Changing the Fuel Filter on a Jeep Wrangler (91 YJ)
Changing the Fuel Filter on a Jeep Wrangler (91 YJ)
all right so today we're going to do a
fuel filter change on a Jeep Wrangler
that's one of the nine you want at the Y
J's the fuel filter itself is right up
underneath this back tire right there
I'm on the driver's side okay so over
here is the fuel filter tire fuel filter
um it's gonna get this bolt out at the
ten millimeter on the top on the bottom
and then these connections have little
screws on them they go to on clamp so
that's just your flat-head screwdriver
and then the same thing down inside of
there on both sides so this one this
one's been here for a while as you can
tell from what I've read online it
should change these things about every
year or so I'm kind of depending on that
how much you drive but every year seems
about standard for fuel filters alright
so the air always points the direction
that fuel is going so the that's the
heading towards the engine so always
point the arrow towards the Indian here
is the connectors for it you can kind of
see get a better view of those the top
part of that bracket just clips in we go
right here stuff are just clips in the
little hole and then keep some paper
towels in your bikes it does leak gas a
leak probably about I don't know 3/4 of
a cup
nothing too much alright I'm going to
put pop the new one in data and that
hose right there that's what it looks
like so I got you know both in screwed
into place
on either side of the fuel filter and I
got this bolted back down in
more more things as you are when you go
to turn on the car again it's going to
take a while for the pump to get
pressure into the gas line so it's going
to going to turn over more than it
usually does but it finally starts up
after about you know five or ten seconds
let's say I change the fuel filter on a
Jeep Wrangler so yeah if you have any
questions be sure leave in the comments
like if this helped you and don't forget
to subscribe thanks
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