Galaxy S5 Camera Lens Cover Replacement - Fix and Repair
Galaxy S5 Camera Lens Cover Replacement - Fix and Repair
today I'm going to show you how to
replace the camera lens on your Galaxy
s5 there's no reason to ever have a
cracked lens with how easy this is all
the repair parts and stuff will be found
in the video description below so check
that out if you need to buy the
replacement lens I'm going to lift up
underneath the plastic frame of the lens
with my little tweezers here you can use
like a razor blade or a pry tool just
kind of lift it up away from the phone
it's held down with some adhesive pull
it away and then this part you know
there's really no pretty way to do this
you just have to pull away all the
little shards from the camera itself you
do want to be super careful however to
not touch the actual lens of the camera
underneath all the shards of the glass
because if you do scratch that up it's a
little harder repair than this is so as
I'm pulling away all the glass I'm
making sure not to accidentally poke the
eye of the camera with my tweezers you
also do want to make sure to get 100% of
the glass and dust out from the camera
itself otherwise your camera will have
problems focusing later on as you try to
use it
I'm also pulling the glass away from
where the frame will sit back down again
pulling off the adhesive from the actual
lens itself setting it down in the
little square making sure to press it
all the way down with my finger so that
it sits completely flush against the
phone itself you can see from this angle
here that it's completely down inside of
the little housing that it's supposed to
sit in now that it's all pressed in hard
I can pull off the protective plastic
over the top of the lens and then the
outer bracket or the outer housing does
have some adhesive on it as well I'm
pulling off the plastic that protects
that adhesive and you can see that the
tab on the silver part lines up with a
little groove on the housing of the
phone so I'm going to slip it down and
that's how you keep it oriented the
right direction pressing it down pretty
hard just to make sure that adhesive is
securely adhered to the foam and it's
not going to pop off on me remember all
the replacement parts and tools can be
found in the video description below so
check that out
I'm going to pop the back housing back
on and you can see here that my camera
is going to focus on my toolkit and
everything works perfectly anyway thanks
for watching feel any questions make
sure to leave them down in the comments
below don't forget to like if this video
helped you and don't forget to subscribe
thanks a ton for watching and I hope to
see you around and feel free to check
out my Instagram
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