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Fixing a motorcycle gas tank leak - Liquid Gasket Application

so here is my Ducati it's been leaking gas from this spot right here the gasket around the fuel pump the gasket that I put on there last year lasted for about a year before it started letting the gas leak out again I guess when it gets cold here in the winter the gas just eats through the gasket so I got this new stuff it's jet fuel rated so hopefully it works out better than the last one basically I'm I do is I'm going to pop out these bolts right here remove the pump itself clean off the old gasket and spread on the new stuff see what still has a pretty good grip on the fuel pump as you can see right there it was leaking more out of that bottom corner down there by my finger and most of the gas is already drained out otherwise we'd have a pretty big mess on our hands there's the fuel pump itself I'm going to go ahead and clean off all that old gasket from around that little rubber rim this is the edge of the tank and the part that was giving me the most trouble was right here the tank is just bowed a little bit to the inside so it allows the gas to seep out so I guess I could take some like plastic epoxy or something like that and build it up but hopefully this other gasket does a better job of keeping the gas in and then we want you to go to drastic measures with the epoxy build up so now that I cleaned off this service with denatured alcohol I can take the gasket and spread it around the surface it's a lot more runny than the last one I had hopefully still works out then it says leave it on the surface for about two to five minutes let it get all tacky and stuff I'm going to put it on the other service as well around the fuel pump and then let it sit for an hour at room temperature I'm gonna actually leave it for a day or two mostly because it's colder outside than room temperature right now and that should fix it now it's successfully colored on both surfaces that rubber band is coated on both sides as well and it will fit down inside of the groove here in a second once I put it back on and the three minutes is up so I'm going to go ahead and install again back inside the bike so I tighten a pump down again with that little rubber round seal in place and left it for about an hour and right now it feels dry to my touch the bottle itself says that you can use it after an hour but I'm going to go ahead and leave it for about 24 maybe 2 or 3 days also what I've done is I've opened up the tank as well to kind of let some air circulate inside of that and dry it from the inside as well anyway hopefully that works if you have any questions go ahead and leave them in the comments below don't forget to like if this video helped you and feel free to check back in every now and then and see if the seal is still working for me I usually respond to comments pretty regularly thanks for watching
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