today we're going to be taken apart and
fixing the Samsung Galaxy s6 I'm going
to go ahead and unplug my braided cable
from the phone take out the SIM card
with my SIM card removal tool and then
grab a heat gun you can also use your
sister's hair dryer and you want to heat
up the back of the glass so that it's
too hot to touch you want the heat to
seep through to the glue underneath the
glass it'll take about two or three
minutes just kind of gently heat up the
whole phone all the way around I would
recommend watching this entire video all
the way through I will draw tips and
hints in the entire video also if you
feel like you learn anything during the
video or if you enjoyed watching this go
ahead and hit that subscribe button it
does help me out a lot I'm taking my
razor blade and slipping it between the
metal frame and the back clasp of the
phone you can see right here I
accidentally dug my razor into the white
color of the glass once I realized that
the razor can scrape away the color I
never repeated that mistake again I slid
my razor with the edge not touching the
back glass or the inside mid frame of
the phone because there are components
that you can damage on the inside as
well which you'll see if the going
starts getting tougher make sure you
warm up the glass again so that the
adhesive will fall apart a little bit
easier you can see I'm just taking my
razor blade and sliding it around the
edge of the phone that's where the
majority of the adhesive is on that back
panel just cutting it away from that mid
frame going to finish off the last
little bit of the adhesive here with my
razor blade and that separates the back
glass from the phone itself these are
pretty cheap I'm going to go ahead and
link those in the video description as
soon as they become available
you can see the adhesive that is stuck
to the back of the majority of them will
come with adhesive pre-installed here
are the screws that you need to remove
from the mid frame of the phone in order
to get at the screen it's just a small
Phillips head screwdriver the tools will
be listed down in the video description
below go ahead and check that if you
need any replacement tools I'm going to
heat up the screen of the phone mostly
focusing around the edge because that's
where the adhesive is holding it onto
the frame and I'm going to push from the
backside of the frame on the battery so
that the screen will pop out from the
phone you can see the adhesive along the
top here as well as I try to separate it
it's really important that you do not
press around on the wireless charging
pad you can see that here I lifted that
up before I started pressing on it it's
interesting with the wireless charging
pad you can see the connection points on
the main board that charged the battery
I just disconnected the battery along
with the fingerprint scanner and home
button here and then here is the LCD
ribbon cable connector they're like
little Legos you just want to unsnap
them from the mainboard here's the front
camera that popped off
once again replacement parts will be
linked in the video description below
here is the earpiece and that releases
the motherboard from the mid frame I'm
going to release the 4G and Bluetooth
wire cables they're just little snaps
and then the charging port on snaps from
the back of the motherboard here's the
motherboard itself nothing else is
really replaceable on the motherboard
except for the rear facing camera here
it's kind of glued onto the motherboard
which was interesting they haven't done
that in the past here's the camera I'm
going to go ahead and snap that back
into place has the same little ribbon
cable connector with the Lego piece it
also is interesting it has a little
circle pin on the front that helps guide
it into place I thought that was
interesting I haven't seen that before
here's the battery batteries a little
bit interesting as well you when you're
taking out the battery you want to use
something thin to slide underneath the
battery and cut away the glue if you use
a round pry tool it'll put too much
pressure on the screen and it will crack
between the screen and the battery so
make sure you're not prying the battery
up you're slicing the battery out with a
thin card you can use like a face card
as well like a poker card coming in from
that other side as well making sure I'm
only slicing and not prying you're going
to want to take that advice for the rest
of phone as well because the screen is
so ridiculously thin I'll show you that
a little bit later on in the video once
we get that separated battery is almost
off remember replacement batteries can
also be found in the video description
below there you go there is one screw
holding on the charging port to the mid
frame remove that Philips head screw and
you would think the charging port would
come off but the capacitive buttons are
wrapped around the mid frame and
underneath the glass
we have to wait until we remove the
glass and LCD from that panel in order
to separate the charging port taking out
the earpiece set that off the side and
here is the vibrating motor eventually I
want to take one of these guys apart and
see what's on the inside I'll save that
for a future video if you guys are
interested now I'm going to heat up the
glass this heat job is going to be a
little bit more important because we're
heating up the entire screen of the
phone what I'm going to do now is slide
the little car that I've been using
between the LCD and the plastic now
there is a black shield on the back of
the LCD that we're going to try to not
separate from the LCD especially if
we're going to reuse the screen again so
I'm going to slide the thin card between
the screen once again if the going gets
tough warm up the phone again I like to
keep it so that it's just barely too hot
to touch and remember don't flex the
screen at all you'll be super surprised
how easy it breaks you can see that I'm
taking my card and sliding it just
between the plastic and the black shield
you want to leave that black shield
intact and attached to the LCD it's not
too big of a deal if you accidentally
separate it a little bit it's just
easier if you keep it intact also I'm
being very careful with the LCD ribbon
cable down there at the bottom of the
screen making sure not to kink that at
all if you've been that or I can't get
too much it will stop working and your
LCD will just be black or gray when you
try to reinstall it on your motherboard
being gentle with that LCD cable pulling
it off to the side heating the phone up
one more time making sure to get down
there by the capacitive menu buttons and
back buttons and then using kind of a
slicing sawing motion to get rid of the
adhesive attached to the LCD and that
black frame now that I'm down towards
the bottom of the phone you want to be
super careful with those capacitive
buttons especially if you're going to
reuse your charging port I'm sliding my
card between the button and the glass
making sure not to cut the button as I
press it down and slide off the glass
frame once the glass is off and here is
where you really want to make sure not
to hurt the LCD
you can see how thin it is it's kind of
like doing brain surgery on a Dorito
chip here's the charging port capacitive
buttons I'm going to pull those off the
backside and that releases the charging
port from the phone if you need any
replacement parts I'm going to list
those in the video description so go
ahead and check that out if you need to
replace your charging port or your Menu
button like this little guy right here
just kind of feed that back through the
mid frame remember how it goes it goes
through that main little hole right
there I'll show you as I reinstall it
right now we're gonna go ahead and put
the phone back together again press the
home button into place and then get that
charging port it'll guide on top of
those two little screw holes right next
the charging port itself wrap the
capacitive buttons around the back and
kind of stick them into place they have
little circles on them with guiding pins
so you make sure they're in the right
spot there's a little metal grill that's
on your old screen that you want to
transfer over to your new screen and
then your new screen should have its own
adhesive but if it does not just get
some double-sided tape and put the that
tape where the adhesive used to be on
your old screen slide the LCD ribbon
cable through the plastic frame and then
line up all four corners and then you
want to get that home button lined up
perfectly I messed up a little bit here
so I'm going to unsnap it get that home
button perfect and then snap it back
down again the home button will be your
main guiding point with that bottom side
of the screen get the one little Philips
head screw back into the charging port
right next to that headphone jack press
everything down into place your piece is
now sliding in getting that little tiny
circuit board at the top and the little
groove and that vibrating motor back
into its little circle here's the
battery again make sure there's nothing
underneath the battery when you put it
down like that little four g wire press
it down into place and then snap the
motherboard onto the charging port
connection that's on the back of the
motherboard right there it's like a
little Lego you'll feel it connect it'll
be pretty solid get that home button and
LCD with the earpiece all snapped in and
the front-facing camera snap that boy
back into the motherboard and then the
last one I do is the battery just to
make sure there's no power going
to the board as I'm working on it
getting the Bluetooth wire press into
place along with the 4G cable I'm also
going to press the wires down into
little grooves that are right next to
the board just to make sure that when I
put the back frame on it's not going to
pinch the cable in any weird way and
disconnect it so I won't have service
here I'm lining up the charging port
with the back frame sliding that screen
into place and then clipping it all
around that frame as well it's not going
to fit perfectly just yet because we
don't have the screws holding it down
into that back frame but we can test it
now that the power button is lined up
with little contact pads on the
motherboard everything appears to be
working we're going to go ahead and
screw all these screws back in once
again your back panel should come with
its own adhesive but if it does not grab
some double-sided tape and then lay that
down peel up the back of the tape and
then you can set your back into place
but you know normally they'll come with
their own adhesive and they're pretty
cheap I will link those in the video
description as well pinch the phone shut
then you should be good to go no one
would be able to tell that the phone was
even opened worked out pretty well I'm
going to go ahead and test the phone
really quick make sure everything is
working plug in my braided cable
it looks like it's charging it's got the
fast charger connected and we should be
good to go I am going to do a durability
test with this phone I will link that
here so if you're curious to see how
durable this phone is go ahead and click
that link I will have that up as soon as
it's done once again it does help me out
a lot if you subscribe to my videos
don't forget to like if this helped you
hope to see you around thanks for
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