hey bogey you probably remember me my
name is Zach we talked for just a brief
second at VidCon this year I've been a
big fan of your video since before I
started my youtube channel four years
ago you've been an Internet icon since
YouTube started 10 years ago your
YouTube success is very impressive six
days ago you posted a reaction video
where you watched the story of a man who
lost 300 pounds in just a little over a
year as you watch you told YouTube that
the video was very motivating to you but
jared is as old as me and he was the
same size as me when he got started and
that makes me know that it's never too
first off ma'am I want to say that you
look way better now than you did five
years ago when you first started losing
weight not just because you upgraded
your webcam you visibly look healthier
it's very impressive you've been pretty
open with us about your weight this
whole time and your diet situation over
the years you mentioned on reddit three
months ago that your doctor said you
would extend your life by 5 or 10 years
if you were to lose 50% of your body
weight nobody knows your situation
better than yourself if you are 50 or
more pounds overweight you are
absolutely damaging your body if you're
a hundred pounds are more overweight
than you are damaging in a way that will
eventually kill you and God forbid if
you're my size you are going to be
absolutely miserable you owe it to
yourself and everyone that loves you to
do everything you can to be as healthy
as possible and that does include losing
weight you owe it to yourself and
everyone who loves you to lose weight
man YouTube would not be the same place
without you do you remember what sparked
your motivation to lose weight
the other part is I met my wife and I
had someone who cared about me and I
started caring about myself because of
it hate to break it to you but she's not
the only one who cares about you I know
you watch your YouTube analytics all
youtubers do those aren't just numbers
man each view each thumbs up is a real
tangible person a human being that is
pulling for you to succeed wanting you
to succeed millions and millions of
people I'm not gonna lie to you man
you're in a really scary spot right now
I've read a lot of stories about guys my
size and women my size and around 35 or
40 if they are not dead
they're generally better'n a lot of the
times health at any size is a lie if you
are 50 or a hundred pounds or more
overweight you are directly impacting
your health just keep in mind this old
saying there are a lot of fat people and
there are a lot of old people but
there's not a lot of fat old people the
youtube gaming scene would not be the
same place without you
heck I don't even gain very much and I
still watch your videos and you already
know exactly what you need to do calorie
restriction which is what it takes
you have to restrict your calories diet
is 90 percent of it you have to eat less
calories than you burn I understand that
I know that I do that I try eating right
sucks man it is freaking hard I think
it's extremely unfair that Doritos and
Mountain Dew taste as good as they do
and I tell you and I've said it a
million times on on the Internet and
I'll tell you again one of two things is
going to happen either I will succeed or
I will die trying and that's the truth
food I want a lot more good things to
happen to me I want a lot more good
things to happen to my wife I don't want
I don't want her to suffer my loss of me
I don't want her to suffer along with me
and I certainly don't want myself to
suffer so let's make this interesting
you've already set goals for yourself
which is amazing losing weight literally
add years to your life and not just
years the best years that you've ever
had so far you said you haven't weighed
less than 300 pounds since you were 19
and you're a tad over 500 pounds right
so here's the deal if you lose 100
pounds by this time next year i will
donate $5,000 to action for Healthy Kids
a nonprofit organization that's been
around longer than your YouTube channel
action for Healthy Kids works with
children to fight childhood obesity
giving them the chance to live long
happy healthy lives I'll even take this
a step farther if you lose 200 pounds by
next Christmas I will donate $10,000 I'm
not joking around if you hold up your
end of the challenge I'll hold up mine a
$10,000 donation
to everyone else watching this video
addictions are rough everyone's fighting
their own demons and bogie needs our
help to succeed in fighting his whether
you comment here on this video or on his
channel directly let them know that you
care and that you're pulling for them
and you want them to succeed I know I
want to be watching his videos ten years
from now
bogie I'm going to leave you with this
the road to success is paved with
failures don't be afraid to try and fail
that's how you will eventually succeed
jerry-rigged everything - bogie - 9 8 8
2016 is your year man
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