Galaxy S4 Mini screen repair, charging port fix, compelete tear down video
Galaxy S4 Mini screen repair, charging port fix, compelete tear down video
all right today we're going to get Part
D Galaxy s4 mini which is the cute
little brother or sister to the galaxy
s4 made by Samsung first we're going to
take off the back which reveals the SD
card and the SIM cards we're going to
take both those out then here's a
diagram of the screws there's ten of
them Philips head so just make sure to
take off all of those around the outside
and then this bottom section right here
is the loudspeaker where your ringer and
music come from you can see that the
speaker right here is on the left side
and there's just two little pins that
touch when it's down connected to the
motherboard and that's where it gets its
feedback from so you take off the outer
ring of the like the outer plastic of
the phone I found it's easier to put my
finger in where the battery goes and
kind of pull it away from the back of
the screen and that gives just enough of
a gap that I can put my pry tool in
there and kind of swing it around the
outside edge and on pry it from the
phone here is the ribbon cable connector
for the charging port which allows the
bottom section of the motherboard to
lift up here is the front camera and
then the earpiece and proximity sensors
and then the headphone jack all these
are like little Legos they just snap on
and off then be very careful as you lift
the motherboard up because there is one
more ribbon cable underneath for the
screen the LCD and digitizer so I'm
going to unsnap that just like a Lego
and that releases the screen from the
motherboard here you can see the
motherboard so the screen you're going
to replace as a unit the part that I
just took off is the screen so if you've
cracked it then that's the part you have
to replace here is the charging port I'm
going to take my little tweezers and
slide them underneath there's kind of
like the sticky glue stuff holding it on
it's pretty tacky so you can always just
reuse it if you're planning on keeping
the same charging port and the
microphone is also on this same piece so
when you replace one you're replacing
both parts usually there's only like ten
bucks I'll put them in the video
description below
as soon as they become available I get
all my parts from Amazon usually then as
you're putting it in make sure it lines
up with the grooves and the little pin
there at the bottom it's pretty exact
placement do you remove the headphone
jack pretty simple just pop it you
little tweezers in the whole thing pops
in and out reach way forward I'm pretty
glad without Samsung makes their phones
everything is pretty fixable and then
there is a little metal bracket holding
on to the speaker proximity sensors and
front camera so I'm just going to put my
razor under there and pop that off which
releases the speaker and the proximity
sensors so if your phone doesn't turn
off when you put it next to your face
during a phone call this is the part you
have to replace as well as if you can't
hear the person obviously you need to
replace your earpiece and then here's
the front-facing camera another super
simple easy piece to replace and then to
put the metal bracket back into place
I'll give you a better angle on it here
in a second but just grab little guy and
then there's two little grooves up at
the top that kind of hold the bracket in
place and then a little pin at the
bottom you can see the two little
grooves right here as I get that back
into place and then the rear camera is
held together by a ribbon cable with
little latch so I just lifted up the
latch of the camera but the camera back
in super simple to replace as well so if
your camera has specs or purple blotches
this is how to fix it and so the screen
as a whole is what I'm connecting to the
motherboard again so remember if you
cracked your screen you got to replace
that whole chunk pulling off the
charging port the cameras and then
putting them on your replacement spring
and then putting it all back together
again I'm lining up the ribbon cable
with the port with the connection port
on the motherboard and snapping it into
place like a Lego and then folding it
back over on to the phone making sure
that all my little ribbon cables from
the earpiece and the proximity sensors
are on the right side of the motherboard
so they're not pinched underneath
setting that down and there's you have
to make sure it lines up at the top so
it's this flat down with your phone you
shouldn't feel it bow underneath your
fingers when you press down on it anyway
latch down - all of my little ribbon
cable connectors from the top remember
there's the headphone jack the speaker
and the camera and here's the charging
port connector down here at the bottom
latching that into place as well and
then the back goes on the phone I'm a
big fan of how Samsung's down these
backs recently it's the same with the s4
the note 3 and the mega some of their
newer phones once the phone's been open
you really can't tell this snaps back
pretty flush with the front screen again
as you can see and then I'm popping in
the back speaker as well just kind of
leveraging that into place with my pry
tool and there's a screw diagram again
popping the battery back into place and
if you have any questions make sure to
leave in the comments I respond fairly
regularly don't forget to like if this
video helped you and don't forget
subscribe subscribe it does mean a lot
to me if you have any questions make
sure to leave the comments or you can
hit me up on Facebook Twitter or Google+
I hope to see you around thanks for
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