jiae's two cents here redness is done in
fact I'm so happy it's done I even got
dressed up for the occasion and I put on
a nice shirt but I am still wearing gym
shorts but that doesn't matter because
you can't see that anyway but I figured
what better way to end the series than
with a Q&A session from you guys I asked
you on quit Twitter if you had any
questions about why we did something or
why I didn't do something then ask it
away because I figured it'd be good to
talk about it why we did the build the
way we did why the hell did it take four
months today's video is brought to you
by mass drop and right now they have a
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link in the description below so before
we get on with the Q&A guys I'm going to
go ahead and give you a little bit of
eye candy you guys like watching the
loops get filled I like filming it so
let's go ahead and check out the eye
porn or PC porn or whatever you want to
call it right now
I think one of the most common questions
I get asked is why in the hell is this
taking so long
even though this is a client build I've
actually become friends with the client
now note him known him for several years
you guys remember back in 2014 I did the
first version of this with the ASUS
Maximus it was z87 with the 4770k and
two 780ti x' and since then he decided
he wanted to upgrade the system and he
didn't know what parts he wanted to go
with so he tore the system apart himself
he took it all apart before he brought
it to me he literally brought me a case
and that was pretty much it he brought
me a case and the radiators he had
already purchased so all the parts that
it took to build this thing came in
along the way
so it wasn't like the parts were dropped
off as a mountain of boxes and said here
you go build it I mean we he couldn't
decide on which motherboard he wanted to
go finally we chose on the x99
classified from EVGA he was pretty sure
he wanted to do 980 TI s he wouldn't
bought those and then as you guys know
as time went on the ten eighties came
out and he wanted those and that was
really unfortunate because Nvidia didn't
really give us any headway into the GTX
1080 time frame launch and I blame
myself a little bit here because
typically we saw Titans lunch in the
spring and the 80 series cards launched
more or less end of summer early fall
and I thought that they were going to
stick to that cycle so he even asked me
do you think a new graphics card is
going to come out and I said well if
they do it more than likely be a Titan
so let's just move forward egg on my
face yeah it turned out to be the 1080 s
so he took a loss by selling the 392 T
eyes which were never used with the
water blocks actually some of you guys
on Twitter bought those I put them up
for sale for him and we moved on to the
1080s which kind of leads us into the
next kind of funny haha joke was the
fact that we got the 1080 s we got the
blocks on I got them installed and then
in video with absolutely no notice says
hey guys by the way GTX Titan X or as
everyone else is calling it Titan XP
because yeah so anyway of course
everyone on Twitter was like now when is
red Miska how much longer it's going to
take now you can do to tight nexus in
there and when I talked to him I said if
you got if you if you tell
you want to do tight Nexus I'm going to
say no and I'm going to install two
speaking spells I'm going to do it with
duct tape and I'm going to send it home
I'm be done I was be done with this
build but no when we solve a $1,200
price tag even if there were a thousand
dollars like the other Titans have been
the answer's no he is not interested in
spending that kind of cash I mean the
two tight 1080s that are in here cost
the same amount as one well just over
one of those Titan X's it's a terrible
cost to performance ratio so he is fine
with that but he did stick with the 59
60 X although the the 69 50 X is out
$1700 setcpu yet again price to
performance on that is way out of
proportion and wasn't even an option so
we're happy with where we were we did
this where we stuck with this and
there's a lot of little custom things on
here like the white this is a EVGA HB a
high bandwidth bridge on there but I
took the decals off I painted it white
but the details back on wanted to match
has the red logo showing lots of little
things in this build that took a lot of
time as you guys know from the last
series or the last video we had to ditch
to the glass we were having problems
with the fittings we decided to do bends
which I'm happy with the bends look
really really good in there also too if
you guys want to know a list of the main
components in the system look down in
the description there will be a link to
PC part picker it's not going to have
every single piece guys there are so
many little things in here in fittings
and and brackets and just adapters and
extensions like the cables are custom
made I can't even put those in PC part
picker you know that those were
sponsored by Joe over at modders Inc he
built the he'd ll sleeping is that all
the sleeping for me in the past so that
doesn't really have a cost so it's not
in there but if I had to guess how much
the system cost this is probably sitting
right around $6,500 on the tower itself
so yeah I didn't if you guys want to
know the parts look in the description
those will be down there which is kind
of funny first question here by Sean
Simmons on Twitter how much you think it
cost like I said probably about $6,500
if I had to make a guess cage and tear
on Twitter says has he thought about
moving to a different case maybe
tempered glass funny story
uh he was the first one to get the SMA 8
the first one I got to see in person it
was his build back in 2014 and because
of red mist was
why I ended up with one because I fell
in love with the case the size the
amount of room in there for doing custom
water cooling but again it's an acrylic
side panel on there but we going to be
getting both of us actually himself and
myself when I do my build are going to
be giving custom-made tempered glass
side panels for our cases but we will be
sticking with the SMA SMA 8 from K slabs
Mike the maniac geek says if this was
your build what if anything would you
have done differently color case
hardware etc it's kind of a that's kind
of a trick question Mike because you
know this case and this build inspired
skunk works so skunk works was pretty
much what I would have done the first
time around to this and this has
inspired some things I want to do with
skunk works moving forward but they're
gonna be very subtle and things you
might not even notice on camera just
little things about the way some of the
fittings work or some of the way some of
the adapters are or try and streamline
this you know little things like that
but overall skunk works is going to look
pretty much the same - three tight next
is I'll be putting in to 1080
Classifieds actually a little teaser
there you guys have seen me put the
blocks on the founders edition cards a
spoiler alert I'm putting two 1080
classifieds in there and I'm not doing
tight Nyx's from my build either
even if NVIDIA sends them over which I
don't think that they will I'm not going
to put them in skunk works I'm kind of
done with that level of hardware
personally McDonald's fries while
McDonald's tweeting me he says just
curious why did you use mainly bits
power fittings did read miss owner
requests them or do you just like them
bits power fittings in my opinion out of
the highest quality the o-rings fit the
tightest they the swivels don't just
freely move you've really got a torque
on them to get them to move they just
have the best track record when it comes
to not leaking and obviously when it
comes to water cooling leaks are
something you want to keep in check
obviously Rory on Twitter asks why a
white case when those parts are red and
black black right now on camera you
cannot see what we see in person though
the camera does not pick up the lighting
and do it justice whatsoever but the
white case with red and black accents
looks freaking amazing and it was part
of the inspiration for calling it red
mist the owner came up with the name the
owner coupe the theme I just went with
his request when it came to the build
theme but the white case with the red
accents in the blacks looks freakin
amazing in person
right now what you guys see like the
motherboard looks all dark like it's
shadowy but in person it doesn't look
that way whatsoever so unfortunately
it's just the way the camera picks it up
manty la mantle on twitter says what's
the difficulty level for this project
from a scale of one to ten I would say
for me it was about a seven maybe a six
there's nothing custom here there was
drilling and stuff obviously in the case
especially with the return line as you
guys can see I I moved that from being a
soft tubing going to the back of the
case now to a return line here right
above the reservoirs which still goes
soft tooling down to the pump but little
things like that that's not hard that's
just drill bit with a unibit on there
and making sure you get everything
measured there's nothing super custom
about this build at all in terms of like
case modding obviously it's a custom
build but difficulty level just take
your time and plan and everything can
seem easy from that point Apollo says
would you build your personal PC like
red mist yeah have you seen skunk work
skunk works again I see a lot of
comments saying things like red mist
looks too much like skunk works no Scott
works looks too much like red mist red
mist was first and red mist was the
inspiration for my build and remember
red mist had inspiration from sniff also
on the overclock net forms who does fan
phenomenal builds and he did a very
similar white and red bill to red mist
so yeah there's there are there are
inspirations for all over the internet
for these builds it's not just like I
came up with this I've I've looked at
other people's builds and got an
inspiration as well so obviously all of
these systems are kind of related in
some way mash on Twitter says is there
any particular reason you've never used
the photon d5 pump res combo I like the
seamless tube style over the square I've
seen it and it's a very very slick combo
it looks amazing the problem is this is
a very square case the square it has no
real angles there's not there's nothing
rounded about it
so the square bottoms like a my system
it look really really good unfortunately
the pumps for him here are down in the
basement and the way that this system
has already built the way that this
standoff that I've made here for the
reservoirs to kind of look like they're
floating do not not long enough to allow
me to put the pump up top like I did
with skunk works and still have
clearance for the radiator on the top
member with a little bit thicker
radiator up top so that's one of the
reasons why I do
do it with this here but yeah it is a it
is a very sleek looking pump res combo
and I highly recommend it for anyone
wanting at d5 and the cylinder res
Jonathan on Twitter says there any
particular reason that the owner needs
the best parts or is he enthusiasts like
yourself I kind of already said this
that he isn't enthusiasts obviously only
in enthusiasts would want a PC like this
but this is not the highest end parts
you can get I just told you there is
going to be there are tight Nyx's that
are coming out and negatively 1080 T is
probably in the future don't know how
far in the future but he's happy with
the performance level he's going to get
out of this remember I've already
benchmarked to 1080 s versus my three
tight mixes and skunk worse there is a
video on that and these two 1080s
come like right underneath the tight
neck so the performance $2 ratio was
really good there
there's also higher-end CPUs 10 cores 20
threads $1700 so it didn't make sense
but but you can't make a statement
saying that there are best parts
available when when they're not clearly
Callum Barton says why didn't you go
with a smaller case really it came down
to just being able to fit everything in
there comfortably we could have gone
with a smaller case and it would have
been very very doable but with a case
this big and this much air volume in
there and this much front intake fan the
temperatures in this day ridiculously
low very close to ambient because the
envelope of which the air is moving
through there is just so big it's also
on those things where he has a desk very
similar to mine a giant IKEA Galant
system with a corn unit and extensions
and he's got the room for it so why not
that's the cool thing about PC building
is there is stuff out there to fit every
single flavor
big cases medium cases small cases get
what you like you know just because you
like a small case doesn't mean he does
and vice versa it doesn't mean either
one of you were wrong either
TM on Twitter says J I think red mist
would look much better and cleaner if
you move the long horizontal tube
graphic to pump some of this one right
here it's actually graphics card to
reservoir nut pump to the bottom
compartment one of the earlier versions
of skunk skunk works had that where I
actually had it come straight down and
go through the floor over to the side
the problem was with how big the case is
it looked way too empty there wasn't
nearly enough tubing in there to make it
just look full if you will so that's one
of the reasons why I did that because I
just wanted to fill up that space but
yeah I did try it that way but I
personally felt that it was too
clean if that makes sense there's want
to show off some of the water cooling
loop not hide it and then the last
question here lo vas lo Vaz baton I know
mutilating your name I'm sorry he says
are you satisfied with the build I am
satisfied actually I think it turned out
a near-perfect nothing's perfect some of
the bends aren't 100% perfect but then
again when you're dealing with heat and
bending plastic and try to make it all
line up and eyeballing it like I do I'm
never 100% satisfied with any build I
ever do but the more important question
is is the owner satisfied with it and I
already showed him pictures and he is
beside himself and can't wait to come
pick it up in fact he's coming this
afternoon to get it and that's why I got
to end this video now because I got to
get the operating system installed to
get the drivers installed and updated
for him so he could take it start
installing his games and be done he's
been waiting guys a long time and I've
been waiting to do my build so that I
wasn't rushing his to do mine so things
had to happen in the order which they
happened anyway you guys tell me what
you think if you would change something
what would it be remember there's no
right or wrong answer when it comes to
custom builds like this everyone systems
is a reflection of their personalities
and what they would personally do so
although you may say you don't like
something on here it doesn't mean that
we did it wrong and it doesn't mean
you're right and I'm wrong and vice
versa that's the best part about custom
PC building do it how you want
actually uh hold that thought I got mine
notice I changed my clothes - I was
actually wrapping up this video when it
been changed out of that hot shirt and I
realized I forgot to mention why we're
using airflow fans down here although I
have to go through this every single
time I do a video when this PC was first
built back in 2014 there were no static
pressure 140 millimeter fans by Corsair
and we specifically went with the
Corsair fans because of the accent rings
because we are running 140 millimeter
radiator and it is a fairly efficient
and high flow radiator when it comes to
fans we're able to use the high flow or
air flow fans rather without any issues
whatsoever it's never been an issue in
skunkworks it's also never been an issue
inside of red mist
obviously there are better fans out
today suited for 140 millimeter
radiators but again we want to stick
with the accent color so that's really
it comes down to aesthetics over
function Atlee
when it comes to the hundred forty
millimeter fans but up top we are using
the static pressure and we are using air
flows for the actual case fans right
here on the front and the back of the
case so I just wanted to address that
real quick because I know on Twitter I
said I would did the video and forgot to
mention it anyway that's why I've gone
through a wardrobe change and stuff but
anyway once again thanks for watching
I'll see you the next one
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