The Weirdest Titan X Review Ever! - Live 4K Performance Testing
The Weirdest Titan X Review Ever! - Live 4K Performance Testing
I'm really starting to hate the spring
you know that it's like the weather's
turning and if it was cold here would be
turning warm but it was already warm
here so now it's turning hot but both
those of you in the cold climates are
like yay spring and I'm like oh my god
it's hot and it means it's time for a
new Titan because for the last two years
every single spring has meant that
launch of a new completely irritating
card like the Titan the new EVGA silent
series power supplies offer excellent
silence and efficiency through their new
EVGA Eco mode technology and also
features a seven year warranty for
worryfree gaming
click the link in the description to
learn more I didn't even want to do this
video and of course I didn't want to do
the Titan Z video either I said that in
there yet you guys how did the shit out
of me until I did it and of course I
gave in to peer pressure because that's
what we do we give in to peer pressure
and I went ahead and did it anyway but
damn it and it gets my blood pressure
going it gets my pocketbook screaming
and it gets my inner just have to have
the best mentality of me absolutely
driven insane but then again you guys
were my viewers so I figured all right I
have a problems turning on the camera
and ranting about the Titan for a few
minutes I mean ech yeah this I can get
some stress out well today was GTC and
of course they had their little graphics
unit demo thing where they were like hey
guys look check it out new graphics card
yay faster it's a it's cool it's GM 200
core we kind of knew that from leaks
already 3072 cuda cores that's good but
it's not like great I guess I mean
considering the Titan black itself had
me over to what 28 8192 texture mapping
units and 96 ro PS whoo as long as
they're all really there we'll give it
this I will say that the 250 watt TDP
that they've maintained across the board
especially with going from you know an
extremely efficient architecture like
Maxwell they were able to apparently
bump up all these specs and get amazing
performance which I don't know
and keep the TDP the same cool and we're
giving you 10% overclocking capability
of the the powered limit so you can get
110 percent or 275 Y TDP cool I guess
but you know I can't even test any in
this because of course they didn't even
send me one maybe they were afraid I
don't know because of the fact that they
know that I was going to tell everybody
that the Titan was just a piece of Shh
right back so ups just dropped off a
package from Nvidia Corp well it's not
ticking that's a good sign
I mean it's just
but again it's a Titan dear PC
master-race subreddit please don't hate
me for what I'm about to do for I am
going to do a Titan X review well
actually that actually rind alright well
I mean obviously it can't be as good as
advertised so if anything we'll just go
ahead and use a test bench here and
we'll do some live benchmarking we'll
just show you guys how it's really a
bunch of crap and you know I cut my foot
open I actually cut my find bleeding
right I'm bleeding right now you see
what happens when you get a tight necks
you cut yourself
thanks and video transition I haven't
really done this type of format of
benchmarking before you guys have asked
for me to do more live benchmarking and
stuff so that's we're gonna do we're not
gonna just throw up a bunch of graphs
we're gonna actually do it together and
I'll tell you what I'm seeing now I'm
gonna say right off the bat as much as
it is a Titan this is a sexy-ass box I
gotta tell you right now this this box
this retail packaging is freaking
phenomenal I gotta say now in their
keynote they talked about Titan being
the 4k beast the 4k 4k 4k a lot 4k
alright well I'm personally not all that
sold on 4k but I do happen to have in
here in Acer xb2 ath k 4k one
millisecond g-sync panel so I guess
we'll go ahead and put that theory to
the test won't we now I've got the Titan
X installed right over there as you can
see it's the only black card ever really
like that I guess with reference thingy
on there it is a single BIOS card it's
not a dual BIOS card that's one reason I
would like to have seen board partner
variations of it but there's never been
a board partner variation of a Titan so
whatever they're there they're keeping
that one in their wheelhouse but we do
have a gambit of stuff on here that we
can do
now obviously overclocking on this thing
would be terrible because it has a
reference cooler I said I'm expecting I
can't possibly be any good at
overclocking that's why I have all these
GPUs up here with these custom cool
is on here like we got the 290x matrix
with the custom cooler on there the
Sapphire 290x 8-gigabyte try X with the
custom cooler on there we've got the msi
960 on there with a twin frozer I mean
you guys kind of see where I'm going
with this right reference cooling is not
exactly I mean I don't care a lot a
whole lot about reference cooling
another prime example right here in our
9 to 90 cryo venom from visiontek water
cooling block yay so uh well I mean I
guess there are water blocks available
for this thing already or whatever at
least that's what I'm that's the rumor
so alright I've loaded up precision X on
here 16 push isn't precision X 16 and
I'm going to push this thing I'm pushing
200 plus megahertz on the core and you
know what we've also just try and melt
this thing let's go ahead and do a 500
megahertz overclock on the vram 12
gigabytes of it which is going to give
us an effective 8,000 megahertz on the
vram and of course there there's no way
that this would be item and I'm doing it
stock voltage I don't dare bump up the
voltage at all on this thing because
then it's gonna it's going to melt faces
that way so I'm just going to load up
Valley benchmark here and I'm gonna go
ahead and run it if and when it ever
vally benchmark extreme HD is sitting
what 100 FPS on the Start screen right
there or we're going to just let this
benchmark go I mean it there's no way it
it will actually validate and complete
this test well it and the test is
getting ready to complete it actually
completed without crashing unfreaking
believable four thousand three hundred
and eighty one you want to know what's
scary about that that's actually what my
two seven 80s with custom bios massively
overclocked water-cooled
was doing oh fuck alright well how are
the temperatures uh clearly the
temperatures muscles such let's go ahead
and look at the precision history on
there and see it we got max temperatures
eight thousand ram like i said max
temperature no that cannot be right
eighty-six degrees Celsius with the
reference cooler overclocked ten percent
on the power limit we had a boost clock
1377 megahertz that's three hundred
megahertz overclock we're talking like
thirty percent here guys alright enough
about that let's go ahead
that was a benchmark let's go ahead and
do some 4k gaming battlefield 4 let's go
ahead and let's go and do some
battlefield 4 okay so here we are now in
a 64 man battlefield 4 server and we are
playing on operation Locker this has got
the snow flurries and all that stuff
which tends to also create quite a bit
of hammering to your GPU so I
basically this one's probably going to
get hammered as well in terms of
settings you can see we do have
everything on ultra anti-aliasing
deferred I have it set to OFF but that's
because I have the global Nvidia control
panel handling everything on here
and we do have motion blur on and
resolution scales at 100 so let's go
ahead and see perf overlay dot draw FPS
1 I don't know why you guys can see it
what's up ok so we are at 4 we're at 4k
60 Hertz as you can see at least we're
here in the menu we're at 80 84 frames
per second that can't be right holy this
is not good this I can't can you see
that in the corner I just I got it I got
it a zoom this in this is effing crazy
look at that fps in the corner this is
at 4k guys ok see 3840 by 2160 60 hertz
everything at Ultra anti-aliasing is off
it's being handled in the Nvidia control
panel and through GeForce holy hell
ace a hundred this is I'm not kidding
guys I haven't played this yet this is
I'm doing a live benchmark on this
where's-where's these bad guys at
come on seven got him I don't even know
what I am laughing here because it okay
let's just let's add some MSA to it I
guess let's do 4x
MSA a right that's got to be a hell of a
load okay so even with 4x MSA
I just got removed for using an RPG oops
apparently this is a no explosive server
run by noobs all right so now that I
figured out these stupid server roles as
you can see we've still got NSA is on
everything still in ultra or still at 4k
the graphics card is making some noise
though that's for sure but look at this
70s and it's an it's lag free Holy
Mother of God how is this possible you
might actually notice a little bit of
tearing I am running the game above the
refresh rate of the monitor cuz I don't
want to cap it at 60 but look at this
this is so stupid we are in the 60s with
a single card at 4k and gsync is turned
off guys this is the yep like that yes
Jason you're stupid doesn't work that
way but this is still a piece of shit
card right I mean right right this is so
insane I I can't I can't
my brain hurts right now alright I can
hear other people complain like oh my
god Dan you're playing on a map that's
not very intensive okay fine so let's go
into hammerhead no that switched over to
um giants of curl get fine we'll do that
it's one of the new servers we'll do
that we'll go into a more demanding map
let's just push it even harder cool with
that no shenanigans as you can see all
the same settings as last time 2x MSA a
4k everything on Ultra with motion blur
60% we do have to give a perf over
dot draw FGS one okay there we go there
mother-effing go so now we're outside
with much bigger maps as you can see
upper 50s into the 60s on flippin 4k all
right let's go get into a battle because
you can already hear all the all the
haters like stupid you're not near
anybody's open all rights do this hope
there we go whoa turn turn turn
oops ah would you look at these fps God
I'm going to forget I'm doing a video
here and just play
I killed a helicopter so while I'm
sitting here waiting for shadow of
Mordor to update so we can do that test
I don't know why I felt inclined to try
and eat one of these but I guess they're
actually edible this is turning out to
be a very weird day alright so now we're
going to go ahead and move into the
shadow of Mordor test obviously this is
going to hand the Titan X its ass I mean
we all know shadow of Mordor the HD
texture packs just obliterate graphics
cards especially with the texture size
so I'm kind of happy that finally
something here is going to beat the shit
out of the Titan X all right so shadow
of Mordor sitting here in the mid 40s
low 40s on fps which I guess is kind of
expected because boom you're dead you're
dead oh I missed
dai Oakhurst come wherever you are but
you know what I'm noticing here is there
is like no yeah ter galore when I do
that but there is no stuttering in here
which I was experiencing obviously with
some of the other cards when I was
testing the when I was testing this but
holy crap though I mean 40 FPS with HD
texture pack on at 4k is that good and
see if I can kill this guy long range he
mad alright so that's pretty consistent
42 42 FPS I guess it's pretty normal
though considering trying to kill these
guys running away this is just for lulz
why don't we go to like 1080 just for
the lulz I can't even go to 1080 fine
1440 it is oh yeah so look at the FPS
here at 1440 with HD texturepack 80s so
shadow of mordor still tends to give the
Titan X run for its money in terms of
GPU power but then again that's the
resolutions so here we you can see we
are currently in the 80s graphics card
screaming over there alright well that's
enough of that let's just go ahead and
see how much vram we actually used shall
so GPU usage with max temperature still
87 it never went above 87 in any of
these tests yet memory usage was 60 551
max so that's like just over half of the
available vram on this thing alright
well there's only one thing left to do
and we're gonna go ahead and do let's go
ahead and do some fire strike on this uh
it says generic VGA that's what's funny
is it doesn't even recognize yet that
it's a type next on the 5820k
overclocked to 4.5 that's important
noting one card is 99% better if all
results alright well let's just go ahead
and run this real quick on the
the extreme and the ultra the extreme
version is ending now which we all know
is the 1440p version of fire strike
eight thousand five hundred seventy
seven and that's better than 92% of all
results remember guys that's including
all SLI configurations and crossfire
configurations as well well last but not
least I shall click the right thing last
but not least time to run it at 4k
alright the ultra test is ending ah 4538
that's actually really really good for
uh an inch of the chart it also has like
graphics card not recognized but
whatever 4538 for ultra that's pretty
good actually and i really hate the fact
that I'm saying that now one last thing
I did on this cuz I everyone knows I'm
trying to find a freaking flaw right now
is I went ahead and tested memory
allocation and guess what all twelve
gigabytes appear to be there but the
actual bandwidth of that in the speed is
we are seeing nearly 800 gigabytes per
second right speed to this Ram that's
extremely fast 752 gigabytes read speed
right is actually faster than read but
yeah I did what I did go ahead and run
that benchmark because I knew if I
didn't you guys are gonna be hate those
dudes does it actually have 11 gigs
origin I have 12 well at least my card
appears to have all 12 there alright
let's wrap this up while I still have
somewhat of a soul left well guys I try
it and I tried to find flaws with this
card I I guess I do have a couple I mean
the price a thousand bucks is not cheap
not even for me and but then on the flip
side of it one of the things people have
always said is well doing you know the
Titan is uses GFX you know g4 time
it really Neal professional desktops and
things I gather rendering in bulla
well okay yeah I guess you're right in
fact they even brought that up
themselves but with all the technology
and here like VX GI and all that stuff
it's a perfect card for stopgap between
performing performance cards like the
980 and professional cards like the
Quadro series or even the W 90 100 from
AMD which is over three thousand dollars
there's one in the closet back there by
the way this card for a grand is
actually a bit of a bargain if you want
one card that can do multiple things
like gaming as well as perform very very
well in professional desktop environment
I guess I also wish it had a freaking
backplate on it I mean you pay a
thousand dollars for a card I would love
to see a backplate they say it's because
they want to get better airflow for SLI
configs but I think they have they know
just based on the statistics that the
amount of people that be running SLI on
this are pretty rare I mean given the
price of this card but really this this
is the first card that gives us real
performance in 4k by itself with a shit
ton of RAM 384-bit memory bus overclocks
never even reach 90 degrees Celsius
while overclocked 87 on a reference
cooler we've seen these coolers before
remember the GTX 480 anyone know anyone
around during those days that thing will
reach a hundred degrees Celsius and it's
so freakin powerful and and and one
other thing I want to mention is coil
whine was like practically non-existent
they actually put componentry in here
that was designed to have less inductor
noise ah yeah well I guess this is the I
guess this is the time where I tell you
all three GTX Titan X's and skunk works
confer for the record guys we were just
having a bunch of fun especially with
all of the Titan hate in fact I can't
believe how many of you guys actually
believed that I seriously hated the
Titan with like a passionate level
especially with those other videos guys
I was sat tired but anyway thanks for
watching today's video hope you guys had
some fun I know it was a bit different
if you didn't like it well too freaking
bad honestly I had fun and that's what
matters anyway we'll get back to our
regularly scheduled program if you guys
want to see some serious benchmarks of
this I mean you saw the performance if
you guys want to see some serious
benchmarks of this make sure you guys
tell me what you want to see with this
card I was serious I am putting three of
these in skunk works and they're getting
water-cooled and we're doing more
upgrades to the system as well don't
hate me
don't hate me I just have to this is my
first chance to actually own Titans and
that was really what I hated about them
before was the fact that I didn't own
them all of the Titans II really did
piss me off in terms of the price
alright guys thank for watching as
always well thanks for watching that's
that's how I end this cuz I'm very
thankful for that
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