
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tech Talk #88 - By now, we really have no idea whats going on.

already this dream right now I'm done waiting on you sir done with this do it hey hey I can actually see the comet and CEO YouTube like revamped its whole live-streaming thing I can actually see the comments from the life control room now that's cool so I don't have to try a faster and easier way to stream it's fancy I like foreign watcher thing I like faster and easier ways to stream yeah I also like that they do that podcast thing where you know when the streams about to start it's not just a countdown anymore it looks like a legitimate broadcast like waiting thingamajigger yeah because I loved how in the past it was always like hey guys when did the livestream start and there's like a big-ass counter counting down in the middle of screen if there was a gonna start so this Slee Tech Talk 88 let me see oh the title I like that by now we really have no idea what's going on I that's that's probably the most accurate title who used it it only took us 88 shows to figure it out about about about 60 of those were with you so yeah we should probably be clear though the in this episode we do actually have a document that was hastily created in the last 20 minutes by me so hey Jerry did agree about five hours ago to do the doc for me she brought more than that and then 15 minutes for the show he's like oh fuck doc yeah that's right I'll be right back I was like squirrels so ya know a baby I still hammered out like three pages in 20 minutes that's not I'm not I'm actually wait no shit five pages so so I'm getting ready to pull the the whole the whole anchorman thing where I have no idea what I'm reading or talking about and you can just be like jay is a big fuckface and smells like poo and I'd be like you know that speaking sorry that Jay is a big fuckface it smells like poo wait a minute because I have at least 15 minutes experience with all these these topics that I've typed down oh whether you're an expert by the YouTube standards so do we did we have a rolled intro yeah halfway note we're rolling it right now what welcome to tick-tock number 88 by now we really have no fucking idea what's going on but there will be text tonight so enjoy I can't see you because you added the f-word in there which means it made maids it which maids it 10% different than the original there for copywriting oh shit flick row and we already got eight down votes which is awesome that is things that guy is that it appreciate so much well you know it's not the end of the show by the end I'm thinking we might hit a hundred but if we if we only hit a hundred we're doing good examine your heard on the internet hate is the new love that's what it is a hate is the new light is it should we just should we just skip a few topics and start on that one yeah might as well just segue right into the elephant in the room and that's uh that that's our favorite Canadian if she Canadian she is and that is even worse no no this is hilarious because I was just thinking about this this morning I was like I can't think of like mean Canadians Canada is like the nicest nation on earth it's like the one country that nobody wants to bomb or do anything to like Canada can defend themselves with like a Cessna a nine-millimeter panda is the new Switzerland there they are they basically are like Switzerland is jelly of Canada and here you have only had only hamburgers don't cost $45 this is sherlynda this is true I heard about that from Logan he was bitching about hey I remember we were eating when we were in Seattle and the burger is like 12 bucks he's like man only 12 bucks just like the cheapest burger ever like what the fuck is Logan lobe he's like we don't even know Oh anyways uh we're gonna keep the topic of Nicole Arbour kind of brief targeted her and then we're gonna talk about the real issue behind everything that's going on and that's that's censorship in a bullying oh I was gonna say blonde hair dye and silicone blonde hair dye and silicone works too I mean it ends is the same here no anyways you have Nicole Arbour basically she's you know this Canadian blonde not unattractive woman who is she fancies herself a pony I like how you worded that without dirt like that lamenting I go I know right I guess we're going because if we're going based on personality she is pretty damn Cryptkeeper ish oh she is she's definitely the Skeletor and in that arena like as soon as she opens her mouth you're like oh man any any redeeming qualities there out the window but anyways she's always been a shock type comedian if you go back and watch some of her old videos which I highly recommend you don't because you'll probably just like want to cut yourself but but but she was never funny shocked comedian likes a Seth Rogen no no no that that was the big difference is you could tell that she was just trying to be funny by being offensive mm-hmm like that that's the difference is there's a difference like when you go to like Richard Pryor and I was that like louis c.k and stuff like that there's there's it's its strategic you like I can listen adored Ricky Gervais s talk about fat people for 15 minutes and I find it quite hilarious because one he was a fat person himself yeah at one point in time so he can relate and the other thing is is he's self-deprecating to a certain point where it kind of rounds it out you can tell that it's a very jovial nature and when you have her saying it it literally comes off as hatred yeah that's what I was just about to say was it's one of those things where you know can can fat people make fun of fat people and get away with it yeah I'm sorry she was cutting out here Jay I used to make fun of heavyset people really heavy yeah your skype went to poop oh man mic myself snow them on here again my connections good but your skype went to poop oh there we go you said you sound good again I think it just it just wants to hit a dipper ooh yeah we need an alternative alternate to Skype we need an alternative sky can't be the only voice out there no there's gotta be some other good ones that's funny how Skype is always the one that comes up though I mean we could do like Google Hangouts but I don't think we've ever found a really good way to make Google Hangouts work mmm no not really anyway so okay so she opened up the doors to a discussion about bullying and censorship which was actually the topic here not not Nicole Arbour she was more of the conduit to the discussion yeah let's just call her the catalyst okay she's the catalyst and you know what we can't we can all we can all feel happy that if you wanted something bad to happen to her well she got canned she lost her jobs so you know there is that but again it as much as you may disagree or agree with what she said cuz plenty of people agreed with her rant that is it fair to punish someone for a freedom of speech and his freedom of first of all do the hepatoma speech in Canada I don't know they're so nice they fucking eat it the other thing if Anna days are so annoying in a gray area yeah I think she's gonna set the president they're gonna have to actually start like reviewing their laws oh my god yeah so so you and I talked a little bit about this offline was it how do you how do you stop bullying well if that bullying is through words by the way we're not talking about like I'm punching your face I you can't stop me that censorship that's different we're talking about mean words like she's that's only in Russia right yes that's just that's just a normal like traffic altercation in Russia you know you went through the red light you're getting your face pounded in - cams everybody loves Russia so anyway how do you keep her from having the right to saying what she wants without censoring her but then get mad at her when you don't like what she says I I agree with the difficulty in navigating these waters oh absolutely and the other thing is like you were saying I mean that we're not talking about punching people in the face but one thing that I've been I've become kind of acutely aware of over the last year is that work can be hugely damaging they can be absolutely a mijung like as much as you guys remember when you know I used to say oh fuck the trolls bla bla bla I don't care what people have to say fuck that I'm slowly getting back to that mentality now because it's the only way to survive because you just let that hate it you know just kind of beat away at you a little bit every single day it wears you down and if you're like an emotionally unstable person to begin with and you're already in a dark place hmm I mean words are every bit as damaging I mean there's been situations in my life where I would rather had somebody just punch me the fuck out then say what they said so it's bad language sir fuck what you're terrible oh I'm sorry I'm sorry let me get a snit I I I'm trying to get a censored on YouTube okay but actually actually the word fuck is one of the most versatile words in the in the English language I've seen that video that video is hilarious that goes that goes back like 15 years ago that is old remember you can have you can have fucking nearly the entire sentence itself fuck the fucking fuckers every single one of them has a different like a different part of the sentence structure yeah it was like narrated by like some guy that like you'd expect to narrate a documentary on Discovery Channel he was British and he was with yeah very well-spoken why I guess that goes without saying if he's British like I said somebody somebody with a smart British accent could tell me the most off-the-wall thing and I would believe it so so back to back to the whole subject of bullying and censorship the person that I was telling Jay that kind of like Pete I don't want to say like my interest in the subject but more like question how I feel myself would be boogie2988 a lot of you guys know him he's kind of like a fat people Martin Luther King jr. I think I'd refer dude oh man well I and how does this tie into tech well because she claims she was being censored by YouTube that's why the channel was taken down I still think it was automated takedown because of the thousands of flags she was getting so I mean we still know exactly what what happened there with the tape there's no questioning she wasn't even taken down that she did it herself because a lot of evidence and all the direct links uh were still accessible which was really strange every other channel that has been taken down for DMCA or anything like that all the links directly to the videos would just say this video you know the link you put in doesn't work and in her case all the links worked but it said this video is set to private so that so again we really don't know what happened I'm not saying that it didn't happen that it didn't get taken down but it's entirely possible that was part of a publicity that picked up by CNN okay so yeah and and I have a hard time believing she's actually smart enough to figure out a strategy I have to say I'm not sure she's smart enough to strategize at that no and she has a team too but obviously they're not a very fucking good team if they've been a team of you makeup artists I don't know if she really has a business strategy the other day and I bet sir they're not Canadian because they had been Canadian I adapt a matter she has one business strategy it's this and you can't see what I'm doing but I'm squishing my man boobs together that's her business strategy there you go there I got I got bigger ones than you right now so I think it's more appropriate for me to do the illustrations of the woman that's a mystery but anyways guys just a just kind of paraphrase what boogie was saying as he said I don't agree with what Nicole Arbour said and I thought I was downright horrible but I will defend her right to say it yeah and boogies always kind of had that stance that he'll defend anybody I mean it doesn't matter what she he believes heavily in freedom of speech but on the flip side of it when we look at it is YouTube is a private company freedom of speech does not fall within their terms they're not a government agency they're not the public they're a private company and Terms of Service specifically state that you can't you can't put porno on YouTube you can't put hate speech right on YouTube and the thing is the satire and comedy are okay and she's claiming that what she did was satirical but at the same time I watched the thing like three times now granted I'm a fat man myself so I'm kind of sensitive to the subject but but keep in mind I also am very self-deprecating fat person then I get comedy I do and all I felt through that whole video was a huge emphasis on hate and intolerance towards that group of people yeah you know I okay so I didn't watch her initial video I didn't really have to because I got suggest of it but I did watch that the the comedian that you linked on Facebook's response to it oh yeah and yeah he had to play portions of it and he's a real comedian by the way like an actual comedian who did a very good job at ripping her apart in her and her her whole concept of shaming yeah so I got to see a lot of her video through that one obviously but there was nothing there was nothing in that video that said I'm trying to be funny in fact not me at the end of the day she even tried to play it off like I want you to be healthy so you can live on this earth longer and we can enjoy your beautiful human bodies and it's like at the very end of her video Jay she pretty much spent like 30 seconds saying no but seriously I want you to be healthy you know I want you to live longer blah blah blah blah blah and but you could tell it was completely disingenuous it didn't fit it all with the rest of the video wasn't like a segue it's almost like she finished recording and then they were like fuck that was dark you should probably go back and say something undo all that damage yeah and it just came off as completely unguent but but then you've got like the person we were talking about meghan tonjes which is not she's opposite yes she's the opposite she's a Bazzi body-positive person and she's a little overweight herself but absolutely beautiful woman I know her I met her at a vlogger fair for like two years now amazing person absolutely amazing person and she's an amazing singer too and she took so much offense like she is a heart this lady Megan if you met her in person she is hard person to crack like she is she dropped to tears in her apply I have never seen a video where she was so bothered it's funny I told the wife I said oh hey Megan responded to the made a response video I bet you she rips Nicole a new one and we watched it and I was shocked it was completely the opposite response I was expecting she she literally that was the most heartfelt thing that I've ever liked like literally watching it I almost went I almost came to tears I was like it was that it was that good of a video and then like you said the comedian I can't caught I wish I could remember his name right now the guy with the huge beard who ripped her apart that was funny that was absolutely hilarious or he was basically playing the response to every single thing she said in that video and that was amazing but it was one of these things were her video definitely divided an audience I would say the majority definitely felt that the message she said she was sending was hate-filled but there was a lot of support for her to which you know I personally at the time found disgusting right did I enter what the topic is there's always a line there's always a line there's always gonna be and she's always gonna have an audience and as soon as you and as long as you have an established audience you can keep doing what you're doing I mean she's not gonna stop doing it if it keeps making her famous but like we said I mean she's getting fired from TV programs now because she's crossed over that line and just to be clear here usually when a celebrity or a comedian crosses the line right what's the first thing that they do after they realize they crossed that line let's just apology they try to explain their stance even if they're unapologetic like like some people have been they still come forward and tried to defend what they were actually trying to do and she did you know on the other hand no is she on the other hand is playing the victim of censorship exactly the victim of censorship she basically stood exactly by what she said and the tone she defended her tone and it was very weird because if you read her sweets in in one minute she's saying no I really want fat people to get healthy again I really want them to live on this earth bla bla bla and then the next one is like no fat people are fucking disgusting and they need to know it so that they can fix it it's like why is your tone flip-flopping so much yeah you know you could use it and that's the thing is is at the end of the day a comedian that it's talking about something like a good a good comedian to be an example for this would be Lisa Lampanelli right Lisa Lampanelli uh for those of you that know who she is she talks about everything she says racist shit she talks about fat people she talks about sex and everything but she herself is the butt end of the joke it's self-deprecating humor and she can speak from the perspective of it because she is in that class she's talking about yeah and that's what and she don't get me wrong she's still highly controversial a lot of people don't agree with the stuff she says and get really deeply offended well but my being is her group isn't the one you know she's not attacking a group that she's not a member of yeah you know what's funny is uh hold on I'm gonna I'm gonna ban a few people here just because I can and I want to I know it's fun people have been doing it a lot lately you know this this this also plays into the YouTube gaming thing right where Jimmy was Jimmy Kimball was making fun of the YouTube streaming he's like who are our gamers so dumb that they would watch other gamers play games and and he tried to he tried to play it off not by apologizing a very large group of people I don't think he understands just how big and strong and powerful the gaming community is but he on the backside of gamergate and stuff too so it's like it's not exactly like the gamers are sitting happy and you know but but look it but also look at what happened I mean he tried to play it off by taking the mean comments and responding to them you know live on air yeah which is which was of course he only took the most asinine unintelligent comments to try and take those and make it look this is what gamers are like I can't spell right they can't formulate a sentence you know and right but I think boogies response to that was absolutely amazing did you see jimmies did you see boogies response to Jimmy I did not actually I need to go watch that oh no no he it was a tweet so what he said boogie tweeted Jimmy camp it's Kimmel right yes he tweeted Jimmy Kimmel he said Jimmy the reason why most people watch gamers play is because they're a lot better than we are what we're attempting to do you know the same reason you watch Jimmy Fallon all that is epic yeah I read that I was like hook and sinker it is done the conversation is over that's absolutely perfect I guess here let's go ahead and wrap it up so we move on to some tech but the reason why we wanted to address can you turn down your mic volume everyone's told me to turn you down I've already turned you down to 30% and they still say you're too loud hold on let me drop my gain House is that better it didn't change hey hold on how about now we'll just have to let time tell all right here I dropped it down a little bit I assume the people complaining are first-timers here they don't understand just how amateur hour the show is and I'm really loud I'm just a super loud person you are loud so anyways just to wrap up the whole the holding Nicole Arbour situation she kind of set the fire that put the whole thing in motion but it's been something that's been a little bit of a tinderbox for a long time and that is censorship versus bullying basically online but at the end of the day if your comedy is designed to basically be hurtful mmm in the first place then I I don't want to watch your shit but again I kind of agree with boogie at this point that's like if you want to sink your ship and you want to shoot yourself in the head and you want to go find a group of toxic people yeah that's on you but it's like well then don't walk around going but the other thing is don't call bullshit on freedom of speech when this is a private company and YouTube has a policy against that type of video now you may not agree that YouTube classifies it correctly and again YouTube brought it back so obviously YouTube thought that that she was within her rights to say what she was about you what she said but at the same time it's like no if if a video gets taken down because some guys up there and he's saying racial this and racial that and saying that all you know like for instance black people should be eradicated or some shit like that no that does not belong on YouTube if you want to go create your own website and find some overseas company that will host that shit and stream it knock yourself out but YouTube is not for you to put that film it just isn't yeah all right well let's move on to the other topic that's guaranteed to create a divide amongst the people how about that there Apple huh yeah how's about that Apple so of an orange feller myself so we all know and if you don't know this is gonna come as a bit of shock to you but Steve Jobs died along it I know I know there's some people the news takes a while to get around to but 2010 wasn't it 2011 ten it's been a while I mean it's been a long time anyway so it's been long enough for Apple that we get completely derailed so I'm sure you guys have all watched like them the many different iterations of movies showing how important Steve Jobs was to Apple and how you know he came in founded it got kicked out got brought back because they were failing made the company super successful again then died and then the company had some other troubles but again is still making more money than the entire US government combined but basically Apple has been running amok a little bit lately without Steve at the helm and that the two things that I want to cite like first off would be the Apple pencil let's go ahead and just get like the funny ones out of the way so the Apple pencil basically you have a stylus that costs $100 okay you-you-you-you but at the end of the day that's what you have I don't give a shit what they say the feature set is on it you have a stylus that is $100 and the meme that is circulating the internet right now that oh guys oh but what but but but it's a stylus made out of aircraft-grade aluminum and sapphire crystal tip I don't know if that's true yeah I'm just like data mint him and I think it was powered by a leprechaun leprechaun pubic hair I heard it was powered by minecraft redstone redstone I like that I started playing minecraft now let's end I feel like you know what I'm talking about I don't know how to make anything out of redstone guys I'm sorry I'm very new yeah mom actually I've always been I played minecraft for like six months and still couldn't figure out how to do half the shit and always had to play with other people but I know oops accidentally pushed the wrong button and deleted it no creepers in my house so anyways a hundred dollar stylus but here's here's where it gets funny is years and years and years ago when the iPhone I think was like the iPhone first generation like when the first iPhone came out steve job gets steve jobs gets up on stage in the first thing he starts doing is ripping on every other company for having a stylist he basically says like it's stupid to have a stylist who wants to have this thing with humina a touchscreen right he made fun of it he's like how you gonna interface with it a stylist yeah i know i watched i watch you know yeah 2007 so so you know so you gotta you have that for context to understand this the Apple is now basically releasing a stylus that they're calling a pencil because everybody else calls and pens and stylus they want to be different so they're like we're gonna release the Apple pencil it's gonna be a hundred dollars because you know Apple they did they really like those really super high price points you know the packaging's probably cost more than the product need to produce uh so now you've got this $100 stylus and Steve Jobs himself basically went on record saying that nobody should ever have to use a stylus it's the dumbest fucking thing ever invented every other remembers remember remember when Steve Jobs did a visual aid of how the how the interaction of your device should always work he held up his family yeah yeah no no so so so and everybody knows this it's still pretty much fresh in everybody's mind especially the Apple fanboys that have been there for the whole time but it's just really strange that now Steve's out of the picture and you have two things that I don't think Steve would have ever gone for and one that's a SmartWatch and the other one is the stylus now now to kind of segue away from the stylus cuz what are you get a SmartWatch have its own stylus nope it's a little toothpick so the SmartWatch I have one guys I wouldn't bought an Apple watch and it was it was like yeah I know exactly I was like five hundred dollars I had to have one it was the new shiny and no no the one that I got was the Apple watch sport and then I got the warranty thing with it because you know being a watch I smashed those things and break them all the time so I get the watch and I have pretty high expectations for it now to give you guys some background I had a pebble I didn't like the pebble that's just me but it was more of a gripe I had with the company and their quality control than the product itself and you do have some rant video about your payable actually I didn't put any of them online I did I shot up I added them and never published any of them because they were just they were just too toxic I didn't want that type of it well then I'm I'm I must be remembering our conversations offline about it then oh yeah I shit over a shit all over pebble and a lot of our Tech Talks but all over a lot of things there including yes is what weather I don't I don't like pebble because the company not because of the product pebble a lot of people really love it because it's the only SmartWatch you only have to charge like once a week and it does what it does fairly well before we go forward on this yeah I I need to get my Apple music playing did your Apple music alright alright you just you just kind of keep going and I'll to start playing it when I find it here nice okay so anyways guys I get the Apple watch previously I own the Microsoft SmartWatch do you guys remember that you probably don't because Microsoft really sucked ass at marketing for a lot of their products especially Hardware back in the day but anyways there was like five different watches that Microsoft made through through various different manufacturers and they all ran their little operating system it was just a liquid crystal display it was actually very similar to what the pebble is today but overly complicated and the charging mechanism never works I decided what I want to do here is that at the end of this segment I want you to let's see how long is this file this file or this this song here is 33 seconds long oh we lost that we lost the Jerry I don't think I didn't disconnect him there you are okay connect you you just got to cut out the last thing I heard from you was 33 seconds no I your camera's not on oh it is it oh I better fix it hold on hold on technical difficulties well there you see me boom there we are okay so the little Apple music thing is 33 seconds long so at the end of this segment I want you to kind of think about like a 33 second commercial for this for the pen or the pencil you got and we'll do an improv or you get to do an improv pencil ad we're doing it we're gonna do it so great to go we'll do it at the end of this segment okay so so guys back to the back to the SmartWatch so I had the Microsoft SmartWatch it was okay it was kind of gimmicky pretty much all I used it for was weather in time I mean that's how that's how worthless it was it didn't really do anything with your phone and it received everything over a radio frequency like we're not even talking like cell cell tower stuff here we're talking just rate just pure radio frequency and they didn't work everywhere anyways that was a long time ago now you got Apple coming out with again this is what Apple kind of does Microsoft drops the ball and is way ahead of their time so now Apple steps up something that I don't think Steve Jobs would ever have approved and releases the watch and the watch basically is another interface to the phone without the phone the watch just tells time it doesn't do anything beyond that right so I put on my watch and the build quality on it seems nice the touch interfaces on it's actually pretty responsive and the screen looks great I think it's awesome I'm not wearing it right now yeah and the reason being is the software is beyond buggy on not only that it makes you it makes you act like a complete dick to people you're talking to what I mean by that was how many times are you talking to Parrillo and like because of how animated you have to flip your wrist over to make it respond yeah it's supposed to be you lift your arm and it just turns on but it never does you have to do the whole but but at vloggerfair I kept seeing I kept seeing Chris had to do they have to do the very animated like yeah and like look at his arm and he was very he was very act like very stern and the way he brought up his arm so you be sitting there talking to him he'd go to check a notification when almost looks like yeah you know this conversations over because you know time yeah like the way he had to bring his arm up just to make it respond it almost looked like he's telling you like oh I feel like like like Steve Jobs seriously would have just thrown the thing in the garbage and not even continued and the reason why I say that is you make a good point one thing we know about Steve Jobs is that he always wanted the experience to be a polished one right he was all about it appearing to be more like magic than science yeah right and then you've got the Smart Watch here's the bugs that I've run into that I that I just pissed me off like this is why I'm not wearing it today every time you need to see it you gotta flip your wrist over and flip it back right which which which looks like you're like you know I don't know masturbating something with a very very crooked penis but now that you've got that vision stuck in your head with the with the watch you have to do that but not only that when you're doing directions like I was tellin ya you're welcome when you're do when you have the GPS software load on it only works with Apple maps which we all know are Apple maps are the worst they'll drive like seriously they'll just steer you off a cliff into the ocean doesn't matter let lemmings mode and so you drive along and it pops up and I love how it's supposed to work if it worked right I would love it it taps your wrist with a cool sensation it's not a vibration it's more of a tap you look down and it says which way to turn and how far to turn it's like just very very simple information the problem is half the time it's super delayed and you miss your turn before you get the damn screen up and then the other thing is if anybody sent you an SMS message or calls your phone while you're doing it it flips the screen away from your directions and then when you're done with that interaction it doesn't go back to the directions so you have to basically go open apps go back to the thing reopen my Apple maps right on this thing and it's so so it ruins it like basically I don't even use it for navigation anymore because I've missed so many damn turns and then when you sync it to the iPhone it fucks Siri up on the iPhone you pull out my iPhone you hold down the button for Siri and Siri just sits there it doesn't it doesn't make the ding noise it doesn't wait for you and a lot of people have reported the same issue okay they said two software updates they haven't fixed it I'll be honest I don't know how much this is making it up to YouTube right now because I think YouTube is having a problem oh I've got upstream health is good on my end I've got zero dropped frames and we've been live for 31 minutes but like YouTube is just not responding for me well I'm watching the stream the stream still going but then again it's delayed by you know who knows so you're hearing yourself talk though yeah I mean obviously we're still yeah yep no we're still we're still going hey probably it's probably a node issue on my end then at least some demos B yeah no no we still look good on the stream stream still looks live if it's it's weird how I can up I can send up to YouTube without any problems right now but I'm I can't actually view the YouTube watch page right now weird yeah it's still working so don't touch anything J and Skype still says the internet connection problem between you and I but clearly that's not the case yep so guys internet chill the Apple watch is it's honestly not ready for primetime Steve Jobs never would have green letting it interferes with the phone this it's probably what about six six or eight months I want to say still have this many Pro that there that long no no and there's been Tucson Orton they claim that there's oh at the the second version of the OS is dropping you know with their latest announcements hopefully they address a lot of these problems um but it's all stuff that shouldn't have shipped yeah like I mean they're bad issues that anybody like testing this thing for 15 minutes on a lunch break would encounter these issues and they continued forward like here here's one that really pisses me off is Dick Tracy right everybody likes the Dick Tracy had the watch where you could talk on it right that's like so now you can finally do that with the Apple watch but the speaker and it is so quiet that even just driving down the road with the windows like rolled up in your car just the engine noise or the wind noise is enough to completely kill that speaker and you can't hear it unless you put it up to your ear like this mm-hmm and it's got calls gone again or than to just have it just piss off a bunch of people my video again didn't you yeah the video is gone alright along they push little button now back I need to redo my network here I've got a really crazy bridging Bridge to a bridge of a bridge type of system and it's I've actually got some hardware that was sent to me to kind of redo the network here so we'll see I'm typing in Cherry now technical difficulties are just a feature of Tech Talk it's not really a technical difficulty though the stream still going right yeah but they said audios lagging and I could even see it over here it was like jumping and no for a second for a second there it did hiccup okay no no it looks like it's smooth now everything seems working alright but Apple watch not-ready-for-prime-time it's literally just gonna sit on the charger on my nightstand until another software update drops that hopefully addresses some of these issues but I was really disappointed for something that cost so much it was developed by Apple was just what just just had such a bad experience it was nothing like the iPhone at all but yeah even the experience on the iPhone has gotten a little bit less than desirable no that's true that's true and the thing is when we sunk the i'f when you sync the watch to the iPhone it creates some new bugs on the iPhone itself it's almost like a virus and a way to the iPhone the I virus the I virus isn't it still like I said Siri works flawlessly you literally how shall I think the watch to it then you literally have to wear the virus all right so should we do that should we do the commercial for the Apple pencil all right let me get the music cued up let's do this all right I can't see chat or anything so oh wait there we go it's loaded for me now so let me bring up the chatter all right guys we're gonna go ahead and do Jerry's gonna do a 33 second commercial about the eye pencil eye well the Apple pencil remember we don't call em sighs I forgot Steve's dead so I is no longer used I forgot all right but we still call it iPhone iPad iMac I know it's very confusing don't try to understand it'll hurt it'll hurt your brain so all right on the count of three you can take it away you know what you can do ya know I'm getting just figure it out as it go all right three two one and go do you find you have an iOS device that you operate with your fingers well that's probably because Steve Jobs told you at one point to using a stylus is for poor people well guess what Apple has unveiled to honor Steve Jobs memory long after he's passed not the stylus but the Apple pencil we're talking about cylindrical aluminum approximately the length of two fingers and only costing you $100 actually only $99 because if they put three digits in there it might look offensive so guys get your eye pencil today and start using your device like Microsoft did ten years ago was that close you you were to about six seconds long but boy did I have to you have to look at my visual aid on the on the two fingers oh did you put did you put stuff up on the screen no I just more or less did a physical response to use the size of two fingers okay I'll wait for the stream to catch up but honestly okay so now now we've kind of ribbed Apple now let's actually give him some praise for some cool stuff that they did okay so the new iPhone 6s and 6-plus actually come with a new feature called 3d touch which is fairly innovative I don't know how well it's gonna work in practice but it's cool because now they've got pressure sensitivity on the screen so now they can actually change the function between a slight touch and a hard push so that's gonna give you kind of a third dimension all I see a few things oh yeah it's a three fingers that might have been the shocker huh can you tell the difference between a slight touch and a big push oh yeah you know it that's what she said Jay oh so so the whole 3d touch feature I think is actually kind of cool like what do you think about that Jay do you think about something that you could actually get used to is giving you another dimension of control over your device like put touching an icon versus pushing it guys I cannot see what Jay does and I can't hear what he does either like no I'm gonna give it a hard push you gonna give it a hard push do you like to give it a hard push on the front or the back of the device oh god here we go it isn't a livestream unless Jay drops ass at some point so so another cool thing about the new iPhones in this and this is hilarious is they emphasize that they made them out of much stronger aluminum and much stronger glass and all I can think about when I heard that feature was bendgate this is like their response though shit were embarrassed that our that our phones basically compete over if you think that Lou is gonna see if he can if you could push his finger through the glass I think Lou's gonna put it under a drill press like he'll do whatever it takes to get it guys it didn't actually hold up against my carbide bit Jay and I are gonna predict this right now that on launch day within a half an hour of the device going public you're gonna have loo from unbox therapy driving over it with a dump truck like I'm just gonna predict it at this point and be like it is not dump truck proof because that would be hilarious Lou if you're watching this please please make that happen oh yeah like Lou is watching this I know right he's too busy flying around and as f-18 Hornet over California anyways uh better cameras front and back that was to be expected right faster processor a nine chips though again to be expected and they have a new photography feature which they touted is moving photos and I just thought to myself video anyone moving the photos capture your moment is moving photos now they've got like some moving photos I don't know anything about it but I just when I hear moving photo I think I think video I think I think back in 1942 and they're going to see the Tucker show the flick your show yeah even have like a little thing on the edge of a finger flip it they have I flip the I flip there it is dude they're gonna steal that from us make like a billion dollars so uh so the other device that they announced was the all new Apple TV I'll be honest uh when I was over at Chris Pirillo house he had an Apple TV and I thought it was pretty cool and I'll tell you the only thing I really thought it was really cool is that you could mirror your iOS device to the TV and it was perfect it was like lag free you could play games on the TV your audios on the TV I only wanted to get it for that one reason and I never got around to getting one because like honestly I didn't really care like it wasn't that big of a deal to me but the new Apple TV they got a version for $69 in a version for I think 159 or one hundred and $69 but it's actually got support somebody pointed out that copy served was first to the gift was noise America basically basically they did a movement picture it and get back into the control panel we're gonna go ahead and end tonight's dream yeah we're gonna go ahead and shut it down Dori our last topic was Amazon stops selling the fire smart phone and will style we'll just move that off the next week or if we talk about it at all I mean after all it is a it is a fire it's the fire phone like nobody even knows what we're talking about anyways are like what a phone from Amazon that makes no sense yep and my AMD Nano video is gonna go live tomorrow so if you guys want to check that out feel free but other than that that is it I am turning this off and I'm going to go hang out with family and probably play some minecraft tonight sweet now I'm gonna try to shoot my vlog and not have my lavell ear mic fall off my shirt at this time you need a wire under your shirt like I do I'm going to now I've learned my lesson Jay I've learned well hey thanks for hanging out I'm gonna go ahead and roll the out true all right Tiffany's goes you will see you guys next week please okay
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