Crashed My Truck & Do I have a Girlfriend?! - AskJerryRig #4
Crashed My Truck & Do I have a Girlfriend?! - AskJerryRig #4
all right so it's been about five months
since my last Q&A and I figured it was
high time for another one so I asked
over on Twitter what questions you guys
had for me and here are a couple of them
a question that I got a lot of actually
is what's my daily driver I'm still
using the galaxy s 8 plus I don't think
the galaxy s 9 was enough of a change to
warrant a full switch of my device but
I'm a hardware guy not a software guy
and the galaxy sa it's working just fine
for me alright the first question is
when are you gonna do some mods for your
Tacoma this might be a surprise to some
of you but I do have a second channel
which I've done a couple small mods on I
mostly reserved that channel for like
just smaller things I don't want to turn
into like a full-scale production for
this channel but I've put a roof rack on
my truck at the end of this week I will
be getting a lift for my truck I'm gonna
jack it up about three inches and put
some bigger tires on it that I'll put on
this main channel I'll link my second
channel down in the description just
Zacks jerry-rigged same as all my social
medias and then I will also be putting a
light bar on my truck in between the
roof racks but I'm not sure if I'm going
to stick that on the main channel or the
second channel but the Tacoma still is
running great I've put about 6,000 miles
on it and I've had it for about three
months still love it next question is
where do the phones go after you test
them I actually have a stack of phones
over there in the corner I actually keep
all of the phones that I do tests on
just in case I need to reference them in
other videos so I don't give them away
but at the end of their lifespan you
know after they're not relevant anymore
after a couple years I do harvest the
parts and use them for other broken
phones or I sell them or recycle them
nothing ever gets wasted and nothing
ever gets thrown out here on my channel
speaking of breaking things have you
ever broken something like a leg or an
arm so I've never actually broken a bone
I have sprained my ankle a couple times
jumping off of buildings but no broken
bones I have had stitches a lot though
which brings us to our next question
what's your worst injury from trying to
fix things when I was about eight years
old I had a coping saws like a little
handheld saw that my grandpa gave me
grandpa Jerry and I was actually it's
the scar you can see on my thumb and the
majority of my videos I was making
flying pencil people out of wood I just
little artwork that I drew on the piece
of wood I was using the coping saw to
cut around it and the saw was so sharp
cut right through my finger it was deep
enough that I needed stitches but not
deep enough that I was worried about
losing my thumb or anything yeah if
you've ever wondered why I had that scar
and some my videos it was cuz eight year
old me had some projects he was working
on next tweet was have you ever crashed
a car and the answer to that is yes back
in high school I was working
construction and I pulled an all-nighter
with a concrete pour you know they have
to start at night and then finished a
huge slab during the day and so I drove
back home after like you know 24 hours
of no sleep and working hard and I ended
up crashing my truck and totaling it and
so this is the picture of that and the
hair you see in the picture is real and
the damage to the truck is also real
I've had a few minor dents and dings in
my vehicle since then but nothing as
serious as that one have you ever
thought about opening APO box yes
actually I do have a peel box I've put
it in some of the descriptions of my
videos we'll put that also right here if
you want to send me stuff for review or
just send me stuff in general you can
always do that
I will also have it linked in the About
section of my channel so if you're
watching this video a couple years from
now make sure it's up to date I like
this question do you have an engineering
degree or any higher education degree
and you consider it as something
important something important yes and
known I did graduate college with a
bachelor's in business so I do have that
you know higher degree but I've never
actually used it I always knew that I
was gonna work for myself after I was
done with school I've always had that
kind of entrepreneurial mindset even
that's like a little kid but I was never
the biggest fan of like school in
general where you had to like sit down
and you know look at the teacher and
like learn a bunch of fluff stuff in
order to get to the more important
materials and it was super hurt some
when they would pull up a YouTube video
that I could find for free on the
internet myself and they would play it
in class that I was paying thousands of
dollars for that was frustrating so I
feel like a motivated person can learn
the exact same thing for free online and
they don't necessarily need to go to
college to get that piece of paper that
degree but that piece of paper is
incredibly important if you're going to
be hired for a job in the future so that
companies know you actually put in the
effort and learn something people always
point out that Oh Steve Jobs dropped out
of school or Bill Gates
dropped out of school and yeah that's
true they didn't graduate from college
but at the same time they already had
something in place making them money
before they dropped out you know so if
you have a plan and it's successful then
maybe schools not you know the most
important thing but until you have
something in place that is working stay
in school graduate and get that degree
as a good back-up plan
plus being in school around people in
the same degree as you as like the best
way to network and you can use those
connections throughout your entire life
networking is almost more important than
the actual knowledge you have yeah I did
graduate and school is good for the most
part another question why are newer
phones getting harder and harder to
repair and to answer this I would have
to say aesthetics for one I mean first
and foremost people want to buy phones
that look good and hard to repair phones
you know that hide the screws or using
premium materials those look good and
people want to buy them but also very
close to that first point a repairable
phone lasts longer and therefore
companies like Apple or Samsung make
less money if people can easily fix them
and personally I'm hoping that by
running the largest cell phone repair
channel on the internet that I'm helping
you the viewer the customer save money
and keep money in their own pocket
because the best way to recycle a cell
phone is to keep it alive as long as
possible prolong that lifespan before
you have to buy something else which is
kind of why I'm still using the Galaxy S
8 and not directly switching with the
Galaxy S 9 cuz I just don't need it
right now
are you a full-time youtuber yes I have
had my channel for about six years now
and for the last three of those I've
been full time YouTube
I still have side projects here and
there that I do but YouTube is my main
venture and surprising there there's a
lot of questions about this - how much
time per week do you put in at the gym
so since YouTube is my full-time job and
I work for myself the gym is one of the
only places where I get you know social
interaction and so I go there pretty
much every day I had a lot of questions
on what I do at the gym usually start
off with cardio try to burn you know
anywhere from 300 to 600 calories doing
cardio and then the rest of the week I
space out different weightlifting
activities with free weights and
benching and stuff like that I don't
feel like I can like legitimately start
my day until I've already been to the
gym it's become a habit at this point
and I really enjoy it so it's fun what
percentage of my audience is from
different parts of the world so I
this up in the last 30 days I'll put
this right here about 30% of my
audiences from the United States 12% is
from India 6% from the UK 3% from
Germany and 3% from Canada you can kind
of see a cycling down along the bottom
there the other 48% is from the rest of
the country so it's a pretty worldwide
most of those are from the ages of 18 to
35 and they are male for example if you
look at the last video I put out this is
a drone where I reviewed that egg drone
1% of the viewers of that video were
female which brings us to our next
question do you have a girlfriend and no
I do not I have to work on getting those
female metrics up past 1% can you speak
Spanish si hombre hablo and poco
epidemia Spaniel in Guatemala I learned
my Spanish in Guatemala I lived in
Guatemala for two years when I was 19
years old serving a mission for my
church have you ever seen those you know
two guys walking around in a white shirt
and tie I was one of those Mormon
missionaries but after the two-year
mission is up you go home and live your
life like a normal person just as a
normal member of the church again it was
definitely a cool experience and while I
was there I learned Spanish next
question did you always live in Utah and
how did you meet what's inside so I did
all of my high school years here in Utah
so I count that is pretty much growing
up you know besides the two years in
Guatemala and I actually so what's
inside lives here in Utah as well but we
actually met in Ireland at a video
conference called the power of video
talking about YouTube and stuff too you
know the people of Northern Ireland but
you know after that we came back I was
about two years ago and we've been
friends ever since YouTube is kind of a
very unique career choice and so it's
nice having someone who does the same
thing that you can kind of connect with
plus we both like taking stuff apart so
it's a win-win situation if you have any
questions that I didn't get around to
answering or I haven't answered in my
other q and A's go ahead and leave them
down in the comments I'll be there for a
couple hours after this video is posted
answering those questions hit that
subscribe button if you haven't already
I got a bunch more truck videos cell
phone repair videos and durability tests
coming up in the near future come follow
me on Twitter so you can be part of the
next question and answer and I'll see
you on Instagram thanks a ton for
watching and I will see you around
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