm never taking that to another land part and that's kind of the thing where it's like you know a case that costs four to five times as much as our flagship case and is you how much bigger it should have a lot more flexibility yeah yeah no salt it's like I whenever i stream whenever I'm on a lot of shows like this you get a lot of the you know okay what do you think about that you know I don't want your case want to get the Corsair blah blah blah good get what you want I'm not gonna talk you into our cases if you don't like em it might be an aesthetic thing or might be a feature thing it's like yeah there it does me no good to force you into our case have you hate it and then go bitch to all your friends or not be happy with it right so I want you to get whatever we're close being considered I do love the cases I mean they're they're lightweight which is something that is really important to me especially since then my back is just all fucked up and they drag these things around with me John laid out well to Josh's Jay's ginger son right you're older than me yeah I am I'm older than J what does this say about me but we have a DeLorean somewhere I love all the comments about my gray hair like like it's something new it is it's soft round of how many comments there on an old video whirring - yes well gray hair is like coarser than like non gray hair mine isn't though that's what's weird mine mine is he going that direction yeah well no I'm pretty I'm pretty grey now man I'm like I I cut it down so it doesn't look that bad oh my god everybody I've run into you said oh my god where all the gray come from noticed your gray right now because it's do you sell enough of your dark brown hair to actually notice the gray see it's a contract I see a brown hair I'm like whoa how'd you how are you still here then they say your hair's a little dark enjoy you need to wash your hair nasty man yeah that's funny but my doctor tried to give me the upsides of having low testosterone I'll go on the plus side you aged a lot slower and you never lose your hair I was like was Jay a ginger no my natural hair color was very like medium brown like kind of golden brown I get this a lot what's my favorite non fractal case well you know I work in marketing for fractal but you know let me go ahead and just punt off that one I like a lot of the pace laps stuff I mean honestly you know it's like but at the same point in time you know if it comes down to me if I yeah everyone thinks I'm made out of money and stuff it's like I rent these cars you know what one of my favorite cases is cases is justices well it's based off Silverstone but the murder box okay yeah you have like the MD whatever yeah because it's a total it's a total custom like they take it they take a being where they grew the shroud from the fans of the fan hub is just sitting on the top yeah but it's a the whole case that they sell is a case mod so they start with the silver cell with it that's also a $1,500 $2,000 it's like 1250 yeah it's really expensive I like simple cases I don't like the cases that are all mega blinged up and shit right out of the box jury look at murder bots it's done like really sleaze okay if I type murder boxing with no filter am I gonna see like headless porn videos look at murder box case then there we go actual rock okay no no I like that that's actually really clear I like the rounded edges - yeah okay that's a cool case I've never seen it before kind of base like that it's over some tjo stuff it is it is 80 jo7 that's what starts as aa that's a really cool website be translated each other when languages like German it should already be should go to our website check the top there should be like the I can pick on four like Chinese and Japanese and other languages I think German should be there hey guys which cryptocurrency do you think will explode next does that mean explode is in fail or explode is in blow-up Oh Jerry I usually go up Jerry maybe you could talk about this I heard rumors that there is apparently an ASIC being developed for aetherium have you heard this I have I have I don't I don't know how far along they are on it but that would be a huge boon for the GPO market going back to gamers but that's not a theorem was specifically programmed to not work with an ASIC no so here here's it would have to be a hybrid ASIC it wouldn't be a true ASIC the ASIC would just be responsible for the actual mathematical calculation the it would still need a shitload of ddr4 ddr5 memory in that that's where it gets tricky because it you need the memory the etherium is all about looking shit up very very quickly so so memory is is the is kind of the stopping point memory happens to be one of the most expensive components of the GPU manufacturing right now so once they can build the ecig that'll be the cheap part basic that just does the mathematical calculation is gonna be think of it like you know normally you'd have the GPU running the code to figure out the math well the ISA cos just think of it like a hardwired one purpose only instantaneous mathematical calculator that just runs one algorithm that's all I would do now the reason they'd be hybrid is because the other side of that ASIC would be a huge Bank of memory and a controller and a smaller computer that would be responsible for looking the shit up and putting it into the right registers for the ASIC to basically run through and do the math so it's gonna be a lot more expensive because of the amount of memory and the speed and memory that you're needing cuz it's not just it's not just the speed of the memory it's the quantity that's why the 1066 get six gigabyte card just decimates the four gigabyte version so so it's I think there's still a couple things that need to happen before that becomes mainstream plus the other thing you have to factor in is even if they do build this ASIC they're gonna be selling it for whatever the current profitability of the currency is to the to the mainstream market and then everybody in China that's running to big minds is basically gonna get them wholesale so they can corner the market same thing happened with Bitcoin when when Asics came on the market so rou so it'll be a while so Rubin and super chess says how can we don't see more cases come with USB type-c ports cost yeah the cost of the actual module itself is not cheap but here's here's my take on this other than USB type-c like storage devices and stuff peripherals are not going to USB type-c because of ghent cost and then to you limit your customer base to only those people who have USB type-c on their case so I feel like both are kind of waiting on the other to sort of mainstream it yeah it's a bit of a standoff the other thing to look at too is you know anybody right now that has USB see count the number of us PC devices you have versus the number of regular USB devices you have and you know do the math on how many ports of which one you need and I understand that people have those PC like I have it right now like obviously on my phone and I have it on my my Ultrabook and that's it and for me it's not that big of a deal not that I make that final decision but a lot of the Kate like a lot of new motherboards if they support it they have back panel you can get like a hub if you wanted to they up until recently a lot of motherboards didn't even have front panel USB C connectors so where I go with that is everybody that said that we should have had lightning in front panel IO you know it's like where we'd be now if we just ramped up a bunch of those so it's not an ever thing we are offering it obviously it's an upgrade kit for the r6 that is coming but the thing is it when you look at it when we do the market research the number of people that want it versus the number of people that have it or more importantly would pay the additional cost for it it's there's a big Delta there so it tends to be one of those vocal minority things like I was people I haven't want to make use of it I want to plug my phone into my case or whatever charge it from a case you know it just boils down to the market is still 80% we still get crap because some of our cases are USB 3.0 only we've had 2.0 and 3.0 some people we bitched it it's not just all 3.0 and USB see other people like how come I have to have two USB 3.0 ports and they can't just all be backwards compatible USB 2.0 motherboards old yeah yeah and there are some serious compatibility issues between USB 3.0 and 3.1 and 2.0 like not every device out there made followed the specification close enough without any hacks or anything like that so where you just plug it in and it works I've had webcams before the fucking flip out when you plug them in the USB 3.0 I've had audio devices my mixer board shit like that doesn't like being plugged into USB 3 now again it probably is more dependent on the controller that I'm using but it's still like a real issue I think that having both options available is still critically important if you have a bunch of USB devices well Knox is our thing if you look at but you know the link in the chain so to speak it's they plugged it in the case it doesn't work it's the cases USB port that's screwed up it's not the control you know they don't there's a lot of times people don't go that far down the line and then right catch the flack for you getting our May issue on something that's still perfectly who's this guy he works for fractal yeah it's J ste since he same shit happen to Microsoft all the time do they'd call and be like oh shit Windows keeps popping up this error message you must be a problem with Windows no it's problem the fucking device it's problem the harder it's probably the driver nobody thinks about that they're just like oh it's not working in Windows was showing you the dialog so let's call Microsoft we know we try to intercept that as much as possible in all of our shipment we have like two hey if there's an issue with your case call us and you know it has the phone number for a tech support email and that sort of thing it's like if you get a case and there's a foot broken off of it or something like that yeah I understand that's part of your build you want to get your build done you don't want to wait to ship it back and get a new one or run back to crosstown or whatever a lot of times we can ship you that part but the thing is you have to contact us and a lot of times unfortunately happens is people like oh it's broke screw it fire back to Newegg or whatever it might've been something they're still fully functioning or they could have done their bill we could have got a part out to them but again it's you don't always get that chance to talk to everybody to try to drive that as much as we can no yeah sorry oh sorry there's a huge different scene USB is there a huge difference in USB 3.0 3.1 yeah about double the speed yeah and I saw a comment the one by earlier that said why is Diaz piece the USB C type or type C so expensive yeah it's available I mean if you look at the way like production works the more you make of something the cheaper it is because their tooling costs that are required for you know obviously we're not in there making our own actual USB C port supports there's a supplier that supplies those because that's what they do they do it very well and they can do it at an economical price because that's what they're geared up to do so the more you make of it the lower the overall cost yeah that's why McDonald's burgers are a lot cheaper than going to a sit-down restaurant so it's either pepparkakor ID 10 t yeah yeah plus the bandwidth the bandwidth you get over USB 3.1 is insane it's ten gig right about that though being pet cat right prom exists between keyboard and chair and then Oh ever heard that in a long time then the ID 10 T error and it's like what's that write it down yeah what a maybe so that basically the thing supply and demand anything brand-new is gonna cost more so yeah you know it's it's one of those things where obviously there's still a huge market for USB 3.0 for the reasons that I explained it's like if you count the numbers you know USB 3.0 2.0 those are backwards compatible but you know to pay on your internal header but if you look at that physical port the number of devices there's in the marker created right now to use that versus how many are USB CEOs PCs pregnant one percent yeah plus there's other perks there too cuz USB I I think it's USB 3.0 it's not just 3.1 but I believe the it's a bi-directional power if I'm not mistaken to where you can actually pull power from a device like a cell phone not just send power to it it's not one direction I honestly don't know I'm not bad up to speed on it because I know on my on my new razor phone that I got in and somebody confirmed this happens on just about all the new USBC type Android phones is you can basically when you connect the USB device to it say I connect the USBC cable between the phone and another device I can literally select whether I want it to be a power source for the other device or whether I want it to be a data connection between the first device like an ultrabook you have the Ultrabook charge the phone or the phone charge the Ultrabook exactly exactly so I mean it's got some really really cool features that don't exist in the previous generations of USB plus does anybody have to pay licensing or is it an open technology honestly I probably a question for product developers I don't know okay because I know Thunderbolt if you use Thunderbolt which is essentially USB 3.0 just a different protocol Thunderbolt you have to pay a licensing fee I believe to Intel don't you that's why most people don't have like Thunderbolt ports on the side of shit because they have to pay a bunch of money for it Jack that could be I mean cuz I mean well like Apple did Apple and firewire is fire your largest one they prefer firewire was Apple's version of the 1394 protocol yeah yeah so it's kind of like that was their marketing brand version of it so I think it's the same thing like 1394 porting me fireworks yeah except for in their case it was the exact same protocol they literally just locked down the name so nobody else could use it just like century no it's like a certain controller Wi-Fi I saw someone asked about they want to get into like the hardware market it's really like any market I mean this is gonna sound like a dick thing to say but it's like go to school get your degree and just start applying in places in the industry I mean there as far as I know there's not really a trick getting into tech I mean getting it's not like J like you kind of got into tech in the sense that you already working in tech your YouTube channels of tech because that's what you focused on so it's kind of the same sort of thing it's you know apply places I guess if you're looking for from the currency it looked like you're based in the UK but I'm not sure but like if you're in the u.s. it's like get comfortable with wanting to live in California if you're in hardware basically the the Silicon Valley for the hardware side of things for most of us is right around LA you know City of Industry places like that that's where a lot of the vendors are at also up around they're not down here they're in the Bay Area Fremont yeah exactly so it's not like that you got to be flexible there the other thing is it it really just depends on what you want to do you know maybe go to events we get to know somebody but I mean some of these companies are so large that you know hey I know a guy I didn't tell well there's you know how tens of thousands to choose from that sound actually gonna be an end but it's not like anything else how do you get into HR in an industry it's you start applying in the industry yeah hardware Hardware requires a lot more startup capital though to mobilize something because you basically have to design something tool it up put it through iterations I mean you guys probably do the same thing but you probably do a lot of it in-house now but uh it's a lot more money than the service take a lot people to understand to its current hardware is based entirely off licensing somebody else's product for instance all you know EVGA MSI gigabyte ZOTAC every single GPU manufacturer out there is based their entire business off Nvidia is their or AMD if they do both and I'm gonna sign up for GBP it or whatever but you know it's so it's one of those things where it's like okay now you have you're having to pay a royalty and or you know cost of units you have to buy from the video to even run your business the yield on that or the markup on that is extremely narrow so the only you can make any money is to sell like thousands and thousands of them to make any way make differentiated models like you know your your upgraded cards your new coolers your stuff like that so much higher margin items most of these companies that do GPUs and set they they make most of their money around the mid-range to low it there's I think the number I had heard back when like the ten 80s first came out before the 1080i ever the 1080 was that they were making to 15 to 20 dollars per card that was what they were making of course they're like we got a pair of employees our insurances are overhead or cost of operation and stuff but the thing is they make somewhere like the same 20 to 25 bucks on that hundred and watt the time hundred and sixty dollar card versus making twenty bucks on the 500 dollar card and there's more people buying $160 cards so it seemed with motherboards you're entirely dependent on the business of Intel or AMD or whoever CPU you know you're basing it on and you've got to pay again those companies the the rights to even create product for those other brands so and the chipsets and the standards around it and maybe where you support anything it's all standards and the irony is they Intel and stuff can't exist without the motherboard manufacturers right I mean they had their Intel branded motherboard but unless you're doing like massive enterprise solutions there's an upside to that like when you are you know and Adam board partners what you call like an EVGA anyone not Nvidia or AMD yeah yeah the benefits you have is like in theory you know you got Nvidia doing all the work all the research creating the GPUs for you but you know the same point time you've still got to find a way if you want to eke out more performance to create your own version of that that you've got to work with so it's like they're shouldering a lot of the cost but then again that yeah they also shoulder a lot of the profit and you're kind of left with what you can make and then I can only imagine how difficult it be to be in you know the motherboard field or the graphics card field work yeah the pace is so fast and it's like oh the you know for example the 2080 is gonna be out whenever if that's actually gonna come out that's what it's gonna be call it's like they're working on that and then the next thing and it's like they gotta get that out and then just boom right on to the next version and heaven forbid you don't have a recall cuz like unless you are a huge business like Samsung or something like that there's no way you're gonna absorb it it'll just kill you instantly well I'm like motherboards right like so say you're a CEO you're working on the Intel version and the AMD version at the same time and you're gonna work on your different okay we want to have our you know our rampage six all the way down to our baseline so we can have a product portfolio that can address multiple customers like you said when you're looking at like the 1080 Ti versus the 1050 you know to iterate on that many products support for that many products you know the logistics of just shipping and creating that many products it's mind-boggling yeah yeah somebody somebody actually made a good point over here was a Christian he said no there's currently high margins on all GPS right now well the thing you got to realize those those margin increases are going to to retailers not to the manufacturers so manufacturers did increase cost a little bit but like 5% we righted the math when we were when we were we've been doing more pre-built systems lately because it they make more sense to buy the course if you're looking for a whole new system from the ground up it makes more sense to buy a prebuilt because you can get it cheaper than building it by yourself now because the cost of GPUs and memory and all that stuff alone and fortunately these these these builders like NZXT and and exotic PC and CyberPower and I buy power and all of them they get they get to basically keep the same fairly close to the same price they always got them for because they get special deals from the manufacturers they're also not buying one at a time but sure well we were try pressing out to see if we could do it I was like what the heck that they said that the GPUs were like NZXT specifically that there was a 1080i in that build and I think I said the 1080i was like seven hundred and twenty nine dollars something or seven hundred and eighty 89 something like that I came the number and I was like what the hell they said these were suppose to be MSRP and then I go and I look at EVGA and there was indeed a price increase at the level of EVGA as well but it was very small I was like five percent versus some of these other manufacturers that are upwards of a hundred percent price increase well in basic business is a balancing act you don't want to have a surplus and you don't want to have a shortage you know ideally you're selling 10 video cards a day you want to have 10 sitting in your warehouse so you're always just stream light because I mean that stuff's like lettuce it sits on the shelf too long it spoils it loses about I can guarantee you right now the Fry's Electronics Newegg best best buy I have she's been keeping things pretty close to MSRP but that's why their shelves are empty Micro Center these inflated nasty costs your prices you're seeing is straight-up retail the retail supply and demand and yeah and that's one of those things that's like maybe is a dick move yeah and they're and they're pocketing the money and of course you know an Nvidia and AMD and EVGA and gigabyte and all of them are taking the rap for it but you know well the thing is like one of this more video cards asleep okay but there's a certain amount of ramped up time there's cost issues but that's like saying like if you're dead why isn't the u.s. just print more money memory that's how it's gonna say we are we have been in a world wide memory shortage for two years two years we are we're and and that's why it ramped prices are high that's why the the that's why they can't even ramp up to make more graphics cards if they wanted because they can't they don't even that there is a shortage of memory chips to put on the damn PC so you build a house but we have no windows so right a memory has an incredibly high failure like more so than CPU dies we have no roof yeah it's like I'd be willing to bet there like one out of five chips and manufacturing actually makes it meets the specifications it doesn't get crunched up or cycled and push through the system again no would you say that like you know the current GPU price is it is part of like a perfect storm as far as like you know the RAM shortage is plus the spike with mining but now it's not just a single factor but I think it's multiple factors but I think if mining is primary that's coming from somebody who mines himself I mean it's it's pretty clear that the GPU the GPU but yeah I'm the devil devil they're they're in lockstep whenever you see a theory of our Bitcoin start the spike you see the cost of GPUs go up when it when this price starts to come down you start to see a drop it's a slower drop but you definitely see it in lockstep with the market that pretty much tells you that people are buying the GPUs at profitability because the way is a minor what you do is you look at and say okay if I had to pay $1200 for a 1080 unlike a game or you're like fuck that why is the card cost twice as much I'm not buying that the miners looking at it and saying can i recoup the total cost of that card at current market value and difficulty within six months and if the answer is yes they don't care if they're paying five hundred million dollars for that graphics card and they're planning the card pays for itself and becomes free and just starts printing money the reality after that part is a money making tool it is and that cost money but here I want to comment on this Blackhawk 1703 I think he was just being facetious he said black hawk Michael hunt is 1703 says make more memory duh I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic that opens up a whole nother discussion because there's a lot of speculation that these memory manufacturers like hynek's and and Samsung and all of them making these chips they are intentionally not ramping up we don't know whether or not they can or if they are the ones just straight-up profiting by keeping the supply and demand where it's at so it's like do you incur more costs to ramp up production open up more factories whatever more raw materials or do you just raise the cost of the current production and that's just straight profit yeah so there's a lot of speculation of whether or not the the actual ground like ground zero for all of this is Samsung and Hynix well you know it's like work hard for money or not work hard for real quick are six-gun LTG it's released now if you're in the US you like Adam as of yesterday you know I think it means one this week yeah I think the other thing is that is that you know there's a ripple effect in the industry right if people are building less computers you know buying less GPS a butterfly flapped its wings too hard into Union native if you can't get the GPU you're not gonna buy the rest of the system right so the screws everybody yeah yeah so I mean like I wouldn't say like oh god we're hurting as bad as everybody else but it's like you do see this but here we go again James Reeves if this is true says Hennis can't wrap up due to capacitor shortage so then way the capacitor shortage can't wrap up because there's not enough sand or something they can't ramp up because the machines they need to make this shit is not enough RAM to go around to build the machines to make the shit it's like perpetuating cycle is shortened yeah there's no there's always a problem somewhere in the supply right I mean there's always gonna be but but they also had that what was it a couple years ago like a year or two ago the the main chip manufacturer like burned down like their entire complex like burned to the ground I'm sure they built it by now I know but that but that was NAND I thought that was NAND that caused that problem oh is that just the knee okay GPU but I thought that was an ant factory I could be wrong though can I come work for you Josh you like working for free god you really want to do that I have a co work here unpaid internship yeah and I unpaid internships are all the rage at Microsoft jump on the most places don't even want to do those because of the liability like the insurer yeah at least someone's hanging out you know your office like hey don't worry about paying me and then they trip and fall where the claims unpaid internships aren't legal in California you have to pay really yeah in California returns have to be a lawyer so then it's like what so the intern isn't even like really a thing you know I mean it's just a paid trainee like intern technically it's just trainee now in California well that's kind of thing I was like I will I would be down to have people to work with to bounce ideas off of because I mean you know for all intents and purposes pretty much John and I are all of North American marketing for fractal design so it's like you realize like how much we're working so Abe Lincoln in the chat for scores seven years ago uh he had like I was dead he asks are they investigating Ram price-fixing who's they first of all this stuff is all in Asia right so what is the United States you know well that's the wild wild west you guys okay in China that's the wild wild west they don't even follow copyright laws or anything and they steal all the product designs of shit and it's totally fine with their government so yeah that's that's wild wild west over there nobody's nobody's making anybody do anything over there yeah so I mean the shortages can all be pinpointed to various things but it's the increase in smart technology that's in everything now cars obviously the mining smart phones shit your TVs your DVD players everything is is smart now it has micro processors and memory and stuff in it and and this is this is what one of manufacturers was telling me and it's just the tech things using tech now mm-hmm and and smart tech like they're intelligent tech a smart refrigerator smarter or smarter yeah but that's I mean that's true right Samsung has it has a TV or LG as a TV fridge Samsung has a TV for any of these new markets that are gobbling up supply that you never foresaw exactly and that's the word smart on it it's consuming stuff yeah and that's the thing is is now it's just we have to see with how the manufacturing side of it and then you go to the argument of and I'm gonna take an aside on this but it's like obviously everybody's gonna be outraged that they don't get whatever they need for their sector but it's like okay what's more important or a refrigerator somebody playing video games well they're both important to a certain degree but it's like the refrigerator doesn't have to be smart to work true you also don't need a 1080 Ti to play videogame right and I've got tell them I said I don't need that level right like you might be in a dick if I complain nethack dude but you know I feel like the vast majority of you of you viewer viewers consuming these videos and stuff they don't really broaden their the their journal eyes you know they don't really look at this through a lens of the big picture they're very granular to like well I want my GPU so I can play my fortnight you know they don't think about the big picture happening in the world so of course they're angry because they're very like one degree narrow but that's a very natural thing right everyone's like you're gonna internalize what's happening to you you know and it's like and it's not to say that one is more important than the other but it's like when you look at the mining thing it's like okay you're using yours to play video games I'm actually gonna make money and help support my family with mine mine's more important because now I could get even if you want to take those arguments to the extreme so it's like there's and there's no right answer to that it's a it's an opinion you know what's more important let me give you an example the tech that's that's cool but it's causing this problem as a whole my wife the other day was telling me about this fridge that will actually tell you everything that's in the fridge don't you have a smart microwave you don't even have a mic well I have a microwave but we have a smart oven mm I don't yeah okay so anyway the fridge will actually tell you what's in there when it's going to expire and can like auto order it through like Amazon yeah and can like auto order and stuff I mean that's the kind of stuff that's neat tech but the industry was not able is not able to meet the demands of this type of stuff well then you look at the envy nothing's altruistic but it's like hey that's gonna reduce food shortages or food spoilage or whatever right yeah but I mean it's you don't want yeah well it's just like you go back to the border like eligibility thank you I don't think the audience understands like how the level of like strings that had to be pulled just to get these three GPUs from Asus I mean that for the Jeep for the GPU giveaway that we're doing it guys don't know go back and look a few videos back in my channel I'm giving away three graphics cards a 1080 1072 1060 but the thing is my initial email about like hey guys want to do it when to a collaborative giveaway just to give someone chance to have a GPU shit I used to get people asking me every day for free GPUs yeah now I'm getting asked just if they can bother like can I just buy one for MSRP please so the very you know what the very first email response I got was and it was actually Brian that reached out right Brian who does all the brand brand management Brian reached out and the initial response was we're fairly certain Jay has more GPUs than us right now one to 1712 yeah but you know I stopped asking for GPUs for builds and stuff too though like we just use it I kept literally sell the GPUs out of my mining rig and pay for the mining rig that's like how much they're worth now yeah except that was sponsored to you won't do that no I can't do that but that's the thing that's where you know you can also have to go back and rethink what you're gonna do right I mean yeah when prices go higher it's like you get much more critical when you're gonna do it's like hey do I really need to video card easy a get away link question mark if you want it you'll go find it yourself Josh yeah I can do all the legwork for you too so Josh one of the interesting things though is even if I you know I just have I could sell the graphics card and pay for the machine well the other point with mining on a machine when you're not using it for other things just basically that machine is already paid for all eight of the GPUs and half the price of the additional components just mining yeah yeah so it's so it's like a lot of people you know when they talk about oh my god you're mining you know if you mind on your computer at all yeah it's a part of the problem it's like Nobu you don't realize is every moment that I'm not gaming on the computer it's basically working itself into giving me that graphics card for free or the entire computer overtime provided things go according to Crofts and a lot of people don't look at it a little off-center exactly exactly yeah yeah and I think that's kind of the thing like you know the money has the stigma right now and I'm not gonna say I'm in support of it or I'm not or whatever I say don't give crap you like I understand fucka you're less yeah but I mean for most people honestly if you had an opportunity like hey you can probably get some money by doing absolutely nothing you know like it won't impact you when you're you know you don't sit there and you know type on your keyboard you want to crunch you want to stop gaming but hey while you're off at work would you like to earn an extra 10 30 40 bucks whatever it turns out my complaint about the mining never ever included the people who have their rigs and stuff at home turning them on and making money on that gray area right right now it's a polarizing your gamer or you're a minor like what if you're right and and it's probably devil's advocate for me to say that's fine but not the guys buying fifteen hundred GPUs what I have said very publicly and I have to keep clarifying it because people want to want to apply their own opinions on an opinion right is that the guys that are out there buying direct from manufacturers hundreds at a time are indeed causing the problem at the retail level yeah and that's and and that's my opinion on that that's never gonna change I mean I'm sorry you you grabbed up inventory before it ever makes it to the consider retail consumer or to the retail shelf you have indeed created the supply and demand problem and you're like nope nos and like mining isn't itself isn't the devil it's people buying ours of cars at time and that goes for anything you know it's like anybody who you know monopolizes a certain resource you're gonna have that issue yes I understand it sounds like I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth when I say you know Joe Blow with his five GPUs can make some money but this guy shouldn't buy fifty nine what's the threshold for being it I understand exactly how hypocritical that sounds but my my statement about like the tweet I put up the other night the other like last weekend about this you know look look at all these boxes this is the problem you know that's that's the problem with the supply and demand is exactly what I'm stating and the thing is at the end of the day it all still comes down to opinions right like who thinks what's wrong because they're not you know right neither side is doing anything intrinsically wrong they're doing what's in their best interest or in their prime interest and and they're doing it exactly you know we know that they go direct to the manufacturers to buy this stuff we know they have backdoor deals going on with gigabyte and MSI and all them because MSI and Giga Byte don't have to share that they don't have that middleman it down with the retail and take less money so they if they could sell it direct and you get to keep all of that markup then they win so it's their job to move inventory that's like literally their only job and purpose on earth is to make the numbers go up and make the shareholders happy yeah they don't care how they just really have like a highly competitive market that's generally very low bar yeah well I think they start wrapping this up we've got an hour and a half I got to get home to the kids and stuff so um guys like I said I do have that giveaway that's cool that's going well it's live it's going until April 1st I know it's terrible day to announce a winner but I swear to god it's not April Fool's prank I know terribly I thought about that later but so go watch our last video if you want to see Josh's build stay tuned tomorrow we'll be putting up a video a follow-up to that where mistakes were made and something might happen clickbait and then tomorrow I am actually filming finally Little J building her computer upgrade so that her last build she built when she was 5 she's turning nine it's lasted almost four years and it is severely dated given the games that she's trying to play now so she's finally I I gave her an ultimatum I said I'm not building your computer and I've been teasing y'all she told her to move out yeah I was like still got like two Titan X Peas 128 gig ram just to troll people no no of course I was debating today I actually said publicly I was gonna put a Titan X in her machine but I'm not doing it I'm not oh yeah it will clash with the color theme it is very color themed but I'll probably end up putting the 1080 like Galax card in there because it's white and it's a white and pink build but so parenting 101 I told her that I will not build her a new computer until she brings me home a straight-a report card because she was she was always awesome not screwing around in class but she was not applying herself like I knew she could and yellow Chaillot attitude and smart mouth and stuff I was like hey as long as you're acting like this regularly a little brat to your parents and your sister and you're not and you're not bringing me home straight a report card there's no reason for me to build you a new computer so she earned it she brought home straight a report card two trimesters in a row and well done kiddo yeah hey J speaking of speaking of kiddo that's the parenting we need now internet it is it is and that's and luckily I got it literally doesn't ever talk back to me speaking of which you might have dander comes comes up and says goodbye to everybody cuz this is Bert it's his birthday today yeah and he loves the Internet so you're okay no it's today today I must have read and I must have read an old tweet then yeah we're not having his party until next week cuz all of his friends couldn't get together today and everything and plus I'm sick but uh but yeah we let him open some presents stuff he's he's super duper happy let me let me see being run up here really quick hold on yeah also I see that Cape I stopped in so keep going fashion hello the body paint yeah there's a crazy stuff ooh have her paint us can you imagine how horrible they'd be for everybody you know what you would suck right at stare at a picture no it's paint she would mean well just for me we're all here nobody should have to stare at a picture of us get the big picture now hold on don't say nothing yet cuz they're talking put on the headset um here I will sit right here yeah Kenya also make me has silly voices he wants silly voices no let's use your voice here just say it just say hi to everybody and tell me how old you okay hi everybody my name is Xander and today is my birthday and I have in today's March 29 I don't look it and you having a good birthday yep I'm having a good birthday and I had dirt cups at school today those are delicious all right tell everybody that you're really happy at your birthday and you gotta go cuz we're gonna play some fourth day I'm really happy but I gotta go and tell Jerry to give you a silly voice what do you say yeah I'm dad Gary silly voices you want silly voices okay hold on okay there you go okay everybody bye-bye because we're gonna wrap up the street with you a little bit okay that's his favorite game that's what we're gonna play it on his birthday all right squeeze around squeeze around oh thank you did you just say you save some dick cups you're undercover cops hikers dirt I heard dirt you the best hide I heard dick cup so I was like I would either be honest thanks for watching so let's week or week after week loser at least he took a stance like no stance as a stance
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