ENDED - TWO phone giveaway!! iPhone 6 and Galaxy S7 - WINNERS IN DESCRIPTION
ENDED - TWO phone giveaway!! iPhone 6 and Galaxy S7 - WINNERS IN DESCRIPTION
hey guys short video today with all of
my smartphone tear downs and durability
tests I've kind of amassed a large
collection of smartphones and I think
it's time that I gave some away it's
been a while since I've done a giveaway
so today I'm gonna give away two phones
the iPhone 6 and the galaxy s7 each
phone is gonna have their own contest
for the iPhone 6 in order to win head
over to my Twitter follow me on Twitter
at Zach's jerry-rigged and retweet this
tweet I will pick one random retweet err
and then ship the iPhone out one week
from today that's when the contest will
end this particular iPhone 6 is for
Sprint but you can always turn around
and sell it and get something you really
want the galaxy s7 the rules are a
little bit different head on over to my
Instagram at Zach's jerry-rigged find
this picture and tag two friends in the
comments so follow me on instagram and
tag two friends in the comments I will
pick one person who's tagged both of
their friends and send them this galaxy
s7 this is the same one I used in my
teardown video this contest will also
end one week from today I will include
more information down in the video
description of this video if you have
any questions leave them down in the
comments also check out my Tanner ID
video where I blew up an iPhone 6 the
rather explosive video and be on the
lookout for my iPhone se teardown
tomorrow as well as the LG g5 thanks ton
for watching and thanks for subscribing
I hope to see your own
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