Adding Color to a Broken Galaxy S6 Edge -- oops fix
Adding Color to a Broken Galaxy S6 Edge -- oops fix
so I may or may not have broken the back
of my Galaxy s6 edge it was definitely
not 100% intentional but lucky for me
replacement backs only cost between 15
and 30 dollars at the moment if you
broke yours all links and replacement
backs in the video description while I'm
waiting for my new back to arrive I
figured I'd have a little fun with my
damaged phone basically I'm just taking
highlighters and drawing on the back of
the phone pressing down a little on each
crack so that the ink will absorb into
the crevice the highlighters worked
pretty well but I still wanted to go a
little darker so I grabbed some food
coloring and a razor blade to help
persuade the color injection personally
I think a solid yellow phone would look
awesome what color do you think looks
best let me know in the comments and hit
that subscribe button if you like color
either way it was a fun little project
check out my Instagram or other YouTube
videos to see some of the other things
I've done hope see you around thanks for
alright so the first crack was
unintentional the rest of the cracks
might have been a little attentional
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