01-06 Nissan Sentra Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement Video (How to fix squeeky brakes)
01-06 Nissan Sentra Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement Video (How to fix squeeky brakes)
all right they're replacing brake pads
and rotors on a Nissan Sentra so what
I've done already is while the car is
still on the ground
I have loosened up these lug nuts these
this particular car is a 19 millimeter
and you can see in here that the brake
pads are already grinding down on the
rotor this is way farther than you want
to let it go normally for a brake pad
job once it starts squealing and
squeaking you can just replace the pads
which are inside of there but in this
case she's waited so long we have to do
the whole rotor as well I will list all
the parts in the video description below
the brake pads and the rotors so it'll
be easy for you to find I might use
Amazon for most of my parts pretty cheap
plus with the prime and the fast
shipping it's pretty nice so now I have
the car jacked up and supported by the
jack stands multiple points of contact
are always a good thing and now I'm
going to take off these caliper bolts so
this guy right here is called the
caliper and this is what your brake pads
are in and so there's two caliper bolts
one on the top here and then one on the
bottom down well at the bottom that is a
19 millimeter bolt as well on both sides
so the caliper now is those two bolts
are off will just pop right off of the
rotor that's one of the brake pads just
fell out and you can see the one brake
pad right there and then the piston
which is that thing in the center so
this hose right here is the brake line
hose and you can't let the hose hold the
weight of the caliper so you have to
support the caliper on the strut
here we have the brake fluid reservoir
so I unscrew the cap because when we
compress the piston it's going to raise
the fluid level up and we want to make
sure that there's not air trapped inside
of there so it'll let the liquid rise so
what I'm doing right now is I have this
big C clamp and I took the old brake pad
and put it back into place and I'm
pressing on the brake pad to push in
that piston again because the new brake
pads are a lot thicker than the old one
so there has to be more space between
the walls for the new pads to fit and
still fit over both sides of the rotor
and now that that piston is compressed I
can take the new brake pad and slide it
into place and put the other one on that
side and there you go both brake pads
are now in place when you're putting
them in try not to touch the edge of
them so you don't want the oil and
grease from your fingers to mess up with
your stopping power so the rotor is
usually stuck on there pretty tight in
my case I just took the hammer and
nailed it twice a little rubber mallet
nailed it twice and it broke it loose
and then it just pulls right off see
both sides the rotor there it's pretty
torn up and then you just pop the new
rotor on to place so as a side note if
your rotor doesn't come off with a hit
of a hammer there's these little holes
right here four bolts and if you just
screw a bolt into that it'll stick out
the other side of the rotor and press it
out away from the vehicle so just get a
bolt that fits in that hole and press it
out that's only if they're really rusted
on there though anyway it was definitely
time for new ones
now I'm going to get the caliper set
back in place over the rotor and then
bolted back into place with both of
those 19 millimeter bolts and then I'll
get the tire back on so I put the tire
arm tighten the lug nuts down then I
dropped the car all the way down to
finish tightening and once the tire was
back on the ground again so yeah there's
and then you can see in the brake fluid
reservoir over there that there's more
brake fluid in there now just because we
had compressed the piston so one really
important thing you got to do before you
start driving though is once you turn
the car on pump the brakes a couple
times so that the Pistons will close
over the rotor and clamp on it if you
just start driving the Pistons won't be
close enough to the rotor and they won't
stop you so be super careful about that
just pump the brakes so for this car the
Nissan Sentra the process is pretty much
the same for all four tires
you got disc brakes in the front and the
rear if you have any other questions be
sure to leave in the comments below I
respond pretty regularly don't forget to
like if this video helped you and don't
forget to subscribe thanks for watching
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