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Why do we have all these GPUs?!?

what's up guys JC cents here and welcome to behind the desk I think it's almost like a new series I want to start where I don't do series Who am I kidding but anyway it's a series I would like to do about more like how we run our business it's a really unique perspective at a time where there's more self-made celebrities I don't call myself a celebrity but it's more self-made people now than ever I think it's interesting how people run their day to days and I think some of you guys might be interested in that so if you're interested in it click the like button that way I'll know but anyway today we're talking about a very specific topic and all my videos I see this over and over and especially lately with the video about me resurrecting NYX 780 is you have all this stuff why why do you have all this stuff Jay why are you why are you ruining the GPU market Jay we're gonna talk about that today we're talking about some myths we're gonna set some records straight and we're gonna talk about the things of like are we contractually obligated to not sell and give away this stuff we're gonna talk about all that right now do you want to be cooler do you want to be more desirable well you're in luck because right now you can own your very own Jays 2 cent swag and immediately be the cool kid on the block max out your sex appeal by following the link down below we're gonna start over here as I turn blue and I walk in front of my spotlight color correction Jay have fun with this one this is my AMD shelf my a iOS some cases on the floor headsets my keyboards the ghosts as one case that yes we are doing something with that I swear I promise the AMD graphics cards why are there so few of these versus the Nvidia look at that shelf Nick look at that obviously we are in vidya shields now here's what happens I have a I have a philosophy and a policy around here where I want to keep at least 3 years worth of graphics cards at least three years worth of cards and one card from each tier that way if I need to do any backwards compatible testing future proof testing of past Hardware we need to have all of that we need to have at least one card of every generation that means we need a 280 a 288 5 the 285 X to 2 ATX 292 90 X all of those and we aim to do that we have some gaps with AMD the reality is AMD has launched a lot less cards in the last three years than nvidia where if you look at in video over here this goes all the way back to the GTX 580 reason being is some of these cards I already owned a lot of these cards are I've acquired after the channel grew MD like I said it medically sends a lot less graphics cards and NVIDIA does I've complained about the fact that Nvidia seems to launch a new graphics card every 5 minutes but I can go all the way back to the GTX 500 series to see how well things perform now obviously we have duplicates and stuff here but what you're going to notice here is we have like I think the inventory says we have like 1410 atti is including all of the the reference cards the ones sitting in builds like thread Ripper that's because when its current generation I don't sell it and I don't give it away unless it's it's slated for giveaway will talk about the slating in a second here so that's why you see all these 10 atti sitting here on the shelf if I want to use one aesthetically in a build based on colors or I want to test one out of just out of good-nature don't sell this stuff none of this stuff is sent under contract not a single graphics card comes with the you can't sell it you have to keep it none of that exists this the irony of it being green this is money to a marketing department to Nvidia to MSI to a Seuss they do not send me a graphics card in their side of the bookkeeping they send me $700 basically saying this is your graphics card to do content with and obviously they don't pay for reviews they send the hardware and that's they take the chance for a reviewer to either love it or hate it like the NZXT motherboard sitting right here on my test bench not a fan I have been very open about that not a fan of this so the fact that they send us this stuff will never influence our opinions maybe some people that can maybe some people want to protect that I want all these cards so I'm gonna be super favorable so they'll keep sending it to me but I think most people by now know if it's a product I don't like I'm gonna tell the audience and more often than not the company will come back to me find out what I didn't like get some more information think take it and try to improve it as something I've achieved and I'm really proud of that but anyway we go backwards to try and keep as many of these cards as we can and as the generations move forward and the new 2000 series cards come out you will see this top shelf really thin out you'll see a lot less of these will keep at least one founders card of every generation will keep my favorites of the custom cards and then the rest will be either given away to friends and family maybe a couple online but mostly I give them to friends of family quietly behind the scenes it's no one's business who I give it to or why but you'll see this thin out you'll see the new cards fill in and this all sort of slides down let's talk about these these builds real quick it's obvious this is my personal build and I've seen some like J how many personal builds do you need do you need a computer to watch YouTube on you need a computer in the bathroom do you need a computer to do this and what what wouldn't you know I don't obviously need all these builds this I built because I wanted to build something just really high-end and classy not that skunkworks isn't but this is going home with me and skunkworks is coming back because the audience likes seeing skunkworks they want to see skunkworks it was a centerpiece it built with the channel and it's symbolic so they want to see it so it's coming back here this is my test bench this is my 780ti aka $1,000 ridiculous pricing this is our test bench this is what we test things on how do you think I know I don't like the NZXT motherboard because I put it together I used it and decided like I don't like it if I just talked about it in a box how would I know that so obviously we have our test bench this is thread Ripper this is a lovehate system for me let me explain why this system is the only 19 50 X thread repre CPU that I have it is would be great for doing testing on it'd be great for a server it'd be great to use so many people could use this system and do so many good things with it I put this together and intended it to be temporary I liked it so much the audience liked it so much that it didn't have the heart to tear it down let me tell you why it's a love-hate now because it's the only 19 50 X CPU I have I can't do any aggression regression testing or other testing with it because I'm not going to be greedy and ask AMD for another CPU so that I can just have this one sitting here on display I haven't bought one yet but I'm more than likely will but this system is occupying a CPU 32 gigs of DDR 4 2 & 8 1080 T is a 1200 watt power supply all the water cooling stuff that you can see the zenith extreme motherboard 2 radiators 5 fans do you see when I'm getting at here there's a lot of stuff sitting right here this build is like well the current cost of graphics cards builds like seven thousand dollars and I feel guilty every time I look at it but sometimes you just have to have these amazing centerpieces showcasing your work validating what we do around here but we also underneath it the irony this is not a hierarchy I swear we have the budget systems these are the systems that we use to do low-end budget testing like we're talking scraping the bottom of the barrel like you've got four hundred dollars which is not a cheap amount of money but you got four hundred bucks and you that's all you've got to make it work can you do it these are the systems we use for that so the monitor is blocking it but Andy's system another AMD and Intel system it like super low-end stuff but anyway that's that's why those are there as you can see down here all of our cases and things power supplies motherboards I have the same philosophy with motherboards because how can I go back and do future proof testing member when you're testing future proof your testing old hardware not new hardware you can't test the future before it's arrived so we have to go back to test that stuff so that's why we have all these motherboards we've got quite a few generations represented here we've got some FX boards z97 and up I wanted a z77 I'd love to get an Ivy Bridge system but I don't have one maybe I'll source one but that's why we've got all of this stuff not all of it it has stuff in it like there's nothing in this x99 board this is the box for skunk works his mother board the a god-like is in pieces more asus boards up here but you can see for AMD we go all the way back to in a 88 X chipset this is a Kaveri APU that came out in 2013 do the math on that we keep old stuff so that we can test it here's a little fun behind the scenes you can see right here J is build that's the one I just finished because we put everything we're using in boxes so we know where everything is postponed there that is what we have internally been calling the post Malone build we've been calling it postponed because it keeps getting postponed because of the album drop remember his his system is based on an album an album that has not launched yet I can't go forward with the build until we have the album inspiration I'm not getting early access to his album so I've got nothing to go by so we're calling it postponed which I think it's gonna stick what do you think do you think we should keep it yeah postponed yeah for sure moving forward we've got this is all the water cooling stuff down here this shelf right here it's all water cooling stuff this is my dad's case right here the the his build was in so I keep that around you can see we've got AMD cpu or motherboards check this out though this just came in an X 370 Strix ITX Verizon motherboard so imma be doing an 1800 X rise in Mini ITX built that's gonna be cool also got one for Z 370 they sent both of these at the same time this is gonna be for the ghost s1 I know you need get focus on that so K it's all the same they look identical I'm gonna be doing the ghost s1 build that tiny little like six litre case or seven liter case whatever it is using one of these boards have decided which yet all of our rise and CPUs you can see or back there thread ripper sitting right there more CPUs Ram SSDs and vme drives all that stuff is sitting over there what's the point of this J why are you why are you doing all this why are you justifying yourself to the audience I'm not I'm giving information I'm giving some transparency of the way we run things around here I'm a business of hardware I need hardware to run my business without this hardware I cannot bring you guys these videos having cash in hand does me no good and let's say I took the audience is not the whole audience the those complaining about all my graphics cards if I took their advice and gave all this away it wouldn't make a single dent or even a or even a hairline scratch in the total problem right now with GPU pricing but if I need to do a video now I've gotta use a graphics card and I have all this cash in hand and there's no supply what good have I done myself so I'm kind of sitting back right now going I made the right move by keeping all this stuff I would have kept it anyway even if the market wasn't screwed up but that's because that is the business we do around here I just I didn't need to make this video clarifying anything I didn't need to make this video justifying anything there's nothing that justifies my business is the way I run it you guys decide if you're gonna watch it I put the content out it's for you to consume or to throw it's not my job to make you watch or convince you that the way I'm doing things that's the right way it's not up for debate I just felt like making this video to kind of show you guys a little bit more behind the scenes than some of the ways of thinking that I operate around here I think I'm doing things pretty good the numbers don't seem to disagree so guys we're gonna go thanks for watching some up to the updated content coming here soon we'll talk about this real quick this is the ghost s1 if you guys saw me do the video on this you guys haven't seen the ghost s1 build because it's not out yet like the case is still being funded well it's been funded it's being built now they're gonna be sending me a silver one this was a this was a prototype that was sent to me actually speaking of hardware laying around we have a motherboard and the GPU sitting inside here obviously doing some test fitting but yeah this is gonna be coming up here pretty soon when we doing that 1800 X Mini ITX build post Malone it's coming in studio in one week that's gonna be cool he'll be here in one week if he doesn't postpone again but yeah we've got some cool stuff coming guys the point of this is I want to make you guys the best content that I can make is an amateur and it's up to you guys hopefully like it or not like it with that said guys I'm gonna go thanks for watching and I will see you in the next
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