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Adding LED lights to the Zelda treasure chest - DIY - GeekifyGuys

we're going to do something a little bit different today I have in front of me a treasure chest but not just any chest this is the same chest from the geekify guys YouTube channel they use this Zelda themed chest to reveal old-school video games that they play every Thursday I'm here to spice it up a little with some internal lighting similar to how the treasure chests are in these Zelda games so let's get started I have some metallic vinyl that we're going to use to cover the wood very bright LED lights and finally the battery pack and remote control all of this stuff is linked down in the video description now normally these lights are plugged into a wall with an adapter that will get them 12 volts of direct current but I want these lights to be completely wireless and portable luckily when you take 8 double-a 1.5 volt batteries and group them in series you get 12 volts of DC current which is perfect for running these LED lights I'm testing the lights first inside the box each strand can be cut or joined with another strand every three inches so they're very nice to use on modular projects like this now I also wanted to get rid of the plain wood color inside of the box in a non-destructive way I have a bunch of silver vinyl lying around from one of my old computer builds so I just wrap the inside of the box with it it wasn't the perfect surface to vinyl eyes but it reflects the light pretty well and it can be easily pulled out in exchange for something else later if I want wrapping the lights around the inside of the box was pretty easy I want it to be bright so I've made a couple circles around that inside edge the strands have their own adhesive backing that actually sticks pretty well pop quiz time which of these is Zelda is Zelda wearing pink or a Zelda the one wearing green click the little circle in the top corner of this video to vote and here's the finished box but is pretty bright while I imagine we will most be using the white color any color is an option with these LEDs it gets a little psychedelic head on over to the geekify guys channel to watch me battle Jared Meachem in Mortal Kombat 2 maybe i won maybe I didn't you'll have to watch and find out and you can see how the chest used to look before I updated it thanks for subscribing hope to see you around
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