
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

TechTalk #116 - Old School QA + HTC VIVE opinions

hey hey what's up stop guys it's JC sense how does things sound I I didn't I didn't even do like a an audio test or any of that any of that crap I was just like you know what this is how so he used to do it back in the day when it was just me um yeah barnacles out again not a sick something and I'll be yeah he's out so it's just me and for that I kind of apologize it's just me cuz yeah Mike quality is even shit or not Mike but camera quality is even crap right now so anyway I got a few things I want to talk about some graphics cards stuff again and I kind of like it when I do it this way because I want to wear headphones that's I don't like wearing headphones my head get sweaty it makes my hair all flat I need a haircut by the way but whatever so as we're going to do wanna talk about a few things as you guys if you guys follow on the social medias which you should be in everyone's always like I don't want to follow on Twitter but then those are the people that are always like junior you're gonna do a video about this but you would know if you're on twitter because i am a twitter slut it's the only way to its that's the reality at all anyway so weird a few things to Alex I want talk about the vibe because I've seen plenty of vibe demos but the thing about the vibe in my in my opinion is it's more than just putting on a headset and then trying it out all right the the total user experience is going to be what's it like to set it up how much horsepower does it really take to run and all that that's kind of the whole user experience it's one thing to walk in someplace where they've already calibrated it and set up the room and you just put it on in there perfect you know scenario and then it's another thing to set this up yourself like it in a home you got things you got to worry about like and yes guys I know I haven't shaven you're done anything literally all day been playing with the vibe so um yeah i mean i can in in my upstairs family room i have here there's a there's an overhead fan that obviously I've constantly got to be concerned about feel like sticking my hands up and at sea I want to talk about that kind of stuff and then I want to talk about graphics cards again we always talk about graphics cards people asking about the 480 yeah it's right here I can show you that tea there it is but i gotta i gotta go ahead and roll that intro so here it goes I don't have anyone to sing the intro song and I don't want to sing I can but I don't wanna tell me if this mike is peeking or anything like that I think I've got a pretty well tuned my little meter over there it's just under the yellow and stuff I know the pop filter yet so hopefully it's not all popping oh look I put the wrong thing you up there yeah there we go single camera that's what we want so Hobbs will top is my moderator in here he got pissed him off you deal with him got it he deal with him not me I'm not gonna ban people I'm gonna let I'm gonna let the people I've set to ban people banned people right now everyone's job is to go into the Twitter's and tell everyone on your social media tell your mom your grandma your girlfriend your boyfriend your girlfriend and your boyfriend tell your wife and your wife's boyfriend whoever that we're streaming let's get in here because I don't do that I always forget to do that I start these streams up I've been doing this for four years now and you would think that you would think that it would be easier to get this going and have like a routine but no I don't um all right let's see here we are live yeah we're live and unfortunately leaking my friend skype my bad sorry guy rip okay we are live right now oh okay talk and we're going to talk about tech because I don't got Barney please here making me go off track all the time and make me late and stuff that's okay we weren't late last week though because remember i started it without him and then he came in cuz he it of course it's like 49 seconds to live stream and he's like I gotta go pee Brubeck oh my god anyway here is the RX 480 already talked about that it's you know what's really sad is I showed this and I went hey guys look it's my rx for ED and you know how many people were like oh my god are you gonna make a video it's like smash my face with the thing hey anyway yes obviously I'm making a video about it um this guy came in today I've already showed this a bunch this thing right here it's almost as big as my junk just say but anyway this is the 1080 amp extreme edition and if you want to see size-wise compared to this this this right here I'm trying to hit the mic but check this out guys I can touch the mic and it doesn't kill your ears right that's cool huh because the cable doesn't make that noise anymore so this right here is the EVGA 1080s see this is a founders board right it's so the dimensions of this guy is the same as a founders card so to give you a perspective of how big that is yeah that's just like hey you know what I got I got a small pecker back our big GPU no no it's not that bad but it's it's a triple slot card it takes up three slots in your graphics card in your motherboard so if you have a motherboard that require a slot spacing be single slot so they have to be sandwiched then you could not actually put two of these in there anyway yeah this thing is huge it also takes to ten or two to ten pin plug that's it no it takes to UM 8 pin power on there I have no idea what to expect to this the amount of the amount of heat pipes in there oh my god I don't know it's like 1 2 3 4 5 6 like 60 pipes or something like that so I'm really interested to see how far this goes of course you see rumors all the time it was like oh my god the amp extreme guaranteed to hit two point two gigs or 2.3 gigs or 6.2 gigawatts I don't even know um to be honest I haven't even looked at that but i'm pretty sure that it's got lights everywhere i'm pretty sure that these all light up on there on the top right here lights up yeah so anyway give you a little size comparison yeah they're very hits right there there's there's no making that up that's just so big in terms of PCB the PCB is let's see it's nearly as long as the entire length of that cooler it goes to right there like right there my fingernail is is the PCB so it's not one of those things where we're like on the RX 480 here you can see how you know an extra third of the card right there third of the link or quarter the link is the extended cooler so it could pull an error from both sides as you can see but this PCB is actually really small let's just compare the PCB size of this guy to the 480 then let's let's take the cooler out of it and look at the PCD difference there yeah that's pretty crazy so when I open this up I knew it was big huh ladies I knew it was big was that the third dick joke already were only seven minutes in this is just like classic tech talk right here um I had seen paul's coverage on this at computex I saw Kyle's everyone went to zou tax booth this was like one of the this is kind of one of the cards that people have been waiting on cuzzo tag has a pretty good history with the epic stream line of graphics cards so everyone's been waiting on that fun fact this was actually the first review I had lined up I had already had communication with zotac and set this review in motion back at the nvidia event in austin texas back in May but it took them longer to get this card released as you guys probably know everybody is taking forever to get their cards out so it's unfortunately not first in my lineup but I'm excited to see how far it can go and the reason why I'm looking forward to this card is because I put two gtx ten 70s in the the simulator / VR rig I kind of repurposed the the computer that I had built just for the racing simulator to be now my VR simulator because that's in the same family / game room that I have up there for you know doing gaming and VR and I did two 7210 70s in that and unfortunately project cars is not working properly with VR in sli cool yeah big surprise that right sli issues so I'm just like you know what screw it i'm just going to go with 1 1080 and if that one's like super powerful then that's fine with me but we will be moving into QA here pretty soon i'm only gonna be streaming for an hour because i've got to clean up the living room up there actually did cable channeling our channel cable cable channeling whatever wire channeling so that i could hide the wires on the wall to make it look nice because married and if it looks like an eyesore then the wife isn't happy and you don't have a happy wife you don't have a heavy life and if you're married you know that but anyway if you guys want to start getting your questions in you can do things like at hashtag ask tech talk on twitter that you can also use a comment section here which is not going to be easy because of how much it flies by and then even though jerry is not here the exact same policy regarding donations is in place look in the description if you guys are interested on how to how that actually works I see a lot of people every week going I don't see the donate button it is controlled by region so if you live in like Germany and other places where for whatever reason like the laws there are you can't donate money to people then you can't the buttons not there so unless you're on a VPN or something like that you can't really circumvent that so anyway what that said have ice Tony James says have you seen the dream screen yet I have no idea what that is so I'm gonna say no no um the vibe I want to move into that setting it up is actually pretty easy I'm dealing with where when I did the room setup it warned me that that my sensors might be a little too far apart because the room is kind of big and I even sort of partitioned off the room so that only part of it is used for VR so I might have to move one of the sensors closer so far hasn't seemed to have any tracking issues but it just it warned me but I've been playing project cars on it most because it's it's the one game in my library that's kind of like already set up where literally I could just open up steam VR launch project cars and it was ready what was happening with SLI was it was flickering holy cow when my daughter cries she sounds like a banshee um you guys can't hear that anyway what happened to Jerry he died anyway um so yeah that what was happening is if you guys have seen vibe you can actually virtual desktop not like virtual desktop like you know today where you just log in from another computer or Nexus another desktop it's literally virtual desktops you look around a floating room and it's it it's your desktop and it's floating it's really cool so you can look at what you want and it has a crosshair and then you can use the controller's to activate things or you can use the mouse if you want whenever I would launch project cars the project cars screen inside of the VR would start flickering like really bad like strobe strobe effect kind of thing and I was going what the heck is going on all of my VR experience has been fine if I took off the headset and looked on the monitor it was smooth as could be no flickering but in the head said it was flickering so I just did a quick search on reddit yeah believe it i did a surgeon it brought me to read it and i'm seeing a lot of people complaining about that and apparently right now project cars in VR with sli is is buggy which kind of sucks so that's why I'm going back to one GPU but what I love about when I built this simulator rig last year and then took it apart and then put it back again together again when I move this year the concept of it was I had done I did the surround screens to get me by but what what I really wanted was an oculus or some sort of VR because i had seen Jerry's video two years ago of the oculus SDK with I racing and it looked amazing from his experience but the problem was it was a 1080p you know lens and it or screen you know but with blends and the screen door effect was really really bad even though the vibe is 1440 there's still screen door but it's not that it's not that bad it's really not it's just you take 1440 and you stick it against your face you're going to get some some screen door effect but it's so much better than surround panels because even though you've got multiple panels set up on a racing simulator it's still flat there's no depth perspective so when you drive if you want to know what it's kind of like driving on a racing simulator with flat what you know with screens if you've never been on a racing simulator try going outside and driving with an eye patch and one eye covered and everything's flat perspective there's no depth yeah I should don't recommend that you do that to be honest let me take that back I didn't say do that put on an eye patch or Tippett close one I put tape on it something I just go walk around your house try playing catch with someone I guarantee it's going to like the balls going to smack you in the face you're the balls are going to be against your face just like that you know take it how you will because with two eyes you have a depth per set up perspective depth perception yes and that's why you have two eyes so that you can see how far away something as I can see this mike is about one-third the distance between me and the monitor but if I cover one eye it's like I can't tell how far away it is because no matter what perspective I look at it it's one-dimensional racing simulators are the same way and so once you put on the vibe or any sort of VR headset you look at it and it's like there's depth you can see how far away the turn is coming up you can look around you know you could change your whole perspective in the car if you take your head and you lean it out the window in the game you are leaning your head out the window and you're looking at your car it's really really really weird if you stop your car or even if you don't stop it you just stand up in your seat your head goes through the roof and you're looking down like an out like a outside perspective it's really it's really realistic and so I I had a lot of issues with was surrounds via our surround gaming with the racing sim where it was fun but it was still sim Katie no matter what its realism was just negated by the fact that you're looking at flat screens so once you put on the headset it's a whole new perspective and that one game alone is one of the things that made me really want a vibe because like i said i built the simmering for that purpose it just vr wasn't it wasn't retail ready last year when it built it so it's pretty neat at e3 even the thrustmaster booth did had they had VR setup but i think that PlayStation VR set up and they were doing yeah pretty sure it was PlayStation that they were doing gran turismo but whatever they had a set of course a setup for PC but it wasn't a br so yeah that was fun the wife who's never experienced VR ever I didn't know if she was going to be sensitive or sick vr in the beginning made me feel like like crap quite honestly and so because of that the I didn't know if she was gonna be sensitive or feel nauseous or whatever but it's really good she went through the whole VR set up demo thing and she didn't have any issues whatsoever she was having fun in fact she was like wow this is cool she was making balloons pop and all that stuff so I'm looking forward to I'm looking forward to invidious funhouse being launched because I think Little J will have fun with that that's just a bunch of carnival games but it's not out yet and that's what kind of sucks about having the vibe right now is it's still bleeding edge and what that means is there's not a lot available for it yet so it's an eight-hundred-dollar headset and so you spend 800 bucks on that and hopefully of a system it's all ready for you already and then it's like okay what am I going to play there's demos and a couple of games that's it so it's going to take some time see what happens fortunately though at e3 just about everyone that was demoing or displaying some sort of VR was saying that's gonna be available on both oculus and vive and Playstations VR come as a PlayStation 3 or Samsung Sony something I don't know there's another VR headset out there that's coming up and I forget what it is I think it's placed playstation sony hvr but they're gonna be available on both which is a big deal because the i think it would be just so bad to have an eight-hundred-dollar headset that is dealing with exclusivity like consoles I mean that would really suck right it's like you buy a vibe or let's say you buy an oculus an oculus but vive is just dominating the market because they're actually shipping units and suddenly you have an oculus and it's always like exclusively provide it exclusively for vive and exclusives don't do anybody any good console or not it's always going to be the way it is but anyway so with that said let's go ahead and move into QA if you guys any donation questions that get sent using the link in the description will guaranteed to get answered but moving forward here I'm going to go ahead and move over to Twitter so let me get that up over here see we got onion you can use hashtag ask tech talk all one word ask tech top I see people like ask tech talk and then the number I've seen a bunch of hashtags use that are just not correct so anyway Tanner Locklear says do you think an r 9 380 run VR smoothly with Triple A games in lowest settings at all I don't know I don't know some very powerful GPU and it takes quite a bit of GPU power to maintain that magical 90 hurts I don't know the science behind it I can I can just tell you that whoever the mad scientists are behind generating VR and and developing for it and creating VR have said that 90 hurts is that that magic number where where nausea nausea or whatever vertigo and all that stuff tends to kind of go away so 90 90 hurts is were or 90 FPS technically is what many Hertz is going to be refresh as long as those frames are consistently timed and not stuttering that's the number you want and I the question have to ask yourself is can and r9 380 generate that image twice at 1440p one for each eye at that frame rate and not stutter I don't think so so I doubt it Damon breck heimer are you planning to go to way or through way sli would GTA GT x 1080 and skunk works so i have three cards but i think i'm only going to install two of them because nvidia is has still not finalized plans on how they're going to deal with sli they came up with the enthusiast key and then they dropped it and now they're like well we'll do three way but it's only going to work in benchmarking sweet apps and it's up to the developers to code for three way if they want to do it in dx12 dx12 right now and SLI is already like some stuff is not working very good like Tomb Raider in sli and dx12 is fubar'd I've thrown tomb raider I've been doing SLI 1070 and 1080 testing and I through tomb raider out I'm like you know what rise of the Tomb Raider I'm not using it because dx12 doesn't work I say it doesn't work it's buggy and when I go to dx11 and enable SLI SLI doesn't work in dx12 on the rise of the Tomb Raider The Mummy goat dx12 are dx11 great results for both 4k and 1440 but once i go to 1080i get i was getting 30 FPS less with 210 80s and I was with one so SLI scaling for 24 for Kennedy isn't working and I don't think it has anything to do with a bottleneck because I would have at least expected to see the same FPS it was getting with a single card if it were truly a cpu bottleneck so I don't know I threw it out um young gun says how well does he HB SLI bridge work wait for my video and let's just put it this way my findings were what was the word I used because I've reached out to both or I reached out to Nvidia and then I reached out to Nvidia through EVGA because I wasn't getting any answers and my findings were inconclusive on whether or not there's a tangible noticeable improvement and my video I use a single flex bridge and then I test all the all my amusing synthetics right now like built-in benchmarks rather than free gaming and moving my mouse around and stuff because we're dealing with such a small percentage of difference here that if the test isn't on a track where it's exactly the same every time I can't get consistent results on the experience so I'm not I'm not like using free roam gaming to to measure the FPS i'm using things that are on a track like i'm gonna be using the divisions built-in bench mark obviously things like fire strike heaven and all that stuff to see if there's truly any sort of difference and what we're going to be doing here is using a single flex bridge to see if you know our baseline readings and then using a hard bridge like the EVGA LED bridge I got have here in skunk works and then using mean excuse me and then using the nvidia HB bridge and i have any EVGA 12 to see if there's a tangible difference i'm going to add one more test in there and i'm going to use to flex bridges to see because you know if you use a flex bridge and you stick it in you stick it in you stick it in the graphics cards then the nvidia control panel warns you like hey you're not using the right kind of bridge but when you use a standard hard bridge not an HP bridge that warning goes away by the way so i want to test that up Tim AAA says thoroughly impressed with EVGA customer service takes two weeks to send stuff to California but they're accommodating as hell two weeks wow where you were you at um and see here am i planning to upgrade my camera to 4k or 60 FPS etc why why do we need why do i why do I need to make talking 4k talking head videos I'm not planning on spending money to give 60 FPS blah blah blah videos because that's just I mean it's not high action or motion or whatever and 4k my internet sucks where I'm at I know and I know 60 x 42 some people are like that doesn't suck it sucks when I had 30 by what I had 300 x 25 so I'm not going to render 4k videos and make it take four hours to upload I'm not it's not that important to me um do you think Pascal prices will go down soon for manufacturers versions not founders no i don't i don't think price is gonna change until a new card is out pricing is fucked up with nvidia this time around and it's just the way it is it sucks has your client for red miss gotten 1080s yet yes he has he already has them in hand um please talk about how is it i already did that hey Jay do you think that the 10 ATT i will have h BM to or even exist I don't know we just got the 10 80s it's not like 10 a TTI is really a subject right now of course people like like WTF check her like the TMZ of tech are are always going to report on that sort of stuff because they want the clicks but I don't know what the actual I don't know that I don't know if the leaks are true or not and I don't talk about leaks I never have in the three and a half years I've almost four years I've had this channel not going to start now Kenny Clem's Clem's says too much tech I know right now how about cars talk about cars I just got my CSF a triple row race radiator installed on my car so summer heat here where I'm at no longer going to be any sort of a concern Michael wha Jia Jia wajdi liya aur jo Delia what is the history of your cars guys why do you love them so much how did you decide to get them well actually goes back to june sixteenth okay I'll answer that you know that was two weeks ago right is that knows week ago a math is hard I just always liked cars I don't know it's just something that it's like the same reason why you're into tech is because it just speaks to you and cars are the same thing for me how do you choose cars well that's a hard as a hard one this is when i got my 350 last year with my first time owning a Z and I took a chance to see if I would like it and I did that's why I got the 370 now because I wanted the better one could I go back to a single screen 1080p 60 if I had to that's what's on the rig right the simulator rig right now because when I hooked up the vibe I had to use HDMI one of my panels over there was using HDMI so I unhooked the two on the side so I just have the one 24 inch 60 1080 in the in the middle yeah I couldn't go back to that day to day I couldn't I'm just too used to big high-density real estate like lots of screen space because of all the editing and stuff that I do so it's one of those things where it's kind of like you get so used to something it's not easy to just go back it's really not um let's see here okay evan watson says for a pc where I won't have to upgrade the cpu for about five years do you think it's worth it to get a 6850 k over the 6800 k um five years kind of a long time but if you wanna if you want to if you want the computer to last five years without feeling like it's dated then you need to get the best that you can afford so whatever that is and if you could afford even higher than a 6850 k do it maybe like 6930 said the new ones called whatever our canim luminaria meeeeee says considering a black magic deck links to do 4k and an elgato HD 60 pro card for live stream with two cameras your opinion I've been thinking about doing the capture card for camera on livestream like this because then I could use like my FDR ax 33 which is a technically I work a camera but I could get a better camera for the live stream but the problem is because I'd have to use an interface like the elgato even a little bit of lag is going to be noticeable you guys can see right now even though I'm rendering from a webcam on the same machine there's still like a weird audio sync and I've had to delay the image about a hundred milliseconds to try and seek it up with audio but the problem is it's not consistent it flutters around a little bit I once you add an elgato like that then you're adding even more tuning that has to take place between the audio and the video if you're willing to do all that for the sake of better video on a live screen lifes remember any livestream you stream to twitch you stream or I guess technically streaming is as you see you stream still around that we became twitch hitbox whatever they're all going to super compress they're going to compress uh the the video signal and stuff to quality that's probably not going to be indicative of what you're capturing so that's going to be up to you let's see here um Tanner luckily I already answered that didn't I I found grilled so hard thanks for answering oh you're welcome no fangirl fanboys find um fangirl i'm planning to goods Sassa societies i'm planning to go for a g1 gtx 960 for gigabyte for a new build for gaming engineering and around 1100 any better recommendations well if you if you want to do engineering on it like we're gonna be using cad you're going to want to go with something better than 960 i mean even if you got something like an old 780ti that would do better than 960 especially if your CAD programs are going to be able to tap in any of that CUDA power moose 78 says I have one 980 TI classy at the moment single 1080 for the win or a 92 ti classified in sli which would be better upgrade opinion right now or option I know you have a single 980 TI classy at the moment singleton Amy for the win well a single 1080 is much faster than 980 ti ti classified in sli is going to be much faster than a 1080 and you could get another 984 cheaper than a 1080 will cost you may be about the same you'd have to add to get a second one as you'd have to add after selling a 980 to get a TI attending so unless you need pascal's improvements in VR capability vr surround things like simultaneous multi projection which is supposed to be the fix for the flatness of three panels if you don't need any additional tech then I stick with your older card the advancements of Pascal with the exception of just being like really fast FPS usually much higher than refresh rates is going to be pretty much negated by the fact that if unless you're using those additional text for VR which is in there then you're really you're really just for the sake of having bragging rights to be like I've got the latest and greatest are not going to see much of a return on your investment i don't think it's but that's kind of the way I look at it every time a new graphics card comes out flying now flying j 99 and says can you remind us what utility you are using for overlay temp and p.s display its afterburner its built-in it's called on-screen display OSD you got to turn it on in the monitoring tab and then you check which ones you want to monitor how does the RX for you stack up to everyone else you just gotta wait for the reviews no one's going to tell you that right now it's under NDA 3 1080p monitors or to 1444 gaming why would you you wouldn't use to because if you tell nvidia to span the display with two panels it's going to make the middle where the bezels are so it would literally be like the middle where the bezels meet is the middle of the screens that's where your crosshairs is going to be is where your guns are going to be whatever your whatever you do that's a terrible idea so how about one 1440p and get an ultra-wide like a 34 40 x 1440 like i'm using here amazing it's the it's the it's such a better experience than dealing with surround in my opinion because the problem was surround is your counting on software to like stitch the panels together and then to do it seamlessly so it fools the operating system into thinking it's one panel but it's not and it I've done it in the past I've had it on the same rig too it's it's finicky it's switching to and from games where you have a stretch desktop and then going into a game where it's got to kind of load the game and launch directx right hook the API and then it's got to render the image sometimes you have one screen that will turn off and doesn't want to come back on you have to power it off powered on and then it will show up same thing when you leave the game sometimes you go into a game and come back out and it rearranged all your icons no matter how you set them up and rearrange it it's just enough problems with surround which is why although multi projection of simultaneous multi projection is kind of neat that they've started to really kind of play around with the multi-panel issues I've had such a difficult time with it that I don't want to go back to it regardless of the updates Warren Hyman says Jay if I upgrade my mobo will it see my hard drive depends so the operating system is a lot better now at detecting hardware changes for instance I took the hard drives out of the simulator rig put them into a different computer and the motherboard initially set up set up all the devices reboots and then everything worked took took it out put it back in the other machine same thing it just worked but that depends and I can't even tell you what it depends on sometimes it doesn't work and it just doesn't want to sometimes you get a UEFI boot failure where it can't load into the windows UEFI and the up met and the bios just can't make heads or tails of booting the hard drive so good luck that's all I can say jason says hey cool name he says do you think two three sixty millimeter radiators will be enough for a 58 20 k and two gtx 1080s absolutely gtx 1080 is extremely efficient when it comes to heat and I know a lot of people right now we're going to are like what the f are you talking about man the 1080 it's all over the news that an ad has heating problems you know last night when I was building the computer for the simulator I put 29 ATT is in there reference cards and I forgot just how hot and how loud the Maxwell cards are the big the big GPUs are compared to what the TVs are now and I immediately realized you know what the 10 80s although yeah they still will get up to 83 see obviously where the reference cooler is a heck of a lot more efficient and when it comes to heat and temperature than the 980 TI is were so that's why I took them out and put the 10 70s in because yeah I forgot just how loud they were coconut monkey was in the room watching Game of Thrones and it was like every time I turn on a benchmark to get the cards dial dings I was overclocking them it's just they were so freaking loud that I was like yeah I'm not going to use these so you play radiator space there rah Ryan hey heiser ryan hauser says heard anything about the msi gtx 1080 Seahawk nope haven't Tom Don need onion says what was your first car or your most memorable favorite car you've ever owned my favorite car is nizzy my first car was a 1985 ford ranger 5-speed with fuel injection which is actually kind of a big big deal because that was like the first year that Ford had introduced the fuel injection into the four cylinders so it was kind of neat anyway it's kind of it's kind of nice actually that there's no donation comments coming in because now I don't have to worry about like dividing my attention my attention feels equally divided let's will let Twitter rest here for a minute and we'll just check out some of the comments here in in the chat rest in peace Jerry you will not be missed well that's rude that's not a reference cooler it's a founder cooler oh excuse me you are absolutely right you're absolutely right once a semi 980 TI for by a 1080 for 1080p is it worth it play please answer me I need answer tonight that's a terrible idea it's a terrible idea to get a 1080 for 1080p if you're not running a super-high refresh like 144 hurts or more it's not a good idea and especially if you're trying to replace a 980 would say was 980 TI yeah that's a terrible idea 4k ultra wide will be awesome you know what so when 4k started like two years ago everyone's like 4k 4k 4k and it was one of those things where uh so Hobbs will toss says I think your donation buttons gone no it's not I clicked it I should donate to myself huh yeah anyway um the problem with 4k was even 4k 60 Hertz didn't feel like 60 Hertz on 1440 or 1080p it was hard to explain it just felt and I was even having this conversation with AMD the other day for k60 feels heavy I don't how to explain it it feels like there's a slight amount of input lag and it just it didn't feel fluid even though it was 60 FPS which is that magic number so now that 4k is going to be capable with 120 Hertz if that input lag is gone and if we can get 4k ultra wide would be perfect for a like you know even movies and stuff I might be sold on that as long as I can experience it okay let's see here at Logan Jay don't like rumors I don't want to report on rumors I there's enough people out there doing rumors tonight I'm just I don't know I I don't like to fuel rumor mills if that makes sense call me weird i don't know 1074 1080p to monitor 60 Hertz maybe 1440p in the near future or should just get a 9 80 or 90 TI that's a lot of questions like should i get a ten seventy or check out a 1080i so you got to 42 1440p or show you to 1080 or show get a 980 oh she's got an idea you got to ask like one question dude 1080 sli versus it went away my bed okay um sir poll what damn I you know YouTube does this thing where the comments will freeze for a second and I'll start to read something and then it Scrolls away really fast and I can't find where it was so whatever sorry guys a moderators telling me that the donation system seems to be down I don't know I've never actually followed I've never actually like followed the links to see where they go to be honest with you okay aztec talk what do you think about razors VR solution Oh SVR okay so i tried o sv r when it was like brand new it's CES 2015 and I didn't like it I did not like it at all it didn't track very well see you had to do this with your hands like all the time because it was supposed to be hand tracking and it was like not tracking my hands and it was laggy and I didn't like it but that was two years ago so I don't know whether or not uh it's gotten better but based on the like very early models I didn't like it that was one of the reasons why I just wasn't even happy about oculus revivals like whatever vr is so terrible then not anymore it's changed yeah if you guys if you guys did donate we apologize right now because my moderator and Jerry is saying that they tried it right now to see what was happening and it's not coming through so if it took your money and it didn't come through I highly apologize for that that's the problem with YouTube YouTube a Mountie YouTube's I feel weird I don't claim him VR all day so my my is this real life this is really happening right now coming on Zen nearing um so okay when I had my my my meeting with AMD the other day I asked that question I said are we still on track to see maybe some q4 q1's end stuff and all I did was smile and then say they couldn't answer so I don't know you know well time stamps come on tech talk I don't have anybody to go through a time stamp it for me and I'm I don't timestamp as I'm going probably not hiboo says hey Jay what case would be good for full custom water cooling loop I have coolermaster stacker but I'm looking for an update I'm running 12 40 rat and a 360 most cases today would would accommodate that fantex has a very good line of cases built specifically towards water cooling fractal design / like the last year and a half or so has really started accommodating larger radiators more options for mounting radiators and even reservoirs so like the define s is actually a really good case for water cooling in fact I might be moot I might move all my stuff into the define desk because I still have that i'm using the fractal arc XL right now is the gaming / VR rig but it's too big I need something smaller and easier to move around something about moving it into that case and I'm think about also doing a full custom water loop on it once i get the hardware i want like completely ironed out if you will any info the mayhem problems they're waiting on me they're waiting on me right now and i want i just want to get this fluid plenty of time to change this is where it is right now yeah it looks red it's actually orange it's just the camera you can see how different the color of the tops are versus the fluid but yeah it looks red but it's not trust me it's just the way the camera picks it up also to the white leds tend to bring out a lot of the red dye that makes up orange they look like they're the same color right and yeah I know that both my reservoirs are not topped off I just never bothered took my tie fighter again if i do that i get the condensation out there yeah i just never bother filling it up because this was temporary they look like they haven't changed color right but they have actually I i took the the mix that I made because I still have like that much of a gallon like in the bottom of a gallon container of the mix that was not in here and I compared it and yeah these are both much much darker than the color was originally so here i was looking at this going dim these are not changing color what the frig is happening then I compared them like okay well i just both change color like at the same rate so that's where we are on that so i need to well try not to get sick sorry having to get the cable out of the way so i'm going to be sending that off too mayhems in England to inspect i'll also be giving some of the fluid to hardware labs to inspect i'm also going to be giving the radiators back i'm going to give one of the radiators to Mayhem's so that they can do a metallurgy test and then i'm going to be giving one to hardware lab so all the players involved are getting pieces of the pie or the puzzle and then we're just going to see what happens I really really hope we don't end up with one company just pointing their fingers at the other because that won't get us anywhere but I do know that even though that even though Mayhem's hasn't gotten the fluid yet that they had been working on improvements in their own lab testing with high heat because one of the things that we think is contributed to this but it's not the leading cause but just the contribution to the issue is the heat with three Titan X's and then having the V RMS and overclocked and all that stuff in the loop so they've been testing it with their own like super high heat test rigs with no fans on the radiators intentionally making it super hot and they're trying to come up with a better product which is a very good thing um coconut monkey just texted me and said he's gonna come over tonight and play with VR yay coconut monkeys actually been here like all week I like when it's summer because then he doesn't have school monday through friday and then work saturday sunday 370z pros and cons i'd really love to know that okay hey we'll do we'll talk about cars for a minute here for the next couple minutes and remember i'm getting out of here about six o'clock so i apologize again if your donations have if they took your money and they didn't display the donations to me I highly apology in fact um Hobbs when you tried to donate did it take your money or did it fail because I want to know if people are donating here and I'm not seeing it because that's fucked up YouTube seriously audio-technica sounds good so I pulled a lot of bass I'll get back to the 350z comment I pulled a lot of bass out of it because when I first had it subwoofer users yeah rest in peace I had the base cranked I was like I wanted to get that that FM radio sound boom ba-ba-boom ba-ba but then you know that's way too much bass so I dialed it back to like that right there that's one of the reasons why i don't use USB mics and i like to use a ups like that because al funny bone because i can um i can actually tune it so alright 350z pros and cons one it's old but the con it's an old car the newest one you can get would be a 2008 which is already going to be eight years old at this point um I don't I don't know what's happened here okay so Hobbs is saying it wouldn't take his money but some people are saying that it did I sorry guys youtube has has not notified us of a single donation so if you have I apologize for that on behalf of Google I on behalf of Google we're a sack of shit there I said it I'm a sack of shit to what you guys are another okay 350z it's at least eight years old for 2008 2007 and eight are the HR model which is the two best years of 350z so if we can get an HR are no 702 I know a you're golden the transmissions from 2003-2005 had synchro problems lots of synchros going bad 2006 they fixed it 2006 stay away from that year all together at had what's known as the rev up motor and that was where they made an intake plenum change to get the engine revving a little bit higher to about 7,000 rpm up from 6500 those were the worst it was only available for one year and there's a reason for that that one year they warrantied more motors than they ever had in the history of the 350z of the z33 because of oil consumption all v qs burn oil but the rev up motor the rev up the 2006 rev up which was only available on the manual transmissions by the way the that the automatics did not get the rev up so a little fun fact when when i went with TJ to buy his 350 and it was an 06 everything checks out it's a good car but i jokingly said i think he made a huge mistake to his camera that's what i was referring to y'all's like revit motor but as long as he keeps his eye on the oil he'll be fine but yeah so oil consumption was a problem with those um they take a lot of I know they're kind of slow by today's standards 350z s are not fast at all I mean you've got you've got some four-door sedans that are going to be faster than you but they handle really well so if you want a car that handles good that's a pro aftermarket parts for them depending on what you go with can be either cheap and like showcar ready or expensive and track ready and you'll find a lot of knockoff part so you got to spend your time doing your research on the parts and whether or not they are knock off or not like control arms you'll see a lot of people's breaking lower like rear camber arms I'm sorry you don't want a camber aren't busting on you on the freeway that's going to be a terrible day so yeah insurance on them is pretty low because most insurance companies look at them as just a standard v6 and not a performance car which is kind of funny because it is a sports car safely with the 370z because it's not my daily driver I don't get a pail Ike ninety-eight dollars a year for full coverage on that car but it's not my daily driver it's a third vehicle so that's another reason why but they're fun cars they really aren't you can get them for less than ten thousand dollars if you shop around if you want to spend that much on a eight plus year old cars if you got a two thousand three guys 13 years old so that's that's a lot of money anyway um why i no see skyline popping up why I know since I skyline poppy-up wait time out wait time out skyline r32 is are available here in the united states now that's fun hey Jay do you think it's good to buy a gaming laptop or should I wait for the 10 ATM and you have any idea when that will come out have no idea probably in the next two or three months of the most gaming laptops I'm going to be doing a review of the EVGA SC 17 I have it I've had it for about a month now but that but laptops is something I want to spend time with before doing a review on it I want to use it in real-world scenario I traveled with the Seattle um I want to use it in all the real words now it's not be like here's a laptop I don't put it on my desk play some games and talk about it no what's it really like is it heavy what's the recharge time like what's the heat like what's the battery life like you know did it leave me stranded in a meeting because i forgot to bring my plug in that kind of thing so i want to talk about all that but gaming laptops for the most part tend to kind of be seen i think amongst most people as being gimmicky only because the m series of GPUs i'm not very powerful and so a lot of people tend to look at gaming laptops as being like we slap some LEDs on their we put an M series 960 in there which is not a very powerful GPU at all and we're going to charge two thousand dollars for it because it's gaming and it has discrete graphics I think that's how a lot of people tend to look at them so it's going to be a difficult review because I think a lot of people hate the concept of gaming laptops no oh let's see I like cars me too Ram Jacinto jacinta ram yes until one hurts monitor for the win okay um we dropped fifty-seven frames those weird sorry bout that guys hey Jay are you so i left the sim rig on it bet you it's trying to download something right now i can update dammit thoughts on the razor court never touched it 29 70s versus one 1070 so tired of us a lot issues then get one 1070 you already hansard your own question Jay please answer alex is asking we'll see out we'll see what I answer this I have an i5 4670k and 1080 should I upgrade my cpu or add another 1080i just game at 1440 I don't think you should add another ten eighty to a 4670k depending on the games did you play the problem with this is you didn't tell me what panel you use and that's is that that if you're going to take all this graphical graphical describe this graph Oh matical horsepower and you're going to send it down in a displayport cable to a shitty there's no point whatsoever if that monitors a 1080p TN panel 60 Hertz 5 millisecond or even say 10 millisecond response time it doesn't matter how much information you're shoving at it because your graphics cards are like freaking uh you know dragsters then your your panel is just gonna be like I don't know what to do here that here's some here's some images look at all look there guitaring everywhere now because I don't know what to do with it because you turned off vsync because you want to see all that horsepower and when you turn on vsync your graphics cards are going to go down to like ten percent usage when you game because the graphics cards are like doing this waiting for your panel to get on board yeah if you don't have a high end panel don't do it hope that made sense what webcam do you using um this is a Logitech c920 about it almost four years ago the Logitech c920 has kind of been like the staple web cam for the longest time like the c920 so good one everyone has this just in found an actual topic J would like this is probably being this is from an anonymous coyote yep this is Jerry he's typing in the document right now I've been ignoring him this whole time cuz it's driving him insane that I said he died on livestream and then you guys have all been tweeting him and he's like stop telling people I died so I've been ignoring him literally he even tried to call and I click the disconnect on the call because I didn't want to get let him come in here and prove that he was still alive but he's typing in the document so he's a life it says future mark is teasing a new benchmark today for DirectX 12 wow he made the text huge suddenly I think he really wants me to see it I was reading it it was a little text and then suddenly he highlights all and then makes it huge like to get my attention I was reading it and then it just suddenly went like big letters um futuremark is teasing a new benchmark today for DirectX 12 that will be out soon called time spy will work on all windows versions but dx12 only on Windows 10 obviously literally just got the email press release zero day whoo we just got a zero-day memo um that's cool that's cool I guess um I don't know dx12 was just one of those things right now and hold on wife is texting me I ate the cookie that's all I'm saying yeah she text me going I think Little J has been hiding food I think she ate the cookie that was on the counter there I the cookie okay speaking of that whatever happened to one millisecond monitors well what your app what your what's happening now is a lot of panels are moving towards IPS and high refresh rate IPS but the IPS technology itself can't go down to one one millisecond but a lot of people are realizing that anything like five or under is is perfect in fact you would probably be hard-pressed to even notice a difference between I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna say it as someone who's even like sensitive to high FPS I notice the differences between refresh rate the hands down but i don't think i could pick out the difference between say a 15 millisecond panel and a 1 millisecond panel like if you put them side by side and then switch them all around and they looked identical and said which one of these is one millisecond i don't think i could accurately tell you based on what I see I think it would be a 50-50 guess hey Jay can you please please please say potatoes no even though I already did screw you does a 4460 bottleneck a gtx 1070 make some benchmarks please i'm not going to go out and buy a 4644 60 just to benchmark it for you um depending on the games you play a 4460 might show you reduced performance into 1070 using a single 1080 for the oh my god this is GPU talk can you guys ask me something other than GPUs only got five more minutes anyway 4k gaming monitor or TV um okay so the biggest monitor you're really going to find for 4k I think you can find some 32 inches 32 inch monitors I think you can find like actual monitors maybe you can find like more of those Korean like weird brands that are out there but those are hit and miss or whether or not you actually get a good one 27 inch panels 27 or 28 inch panels at 4k they are they are too small for native 4k that's a that's a 28 inch 4k panel right there the monoprice and that's only on my test rig because I need to be able to test for K when I do my benchmarks but that has no g sync technology and no free sync technology in it because they don't play nice with some GPUs like a G's the acer g-sync panel would I have the 4k g-sync panel does not allow me to hook up an AMD graphics card and not have problems like I hooked up a sapphire 290x to it and it like black screened as soon as I went into games hook up the mana price and it's fine so that I had the desktop set to 1080 on that so the desktop set to 1080 but the games can go up to 4k you deal with the same issue very similar to like I said with with envy surround where when you switch back and forth between different resolutions in games and in desktop you get weird things like sometimes you go into the game and it's just like boom it's four times bigger and you're only seeing a quarter of it on the panel because it's scaled but didn't shrink it down to the screen size when it came out of a 1080p desktop and vice versa too sometimes you come out of the game and you go in and your icons that we didn't opt and you're starting to go awww man your eclectic and when trying to scale it and also in the computers like oh yeah I'm supposed to scale the desktop and then boom it goes really big because you scaled it and then it forgot it needed the scale and it scaled on top of your scaling and then just wait like ginormous so yeah it so well that's that that's the problem when you deal with resolutions that are switching and and that's why I like to just stick with native res on everything I do on my computer that I play on not that so what's a good ultra wide screen a GTX 1080 an msi guard like carbon the motherboard you have makes no difference to the panel by the way the x 34 is an amazing panel I've had no problems with it but then again this was sent to me by Nvidia so I'm fairly certain these were all vetted long before and video got them from Acer and then once you know so ASA found the best ones because right let's say your acer and you're working with nvidia and you're like okay we'll put all your g-sync modules in here and then nvidia goes okay well we need we need inventory of these because they've got our module and we need them for demos and tech and reviews and stuff like that so then you send a bunch of them to Nvidia and let's say you send a bunch of the ones with the problems people were complaining about stuck pixels or blight bleed or whatever are you going to be happy as in video going what the fuck is this these panels suck no you're going to pick the best ones you're going to send them well that's what I got unfortunately the x 34 had a lot of terrible reviews on the first go around of the panel because they had a lot of problems so if you could if they fix those problems than I highly recommend it so unfortunately my panel and that's why I never did an official review of this panel one I didn't get it from Acer I knew it was handpicked so it didn't think it was very indicative of a true user experience from retail I think Joker got one and it was terrible I think letting a joker hates like every panel he gets um let's see here Jay when are we getting a 1070 1080 stocks i don't know i'm not i do why do people think I know when they're gonna go on like when they're gonna be available at newegg or fries or Riker cider or whatever how am I supposed to know I mean you guys think they're consulting me on their shipments aren't acer and asus panels pretty much the same no where'd you hear that they're clearly two different companies just because they sound the same doesn't mean though the same all right it's time to get out of here guys thanks for hanging out sorry the donation thing was broken I had no idea so with that said I'm gonna go ahead and hop on out of here hopefully Jerry's here back online next week he is going to be here two weeks from yesterday so he gonna be here in just under two weeks here in California melting to death I'm sure because it's hot even for me and I live here so we're gonna probably be staying inside most of the time that he's here but he's going to be here will be a live tech talk inside the nerd cave here not not as nice as his nerd cave but the new nerd cave he's never seen the new as he calls it the drug lord mansion so that'll be fun and we got to find some shenanigans in trouble to get into anyway time to get going guys thanks for watching I enjoy hanging out with all of you got to answer a lot of questions that was fun I would stream longer but I've have chores and chores to do adulting sucks with that said we roll the outro talk about how much Dalton really sucks i wish i wish i could still have all the things i have now sandwich and that she would just bring the sandwich and then you're like now get out imma play games and she's like okay I love you son you know like get out I don't like games yeah I wish I could do that again but it can't have two adults but that said thanks for watching see you next time
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